
Igloreflexotherapy - indications and contraindications. Treatment of needleflexotherapy

Igloreflexotherapy - indications and contraindications. Treatment of needleflexotherapy
Under what diseases are the needleflexotherapy and whether it is really so effective as they say about it.

Igloreflexotherapy is a kind of eastern reflex physiotherapy, which is based on the relationship of certain areas of skin with certain organs by means of nerve endings. This procedure is performed using disposable needles that are set to appropriate dots, taking into account the diagnosis. Specialists in acupuncture - acupuncturers - argue that this method can be helped with their own body and get rid of most diseases. Supporters of this technique indicate that even one full-fledged course is often enough to forget about pain in the back, excess weight or problems with muscle tone. Is it really and what is the secret of acupuncture efficiency?

What is needleflexotherapy?

Igloreflexotherapy - traditional Chinese treatment with a dry acupuncture, which is successfully applied by Chinese healers of more than four thousand years.

For the first time it described in detail this technique doctor Sun Syuao. Information on therapeutic effects of acupuncture is contained in its long-term work under the name "Thousand Gold Recipes", which is dated to the VII century.

Four century later, the first acupuncture learning benefits with a detailed description of the location of all points appeared in the Middle Kingdom. These textbooks were made in the form of bronze mannequins, on which more than 600 points were indicated.

The feature of acupuncture is strict locality, and the possibility of reflex effects on certain nerve endings, followed by the involvement of different levels of the CNS. When setting the needle to the selected point, there is an instant answer of the relevant organ or system, it can be easily controlled by its strength and duration. This is the essence of the medical process. But from the point of view of ancient medicine, the essence of this treatment is to restore the energy flow of qi as a result of the introduction of the needle in the "life points".


Igloreflexotherapy - mechanism for the development of therapeutic effect

If you distract from complex scientific terms and different theories, then the mechanism of impact of acupuncture on the human body is as follows:

  • The anesthetic effect is achieved by stimulating the synthesis of special substances - endorphins - which are able to influence psycho-emotional background and sensitivity to painful stimuli. These biological compounds are endogenous opiates that show a strong analgesic effect.
  • All inflammatory processes are dulled, which is achieved by the synthesis of the additional amount of cortisol - the hormone responsible for metabolism.
  • The level of blood pressure is restored, the edema leaves and the natural process of tissue regeneration is activated. The microcirculation and venous blood flow stabilizes.
  • Syrotonin synthesis solves the problem with bad mood, decay forces, depression.
  • The normalization of the internal organs causes the restoration of the immune system.
  • The full balance of muscle tone is achieved.

An important advantage of acupuncture is its availability for patients suffering from intolerance to medication treatment. But there is a disadvantage of needleflexotherapy - the price. The cost of one session is highly dependent on the discharge of a specialist and severity of the patient's disease. On average, one acupuncture session arrives from 500 to several thousand rubles.

Chinese Medicine Concept. Acupuncture Needles and A Sign of Health.

Session Igloreflexotherapy - How does this happen?

Igloreflexotherapy sessions are held in specially equipped cabinets. The patient is located on a comfortable couch surrounded by a pleasant atmosphere - can play light music, burn aroma lamp or candles. This is done to achieve complete relaxation, without which the procedure does not give a full-fledged therapeutic effect.

Acupuncturist disinfects the patient's skin in places where needles will be put. Then manually or with the help of the device in the selected points, needles are screwed. The procedure is painless and safe, since all the tools are sterile, and the needles are disposable.

At one time to put from 7 to 10 needles, depending on the purpose of treatment. On average, one session of needloreflexotherapy stimulates points for 30-40 minutes. During this time, some needles independently disappear, and the rest are extracted by a specialist. The treatment is carried out by short courses of 10-20 procedures with a break in 2-3 months.

For the procedure, needles of different lengths and diameter are used, which does not affect the final result. The selection of this or that set mainly depends on the preferences of the specialist. Stainless steel needles are made and have a rounded end, which minimizes pain when screwing.


Igloreflexotherapy - Indications

Igloreflexotherapy began to practice successfully in European countries only in the 50s of the last century. But today, this methodology is recognized by world health organizations and is considered effective in the treatment of 28 diseases.

Diseases are considered to be an occasion for acupuncture:

  1. Injuries and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Acupuncture gives a good result with arthritis, fractures, tensile ligaments, arthrosis, scoliosis. This technique is used to facilitate the symptoms of osteochondrosis. Especially effective needleflexotherapy with cervical osteochondrosis.
  2. Defeat of the nervous system. There is an observation of discomfort and a decrease in other symptomatic manifestations in migraine, nervous tick, neuralgia, never. Fully stabilizes well-being in vegan disorders, enuresis, radiculitis, the hernia of the spine.
  3. Diseases of the respiratory system. There is a steady remission for bronchial asthma, as well as chronic forms of pneumonia and bronchitis.
  4. Disturbance of the heart and vascular system. Higio and hypertension is cured, arrhythmia decreases.
  5. Gynecological diseases. Acupuncture restores the hormonal background, eliminates infertility, relieves menighing manifestations, normalizes the work of the ovaries.
  6. Allergic manifestations. Without medication intervention, the formulation of the needle heals from urticaria, eczema, dermatitis.
  7. Overweight. Acupuncture helps a person tune in to perform the goals and "not break" in the process of combating obesity.
  8. Eye diseases - myopia, squint, high eye pressure.
  9. Pathology of the endocrine system. The overall health condition is maintained in diabetes, hypothyroidism, disorders of the hypothalamic center.
  10. Bad habits. If there is a desire to overcome the addiction, acupuncture helps to abandon alcohol and nicotine, sometimes - from narcotic drugs.

