
Beauty 2009 0

Facial gymnastics

Facial gymnastics
Rejuvenating gymnastics for the face by various methods

Facial skin care has long been a necessity. Moreover, this is relevant for women of almost all ages. Unfortunately, not all problems can be solved today with a cream. Therefore, there are many procedures to care for the face. One of the effective methods designed to prevent the skin of the skin is gymnastics for the face that is fed on the effect on the muscles. Consider several complexes of effective gymnastics for the face and neck.

Why do you need gymnastics for the muscles of the face?


The muscles of the face are actively working almost constantly. They are involved in those moments when the face expresses joy, frowns, during the conversation and in other cases. During work, they naturally reduce them, i.e. They either strain or relax. Even during sleep, some muscles of the face are reduced when others are in a relaxed state. True, this usually happens unevenly. That is why premature wrinkles are formed.

The constant load on the same muscle groups over time leads to overstrain of the connective tissues. As a result of this, the contour of the face is lost, and wrinkles appear. In order not to happen, it is necessary to engage in special gymnastics for tightening the face. It is based on the alternation of tension and relaxation of certain muscle groups. The first noticeable results after the daily implementation of such exercises appear in a month. The skin becomes more elastic, and the contours of the face are clearly.

Do not be afraid that you will not have time to perform such gymnastics daily. After all, it does not require more than a quarter of an hour to conduct. By the way, if you perform exercises more than once a day, then the results will be noticeable earlier.

General rules for conducting gymnastics for the face


When performing facial gymnastics for the face, it is necessary to observe some rules that will help to achieve a good result and at the same time not damage the skin:

  1. Please note that before gymnastics you do not need to apply a face cream on the skin. This should be done after performing exercises and rinsing with water at room temperature.
  2. When performing exercises, the face and hands must be clean.
  3. Gymnastics for the face, the reviews of which are mostly positive, it is advisable to perform sitting, straightening the back and neck.
  4. In addition, it is recommended to decide on the time when you will start gymnastics every day.
  5. The mood is also important that these exercises will bring joy and successful result.
  6. Each exercise is recommended to perform a maximum of 9-10 times. For the first time you can start with 2-3 repetitions. Then you should gradually increase this amount every day until you reach 10 times.
  7. It is important that all exercises are performed without holding breath. You need to strain as much as possible and at the same time hold the voltage of about 10 seconds.

Facial gymnastics: warnings and contraindications


Contacributing gymnastics for the face has its contraindications. It cannot be carried out with:

  • hypertension,
  • pathologies of the facial nerve,
  • inflammatory skin diseases,
  • after injection of the boot or plastic surgery.


  1. Gymnastic exercises are recommended to be performed under the control of the instructor in order to minimize the risk of pinching of nerves or paralysis.
  2. There is also the possibility that during the exercise you pump muscles.

How to choose a gymnastic complex


To date, there are many different complexes of face gymnastics from wrinkles. You can choose the one that will be more preferable to you. So, for example, many active people stop attention at the gymnastic complex for the skin and muscles of the face from Carol Madjio, which contributes to muscle building and their tonic. These exercises are most suitable for people who have a problem with the shape of the oval of the face.

If you have delicate skin, then special sparing programs that do not stretch the muscles are more suitable. Such a complex, in particular, is Feysforming from Benita Kantentent. This technique is based on soft exposure, using acupressure and yoga elements. The author of this complex gives important importance to proper posture and heading of the head. Thanks to this, exercises allow you to work more thoughtfully with muscles. This author has another method of gymnastics for the skin of the face, which is called "New Faceforming". This is a simpler program for assimilation and at the same time very fast.


Some men also perform facial gymnastics. Especially for them, the authorship program was developed by Jack Lallan. This person is the first bodybuilder in the world. He trained the muscles of the body and face through gymnastics. By the way, many exercises from his technique are suitable for both men and women.

If you wish, you can undergo special training with professionals. In some magazines, you can periodically see the published sets of exercises, including for the skin of the face. Do not focus only on the written information. After all, thoughtless performance of exercises most often leads to the opposite effect. In particular, you can simply pump some muscles and thereby give your face an unnatural look that will add even more wrinkles. If you want to perform exercises yourself. You must definitely read warnings about the negative effects of a particular range of gymnastics.

Facial gymnastics K. Madjio


Carol Madjio is a well -known American cosmetologist who has developed effective complexes and methods for facing facial rejuvenation for a long time.

Before starting classes, as well as 10 days after the daily gymnastics, the cosmetologist recommends taking a photo of the face in profile and anfas. This is necessary to compare the results.

This set of exercises should be given 10-11 minutes twice a day.

Below are several exercises of the face gymnastics Carol Madjio, which can be performed at home and achieve good results.


  • We lie down on the floor, straighten the neck and put our hands on it. We squeeze the neck slightly and groan the head. In this position we are trying to stay for a few seconds. Then we relax and lower the head.
  • Using the index and middle fingers of both hands, we press on the beginning of the eyebrows on the nose. At this moment, you begin to shift your eyebrows. Imagine for yourself that you frown and be angry. The fingers should have pressure. This exercise must be repeated 9-10 times.

Facial gymnastics: photo


  • Press the fingers slightly on the corners of the eyes. Try to look up in this position. Lying for a few seconds. Lower your head and relax.
  • We carefully put the index fingers on the outer corners of the eyes. Next, we press the upper century on the lower century. This should be done so that the eyelid does not wrinkle. You must feel the movement of the muscles under your fingers. After pressure, relax. Repeat the exercise 9-10 times.


  • We open your mouth, trying to smile. Press the fingers on the corners of the lips. At the same time, we are trying to open and close the jaw. We perform the exercise at a slow pace. Repeat 9-10 times.

