
Treatment of cracks on heels

Treatment of cracks on heels
Cracks on the heels are pain and discomfort, so it is easier to prevent them than to treat. If you still have cracks on your heels, you will get rid of ointments, creams and special compresses

Dry leather Stop leads to the formation of hopes, corns and cracks. At first it is not so problematic, so we sometimes leave these symptoms without attention. But they are alarming "bells" who warn that soon you can have cracks on the heels. Treatment of cracks on heels is a long process. It is much easier to prevent this ailment than to treat it. Well, if you still have cracks on the heels - treatment must begin as early as possible. The fact is that the treatment of deep cracks on the heels is ineffective, and the people who have them are forced to walk all the time in socks so as not to be infected.

Cracks on heels: reasons

Healthy skin is elastic, soft and thick, as it is on her and the weight of a person during movement. In the case when the properties of the skin change, corn natopes appear and cracks. Cracks on heels have different reasons, therefore, before starting treatment, these factors need to be eliminated.

The main diseases and properties of the body, which lead to the cracks of the heels:

  • Dermatitis.
  • Fungus and fungal diseases, including micaose skin.
  • Very dry skin.
  • Violation of skin elasticity.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hypervitaminosis.
  • Gastritis and other various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Violation of metabolism.

In addition, you should not forget that the treatment of cracks on the heels will need, if you wear too close, narrow shoes from synthetic materials.

The constant wearing of sneakers, shoes and shoes leads to the fact that a violation of the upper layer of the epidermis occurs, so treatment of cracks on the heels over time you are also accurately guaranteed. In addition, it is not necessary to forget that incorrectly selected shoes are a step towards flatfoot or fungus.

Long-term "standing" work, when legs by the end of the working day swell, due to circulatory disorders, can also lead to the treatment of cracks on heels.

Irregular leg hygiene, and not its absence, but on the contrary, too thorough attention to the legs (frequent peeling and the use of scrub, regular use of brush for legs, etc.) weaken the skin, making it fine and hovering, which leads to visual damage and As the result - treatment of cracks on the heels.

What are the dangerous trees in the footsteps? There may be harmful microorganisms, which is fraught with inflammation and various unpleasant consequences.

Treatment of cracks on heels: traditional medicine

Before applying cracks on heels, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the cause of their formation. To do this, it is best to visit a specialist - a doctor will be able to tell you your mistakes, "thanks" to which you have this problem. Inspection of the doctor, analyzes and detailed description of your "medical history" will help to put an accurate diagnosis.

For example, if your ailment is a consequence of the appearance of fungus or infection by any other microorganism, it means that the treatment of cracks on the heels will be specialized: with the appointment of antibiotics, ointments and sprays. If the reason lies in uncomfortable shoes, then the treatment of cracks on the heels will be very simple: shifting shoes and more thorough care behind the footsteps. In a word, the means for treating cracks on the heels should be specifically your attending physician who can appreciate whether the method is correctly selected and how fast you are on the amendment.

It is worth noting that as soon as you noticed that the crack inflamed, blushed, began to root very much or an unpleasant smell of it appeared, go to the hospital immediately - in this case, the delay could end it very much. You may need to receive antibiotics.

In any pharmacy you will find a considerable amount of funds that are intended for the treatment of cracks on the heels. Most often in their composition drugs that have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory actions: plantain extract, walnut oil, black wood, fir. Thanks to such components, the healing of cracks occurs very quickly, and the flapped skin becomes softer and more tender. Of course, for the treatment of cracks on the heels of cream, they are selected strictly individually.

Treatment of cracks on the heels can be started from such tools like a "healing crack" feet, which includes sea buckthorn and "Allga SAN", which includes pine extract. They eliminate pain and contribute to the rapid healing of cracks. A zinc ointment copes with this.

Treatment of cracks on the heels: beauty salons

Of course, it is not entirely treatment of cracks on the heels, since the procedure is aimed at making the feet of beauty. A visit to the beauty salon, where your heels will lead to a decent state, perhaps only after consulting a doctor who will confirm that you have no skin disease.

