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How to become the most beautiful

How to become the most beautiful
How to become well -groomed and beautiful

If a woman is constantly taking care of herself, then she is always attractive. It is impossible to maintain your natural beauty without careful care. No wonder they say: they are not born beautiful, but become. Moreover, literally everything requires care: a figure, hair, face, body and hands. Next, we will talk about how to become well -groomed and beautiful.

How to become beautiful: cosmetic procedures


The face is the first thing that they pay attention to at the meeting. Therefore, if you wonder how to become beautiful, then take care of the attractiveness of this particular part of the body. Many factors can spoil the first impression of appearance, among them acne, small wrinkles, scars, pigment spots, etc. are therefore not surprising that there are so many ways to get rid of many cosmetic disabilities today. Let's take a closer look at some of them. But first you should deal with the causes of such defects. In general, for each person they are individual. But you can distinguish several common:

  1. Factors that adversely affect the condition of our skin include malnutrition and bad habits.
  2. Incorrect skin care.
  3. External natural factors include ecology in the region and temperature.
  4. Neurosis, stress, increased excitability and physical activity also have a negative effect.
  5. Elasticity, age, and skin structure plays a large role.
  6. Extraordinary factors provoking the appearance of wrinkles and age spots include age -related changes. Naturally, with the help of such procedures as Botox or hyaluronic acid, it is possible to smooth out the severity of these cosmetic defects, but the aging process itself does not decrease.

In general, it is best to approach the solution of this problem comprehensively, and not dwell on only one specific method. Modern cosmetology comes to the aid in the question of how to become beautiful, which today offers a spectrum of various cosmetic procedures. They, perhaps, are the most effective methods to get rid of many pronounced appearance defects. However, you should not experiment headlong and try all the existing procedures on yourself. Use only those who are really effective and safe. It is with them that we now get to know each other closer.

  • How to become beautiful in a day? The answer to this question may be injections of botulinum toxin into problem areas. In Russia, the material is called Botox or Dysport. These substances allow you to block the nerve endings that go from the brain to the muscles responsible for the manifestation of emotions.


  • Another effective procedure that allows you to get rid of many cosmetic defects is mesotherapy, which has recently gained popularity. When using this method, the effect is achieved due to the introduction of special drugs under the skin, which in their composition have beneficial biologically active substances, as well as vitamins. After they are conducted in the skin cells, the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid is launched and accelerated. Especially the effectiveness of the procedure is felt in the area of \u200b\u200bthe forehead, around the nose and eyes. Many small wrinkles disappear, the complexion becomes more “healthy” and natural.

beauty Treatment, Botox Injection

  • It is impossible not to mention plasmolifting. This cosmetic procedure is based on the introduction of blood plasma of the blood plasma taken from the patient himself. Only before injection of plasma is enriched with useful platelets. Numerous studies have shown that it is they who contribute to the active production of hyaluronic acid and collagen in the skin cells. Thanks to this effect, wrinkles are smoothed, the face of the face is pulled up, and other cosmetic disabilities of the appearance are removed. In addition, there is a filling of cells and space between them of moisture. Thanks to which the skin becomes smooth and at the same time rejuvenates. The effect obtained with this procedure can last up to 2 years.


  • If you need to smooth out annoying vertical and horizontal wrinkles, but at the same time you do not want to use hyaluronic acid and Botox, you can use the hydraulic massage methodology. Specialists are of the opinion that it must be done daily for several minutes. Then it will help make the skin more elastic, elastic and young, and the effect will be visible after 25-30 sessions. Less noticeable will be longitudinal and vertical wrinkles on the forehead.

Advice! In order to prevent the appearance of various facial wrinkles, it is recommended to monitor your facial expressions. Before you go out, you should wear glasses and apply UV tools. They will help protect your skin from the harmful effects of sunlight.

How to become beautiful: facing the face of a house


Some procedures that can be carried out on their own at home can help the girl. Use these recommendations:

  1. Daily cleanse the skin of the face. To do this, in the mornings and evenings, it is allowed to simply wipe it with a cube of ice or a simple cotton swab that is wetted in cold water. You can also use non -alcoholic cleansing tonics.
  2. Once every two weeks it is advisable to cleanse the skin with exfoliating scrubs.
  3. Warm compresses with oil will be still useful. This tool is suitable for both prevention and the treatment of small wrinkles.
  4. It is useful to periodically take a contrast shower or, at least, to massage the skin of the face with a stream of cold water from the shower.
  5. If you want to deal with age -related changes in the skin of the face, today there are many cosmetics on sale, which contains substances aimed at restoring elastic and collagen fibers located in the dermis. They prevent the general aging of the skin and at the same time relax the muscles that are most susceptible to facial expressions. In particular, such funds will help get rid of wrinkles.
  6. The simplest method of combating small wrinkles and sluggishness of the skin is gymnastics. This tool, obviously, does not require any additional investments. To perform exercises, you will need a mirror, a calm atmosphere and a little free time. It is with gymnastics for the face that should begin. There are several methods of its implementation. You can read more about them in this article - “ Facial gymnastics».
  7. It is recommended to additionally nourish the skin with masks. By the way, today there is simply a huge selection of various means for this. You have the right to choose both ready -made factory options for mixtures, and prepare them at home.


