
What a toothpaste is better - how to choose

What a toothpaste is better - how to choose
Worry about the health of your teeth? For this it is important to choose the right toothpaste.

What toothpaste is better? To answer this question, you should first decide what you expect from it. Depending on this, you also need to choose the correct composition to not harm your teeth.

Moreover, you should know that if you treat any dental disease, you should combine the use of dental paste with other events. If, for example, you have formed a caries that only a dentist can remove, then the simple cleaning of the teeth will not work.

What is the toothpaste?

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Before determined with what tooth paste to choose, it should be carefully examined its composition. It is very important that it contains fluoride, additional components that are actively involved in the cleaning of teeth and abrasive.

Fluoro helps protect the teeth from the occurrence of caries. Than it is more, the faster the enamel will be recovered. For efficient remineralization, substances containing fluorine are added to the composition. For example, aminofluoride.

Due to the toothpaste with fluoro-containing components, solid tooth tissue is strengthened, and also becomes minimal risk of caries and becomes less enamel hypersensitivity.

It is worth saying that it should be used to use such care products no more than two times a day.

Additional active substances of toothpaste


These components help improve therapeutic and cleansing properties of pasta. In addition to the fluorides, restoring and strengthening enamel, today other substances are also added to the products for cleaning teeth. To figure out which toothpaste blends, you should look at these components.

For example, one of the components is aluminum lactate, is such a compound that has a binding, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect.

PTA cavity care products with aluminum lactate helps to get rid of bleeding. If they are regularly used, then you can get rid of gingivitis (gum inflammation).

Good pastes always have vitamins, vegetable components, oils and other additives that act on the oral cavity:

  • dums and teeth are tight and healthier;
  • prevent inflammatory reactions;
  • reduce the formation of plaque;
  • allow you to refresh your breath.

It is worth saying that when solving the question, which dental paste to brush your teeth, you should know that those that are intended for prevention have a large concentration of substances than hygienic. Most substances are allowed to use in strict doses.

So that active ingredients act effectively, but at the same time safely, dentists recommend alternating funds for prevention and hygiene or use their courses for several weeks.

What do you need to know when choosing a toothpaste?


When solving the question of which dental paste to use is to pay attention to how much it contains abrasive. It is denoted by RDA coefficients. It shows how effectively the paste can cope with the raid and clarify the enamel. The greater the coefficient, the larger the abrasive particles will be in the paste.

So what a toothpaste, what age, is best suited? Large particles of abrasive can only be used for a while. It is better to use them to people whose enamel is not very sensitive. This substance perfectly copes with the removal of soft bacterial plaque and polishes enamel, but with frequent use, the latter is rapidly erased and thinned, which leads to the occurrence of severe sensitivity of the teeth.

What tooth paste to use you?


Determine which paste is suitable for you, a professional dentist will help. Everyone has a different impact and to ensure that teeth and gums are healthy, it is important to pick up the remedy for themselves.

The choice of which toothpaste from the dental stone is the best, first of all, depends on which condition your teeth and gums are initially. Only so you can get the desired results.

Only a dentist can correctly appreciate the clinical picture and advise that in your case.

After a comprehensive assessment of your oral cavity, the doctor will help choose a proper toothpaste for integrated care and teach it properly use.

What a tooth paste is recommended by dentists - Rating 2016

The greater the demand, the higher the proposal - and today there are various tubes in each store, different price categories. Some whiten, others protect the gums from bleeding, the third warns periodontalosis and refresh their breath. Well, how not to get lost in such a huge assortment? How to choose toothpaste right?

ELMEX: Toothpaste for strengthening


This product is a very famous brand from the manufacturer Gaba Production GmbH. She proven himself perfectly in the market and earned positive feedback not only from consumers, but also dentistry professionals.

To learn how to choose a toothpaste in stripes, you should carefully look at the assortment.

Elmex fits almost every person, no matter how much their teeth are. She has a pleasant taste of mint and quickly acts. But sometimes after several cleansing, the gums start to bleed. In this case, it is better to choose another toothpaste for a child or an adult.



This toothpaste has earned the leadership position among US consumers. As consumer reviews show, she really does everything that commercials promise:

  • high quality believes;
  • perfectly whiten;
  • provides preventive measures to prevent caries and a dental stone;
  • refreshes breathing;
  • gives a feeling of perfect cleanliness.

There are many types of Crest pastes, but most of them cannot be used for sensitive teeth. For example, if you have ethoned enamel, and you decided to buy the product of this brand, then after several applications, the gums will bleed, and the teeth will become sharply reacting to the temperature differences.

If you think what toothpastes without fluorine are suitable for sensitive teeth, the Crest 2D White Luxe Sensitivity will suit you. But it should be used very neat.



This toothpaste is very loved by dentists, because it perfectly helps to cope with periodontal disease, the bleeding of the gums and their inflammation.

