
But-shpa during pregnancy

But-shpa during pregnancy
Is the use of but-shops safe during pregnancy? We will understand how the drug acts and under what circumstances should it be taken.

But-shpa enjoys great popularity in women. With the help of a well-known antispasmodics, it is possible to remove the tooth, headache, pain during menstruation. The medicine practically does not have side effects and is considered safe. But is it safe to use during pregnancy?

Just so, without appointing a doctor during this period, it is not desirable to use a single drug. Benefits should always relate with possible harm to the fetus. Only a qualified specialist can correctly relate them to assess the condition of pregnant. The use of but-shops is justified if the uterus is in a tone. This condition can create a serious threat to the fetus, from a violation of the supply of placenta with nutrients before miscarriage. But-SPAP refers to the group of medicines, the use of which is allowed during pregnancy.

But-SPAP at the first months of pregnancy: application


At different times, a but-shap is used during pregnancy, the instruction does not prohibit its use even in the first trimester when the toddler's bodies are labeled, and the placental barrier has not yet been formed. The active substance in this drug is drochinoline (derivative of isoquinoline). It affects muscle contractions, acting on smooth muscles. Due to the vasodilatory action, the drug provides blood flow in the tissue, as a result of which adverse reactions are practically not observed after receiving the drug. But SPAP during pregnancy turns out to be more efficient than papaverine, besides, the drootaverine is processed by the liver and after a day is completely excreted from the body.

Some doctors recommend women to take No-Shpu when discomfort at the bottom of the abdomen and always wear pills with them. Sometimes the use of but-shops in the early time becomes a real salvation, preventing miscarriage.

The use of but-shops in 2 and 3 trimester is recognized completely safe. True, using this drug in the last month of pregnancy at home should be careful - it can affect the opening of the cervix. Sometimes no-shpa is used in the process of childbirth.

But-shpa during pregnancy: testimony and contraindications


Indications for the use of but-shops during pregnancy most often becomes an increased tone of the uterus. Also, the drug is used in any spasms of smooth muscles, whether the gall-eyed disease, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the urinary system, the ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, colitis, gastritis, head or dental pain. Take a medicine in the occurrence of pain is recommended if non-drug impact methods do not give proper effect.

Like any other drug, no-shop has both contraindications. It:

  • hypersensitivity to the active substance;
  • liver, renal or heart failure;
  • arterial hypotension (reduced blood pressure);
  • atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries.

When applying no-shops, the occurrence of side effects is possible. The instructions for the medicine among them are indicated:

  • constipation
  • dizziness
  • insomnia
  • headache,
  • allergic reactions.

The latter occur with the individual intolerance to the components.

But-shpa during pregnancy: release form


Many are forgotten that drootaverin is no-shp. So on the packaging with the medicine may be in the same name and the other. The drug is produced not only in tablets, there is also a but-shp in ampoules. Injection can be introduced intramuscularly or intravenously, depending on the readings.

The injections often become "ambulance", as the drug begins to act just a couple of minutes after the administration. Application of but-shpa tablets will give an effect 20-30 minutes after reception. The main advantage of using injections is the absence of lactose in them, which is contained in the tablet form of the drug, more precisely in the pill shell. This moment is very important in lactose intolerance. But-shp in injections in such cases - the right choice.

But-shpa during pregnancy: dosage


The doctor will help determine the dosage of the drootserin. It is he who must choose the correct treatment regimen based on a particular case. An independent purpose of no-shop, especially with long-term use, is extremely undesirable. As a rule, the dosage of but-shts during pregnancy is up to 140 mg during the day: if tablets are assigned, they should drink them in 3 receptions. When appointing but-shts in the dosage up to 100 mg, the reception is carried out twice.

In the event of a very active work of the uterus, the daily dose can be increased to 240 mg per day. This is the maximum dose for any adult. Such the amount of the drug is usually introduced by a woman in a hospital in late pregnancy. In childbirth, the dosage is appointed individually by the doctor, based on the situation. In order to avoid bleeding, it does not exceed the limit daily rate.

But-shpa during pregnancy: high degree of cleaning


The drug that has gained popularity in many countries of the world is applied in medicine for over 40 years. Medicine, eliminating the cause of pain and spasms, and not masking symptoms, arranges many consumers. The efficacy of but-shops in conjunction with minimal possible side effects is confirmed by clinical trials in more than 40 countries.

Today, raw materials for but-shops is manufactured in Hungary. The high degree of cleaning ensures the exact amount of the active substance in each tablet (40 mg). Quality control confirms, and marking directly on tablets allows you to protect the remedy for fake.

But-shpa during pregnancy: reviews


Different drugs can find supporters and opponents. Reviews of the use of but-shops during pregnancy almost all are positive.

"I took a but-shp in pills in the first trimester of pregnancy because of the threat of miscarriage," says Mom three years of alenca. - "As a result, pregnancy managed to save. The daughter was born healthy, she does not have any problems in development. Although on the Internet during pregnancy read about possible delays of speech development due to the reception of but-shops. Even then understood that this is all myth, which later was convinced of the practice. "

Anna now shelters the third baby. It is recognized that she took a but-shu and during the first two pregnancies. Sons are in order, both began to talk and walk until the year, now they are well studying and do not have special health problems. At Anna and now there is a uterus in a tone, as a doctor's appointment, she drinks No-Shpu.

Some future mothers do not note the effect of tone removal after the use of but-shops. As a rule, these are those women with the drug to pregnancy as an anesthetics. Perhaps we are talking about imperceptibility to the drug.

But-shpa during pregnancy: price


The cost of tablets and injecting ampoules of but-shap depends on the number of active substance or the number of tablets (ampoules) in the box. The cost of but-shops is very democratic. A small package with a preparation in 5 or 20 tablets can be bought almost for a penny. On average, the cost of packing no-shops per 100 tablets is at the level of 200 rubles.

The cost of the drug and the manufacturer's company depends. The original Hungarian drug is somewhat more expensive than analogues produced in other countries of the world.


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