
Banana masks at home

Banana masks at home
A universal ingredient for nutrient, moisturizing and restoring masks is equally useful for skin and hair.

Nourishing, moderately juicy, and most importantly - the fragrant fruit of a banana tree is useful for a person not only as food. We eat it for food when we feel the lack of vitamins or vital energy. The banana is so satisfying that they can have a bite to eat at lunchtime without prejudice to health.

Not everyone knows that not everyone knows that very useful masks for the face and hair are prepared from the banana. What problems can a banana mask be able to fight? For what ancient and new -fangled recipes are it prepared? About everything in order.

How useful is the mask from the banana for the face

There is no problem, which would not be found in a banana mask. Cosmetics prepared on the basis of green fodder or ripe sweet banana are universal. They are used to:

  • skin cleansing;
  • moisture;
  • nutrition;
  • enrichment with vitamins;
  • the fight against harmful substances;
  • prevention of aging.


This list is not able to reflect the entire usefulness of the banana mask. It should be applied to the skin or hair - and enjoy the result.

In structure, banana mashed potatoes are quite thick. It can be used as a mask without adding anything as an independent product. If the banana cosmetic product is enriched with fat and essential oils of plants, milk production, eggs, sour cream, etc., it will acquire the properties necessary for each type of skin.

Banana mask manual

Prepare all home masks very quickly and cheaply. In order to avoid unwanted reactions, try to do everything in order:

  1. Make sure that there is no allergy to the components of the product (do test application on the wrist).
  2. Always use fresh products.
  3. Cook the mask right before using.
  4. Peel the skin of the face with soap water well. Pores should be free from creams, lotions and other cosmetics.
  5. Apply the mask washed with your hands or with a special brush;
  6. Maintain the procedure for about 15 - 30 minutes (depending on the recipe).
  7. If the mask is oily, remove its remains with a sponge, then rinse with warm water. Low -fat agent can be removed with cold water.

Useful tips, thanks to which the effective power of the mask will become higher:

  • To enhance the effect, the banana masks at home are washed off not with simple water, but by the infusion of medicinal plants, such as calendula or chamomile. Before preparing a mask, 4 bags of chamomile collection are poured 1 liter of boiling water. The potion will infuse after 1 hour. After that, you can proceed to knead cosmetic gruel and apply it to the face.
  • The banana mask cannot be rubbed like a cream. That's why it is a mask in order to lie on the surface of the skin, giving everything necessary during the entire time of exposure.
  • Instead of contact application, the mask can be first cut out of the fabric. It is moistened in a banner-coctal fluid, squeezed and applied.
  • Do not make a mask on the go. Give a drop of attention to yourself, because it is deserved. Only half an hour 1 time per week will be enough to deceive your age.

Banana masks recipes against all problems

A nutrient mask from a banana, cream and honey

A whole banana with a palm with a palm is kneaded to the state of mashed potatoes, a couple of tablespoons of cream and the same number of fresh fragrant honey that did not have time to sniff is added. Mix the components until smooth. Apply. Waiting for 15 minutes. Remove with a cotton sponge moistened in mineral or mycelium water. Such a mask helps to resist the aging of the skin.

Moisturizing Banana Mask

For the skin requiring moisture, there is an option to prepare a milk mask. The pulp of the banana (up to 100 gr.) Is grinded with milk (2 tbsp. L). If the workpiece seemed liquid, it is thickened with starch. The face is withstand for 15 minutes. When using starch in a mask, more often once a week, the product cannot be applied. After such a mask, not only the effect of moisturizing will be noticeable, but an non -surgical tightening is also noticeable.

Cleaning mask for oily skin with banana

Those who suffer from oily linen skin and are tired of dealing with acne, we offer the following option. Half a small banana is crushed with a grater. Mix the main ingredient, plus 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. l. Lemon juice and 3 drops of vitamin A. All thoroughly mixed, applied. They hold for about 20 minutes. Remove the mask with a cotton sponge, moistened with calendula infusion. And washed with cold water.

Dry skin mask with banana

In addition to the pulp of the banana (volume of crushed fluid 1 tbsp.), Mix 1 tsp. Olive oil (in extreme cases, you can take any vegetable) and 3 drops of natural lemon juice. Before obtaining the necessary viscous consistency, a factory nutrient cream from a tube is added. They can withstand for 15 minutes and removed with warm water. Such a mask saves from vitamin deficiency and lack of other useful components in winter and summer, helping to resist the scorching sun and strong frost.

