
Retinoye peeling

Retinoye peeling
Yellow peeling is characterized by a soft gentle effect and an impressive skin regeneration effect.

To effectively improve the condition of the skin and its high-quality update, a modern achievement of pharmaceuticals and cosmetology is used - retinuey peeling. It is called yellow peeling - due to the exact color of the main active substance. This procedure refers to surface-median chemicals. The active components of the composition, absorbed into the skin surface, carefully update it, exfoliating old cells and effectively stimulating cell processes. At the same time, the recovery period is short enough.

Composition and principle of action of retinue peeling

The main component of yellow peeling is retinic acid (in the form of active retinoids - synthetic forms of vitamin A), as well as auxiliary acids (ascorbic, glycolic and others) - to enhance the operation of the main active substance and eliminate skin hyperpigmentation phenomena. Natural retinol is contained in sources of animal and vegetable origin. The retinium peeling of the person stimulates the processes of lipid metabolism and regeneration of the skin, reinforcing the production of collagen and elastane cells, improves blood circulation microcirculation, is characterized by a soft bactericidal effect. This procedure is characterized by a gentle soft effect and suitable for the skin of the face (including thin and sensitive), neck and decollete area, as well as hands and eyelids. Retinoye yellow peeling is recommended for the correction of age-related changes to women from 35 to 50 years, as well as in a younger age in the presence of need.


Indications for the procedure are:

  • withering of the skin - the active substances of chemical retinue peeling effectively reduce the severity of skin folds and wrinkles, effectively align and soften the skin, and also pull it up. At the same time, skin aging slows down, antioxidant processes are activated;
  • the presence of hyperkeratose and problem skin is the effect of retinue peeling consists in minimizing inflammatory processes and stimulation of regeneration. Rash, pedestal stains and scars, are narrowed, extended pores are narrowed, the activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • hyperpigmentation - Retinoid peeling effectively whitens hyperpigmented areas of skin;
  • planned plastic surgery - to operational intervention plastic surgeons apply the effects of median retinue peeling as a preparatory stage.

Varieties of retinuete peeling

There are the following varieties of retinium peeling depending on the composition and active ingredients:

  1. Yellow peeling with synthetic retinoic acid - traditionally under chemical retinium peeling implies it. It is allowed to use this procedure several times a year, in essence it is a surface peeling with the effect of the median.
  2. Peeling based on natural retinol, extracted from the exhaust grinding in the tropics of the Urukum bush - this composition is gently and superficially affects the skin, improving elasticity and equalizing relief. Such a procedure can be carried out quite often.

Advantages of retinuete peeling

According to the reviews of the Retino peeling, the advantages of its use can be attributed:

  • the safety of use is the active affecting substances are close in composition to natural vitamin A, therefore the body moves well as gentle effect. At the same time, the effect of this procedure is comparable to many median peels. For example, the two-time use of retinue peeling is compared in performance with ten peeling sessions with glycolic acid. Specialists argue that the resulting effect can persist for three to four months;
  • some rapid recovery - this procedure is called a "weekend peeling", as the skin as a result of the rejection of old cells and further regeneration is visually restored for two days, during the week discomfort finally goes;
  • there are no seasonal restrictions for use, the likelihood of the appearance of complications is low - the retinue peeling can be carried out at any time of the year, including in the summer before leave.

  How does the retinue peeling


At the planning stage, the beautician conducts inspection and conversation with the patient, determines the type and condition of the skin, collects information about the presence of transferred diseases, allergic reactions, including drugs with retinol. The following are assigned tools for preliminary preparation for the use of chemical peeling (within two weeks) - preparations select a beautician individually for a specific type of skin. Demanding cells are removed at home with the help of creams with glycolic acid, or need several procedures at a beautician - soft peeling with fruit acids or enzymes. These methods are used to mitigate the skin and contribute to the effective effects of yellow retinue peeling. A week before the skin treatment with the help of peeling should exclude visits to the solarium, and it is also not recommended to sunbathe in the sun.

The peeling procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. A special solution (with glycolic and salicylic acids, resorcin and chitosan) is applied to the skin carelessly purified from makeup and contamination) to remove organized cells and prepare for the active influence of chemical peeling. A little burning should be quickly passing. 6
  2. Next, yellow peeling is applied to the skin. The exposure time is from 15 minutes to 10-12 hours, depending on the concentration of the means and reaction of the processed skin:
  • the composition of short-term action is characterized by a significant concentration of retinic acid and is washed away directly in the clinic;
  • if a means of long-term exposure is used, then it should be washed off after a few hours of the house - such a peeling due to the low concentration of the active substance acts more mildly and predictably, and the likelihood of chemical burn is minimized. In such cases, peeling is usually applied in the afternoon and wash off the next morning.

The standard rehylic peeling rate is 4 procedures - the first two with a break in two weeks, and then with intervals in one month.

Care after retinuete peeling

After the peeling on the skin, the feeling of depths will be felt, after a day, the exfoliation of old epidermis will begin, which will last up to 5-7 days. Preparations for care after retinium peeling recommends a beautician - typically use enzyme masks, moisturizing creams, as well as thermal water and means with sunscreen filters during the summer. It will take delicate care with the use of more saturated funds. Bath and sauna in the first time are contraindicated, as well as the use of scrubies, powder and tonal cream. About two weeks later, you can return to conventional care. To maintain the state of healthy and beautiful skin before and after the retinue peeling, it is recommended to undergo these procedures twice a year.

Beauty Zen.

Contraindications to Retino Peeling

There are a number of contraindications to the use of retinue peeling:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • skin diseases, especially acne and herpes, during the period of exacerbation;
  • reception of some drugs, in particular, antibiotics;
  • liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • next to allergic reactions, as well as increased sensitivity to peeling components.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure of retinue peeling yourself

The price of retinue-friendly peeling in the salons is high enough, especially given the postpiling program. Many women wonder how to perform their own procedure similar to the salon - retinue peeling at home.


For home use, you can buy a retinue peeling from the famous Russian manufacturer - the Laboratory of Cosmetics Arcadia. This procedure will be safe only with a careful study of the instruction and understanding of the procedure technique. In the presence of dermatological diseases, a tendency to allergic reactions - to avoid chemical burns and traumatic reactions, it is strongly recommended to carry out retinue peeling under the supervision of an experimental cosmetologist.

Retino peeling - photo of the results "to" and "after"



Retino peeling - video


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