
Permanent makeup. How to make tattoo

Permanent makeup. How to make tattoo
Makeup able to emphasize the beauty of the face.

Permanent makeup is a special kind of shallow tattoo, allowing you to adjust some faces of the face and emphasize the merits. With this technique, any woman can enjoy unique arrows per day, perfect eyebrows, contours, lips color and many other features of this cosmetology procedure. You will have a unique opportunity to create the most unique image that you always dreamed about.

Features of the technique of permanent makeup


The skin during the application of such makeup receives minimal damage, because very thin needles are used to apply painting pigment, which, together with the paint, are introduced only to the upper layer of the epidermis, without affecting the main layer with dense-sized blood vessels and nerve endings. Therefore, the risk of infection and an allergic reaction is minimal.

For those who are afraid that this procedure may be painful, in a hurry to calm, because during the application of permanent makeup you will not feel anything, thanks to the use of special anesthetics. As anesthetizing agents, specialists will apply modern anesthetic gels and ointments, as well as anesthetics drugs, which are often used in dentistry. If permanent makeup is carried out in the zone of the rolling age, surface anesthetics are used. If this is a special cream "Emla", then it is applied to the area where in the future the permanent makeup will be carried out, a special film is imposed on the cream base. After 20 minutes, the cream begins to act. Now you can work with the "frozen" zone. When conducting permanent makeup in the field of lips, arthequin-based painkillers are used. Anesthetic action allows the client to be in a state of complete calm, the only thing that he can get uncomfortable sensations is from the injection of the anesthetic.

There are no restrictions on the color palette in this makeup. You can choose the color suitable for you or ask an experienced master to pick up and combine the desired shade for you. Manufacturers offer such paints on a vegetable or mineral base. According to the resistance of paint on a vegetable basis, a little worse than mineral base, but they are more hypoallergenic.

Depending on your preferences and lifestyle, you can make a natural or decorative permanent makeup. The first option will allow you to get closer to the natural shades of the face. Such makeup is an excellent "foundation" for the subsequent application of the paint palette from your daily cosmetics, as well as an excellent alternative option to look charming even in the sauna, a gym or on the beach, where the imposition of real cosmetics is not at all appropriate, but you always want to look beautifully.

By time, the procedure for applying permanent makeup takes from 40 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the complexity and requirements of the client. After staining, the new pigment hue looks a bit lighter expected, but soon the color will become darker after the final healing of the dermis.

The area where permanent makeup was applied may be a little sweeping and redden, but after a few days these small "side effects" will pass, the maximum remains a slight peeling.

The price of permanent makeup of eyebrows vary on average from 2500 to 3,500 rubles, upper and lower eyelids from 3300 to 4000 rubles, lips from 3,000 to 3200 rubles.

Permanent makeup eyebrows


Not many women can boast of symmetrical eyebrows, without a single flaw. Empty plot, scar, insufficient density or eyebrows - all this looks not aesthetic and not attractive. Each weak floor representative knows that beauty is symmetry. It is thanks to a permanent makeup that can very quickly achieve the desired shape, symmetry and eyebrows, which would be perfectly harmonized with your way and the type of face.

Permanent eyebrow makeup divided into two main types:

  1. In the first version, the wizard gently rips the needle line along the entire length of the eyebrows, creating a lightweight eyeliner with a pencil or shadows.
  2. The second option is more natural, because here the master is only finalizing the existing form of eyebrows, drawing individual sections with the missing hairs, giving them a delicate and naturalness.

Specialists pick up eyebrows close to natural:

  1. Welders of blond hair - gray brown.
  2. Blondes and red - red-brown shades.
  3. Burning brunettes and brown shocks - shades of dark chocolate.

Black color is not recommended to be used for permanent makeup of eyebrows, it gives the eyebrow eyebrow, which looks quite natural and rude. If the client is desired, of course, the black color can be used for permanent eyebrow makeup, however, to eliminate the problem of blue low-end, specialists are mixed three colors at once: brown, gray and olive.

Your eyebrows will not affect such a makeup, because the impact is only on the upper layers of the skin without affecting the hair onions.