You can use folk methods:

  1. A mask for dry skin based on aloe and sea buckthorn oil. To prepare it, you need to take 1 tsp. Aloe juice, 1 tbsp. l. Sea buckthorn oils and a few drops of vitamin E. This composition is applied to the skin for about 7-8 minutes.
  2. It is useful to periodically treat oily skin with a special tonic with the addition of patchouli oil. This tool will also help with advanced pores. In addition, with it you can smooth out small wrinkles, remove the redness and peeling of the skin.
  3. Nourishing mask. To do this, take 1 tbsp. l. honey, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil and 4 drops of patchouli oil. We mix all these ingredients and apply it to the skin of the face, and then hold about a quarter of an hour and wash off.

How to become beautiful: caring for neck and neckline


If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to become beautiful, then keep in mind that the neck and the neckline also requires special care, which many women often often forget. These zones need careful care for one simple reason: the skin of the neck contains a small amount of sebaceous glands, which is why it suffers from a lack of moisturizing. Because of this, it is aging a little earlier than the skin of the face. It is believed that if you do not provide sufficient care, then it will lose a blooming look by the age of 30 years.

To begin with, consider some factors that harm the skin of the neck and neckline:

  1. This is, first of all, the effect of cold air. In the spring, winter and autumn, you just need to wear a scarf on the neck. And this is necessary not only in order not to catch a cold, but also to prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles. This is due to the fact that the effects of cold air and wind dry the skin. And due to the fact that there are few sebaceous glands in the neck, it is simply not able to restore the desired fluid balance in such conditions. It is for this reason that wrinkles are formed, the skin sags and loses its elasticity, elasticity.
  2. A high pillow is also harmful to this area. Therefore, in order to avoid the appearance of wrinkles, you should sleep on a low roller. In addition, refrain from reading in a lying position.
  3. An important factor that affects the health of the skin is improper posture. So, if you stoop, then this will at some point affect your appearance. In order not to get old ahead of time, it is recommended to take care of yourself. Therefore, try to keep your head always straight. In this position, the skin of the neck straightens and does not stretch. Due to which wrinkles and folds are not formed.
  4. Also, the use of wrinkles in this area may be the use of a hard towel in this area.

If you want to become more beautiful, then caring for the neck and the neckline should be an integral part of life. This is convenient to do at the same time, for example, when you take a shower and brush your teeth. Such care should not cause you much difficult. It is worth just making it your habit. In this case, during the procedure you will even have fun. Caring for this area allows you to feel more attention and love for yourself and your body, and thanks to this, you will feel pleasant emotions, feel beautiful and attractive. In addition, having begun to look after the skin of the neck once, you can get the first noticeable result in 1-2 months.

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to become the most beautiful, then devote to care procedures every day for at least 20 minutes. During this, it is recommended to do several simple exercises. One of them is performed as follows: straighten your shoulders, keep your back straight. Lower it in turn, and then raise your head. The eyes look up. Smile and imagine that you are admiring the tops of trees, clouds, and if this happens at night, then, for example, the moon and stars. Do it as often as possible.

In addition, during the receipt of the shower, massage of this area should be carried out using a cool water jet. Then it is necessary to apply a moisturizer to the neck. Just do not forget that it will be possible to go outside after such a procedure only after half an hour. It is advisable to apply the cream with light movements from the bottom up. Only before this you need to thoroughly rub it with your palms and then apply to the neckline and skin of the neck. It is important that the right hand applies the cream to the left side of the neck, and the left on the right side. Then it is recommended to do a small massage. To do this, just pat the skin on the neck from the sides with the back of your palm. It is advisable to perform such pathetic movements on the chin. After the shower, it is desirable that the skin on the neck and region of the neckline dry itself. If you are in a hurry and there is a need to dry faster, then it is recommended to get the skin with a soft towel. This area cannot be rubbed.

How to become beautiful: hands care

Professional manicure

How to become beautiful in 30 days? Pay attention to the care not only behind the face and neck, but also by hands, as well as for the whole body. Moisten the skin of the hands daily with a nourishing cream. Do not forget about the beauty of nails. For example, for their healing, jojoba oil is used. To do this, it is applied to the nail plate and rubbed with massaging movements. After that, if there is a desire, then you can cover the surface with a remedy based on vitamin E. Although, in the Jozhoba oil itself, this healthy vitamin is already contained. To polish the nails, use essential oil ylang-ylang. Only it is usually rubbed after the Jozhoba oil. With the help of lemon oil, you can accelerate the restoration of the nails that are laying.

How to become beautiful: beautiful posture

meditation on the Beach

If you want to know how to become beautiful, then keep in mind that you should hold your back evenly, your shoulders are slightly raised. In general, improper posture is not only a problem in appearance. In fact, this can cause many diseases. Experts believe that it is never too late to do their posture. Nevertheless, of course, the more before, the better and the greater the chance that you will look beautiful, and at the same time you will not suffer from osteoporosis. To start the struggle for the correct posture, you need to know which body position is considered correct and what to do in order to make it better.

