
What is pharmacopuncture. Treatment of spine and joints pharmacopuncture

What is pharmacopuncture. Treatment of spine and joints pharmacopuncture
Pharmacopuncture is a concept as a procedure is conducted. What preparations are used in pharmacopuncture. Pros and cons, readings.

One of the effective types of treatment "Pharmacopuncture" in medicine appeared relatively recently and has already managed to gain popularity. This technique of acupuncture or administration under the skin of the minimum amount of medication is used for the treatment of joints and spine. Effectively used for the treatment of other diseases.

This type of treatment of certain diseases was opened not so long ago and is a single whole, such techniques, such as usual acupuncture, homeopathy, bump under the skin of mini-doses of medication.

Metairic pharmacopuropecture - feature of the procedure

Before you delve into all the subtleties of the manipulation, each reader will surely be interested in learn more about the new methodology.

Translated from the Greek language, pharmacopuncture means a medicine, and in the translation from the Latin language - to enhance. That is, it turns out that the term combines the concepts of two languages, with the help of a thin needle under the skin, a drug is injected. But, this is not such injecting therapy, which is practiced for several centuries, there is a significant difference. Preparations are introduced into the bioactive points of the human body, point. From the part it may seem that this is traditional acupuncture, but only with the introduction of the desired amount of the drug.

From a long time, people discovered the benefit of acupuncture. It has been proven that if you enter a needle into certain points on the human body, it will activate the work of these organs and systems. This method really works and helps a person get rid of diseases, feel the long-awaited relief.

As for pharmacopurture, this is an improved method of treatment, when special drugs are used to achieve the goal.

If we consider the amount of injected medication, the consumption will be minimal, especially if compared with the administration of drugs by an intravenous method. This is not only a savings, but also an effective treatment method, as well as minimizing the risk of developing side effects.

Despite the majority of the pros, as well as the fact that the method is not expensive, it works well, allowing you to minimize the development of complications and reduce the deadlines of the disease, most people are still afraid to trust specialists and use this method to treat.

Pros and cons of pharmacopuncture

The advantages of this technique:

  • high efficiency: after the first procedure, relief comes, pain goes;
  • minimized the risk of complications after the use of drugs, as they do not enter the stomach and intestines;
  • due to the introduction of minimum doses of drugs, complications and side effects are minimized;
  • such a technique helps if the patient is contraindicated with the reception of drugs due to impairment of suction in the intestine and the stomach;
  • dosage, selection of drugs - prescribes the attending physician individually in each case;
  • if you compare with acupuncture, the course of treatment lasts less;
  • long effect;
  • targeted action on pain foci, bypassing all systems and organs;
  • no side effects;
  • due to the fact that the drugs do not fall into the stomach, the risk of an allergic reaction is reduced to a minimum;
  • compatible with other methods of treatment;
  • no need to specially prepare for the procedure.

Contraindications are very small, this is: neoplasms, kidney disease in the chronic stage, as well as diabetes mellitus.

There are temporary restrictions that cannot be neglected to not harm yourself:

  • when aggravating infectious diseases and skin disease;
  • with severe alcoholic intoxication;
  • if the body temperature is increased;
  • during the tooling of the child and breastfeeding;
  • with mental disorders in the aggravation stage.

In what diseases will be effective pharmacopuncture

And even though the procedure is relatively safe, each patient has the right to solve independently, whether he wants to try this method of treatment or chooses traditional - injection and dropper. Many are afraid of injections and therefore refuse to effectively and less safe treatment. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the age of the patient and the state of health.

In which cases you can count on success in the treatment:

  • with frequent dizziness, weakness, migraines and headaches;
  • in diseases of the back;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • diseases of the kidneys and sexual system in women and men;
  • with violation of the vessels and the heart muscle;
  • if there is a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • with incorrect operation of the lungs (some diseases);
  • under insomnia;
  • blood pressure jumps;
  • improper liver, pancreas, stomach;
  • postoperative period;
  • after injury;
  • in case of failure in the work of all systems and organs.

In addition to this impressive list of ailments, pharmacopuncture is shown in such cosmetic issues:

  • deep wrinkles;
  • cellulite;
  • excess weight due to disruption of metabolism or irregular nutrition;
  • acne and acne;
  • scars, scars on the skin.

We draw conclusions that this modern technique allows not only to get rid of the disease, but also to extend the youth, to maintain natural beauty.

Metairic pharmacopuncture for children

This type of treatment is one of the most effective, because to eliminate or facilitate the condition of the patient, biological active drugs are introduced to intensify the hidden reserves of the body.

Excellent results give this technique in small patients with a terrible diagnosis of "PRP". If you begin treatment in time, you can achieve excellent results. Therefore, pharmacopuncture has recently been popular and makes it easier to facilitate the condition of small patients with such diseases:

  • Cerebral palsy;
  • encephalopathy;
  • speech delay;
  • under cognitive disorders;
  • pares, back pain and lower back;
  • intoxication;
  • injuries;
  • ayotic syndrome and children's autism;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

What drugs are used for pharmacopuncture

When selecting drugs, specialists take into account all, starting on the nature of the course of the disease, age, individual characteristics. Not to the end, modern medicine studied the action, for example, allopathic preparations, since, for example, some drugs can cause an inadequate patient's reaction. These are corticosteroids and antibiotics.