Permanent eye makeup


The technique of applying permanent makeup of the eyelids, so it is also called professionals, divided into two types:

  1. Natural. Makeup affects only eyelashes growth zone without going beyond the outer angle of the eye.
  2. Decorative. This makeup goes beyond the growth line of eyelashes and an outer corner of the eye, affecting the region of the upper eyelid.

Permanent eye makeup allows you to:

  1. Create a lightweight eyelid circuit, apply clear arrows.
  2. Make a point drawing space between eyelashes and create an effect of lush eyelashes.
  3. Get a visual eye increase.
  4. Get rid of the need to apply extra cosmetics.

Simultaneously with the drawing space between the eyelashes, it is also recommended to draw and a small arrow so that the image becomes completed. Thanks to this, you are prompting the lower corner of the eye, visually increasing its shape. Experts do not recommend making such permanent meikap in the lower eyelid, if you suffer from the problem of dark circles under the eyes, as it is more visually increasing your shortcomings. Try to pick up the color for the upper and lower eyelid eyeliner with the color of your eyebrows.

Such a makeup will become a real find for women who wear glasses. After all, you will agree, it is enough to draw a flat and clear arrow to draw enough, make a high-quality eyeliner of the lower and upper eyelid with poor eyesight. But it is better to warn the wizard in advance that you wear glasses for vision, since through visual glasses your eyes increase or vice versa, decrease.

Permanent makeup lip.


If you dreamed of a plump lips and the perfect contour all my life, but contrary to nature could not reach, permanent lip makeup exactly what you need. With the help of such makeup, you can make lips more symmetrical, give them the desired color without using expensive lipsticks.

Does your lipstick rest on the lips and constantly spreads? Now it's not a problem at all. You can make an expressive contour, which will allow lipstick longer to stay on the lips, without spreading and without leaving the drawn permanent contour.

In addition to such a contour, it is better to add a decisive to make a soft transition from a dark circuit to a more natural color. With this option, you can almost forget about the use of real lipstick, if necessary, apply only a gentle shine. Color of decisive Professional masters advise to choose closer to your natural lips. This is done so that at any time you can give your lips color with the help of lipstick of any shade selected for mood and image.

When selecting the right tone and shade of the lips, it should be borne in mind that after healing, the originally selected color may become lighter half.

As a result, permanent lip makeup allows:

  1. Correct the shape and size of the lips.
  2. Give lips the desired shade without using lipstick.

Recommendations for care after parchment makeup


In order for permanent makeup longer to please you with its original view, it should be regularly corrected, but not earlier than 1 month after the first visit to the cabin. The specialist will definitely share with you the rules of skin care after the superficial tattoo.

General and private recommendations after applying permanent makeup:

  1. The first week should be refracted from visiting the sauna, swimming pool, solarium and swimming in the sea.
  2. For speedy healing, apply healing ointment to permanent areas with a cotton wand to avoid infection. It is not recommended to use for healing agents containing antibiotics.
  3. Moisturizing lips in the first days after the procedure, you will save the initial color of the chosen parchment as long as possible and avoid crust formation.
  4. During the week, after a permanent makeup of the lips, refrain from the campaign to the dentist and kisses. Avoid in the first days with sour, salted, as well as acute food, because when it is not losing her lips, it can cause pain and uncomfortable sensations.

Removal of permanent makeup


Often the cause of the removal of permanent makeup can be the incorrect paint technique, as a result of which the paint penetrates not to the upper layers of the dermis, but much deeper.

In such cases, paint can be kept on the surface of the skin of the face no longer guaranteed 3 years, but all his life. Not many such a situation gives pleasure, especially when, with time, the paint begins to flow, especially on the centuries.

Laser technology contributes to the removal of paint in such problem cases. The cold spectrum laser is best suited, allowing you to penetrate into 0.5 cm deep into the skin, while not disturbing its integrity.

The technology of laser removal of permanent makeup is simple. The specialist brings a laser beam at a distance of 30 cm, reducing it gradually up to 15 cm. At this point, the destruction of the coloring pigment begins. To remove completely paint from the first time it turns out quite rarely, and most importantly, painfully. Therefore, a client is recommended to pass several such laser procedures.

The easiest way is to remove the paint in the field of the eyelids and eyebrows, problematic with the painting pigment from the lips, because here the colors are used by the colors of more bright tones, penetrating to the deeper deeper.

Permanent makeup before and after: photo


Permanent makeup. Video


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