
For how much before childbirth, the stomach falls in primitive and multiparous. How to understand that the stomach sank before giving birth. What does a dropped stomach look like - photo

For how much before childbirth, the stomach falls in primitive and multiparous. How to understand that the stomach sank before giving birth. What does a dropped stomach look like - photo
Factors affecting the omission of the abdomen before childbirth. Tests to determine whether the stomach dropped or not before childbirth.

Which woman is unable to find out during pregnancy, when will her long -awaited baby appear? Unfortunately, even experienced gynecologists and highly sensitive equipment cannot name the exact date of childbirth, so the error in such calculations, as a rule, can reach 10 - 14 days. It is possible that it is most reliable to listen to personal feelings and trust your body. A reliable "hint" on the rapid birth of a child is the omission of the abdomen. Why such a metamorphosis occurs and how to determine that the stomach has sank, let's talk in the article.

What is indicated by the lowered stomach before childbirth

When a pregnant woman has a stomach falls, this means that soon the child will be born. This phenomenon is considered a “official” symptom of childbirth. It's time to assemble a bag in a hospital!

The stomach falls, because the fetus feels the willingness to meet with the mother and occupies the most convenient position, which will further contribute to his birth. The appearance of the abdomen of the future mother can change both immediately and gradually. As a result, from the side it becomes clear how the stomach falls before the birth: the “ball” turns into a “pear”. Let's find out what reasons underlie this physiological phenomenon.

Why shortly before childbirth occurs the abdomen

The stomach changes its shape on the basis of interconnected events:

  • the fruit is aimed at the head downward, towards the small pelvis;
  • the baby moves closer to the exit from the uterus;
  • due to the displacement of the child, the bottom of the uterus is lowered, at the same time the stomach is lowered.

The lamentation of the abdomen in the future mother is not the only harbinger of the rapid birth of the crumbs. There are several more signs of the natural completion of pregnancy:

  • training contractions;
  • the departure of the mucous plug;
  • lack of appetite;
  • weak nausea.

However, according to experienced doctors, such symptoms of preparing the body for childbirth cannot indicate the exact date of birth of the baby to the mother. This process can be stretched for weeks.

What does a dropped stomach look like during pregnancy: indirect symptoms

There are a number of so -called secondary signs by which the expectant mother can find out about the approach of childbirth. All of them indicate that the stomach began to change shape, that is, to fall:

  • the pressure in the pelvis arises and gradually increases;
  • every now and then shooting pain in the pubic area appears (the uterus compresses the nerve endings);
  • the belch is no longer annoyed, since the uterus drops, weakening the pressure on the esophagus and the diaphragm;
  • heartburn disappears as soon as the uterus stops squeezing the stomach. Apparently, the stomach has already sank;
  • walking is harder, the gait becomes like a duck;
  • the urge to go to the toilet “in a small” toilet, since the lower the stomach, the greater the pressure on the bladder;
  • the baby’s activity is sharply reduced - it is in the starting position and accumulates strength for the last jerk.

Women who are preparing to become mothers for the first time may not pay attention to such an event. But mothers awaiting second births immediately notice that their stomach dropped. However, if this did not happen, it is better to seek clarification to the doctor.

How to understand that the stomach began to sink before childbirth

Often, the expectant mother notes all the indirect symptoms of the preparation of the body for childbirth, but it cannot say for sure whether her stomach has lowered. Naturally, a woman constantly thinks about it and even nervous that in her position is completely superfluous.

A pregnant woman is completely sincerely upset when her first dropped tummy notices her mother or mother -in -law. This is most often happening, but it is stupid to grieve about this - to relatives, in the end, from the side you know better!

If you expect a baby and really want to determine the movement of the abdomen yourself, you will be interested to know a few simple tests that will tell you, your baby is ready to be born or not yet.

Whether the stomach fell before childbirth - test No. 1

  1. When the gestational age exceeds in 35 weeks, become in the doorway and turn around the door to the door jamb.
  2. Thick a place on the jamb, at the level of which your navel is located and mark it with a pencil.
  3. Repeat this simple procedure for several days in a row - so you will fix the process of lowering your abdomen.
  4. When the distance between the first and last dashes on the door jamb is 10 - 15 cm, be sure that the stomach sank.

Whether the stomach fell before childbirth - test No. 2

Try to put your palm between your stomach and chest. If you succeeded without problems, then your baby is ready to be born.