Dentists are recognized that it is better to use toothpaste with fluorine, as it is very effective. Most consumers do not like a little salty taste, but such discomfort is fully justified: so the mineral salts, eliminating infiltrates, which lead to inflammation, from the gums.

Paradontlight can be used every day. Moreover, it is great for pregnant women, since women in such a position often suffer from bleeding gums.



This paste is different from other fact that it does not have a fluorine and aggressive antibacterial components. Due to this, it becomes the minimum risk of the appearance of yellow plaque on the teeth and stones, as well as various inflammations.

The main operating component is mexidol. This medicinal product helps to improve blood microcirculation in the gums, remove edema and increase the immunity of teeth.

There are several types of mexidol:

  • Mexidol Dent Sensitive. Designed specifically for sensitive teeth. Due to nitric acid, potassium becomes less pronounced pain and inflammation disappear. Dentists advise use when progressive periodontitis, when the necks of the teeth are broken. The paste contains little abrasive, so it does not harm enamel.
  • Mexidol Dent Fito. Excellent copes with bacteria and inflammation. It helps to get rid of the gum bleeding and is used mainly to remove the exacerbation of periodontitis. In addition, it can be used in prophylactic purposes during stomatitis and periodontitis.
  • Mexidol Dent Complex. Pasta is applied in preventive purposes for caries and periodontitis, as well as for the treatment of gums.
  • Mexidol Dent Aktiv. Stabilizes the acid-alkaline balance in the mouth, heals small wounds and helps the tissues to recover. Changes with inflammation and bleeding gums. In addition, she warns the appearance of caries.



Another market leader is a sensation paste. It happens a few species.

Every day, for a long time, you can use only Sensodyne Classic and Sensodyne PRONAMEL. As for others, they should be used by courses.

Almost all the toothpaste users of this brand are satisfied with what results it gives.



Produces this toothpaste Amway company that distributes its products through network marketing. Like all similar products, it has a very eloquent description. According to the conscription, the paste has:

  • unique biochemical composition;
  • the ability to seal small holes;
  • protection of teeth for more than 24 hours;
  • the possibility of applying as a food additive.

Regardless of all the efforts of sellers embellish their product, the composition is very modest:

  • Hydrated silica and titanium dioxide available in any whitening paste.
  • Xylitis and fluorine. Allow to normalize the acid balance of the oral cavity and carry out preventive caries measures.
  • Stabilizer, foaming agent, thickener and other chemicals that are contained in all dental pastes.

As for the reviews of consumers, they are very contradictory. Some say that a better pasta is simply no and praise her for:

  • good whitening;
  • economical flow;
  • pleasant taste;
  • fresh breathing.

Who remained not completely impressed with the quality of the product, they say that she:

  • enhances the sensitivity of the teeth;
  • harm enamel;
  • After it, there is no feeling of smoothness and purity.

In fact, the glyaster is a conventional paste. And if it is neatly used, then you can make teeth a little whiter. Dentistry is not recommended to use it, as there is nothing useful in it. Even Blendamet is an order of magnitude cheaper and gives the best result.

Toothpaste from Thailand


Of course, striving for exotic to each person, so the Thailand toothpaste confidently leads the market for cavity care. But what do dentistry say about her?

High content of abrasives. As a rule, in a simple toothpaste, the crystals are treated so that they do not harm enamel. Thais try to "not sin." Of course, for some time people like it:

  • Pasta copes well with whitening, and no one even thinks about her harm.
  • Fair naturalness. According to manufacturers that their product consists entirely of natural components. But this is in principle it is impossible, since any vegetation extract requires chemistry. Another question, in Thailand there is no strict certification, so on each package manufacturers write only a makeup that the consumer wants to see. Why do the buyer know that methylparaben or Sodium benzoate add to the paste?

Unfortunately, many people are "being conducted" to the naturalness of the product and rejoice that the teeth become whiter. But after a week two, after active use, the gums begin to bleed, the teeth become sensitive, and also appear in the corners of the lips. As for the advantages, the paste perfectly refreshes the breath.

It is worth saying that the Thais themselves from nature have a thicker enamel, so there are no such aggressive cleaning to their teeth so much.

What still toothpaste is better?

You can not use a single toothpaste rating as the main and untouchable, since everyone's teeth react to everything in different ways.

Nevertheless, there are simple rules that should be observed when buying a toothpaste:

  • Do not regret money. Quality goods are always more expensive. Sometimes it is better to pay more than to care for your teeth with a chemistry alone.
  • Advance at the dentist. The use of a paste for bleaching, sensitive teeth and so on, requires mandatory recommendations of the dentist. In such products, potent components may be contained and they are not suitable for each.
  • Buy only well-known brands. Undoubtedly, it is possible that a little-known brand also produces high-quality products, but the chances are very small. Therefore, it is better to choose verified manufacturers.

Toothpaste is a means of saving in any way. If you choose the right and high-quality tooth care agent, then in the future you will not have to spend money on expensive procedures at the dentist.

Video. Toothpaste. How to choose it right?


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