First of all, in order to begin to master the correct posture, you need to evaluate how you look. To do this, you can simply stand in front of the mirror and examine yourself. First, pay attention to your shoulders, are they even. Then turn around and look at yourself from the side. If the shoulders are extended a little forward, and the head is tilted down, then just imagine a spring that descends from the ceiling, and pulls you by the head of the head in such a way that your back becomes straight. In this case, the body weight must be distributed on each leg, the chest should be slightly elevated. The shoulders should be expanded, and the abdominal muscles are strained to maintain the lower back. In order for the shoulders to completely relax, lift the chest slightly and put it forward. This body position is considered correct. Most importantly, we must remember that posture is considered beautiful and attractive when you stand straight, but calmly, the abdominal muscles should be slightly tense, while pulling the stomach a little up and inside.

In order to check whether you look beautiful from the side, you can lean your back against the wall, while taking the heels by about 7 cm to the sides. If the posture is correct, then you can put your hands back between the wall and your back in the waist area. In this case, the shoulders and head should touch the walls. You can also strain the abdominal muscles, and raise your hands over your head, while not allowing your back to move away from the wall.

There are several good reasons why every person needs to have the right and healthy posture. So, for example, it is noted that the more beautiful the back, the higher the person’s self -esteem and, therefore, he becomes more confident in himself. In order to make sure of this again, just look at people around and notice that those who have beautiful posture look more elegant and, therefore, more attractive. It has long been noticed that with proper posture, breathing becomes lighter and deeper. If a person sits, hunched over, then this literally fetters the whole body and, in particular, breathing is difficult. If a person often sits, huddled, then his body simply adapts to this position, and when trying to straighten his back, he has disturbed the rhythm of inspiration. Therefore, it is better not to bring and take your back as early as possible. If you are used to stooping, then with your back you can sit for only a few minutes, and then you will return to your usual position.

Beautiful and proper posture is also useful in that the capacity of the lungs increases, which, in turn, helps the treatment of oxygen of the body. Thanks to this, internal organs work better, and health is strengthened. With good posture, clothes are better sitting on a person, it seems higher and slimmer. In addition, a diaphragm opens, which positively affects the timbre of the voice.


Also, healthy posture helps to keep the joints and skeletons in the correct position, which, in turn, allows the muscles to work correctly. Thanks to which we can avoid the development of pain in the joints and arthritis. In the correct position of the body, the voltage on the ligaments that fasten the joints of the back decreases, and this reduces the likelihood of injuries. Thanks to proper posture, the muscles will work more effectively, which will allow the body to spend a minimum of energy, and, therefore, get less tired. In addition, the likelihood of muscle and back pain is reduced.

Therefore, if you are looking for an answer to the question of how to become beautiful, use the following recommendations. Beautiful posture can be obtained using simple exercises that are desirable to perform daily. To do this, you need to stand with your back to the wall, place your legs a little and freely lower your hands. The back of the head, caviar, shoulders and heels should touch the surface. Next, try to take this position of the body that the distance between the wall and your lower back is no more than the thickness of the finger. In this case, stretch your neck slightly, pull your stomach and raise your shoulders. Perform this exercise as often as possible during the day. At the same time, you must get used to keeping the body in this position without fatigue for 1-2 minutes. If you succeed, it means that you have learned to hold the back correctly and purchased beautiful posture.

How to become beautiful: beautiful gait


How to become beautiful? Take into account even the most important little things. One of them is the formation of an attractive gait. During walking, orient your step along the midline of the chest. In this case, the gait should be light, springy and sweeping. During this, positive energy is automatically produced. It is advisable to take a step so that the legs seem to begin already in the middle of your torso. At the same time, the muscles of the abdomen, back and hips should participate in walking. Hands during this usually move from the shoulder itself, and the head rises proudly and high.

To form a beautiful gait, you can perform one simple exercise - put a large and thick book on your head and try to walk around the room with it, trying to keep your back straight and not drop it. In general, such walking is a unique exercise that can rejuvenate the whole body and make a person more slender and beautiful.

How to become beautiful: additional tips


We will tell you a few more recommendations that can answer the question of how to become beautiful:

  1. Forget about your shortcomings and do not concentrate on them. Think only about the virtues.
  2. Let into yourself a lot of positive. A positive attitude will help you feel more confident and better.
  3. If you have problems with excess weight, use the recommendations proposed in this article - “ Losing weight at home».
  4. Find a hobby for yourself, a hobby. Then you will become more interesting for others.
  5. Know how to listen and respect someone else's opinion.
  6. Do not copy others. Do not start idols for yourself. Find your style and be individual.
  7. Learn to choose the right clothes. She should emphasize your advantages and hide the shortcomings.
  8. Smile more often. Of course, a smile decorates a person.

How to become beautiful: video



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