It is important to understand that the needleflexotherapy, from the point of view of modern medicine, is considered not as monometric, but as an addition to the main treatment. An exception can be considered only the removal of one-time pain syndrome, for example, with a strong attack of migraine. But if the patient has a diagnosis that requires surgical interference or taking potent drugs, then miracles should not be expected.


Igloreflexotherapy - contraindications

Complete contraindications for acupuncture procedures:

  • Age up to 1 year. Often, parents whose children suffer from different CNS diseases, including generic injuries, there is a desire to use this treatment method. Unfortunately, up to 12 months, the needleflexotherapy is not carried out, since there is a very high risk of complications in the form of damage to the skin and other, even very gentle underlying tissues.
  • Mental disorders. When conducting a procedure, a weak pain syndrome and strong discomfort may be occurring, which can cause the most unpredictable reactions in a person with any mental illness.
  • Benign education or oncological process. Treatment contributes to the strengthening of general blood circulation, due to which cell division and growth in the formations of any nature are accelerated.
  • Diseases of the blood formation system. In the presence of leukemia, anemia or hemophilia is possible deterioration in the patient's condition.
  • Body intoxication (alcoholic, drug, narcotic). Increased load on the body that struggles with poisoning may instead of a positive result from treatment, even more aggravate the course of the disease.
  • Fever - High temperatures in a pair of needlerapy can give a very strong load on all organs, including a brain, which can end.
  • Immune violations. If the patient has a disease of the immune system, the conduct of needloreflexotherapy can provoke the development of autoimmune diseases (thyroiditis, diabetes, etc.).
  • Bacterial-viral diseases. With AIDS, hepatitis, rubella, purulent processes, venereal diseases procedure is not carried out, as it will contribute to the spread of pathogenic flora.
  • Pain syndrome of uncertain origin. Before finding out the source or provocateur of pain, the spinal needles is not prescribed, since the pain can be a symptom of the disease from the list of contraindications to the procedure.
  • The second half of the gestational period. Even a beneficial course of pregnancy does not change the situation, and the procedure is not carried out so as not to provoke the beginning of the generic activity.

Relative contraindications (depend on each situation separately):

  • Full exhaustion of the body, for example, after illness, psychological stress, chronic fatigue, physical overvoltage.
  • First trimester of pregnancy. Igloreflexotherapy treatment is possible only in emergency cases and only after a comprehensive examination of the patient.
  • Age category 70+.
  • Chronic diseases - epilepsy, atherosclerosis.
  • Stroke.
  • Menstruation period.
  • Polio.
  • Disorders of the hypothalamus with pronounced trophic changes.
  • Figrogressing muscle dystrophy.

Zones on which it is not allowed to carry out the procedure:

  1. Skin areas with scars, wounds, scars.
  2. Part of the limbs affected by varicose veins.
  3. Person and downtom of the head (children under 7 years old).
  4. Affected skin sections (allergies, skin diseases, bruise).


Igloreflexotherapy - special instructions and possible complications

Before each needloreflexotherapy session, you need to adhere to some elementary, but very important rules:

  • At the time of the procedure, it is necessary to aim to succeed - it will double the expected effect.
  • It is undesirable to go to the procedure on an empty or, on the contrary, a strongly full stomach. Also better to postpone with a session if you had to make intravenous injection.
  • If you accepted a medical drug, for example, anesthetic or calming, be sure to inform the specialist.
  • Do not attend the sauna before going to the next session.
  • For the period of treatment, it is forbidden to use alcoholic beverages or narcotic substances.

Throughout the session, a person should feel comfortable. If you have become cold, anxious or too painful, let us know otherwise the procedure will not benefit.

Side effects, subject to all the rules of the session, are unlikely, but still there are exceptions in the form:

  • Dizziness.
  • Attacks vomiting.
  • Hypertension.
  • Strengthening sweating.
  • Bleeding or hematoma appearance in puncture places.
  • The appearance of small damage as a result of the needle fault.

The procedure is considered practically painless and delivers only a small discomfort. But much depends on the degree of pain and skin sensitivity. Therefore, the process of screwing the needles each patient tolerates individually. Unpleasant sensations for needloreflexotherapy, according to reviews, can manifest itself in the form of weakness, chills, feelings of burning or shocking. Sometimes there may be a feeling of numbness, ripples or light pressure.


Features of the treatment of needlerapy for different diseases

And now, let's look at what is characterized by acupuncture in the treatment of some diseases.

Igloreflexotherapy at osteochondrosis

When osteochondrosis is stimulated from 6 to 12 active points located all over the body, including the face, fingers and the spine area. Therapy is aimed at stimulating the production of opiates (painkillers) to remove pain and feeling of squeezing in a sore place. Immediately occurs the process of oppression of inflammatory nature and regeneration of cartilage and muscle tissue. Patients note a decrease in the attacks of headaches and feelings of stiffness in movements.

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Eagleflexotherapy for weight loss

To help the patient with obesity uses a comprehensive effect on the entire body. To suppress the indomitable feeling of hunger, the micronegles are installed in the abnormal sinks. To reduce the volume of the stomach, gastric points are stimulated. If the excess weight is the cause of unoblant food behavior, points are used to suppress neurosis.


Igloreflexotherapy in hernia

The hernia is a painful state that requires surgical intervention. But at the first stages of the disease, acupuncture techniques help stabilize the state by aligning muscle tone and removing pain. Impact on active points on the back, removes the voltage in intervertebral disks, so spasm passes, the voltage decreases.


Efficiency and, most importantly, the safety of needloreflexotherapy directly depends on the level of professionalism of acupuncture. Therefore, the optimal option will be the appeal to frequent specialized centers with a license or government agencies.

Acupuncture - what treats and how it works. Video


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