
How to calm the child

How to calm the child
So that your child grows up calm and friendly, educate with your example. Be calm and patient.

All parents are faced with the fact that sometimes the child cries. The child is trying to tell parents about his problems. After all, just to tear the vocal cords for no reason is unlikely to be interesting even to the most inacquent baby.  Therefore, crying is a signal to parents to find and remove the annoying cause.

How can you reassure a child

the girl is crying

How to calm a crying child:

  1. Distract the child. For example, to say: “Look, what beautiful flowers!”, “Look what cars go on the street today.” At the very beginning of crying, this option can distract.
  2. To voice his problem to the child: “I know you are crying because we could not buy this doll today.” The child must understand that his problem is known. It must be assured that this problem is solved.
  3. Hug it tightly and kiss the baby. To say that he is a beloved and dear child. Sometimes it disarms.
  4. Apply humor. Humor solves both children's and adult problems. You can joke that I will give you a vitamink of good mood and everything will be fine. To do this, you need to have any dragee in stock. You can tickle or jokingly overcome the child.  There are many topics for humor, it is important to look at the emotional state of the child.
  5. If you know about constant whims, you can come up with a whole ritual. If the baby cries, you take out a hair dryer to dry tears, turn on. This is suitable if the child is not afraid of the hair dryer. Come up with what will make and distract your baby.

How to calm a baby


The breast baby has crying - so far the only way to attract attention. There are many reasons why a baby can cry. How to calm a baby? We will analyze the most basic ones and try to solve them.

  • The child was hungry. It doesn’t matter that he had eaten recently, perhaps he just needs contact with warm maternal breasts.  Mom can reassure the child by applying to her chest.
  • The child is wet or inconvenient in diapers or diaper. It may not be wet, but simply interferes with the fold on clothes or diaper, or tired of lying in one position. Then the child can wave his hands and legs intensively, as if trying to roll over to the other side.  It is necessary to check how much and comfortable the child is.
  • The child is hot. If the baby is hot, he whip, the skin becomes pink.  It is necessary to remove excess clothes. If it is very hot, remove the reusable diaper.
  • The child cries after feeding. Perhaps, along with food, the child seized the air and now the tummy hurts, the child pulls his legs to the body.  Do not forget to wear a child after feeding vertically for 15-20 minutes.
  • The baby has intestinal colic. There are many causes of intestinal colic: an imperfect digestive system, mother’s diet and others. As a result, gas bubbles are collected in the intestines, and the tummy hurts.  How to calm the child if he has colic?  You can try to put the child on his stomach so that his tummy warms up. There are also pharmacy remedies for removing colic. It is necessary to consult a doctor.

white noise

  • The kid is tired and wants to sleep. But very often he himself cannot fall asleep, therefore he is naughty.

It is advisable to take on pens, shake, sing a lullaby, and calm down.

How to calm a child before going to bed


To calm the baby before bedtime, it is necessary to bathe the baby in a warm bath. The sleeping room should be ventilated, there should not be loud sounds, you need to talk in a calm voice. The break between day and night sleep should be at least 3 hours.

If the child is older, he probably wants to talk before going to bed. You can read or tell a fairy tale, allow you to take your favorite toy with you, talk about something pleasant to the baby. Be sure to avoid active games and fun before bedtime.

How to calm a child at night


At night, sleep problems are more often in infants. The reasons were listed above. I only want to add that you should not be afraid to take small children in their arms and cradle. Sometimes they say that this is how children get used to their hands and then do not want to sleep in the crib. If the child woke up at night and cries, then he asks for your protection. You must comfortably put it on the handles, talk with him quietly, shake a little with a small amplitude.

The best way to calm the baby at night is to take him in his arms, putting him on the tummy and grind slightly. In this position, the child feels warm and protection, relaxes easier and falls asleep. Then you can put in the crib on the back.

The best way to calm the child

Singleant music for children

One of the ways to relax the child before going to bed, ease falling asleep, is listening to soothing music for children. Sweet light melodies, pleasant sounds will help the baby fall asleep, make the child’s sleep calm and serene.