Mask with banana and olive oil for sensitive skin

If the skin is prone to irritation for any reason, the most high -quality tool in the fight against its sensitivity is olive oil. A quarter of a ripe banana is crushed and rubbed in mashed potatoes. Olive oil is added to it (1/4 tsp). To enrich the product with nutrient components, egg yolk and freshly cut greens (parsley, mint, etc.) are used. Half an hour in this case is appropriate for exposure on the face.

Banana mask with egg and lemon

To make the complexion lighter and blush, to cleanse the pores and remove the chilly skin, to nourish it with useful components will help such a recipe. On 1 tbsp. l. Banana puree take 1 egg yolk and 1 tsp. lemon juice. The exposure of the miracle mask is only 15 minutes.

Banana masks from wrinkles

Wrinkles begin to bother, it would seem, at a young age. The skin gradually loses the tone under the influence of the sun, frost and lack of beneficial substances in the body. In order to make up for the balance of chemically and biologically active vitamins and minerals inside the face of the skin of the face, it is worth it to conduct lifting procedures weekly using simple recipes for home-made masks.

A medium -sized banana is cut and kneaded in mashed potatoes. Add 1 tbsp. l. yogurt (primary sour -milk) and 2 tbsp. l. honey. Beat everything with a mixer or fork. Keep the mixture on the face as a mask for 20 minutes. Food and moisture are guaranteed.

Masks with a banana around the eyes help to get rid of the first messengers of aging - goose legs and weakly increased wrinkles of the upper layer of the skin. Great rejuvenates a home mask around the eyes with a banana, oatmeal, honey and cream. 1/4 of medium -sized banana is mixed from 1/2 tbsp. l. fat cream and 1/4 of Art. l. other ingredients (flour made of oatmeal and honey). When everything was mixed, a thick mixture should turn out. If it cannot be applied to the skin, you can dilute a pile of components with a mineral water without gas.

Such a mask is allowed to apply to the most tender thing that is on the eyelids. But the rest of the face can also be pleased with the mask. You can keep it for 30 minutes. Rinse with water just above body temperature, massaging the face. This is necessary to improve blood circulation and enrich cells with oxygen. The tool does not contain aggressively acting components.

Hair masks with banana

Gorgeous hair is not the limit of dreams, but the standard decoration of any self -respecting girl. Whatever the hair of the hair potentially, it can always be strengthened, treated and forced to grow thicker. To make hair stronger and healthier, stimulate their growth and give shine, it is enough to make a banana mask with other food components.

Before talking about recipes, it is worth mentioning that the mask on the hair is a special nutritious compress. It is applied to wet clean hair. It is distributed so that the scalp feels the presence of a mask in each area, and the hair from the root to the tip was dressed in a miraculous mixture.

In addition, a plastic bag or hat is put on the head with a mask, and on top they are tightly wrapped in a towel, a piece of fabric or a scarf. This is necessary for convenience and to maintain the necessary temperature.

The mask is applied from 30 minutes to 8 hours. The most popular are 1 hour sessions. Rinse the mask with a shampoo with water, as with standard washing of the head.


Mask from bananas, sour cream, etc.

Such cosmetics perfectly nourishes dry hair. It restores the structure of the hair and contributes to their obedience. 1 banana, 1 yolk, 0.5 tbsp. Sour cream, 1 tsp. Freshly lifted honey is interrupted by a blender.

The exposure time is 1 hour.

Banana, honey and wheat mask

Wheat grains should be pre -germinated. You need to take them in the amount of 1 tbsp. L .. take honey the same amount. Cross everything with a blender and apply the mixture to the hair.

The exposure time is 30 minutes. This is a high -quality restorative for seriously damaged hair from a chemical curling.

Mask with banana, milk and lemon

For 1 banana will require 2 tsp. lemon juice. Mix everything well. When the mask is ready, moisten your hair in milk and apply a tropical mixture.

The exposure time is 30 minutes. This is the best option for oily hair.

Sea salt

To strengthen the hair follicles in order to improve hair growth and against their loss, use such a recipe. Take 1 banana, and 1 tbsp. l. sea \u200b\u200bsalt. Mash the mixture. Apply to the roots of the hair, rubbing with massaging movements.

The exposure time is 30 minutes.

Banana masks are not a novelty. They have long been used in the cosmetic industry and prepared at home. The value of the product is in the convenience of texture and versatility of use. Banana interrupted in the mashed potatoes is already a good vitamin mask. The use of it with other ingredients helps to gain a mask of new properties. They allow you to use a cosmetic drug for different types of skin, to combat small wrinkles of the area around the eyes and with serious problems in the structure of the hair.



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