Treatment of cracks on the heels in the beauty salon is, first of all, a thorough skin grinding: the masters will remove all the "excess" special tools, then the edges of the cracks will be treated with various means.


Treatment of cracks on heels: folk remedies

Traditional medicine is very often powerless to various ailments - everyone knows about it. What is surprising, it is the doctors most often advise treatment of cracks of heels with folk remedies. These recipes that the people collected for centuries are the best and most effective for solving this problem.

If you doubt, you can use folk treatment and traditional for fractures.

Treatment of cracks on heels: compresses and baths

Cracked treatment on heels is simply impossible without using baths and compresses. As a compress, it is used: cabbage, zucchini, honey, porridge, onion, apple.

  • The most important thing is the products that you take in order to treat cracks on the heels, should be wet and nutritious!
  • Repeat regular compresses, and best - daily.
  • Do not forget after compresses, be sure to wash your feet and lubricate them with bold cream!
  • As for the bath, the bath manganese is very useful - it perfectly dry cracks.
  • Help also for these purposes.
  • Well helps the baths with soda.
  • Recommendations of the best masters from elite beauty salons - contrasting baths: alternate lower legs in hot (three minutes), and then in cold (15 seconds) water. This contributes to improving the blood circulation of the legs and perfectly acts on the skin, giving it a tone.


Treatment of cracks on heels: vinegar

This method must be used very carefully, as the cracks on the heels are treated with vinegar. In addition to 400 ml of 70% of vinegar, it is also necessary to take a raw egg (along with a shell) and 400 g of butter (preferably the present made by your own hands).

  • Egg put into a glass.
  • In the glass pour vinegar (to the top).
  • Cover the glass.
  • Put in a dark and cool place.
  • Leaves for 5 days.
  • After 5 days, the shell glass should completely dissolve, forming a precipitate.
  • The egg is removed from the glass and is transferred to the plate.
  • A film is removed from the egg (it will seem to be a boiled egg).
  • The egg is broken into a homogeneous mass, shifting into a saucepan and pour the vinegar, where the egg was 5 days.
  • Carefully stir up vinegar with egg.
  • Add butter (it should be soft) and mix thoroughly.
  • Leave the mixture in a dark and cool place for another 5 days.
  • Finished ointment stored in the refrigerator.

Before carrying out the treatment of cracks on the heels of vinegar, it is necessary to prepare legs: to dry the cracks with manganese cargo.

Use this tool is necessary as follows:

  • Conduct the procedure exclusively before bedtime.
  • Feet to break with salt, then wipe thoroughly.
  • Apply a mixture to the entire foot with vinegar (including fingers from below).
  • Carefully watch the vinegar does not hit thin skin, otherwise there will be a burn!
  • Do not apply a mixture to sections with inflamed cracks.
  • Put on your feet cellophane packages (you can use bugs, etc.)
  • On the packs on top Non-on socks.
  • Lower in bed, try not to get up anymore until the morning.
  • In the morning, wash my feet with soap and thoroughly dry.
  • Apply to the foot cream for legs, wound-heating cream, antiseptic cream or children's cream.

Treatment of cracks on the heels of this method is carried out at least 7 days. Experts argue that many got rid of outdated cracks on the heels already for 10-14 days.

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Treatment of cracks on heels: honey

Treatment of cracks on heels honey - another good people's way, which is used to get rid of coarse leather stop and wound. This method also needs to be tested before bedtime.

  • Apply honey medium layers on the heels.
  • Put on the leg package (shoe covers).
  • Wear on a cotton sock.
  • In the morning, erase honey, if necessary - wash your legs.

This treatment is not necessary to spend more than 4 days. A spruce resin is suitable as a replacement.

Treatment of cracks on heels: alcohol

Treatment of cracks on the heels is quite diverse. To get rid of this ailment use a wide variety of components. For example, alcohol, vodka and even wine!