Whether the stomach fell before childbirth - test No. 3

Another reliable way to track changes in your body at the final stage of pregnancy. Sit on a chair and try to put your foot on your foot. Did it work without much effort? This means that the baby is still in the same place. If you feel that the stomach practically lies on your knees - it most likely sank.

According to pregnant women, the first test is the most reliable. And in some women, the shape of the abdomen changes so much that its omission becomes obvious without any tests.

How much the stomach falls before childbirth

We have repeatedly mentioned that the uterus changes its position at the end of pregnancy, shortly before giving birth. However, female curiosity, as always requires specifics: how many days before childbirth does the stomach fall? Unfortunately, not a single future mother has been able to find out yet.

After the stomach sank, it often becomes more firm, as if stages. So the uterus prepares for the upcoming birth, checking its strength. However, this does not mean at all that childbirth will begin in the coming days. When this happens, one nature is known.

For how long the stomach falls before the birth, depends, first of all, on the well -being and body weight of the future mother, as well as on the number of babies and their position. As you can see, the omission of the abdomen is an individual process for each pregnant woman.

The factors on which it depends on which week the stomach will drop, the following:

  1. The weight of the future mother and the weight of the fetus (or fruits). The heavier the baby, the faster the stomach will fall.
  2. Mother's age, her physical training and form.
  3. The structure of the pelvis and the constitution of the body of the pregnant woman.
  4. Fetal position. As soon as the child takes a starting position, the uterus, and, accordingly, the stomach begins to sink.
  5. But the most important factor is, perhaps, the priority of childbirth. So, if we compare when the stomach in primitive and multiparous, one can notice an interesting pattern. In a woman, a pregnant woman for the first time, the stomach falls quite early, and the multiplier almost always observe this phenomenon in front of the very birth.

When the stomach falls depending on the priority of childbirth

Despite the fact that with the accuracy of one day it is impossible to predict the birth of a child into light, there is a certain period of time, within which childbirth most often begins. Knowing it, we can roughly assume when the stomach begins to move down.

Basically, the moment, when everything in the body comes in motion to stimulate labor, depends on what kind of birth these births are for a woman.

Когда опускается живот у первородящих и повторнородящих женщин:

  1. For expectant mothers, pregnant women for the first time, such a metamorphosis with a figure can occur already for a period of 36 weeks. But most often, the belly of the original ones falls at 38 weeks of waiting for the baby, and after that you often have to wait a few more weeks before the birth begins. If the stomach dropped much earlier than 38 weeks, it is better to play it safe and seem to the doctor, especially since this must be done if there is severe stress and pain in the lower abdomen. The totality of such symptoms does not promise anything good - there is a suspicion of premature birth. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the pregnant woman will be put on conservation in the hospital. In most cases, the baby turns out to be “kept” on the spot until the due date.
  2. Most women, pregnant women for the second time, notice that the stomach drops about a few days - a week before the crucial point. The mucous traffic jam can immediately move away, so doctors recommend that they immediately go to the hospital, without waiting for the start of fights.

When to give birth if the stomach has already sank? You can congratulate yourself - you will become mom very soon! If you do not complain about well -being, how to fully enjoy the last days of your pregnancy: relax a lot, eat well, monitor the amount of fluid drunk and prepare the dowry to your heir. When the time comes to give birth, you will be full of strength and determination for the last jerk before meeting with your baby.

What to do if the stomach has not sank before birth

The omission of the abdomen cannot be called the main sign of the approach of childbirth for the reason that in some cases the belly of the expectant mother does not fall, but this is not a violation, but one of the options for the norm. The reasons why the stomach does not fall is as follows:

  • repeated birth;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • weak abdominal muscles;
  • large fruit;
  • a narrow pelvis of a mother;
  • the transverse presentation of the fetus.

Some of these factors, for example, the non -standard arrangement of the baby, determine the method of delivery in favor of Cesarean section.

A pregnant woman cannot deliberately affect the “behavior” of her body before childbirth. No matter how much you want, you still cannot predict when your stomach drops - in 2 weeks or half an hour before the start of fights. So why torment yourself with conjectures, whether the stomach has lowered and when to give birth, if instead you can enjoy the last "pregnant" days and think about what kind of tender words you whisper in your baby's ear when you first see him?



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