
Palming for the eyes according to Zhdanov. Palming exercise - how to do

Palming for the eyes according to Zhdanov. Palming exercise - how to do
Palming for the eyes - the basics of technology according to Professor Zhdanov.

In the modern rhythm of life, health often becomes one of the last parameters that is paid to. Criminations in the work of certain organs rarely occur overnight - as a rule, they are preceded by a number of factors that we rarely pay attention to. At a certain moment, the realization that vision is not the same as before, and it is not just spoiled - there are serious consequences! Therefore, it is extremely important to devote time to yourself and your well -being, to mark any little thing - without fanaticism, of course, without daily visits to all kinds of doctors.

Vision is one of the key abilities of a person to perceive the information surrounding him. With age, this ability worsens, but the matter is not only in the number of years, but also in the quality of life. The 21st century is the era of a computer, the Internet and other high technologies. Almost any work is somehow connected with daily gatherings in front of the monitor, and this is only one of the reasons for the premature visual impairment. Incorrect lighting, improper sleep pose, an unbalanced diet without key vitamins - a lot of things can affect, most importantly, pay your attention to this in time.

One of the main assistant in the fight against vision of vision can be the exercise of palming for the eyes. What is it, how to do it and what can it affect?

Palming for the eyes

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is a Russian public figure, in addition to restoration of vision, actively supporting non -medical ways to get rid of alcohol and nicotine dependence. In general, sobriety is the central idea of \u200b\u200ball the activities of the professor, and it means the absence of not only actual dependence on bad habits, but also the dependence of the subconscious.

Good news - not all cases of visual impairment require emergency drug intervention - in most cases you can cope yourself. Vision deterioration, constant headaches, a feeling of sand in the eyes, dryness, eyes, redness-simple gymnastics can relieve these unpleasant symptoms, unless, of course, any serious pathologies.

By and large, palming according to Zhdanov is the accumulation of many well -known medical techniques mixed with the practice of Indian yogis, that is, with an admixture of the spiritual component. The essence of the Methodology on Zhdanova is that a healthy person should lead the right lifestyle, paying great attention to his nutrition, regular training, positive thoughts and the mood in general.

Zhdanov conducts vision restoration courses, and in his approach, he is mainly based on the Bates method, officially not recognized by the science, supplemented by the method of Shichko. In his courses, Zhdanov offers many methodological materials for the acquisition, as well as food supplements, which, according to him, accelerate the process of restoration of vision.

The same exercise cannot be done with different diseases of the eyes, however, there is a set of general rules that must be followed independently:

  1. If you wear lenses or glasses, then before starting gymnastics, remove them.
  2. Absolutely any gymnastics - for the body, face or eye - should be performed regularly! So this is the only way to achieve the desired result.
  3. At the same time, regularly - does not mean constantly. Three times a day - and nothing more! A larger number of approaches will not reduce, but on the contrary, increase the load on the eyes.
  4. Eye movements should be smooth, soft, since sharp movements can cause discomfort.
  5. Gymnastics implies only the participation of eyeballs - the movement of the facial muscles is absolutely excluded.
  6. Each exercise should be performed in three approaches.
  7. With myopia -4 or more, these exercises should be performed with particular caution.
  8. If there was surgery for eyes, you can not do gymnastics at least six months after that.
  9. In the case of retinal exfoliation, gymnastics is strictly prohibited.
  10. In any condition of vision, before the start of gymnastics, you need to consult with the profile doctor - an ophthalmologist.

So dear Professor Zhdanov developed a number of eye exercises in case of myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism or strabismus.

Palming for the eyes. Eye exercises for myopia

In this gymnastics, it is necessary to focus the vision either on distant or in close objects alternately, such a training will help restore and improve the quality of vision.

You can buy or print your own two identical signs - one on a large poster, hang on the door, invasion on a regular sheet of paper and pick it up. Surely you at least once in your life have been an examination by an ophthalmologist - a table that he uses to check vision and is our landmark:

It is not necessary to prepare a completely identical table, the main thing is to catch the essence, but the text can be anything.

Stand at such a distance from the poster so that only the upper line is visible well, each subsequent one is less distinct than the previous one. In your hands, hold the sheet with the same table. Cover one eye with your hand, the second begin to exercise. Read the upper line on the poster, then on the paper sheet 3-4 times. After the same, it is necessary to do the same with the second line, where you have to slightly put your vision to make out the letters. Similarly - for the second eye.

Thus, it is necessary to gradually master all the lines of the table.

In addition, people suffering from myopia are recommended to master another simple set of eye exercises. Remember that the muscles of the face during its execution should be motionless! The drawing below in detail illustrates the whole essence of such gymnastics, study carefully!

Palming for the eyes. Eye exercises for farsightedness

Using the following complex of exercises presented below, you can significantly strengthen the oblique eye muscles, for this you will have to strain and relax alternately.