Well, drugs such as Lidocaine and Analgesic Novocain have long been studied and used in this technique to reduce pain syndrome.

In addition, subcutaneously introduced vitamins, saline, drugs for nutrition and improved blood circulation, muscle relaxants and medicines, removing spasms. Anti-inflammatory drugs help relieve an inflammatory process in tissues, and salt solutions - stimulate tissue updates.

Also, the treatment is used in the treatment (purified and ozonized patient blood) to strengthen the protective functions of the body.

How is the pharmacopuncture procedure

Since these are microinders, the procedure uses syringes, which means that pain cannot be avoided. So many patients think and due to fear refuse effective treatment. Now you can not be afraid of this, as it is specifically for the manipulation, the syringes are currently used without a needle ("Injex" syringe). Using such a syringe, the skin puncture will be absolutely painless.

The technique of administration of the drug is the same as the use of a syringe with a needle, only without a puncture. If earlier it was necessary to process the puncture zone, then enter the drug to a certain depth of the skin (everything depended on the surprise of the nurse), now, using such syringes, manipulation is performed painlessly and without blood. In the injector instead of the needle there is a piston, which under pressure pushes the drug under the skin. In the ampoules of this syringe the diameter of the opening is 2 times less than in the thinnest needle (which is used for the introduction of insulin), so the puncture does not feel and manipulation is performed painlessly.

What are the advantages of the use of such syringes:

  • painlessness procedure;
  • the medicine is introduced in microodos;
  • the syringes do not need to be sterilized (they are immediately utilized);
  • fast procedure.

Pharmacopuncture points or how treatment is carried out:

  1. Shallow administration of the drug under the skin, in some cases it is allowed to introduce a drug into an assault or into the muscle. This may be required when the spinal pharmacopuncture.
  2. Introduction of the minimum dose of medication to achieve maximum effect. With the traditional method, the patient is introduced much more drugs, but the effect is not always achieved.
  3. The use of homeopathic preparations is also widely used, only the dosage is minimal, literally a scanty dose that a specialist is calculated by a special formula. The number of drug administration is reduced, 1 session of pharmacopuncture can be assigned a week, maximum 3. The course of treatment of homeopathy - 2-15 sessions. Local Introduction - When in one session, the zone of exposure to the patient is 4-6 points. For example, such a pharmacopuncture is effective in hernia.

Briefly, how is the procedure undergo: a nurse or doctor uses sterile disposable materials. If this is an ordinary needle, then the puncture seat is processed by an antiseptic. The method of administration and depth of delivery of the drug is selected individually. Thus, when the knee pharmacopuncture of the knee joint is not introduced deep, and if it is a pharmacopuncture with osteochondrosis, you need to deliver a drug in deeper layers. Then analgesics are used for painless administration.

One puncture or point is usually used not more than 0.5 ml of the drug. The doctor can mix several drugs in the syringe. Thus, the number of punctures and soreness of the procedure minimizes.

How much sessions need so that the disease retreated? This question is given every patient who wants to quickly get rid of pain and return to normal life rhythm. Pharmacopuncture specialists argue that after the first session, there will be pain and noticeable relief will come, but this does not mean that this can be stopped. It is necessary to undergo a course of treatment, the number of sessions is individually, from 3 to 10, and in some cases it may be needed more time to combat the disease.

Such courses need to go through at least 2 or 3 for six months, which should be the gap - determines the attending physician.

Pharmacopuncture. Reviews

« I approached this type of treatment, but I will not say that I liked it. Worried pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe waist, neck and shoulder belt, the massages did not help. The doctor recommended trying a pharmacopotage. I was injected with a medicine under the skin in a sore spot with a thin needle, such punctures personally had plenty of me. It hurts, but you can endure, this procedure lasts about a quarter of an hour, then I was covered with a warm blanket and so I rested about half an hour so that the medicine was not stored (so the doctor said). The skin in the place of the puncture flushed and felt a light tingling. Gone 5 procedures, the doctor said that it was desirable 10. I was injected homeopathic drugs. After the first procedure, I was very old, and after the 5th pain almost gone, my well-being improved. I will continue, the result is very pleased" Oksana, 39 years old.

« My mother had strong back pains, it happened so "covered" that she could not move normally. Without injuries and droppers, we were advised to pass 5 sessions of pharmacopuncture, there was a noticeable relief after 3 days. Sessions were every day, plus injections and droppers as well. After the course, the pain retreated, the doctors said that the next time after the break no longer need to put droppers, it is enough to pass a full course. Now it is our saving treatment" Alina, 24 years old.

« And at least this method has not yet been studied by experts, I can safely say that it is much better than traditional treatment when they put injections and droppers. The medications need much less and it is immediately delivered to the sore place. Therefore, it comes faster relief, pain retreats. True on me" Anatoly, 56 years old.

How is the Pharmacopuncture of Lanenek, video


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