Caling bath before bedtime


Soothing baths with various herbal fees have a positive effect on the baby’s sleep in the first three years of life.

Before making a bath for a child with any set of herbs, it is necessary to consult with the doctor. In this case, the experience of mothers and grandmothers is not suitable. A soothing bath for children should be done before bedtime. A significant effect will be achieved only if the baths are accepted not by one, but by the course.

Soothing grass for children

You can prepare a bath from one soothing grass for children, for example, from lemon balm. And you can prepare a collection of useful herbs or buy ready in a pharmacy. For a long time, chamomile, linden, a series, calendula, lavender, sage and others were used for soothing baths.

If you notice any redness or skin irritation after baths, you must consult a doctor

Calier tea for children

Soothing tea for children does not contain tea leaves, consists only of medicinal herbs. There are already ready -made soothing teas for children from famous manufacturers of baby food. And you can make tea from soothing herbs yourself. The most popular and healthy grass for child health: mint, chamomile, valerian root. Soothing tea will improve the child’s sleep, remove excessive nervous reactions.

In my opinion, such teas cannot be accepted without the appointment of a pediatrician.

Sedding drugs for children

In addition to soothing teas, special syrups or droplets are made for children, which are prescribed by a doctor if the child has problems.

Medications made for children with pharmaceutical companies can be synthetic or on herbs. Prescribed by a neurologist if the child’s health requires this.

How to reassure a child if he has a hysteria

children hysteria

The hysteria is the deep internal experiences of the child that pour when the child overwhelm emotions. The most important thing in this reaction is anger, irritation, loud cry and scream. The child can be bended with an arc, beat his head on the floor. In this situation, parents should show maximum patience, not to increase their voice on the baby.

How to calm the child if he has a hysteria?

  1. In this case, the child wants to attract spectators, become the main one. Try not to pay attention to him, not to persuade, not scold, not to regret. If there are no spectators, there will be no performance, interest will disappear. It is hard for parents, but this is your child!
  2. To distract the child with something unusual: fright, surprise, some kind of incident.
  3. Hug your child and tell him how you love him, try to take away from the place of hysteria.
  4. It is necessary to understand what provokes hysteria: going to the toy store, your requirements for the child, food preferences. Try to eliminate the occasion of tantrums.

Parents should take this situation seriously so that the tantrum does not become a constant performance. You cannot allow the child to manage the parents. When the child calms down, you need to talk with the baby, tell how you love him, how pleasant you are that he is calm.

Preschool crises

Often hysteria in children are found during age crises. These are a turning point in the life of a child, they can be accompanied by whims, stubbornness and objection.

children cry

These periods in the life of a child should not be afraid. They indicate that the child is growing and developing. Psychologists identify several crises in the life of a child under 7 years old.

A crisis of 2 years occurs when a child should understand exactly what can be taken and done and what is impossible. This can be a tantrum and outbreaks of anger. To reassure a child of 2 years of age, it can be distracted by some interesting event. Tell me where we’ll go now and what can be seen.

The crisis of 3 years is due to the fact that the child begins to feel like a person. He wants to choose what to wear, he strives to do a lot on his own.

Children who do not visit the kindergarten are more likely to have a crisis of 4-5 years old, there are no or there are few in the society of peers. The child can feel lonely. This can be expressed in isolation or tantrums.

children cry 3

How to reassure a hyperactive child

Hyperactivity of the child can be expressed by increased excitability and mobility. At the same time, the baby becomes nervous, restless, sleep and appetite can be disturbed. This condition cannot be left unnoticed. How to calm a child?

  1. Such a child needs to buy mobile, rapidly changing toys.
  2. Often hyperactive children have excellent memory. It is very good and useful with such children to read, teach poetry.
  3. Find the child to their liking: modeling, drawing, construction.

In any situation, parents should be calm and patient, try to find a compromise.

How to calm the child. Video.

The psychologist talks about why there are children's hysteria.



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