To perform the exercise, a pen, pencil or any other elongated item with a slight weight is suitable. Take it vertically in your hand, but direct your eyes into the distance, without focusing on something specific. Then look at the pencil and begin to smoothly closer to the face, without losing the focus, after that - also smoothly return your hand to your former place. Pour, relax, and again direct your eyes into the distance. 10 times will be quite enough.

The second exercise - the hand with a pencil is extended and is at the eye level, the look is constantly and independently directed into nothing. Bring the pencil a short distance to the eyes, shake the left/right, then move to the left and right to the left and right for 15-20 cm. 90 seconds-the limit of the duration of the exercise.

Palming for the eyes. Eye exercises for astigmatism

If you do not know what astigmatism is, then you have never encountered a similar disease! It occurs periodically regardless of age or gender, can be both congenital or acquired as a result of the injury of the head.  Its essence is the impossibility of focusing vision on objects, this is due to a violation of the shape of the eye, lens or cornea.

It is necessary to treat astigmatism, otherwise it can lead to a drop in vision or strabismus. Gymnastics will not cure this disease, but it can be recommended as part of a comprehensive treatment as a supporting procedure.

Gymnastics according to Zhdanov consists in a number of exercises for the eyes, solarization and palming.

Complex of exercises:

  • look up and down and left-right;
  • we draw a circle with our eyes;
  • we draw a square with our eyes;
  • drew with the eyes of "urb";
  • we draw with the eyes of "8".

Palming for the eyes: how to do

Palming for the eyes is recommended for many visual impairment, and astigmatism is only a special case. Palming perfectly relaxes the tired eye muscles, removing excessive tension from them.

The duration of the exercise takes about 5 minutes, to achieve the maximum result, you should resort to it every 1.5 hours if the work is connected with the computer.

Correct palming should be done as follows:

  • before performing palming, it is necessary to warm the palms well, for example, having lost them against each other;
  • cover the eyes with your palms so that they form an angle of 90 degrees in relation to each other, leaving an open nose - see the pattern below;
  • there should not be the slightest click between the fingers, they must block their eyes from the light, dipping them into complete darkness;
  • close your eyes and relax, think about something good-maybe it's your dream, or something that you are madly rejoicing at the moment of life, in a word, you must be spiritualized and filled with optimism;
  • after finishing the palming, do not open your eyes sharply - first click them under your palms several times, then shake your head in all directions, tearing your hands off your face, rub your eyes with fists and open, then often freeze.

Palming for the eyes. Solarization

The essence of the solarization methodology is reduced to working with the only light source in the dark room. It is better not to use fluorescent lamps, as they are, on the contrary, can adversely affect the quality of vision.

Perform solarization extremely simple:

  • turn facing the light source, close your eyes, relax, legs shoulder -width apart;
  • without tearing your legs from the floor, turn around the body alternately to the right and left;
  • do until the sun bunches begin to flicker before closed eyes - as a rule, 25 repetitions are more than enough.

In order to relax and get rid of flickering sun bunnies before the hair, you need to make palming to restore vision, how to do it, you already know.

The option of carrying out solarization: in a dark room, a candle is placed at a distance of a meter and turn their head repeatedly in different directions with closed eyes. Do not forget about mental comfort and positive thoughts during the exercise, this will significantly enhance the expected effect!

Palming and solarization in strabismus

Cravisure not only affects the quality of vision, it is also a very significant external defect. In such cases, it is extremely desirable to resort to special exercises, but only after consulting an ophthalmologist.

During strabismus, palming and solarization with a candle described above are especially effective. According to Zhdanov, the double effect helps to achieve “pleasant memories” with palming, therefore it is extremely important to think or dream of something good, sitting with closed eyes.

Palming: reviews

If we talk about the scientific view of experts regarding this methodology, then their opinion is quite ambiguous. But Zhdanov himself emphasizes that gymnastics requires additional serious research.

Nevertheless, the folk verdict is almost unequivocal - gymnastics helps, and how! Fatigue comes to nothing, the redness of the eye is less noticeable, the intraocular pressure decreases ... The most important thing is not to be lazy and do gymnastics regularly, observing the technique with maximum accuracy.

To achieve maximum results in strengthening not only vision, but also health in general, it is not enough to engage in gymnastics alone. The transition to separate nutrition, the refusal of alcohol and the regular visit to the gym will soon show stunning positive results, according to Zhdanov.

We will summarize

Now you know about one of the techniques of restoration of vision - palming according to Zhdanov. It is easy to do it, it takes very little time, and if you follow it regularly, the result will not be long in coming. When performing technology, do not forget about the spiritual component - positive thoughts will speed up the process of recovery. In addition, it is not for nothing that they say that all thoughts are material - so why not kill two birds with one stone?

Health does not become better every year, because the sooner you are attended by his condition, the better it will be for you. Refusal of alcohol, a healthy lifestyle, regular sports, a bias on proper nutrition (according to Zhdanov, it is about separate nutrition) - all this will make you a happy, healthy and full of strength!

Palming: video



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