  • Recently, the treatment of cracks on the heels of glycerin and alcohol or the addition of acetic essence is popularly popular. In this case, the composition of this drug may look like this: alcohol, glycerin and acetic essence mix in proportions 2: 3: 3 or glycerin and ammonia alcohol mix in proportions 1: 1. Before applying these funds it will be necessary to disappear legs in manganese (weak solution), and then dry your feet in the fresh air. A mixture of alcohol and glycerin apply to the foot, give to dry, lie down in bed.
  • You can simply attach cotton discs to the footsteps, moistened in vodka - they are left until the morning, put on top of the compress socks. In the morning it is necessary to clean the heel from the flaking skin and lubricate with fatty cream Il Vaseline.
  • Very useful will be a bath for legs with white wine and hot water - in proportion of 1: 3. Thanks to this medium, you can easily remove the coarse skin from the heels.

Olympus Digital Camera.

Treatment of cracks on heels: oatmeal

Treatment of cracks heels legs is possible with ... oatmeal! This unique diet foods not only can cause stomach in order, but also copes with sick feet.

  • Cook some grits, add five tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • The thick plastic bags decompose equally porridge.
  • Lower legs in packs, wrap them so that the heat does not go out.
  • feet from the top to wrap up warm blanket, scarf, blanket.
  • Do not remove a few hours - this time better to lie or sit, walk undesirable.
  • Feet wash with warm water and wipe with a towel.
  • Lubricate dry feet baby cream (any other fat cream) or Vaseline.
  • The course of treatment - seven days.


Treatment of cracks on the heels potatoes

Treatment of cracks on the heels with the help of a potato - it is one of the most ancient folk methods.

  • Potatoes (some tubers) cook in uniform.
  • Leave ¼ of water, the rest - drained.
  • Make mashed potatoes and remaining water.
  • The resulting slurry poured into the bowl.
  • Add cool water.
  • Add a tablespoon of baking soda.
  • Soar feet in the resulting bath for five minutes.
  • Clear heels with a pumice stone.
  • Rinse legs with water, wipe dry with a towel.
  • Apply on your feet liquid cream or jelly and leave for five minutes.
  • Remove the remaining cream with a napkin and put on socks.
  • Go to bed and did not wake up until morning.

Treatment of cracks on the heels: ointment

It is also possible to carry out the treatment with ointments to get rid of cracks on the heels. In this case, to make them at home is not a problem. Here is some of them:

  • Egg yolk, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, a teaspoon of vinegar: mix all thoroughly. At first it will be necessary to make a foot bath, then apply this ointment on the feet, put on plastic bags, and on top of them - the socks. This procedure should be carried out before going to sleep to the morning not to get out of bed. In the morning wash your feet, heels brush with pumice. This procedure is very effective. Through this means the treatment of cracked heels will not notice much of your time. Literally 2-3 times heels will be smooth and soft.
  • This tool will not only get rid of the cracks but from corns. Hover legs with baking soda, brush with pumice, and then at night to grease the foot tetracycline ointment. Wear a plastic bag, and the top of it - socks. Walk day! The next evening foot wrap with gauze, which was previously necessary to moisten in apple cider vinegar. On top put on plastic bags and socks. The next morning, clean the skin with a pumice stone. This procedure is performed every 2 weeks.
  • Grind two bulbs. Heat one glass of unrefined oil in a frying pan, add onion and fry to brown. Strain the mixture, while it is hot and immediately add bee wax to the oil. Mix thoroughly, cool and put in the refrigerator. Lubricate the legs every day after the shower.


Treatment of cracks on heels: video recipe


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Natalia Osipenko 01.12.2016 To answer

It is necessary to moisturize the legs regularly, in the cabin paraffin baths can be done.

Irina 24.12.2016 To answer

also, the cracks are bothering how in the summer they appeared, so I can not care so far, somehow it does not pour anything.