Face gymnastics


Galina Dubinina is the famous instructor of a fitness center, author of the facelift methodology.

Let's start with the skin in the forehead is a temporal-dark area, near the ears, the forehead itself, as well as the muscles located between the eyebrows. Below are exercises that will help to smooth wrinkles and make them less noticeable. So, we take the starting position. To do this, just sit on the edge of a hard stool and straighten your back.

  1. The first exercise. We put the palm on the forehead so that it is located just above the eyebrows. Alternately, then raise, then lower the eyebrows. In this case, the hand on the forehead should resist and put pressure on it. The exercise is repeated as 9-10 ten times.
  2. The second exercise. It consists in the movement of the ears, i.e. During the exercise, you need to mentally direct them to the crown, while, straining, then relaxing. In order to make it easier to perform this exercise, you can imagine how glasses slide from your nose, and you are trying to hold them with your hands.

In addition to the forehead, the muscles around the eyes need gymnastics. The same exercises will hurt the muscles of the eyelids. It is worth saying that the beauty of the eye contour depends on the state of the circular muscles. So, the starting position is the same.

  1. The first exercise. With the help of him, we will create a beautiful contour of the eyes and teach them to be always widely open. To do this, we try to open our eyes as wide as possible and linger in this position for three seconds, after which we relax. The exercise must be repeated 9-12 times.
  2. The second exercise. It will help strengthen the muscles of the upper eyelid. To do this, put the index fingers on the bone at the outer corner of the eye, but you do not need to stretch the skin. With effort we tear off and close our eyes, while trying to overcome some resistance of the fingers. The exercise is repeated 8-11 times.

Japanese gymnastics for the face according to Ashai methodology


First you need to prepare correctly. Exercises must be performed on clean skin. Therefore, in front of them it is necessary to remove all the makeup from the face, clean the surface of the skin from excess fat. For this, a sparing scrub is usually used. Then they generously moisten the face with a tonic without adding alcohol. While the skin is wet, oily cream is applied on top. For this purpose, good massage oil is also suitable. In extreme cases, you can even use vegetable. The position of the body with gymnastics for the face does not matter much. Most importantly, keep the perfect posture during the procedure.

The effects of Asahi's gymnastics are based on the study of the lymph nodes. Therefore, if they are inflamed, then it is better to refuse such gymnastics. By the way, it is correct to call this Zogan technique. Its author is a famous Japanese cosmetologist named Yukuko Tanaka. It is enough to hold a ten -minute session on a day to get the desired effect. This technique itself is quite sparing. Here are a few exercises.


  • So, we place the index finger near the ears, pressing to the lymph nodes. Perform the exercise carefully, calmly. We hold the palms straight, and the thumbs should be directed to the back. This will be the starting position. From it we put down the hands softly so that the lymph goes to the neck, from there it should go to the jugular lymph nodes. When the pillows of the ring fingers of both hands will be on the protrusions of the clavicles, we finish the movement of the hands.
  • We press the skin in the middle of the forehead with several fingers. The thumbs must be directed up and fixed in this position for about 2-4 seconds. After that, pour the lymph to the temples, while lowering the elbows down. Be sure to keep your palms straight, and the thumbs should look back behind the back. From the lymph nodes located near the ears, we move to the cervical. When your hands will be perpendicular to the floor, we take them away from the face and tightly press the skin on the temples with several fingers. We hold it for about 2-3 seconds.

gimnastika-Dlya -lica

  • In order to get rid of hated dark bags and circles under the eyes, you can use the following exercise. From the outer corners of the eyes along the lower eyelid, we carefully draw the middle fingers in the direction of the inner corners of the eyes. After that, close your eyes and gently gently draw your fingers in the direction of the temples, while capturing the eyebrow area. Then go through the temples, dropping to the outer corners of the eye. This is recommended to be repeated at a calm pace 2-4 times.
  • There is also an exercise in this technique to correct the oval of the face. To do this, rest your chin on your palm, your fingers need to be placed towards your ear. We capture the muscles of the chin and the bone of the jaw, raise the palm to the goat of the ear with pressure. Perform 2 times. We relax.
  • For prevention and getting rid of wrinkles in the mouth. Gently place a few fingers in the center of the chin, after which slightly press on this active point for a few seconds. Then advance on the chin to the corners of the lips with pressing movements. Next, move to the hole above the upper lip, reaching this point, fix your fingers and press a little. Make 3-4 repetitions.

Facial gymnastics

This is a rejuvenation system from Zviad Arabuli. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with this gymnastic complex in the video.

Emma Hardy: Facial Gymnastics


Emma Hardy has developed her own gymnastic complex for the person, which is enough to devote only 5-6 minutes a day.

  1. Put your hands on the collarbone. At the same time, raise the chin up until you feel muscle tension. Now slowly rotate with your jaws. Make 12 turns in each direction. Relax.
  2. There is also an exercise for the prevention of wrinkles on the forehead. To do this, we place the middle and ring finger of both hands in the center of the forehead. After that, with a slight pressure, lower our hands from the forehead along the temples down in the direction of the ears, and from them we lead to the dimples on the collarbone. So you need to make 3-4 repetitions.
  3. In order to get rid of the nasolabial folds, first place several fingers on both sides of the nose. Then make sliding movements along the nose and down several times. Then we lead from the side parts of the nose along the lower eyelid with a slight pressure. In this case, you need to advance fingers to the temples. Repeat this exercise several times.


Benita Kantini Facial Gymnastics: Video

Benit Kantini is a former Italian journalist. She has developed her own effective method for rejuvenating a person, called Faceforming. Check out a full complex of face gymnastics in the video.



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