
Green snot in adults and children - what to do. Causes of green snot. Methods for treating green snot - medicines, inhalation, folk remedies

Green snot in adults and children - what to do. Causes of green snot. Methods for treating green snot - medicines, inhalation, folk remedies
The article describes how to treat green snot in adults and children. Means, with which you can get rid of green snot.

Rubber is a symptom of many diseases, such as pneumonia, flu, ARVI, bronchitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, etc. Many of us do not pay due attention to this phenomenon, but the lack of timely treatment may entail more serious complications. In order to properly diagnose and make an attempt to improve the condition, it is necessary to deal with the factors provoked by a runny nose.

Also worth paying attention to the color of the selection. After all, snot are green, yellow, transparent and with impurities in pus or blood. Stripping from the color of the allocated, you can understand the cause of the occurrence of a runny nose, as well as assign treatment not only a runny nose, but also the main source of infection. Well, let's figure it out that they mean green snot, whether they are dangerous, and how to treat them correctly.

Green snot in adult and child: reasons

When the discharge from the nose of green, many of us consider it the usual manifestation of colds. However, this is not always the truth. There are several reasons why a runny nose of such a shade arises. Among the most common allocate:

  • Hitting staphylococcal or streptococcal bacteria in the upper respiratory tract.
  • Inflammatory response in tracheals.
  • Inflammation of adenoids.
  • Complication of an allergic reaction.
  • Inflammatory reaction in appendages or nasal sinuses.
  • Residual phenomena after influenza, pneumonia, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases.

To the question: "How to treat green snot and what to do?" Can be answered based on the age of the diseased, its diagnosis, allergic reactions to medicines, as well as related symptoms. First of all, it is necessary to refer to the therapist to determine the true cause of malaise.

In principle, it is not difficult to understand green snot to understand. Most often, this is a consequence of a cold, which was not subjected to timely treatment. In the event of transparent discharge from the nose, it is necessary to immediately take action. After all, if there is no care for health, bacteria begin to develop for several days, after which it is necessary to take antibacterial agents to help resume microflora.

Green snot: what to pay attention to?

When playing, it is important to determine the shade of the selection. After all, color changes may indicate an improvement or deterioration. In this case, other symptoms may not always feel the patient. If there is a runny nose with green secretions, it is clear that it can be argued that an infection has fallen into the body, which is actively developing and can hit the lungs, brain, bronchi, and even the heart. Therefore, it is necessary to determine what the runny nose is evidenced with different shades of the discharge, carefully looking at them.

  • Yellow-green snot is characteristic of a period of acute ailment, as well as the active effects of microbes on the body. Such a runny nose can be cured using drops that narrow vessels, as well as antiviral drugs.
  • Thick green snot indicate the progression of infection. As treatment, you need to use medicines aimed at moisturizing the nasal mucosa, washing, as well as the elimination of malicious microbes.
  • Green snot and cough are especially dangerous for babies. It is necessary to pay attention to the color of sputum. If it is also a green shade, it is necessary to take antibiotics to appoint the attending doctor. Also, this symptom is characteristic of diseases such as bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, hymorite.
  • Cough can be dry, but in case of its appearance, it is possible to state the fact of the development of harmful bacteria, which are located not only in the nasal sinus, but also the throat. In this case, reaching the lungs, they can give complications on the heart. Therefore, it is very important not to miss the moment of the manifestation of the first symptoms and seek help from a specialist.
  • Green nozzles are characteristic of the initial stage of development of the disease, as well as a long allergic reaction. Reception of gluing drugs, as well as medicines aimed at combating a runny nose. With other SMI symptoms, it is worth taking measures to improve well-being. It is impossible to ignore the runny nose, since the consequences and complications may entail more serious diseases. It is important to understand that any runny nose is already a manifestation of violations of the body's work.

  • Green snot and temperatures need special attention. Depending on the mark of the thermometer, analyzes, as well as patient complaints, you can put the correct diagnosis. Before a visit to the doctor, it is necessary to take antipyretic medicines (in case the temperature above 38.5) and use drops for the nose. It is also effective to use folk remedies for combating such a runny nose. For example, a calanche juice burst helps to get rid of the nasal congestion and excessive selections. It is pre-stocking with napkins, since the active components that are part of the plant make relief due to multiple sneezing.
  • When a stuffy nose, green snot can provoke painful face and head. In order to avoid unpleasant sensations should be possible to facilitate breathing. For this purpose we use the drops, kalanchoe juice, salt solutions for washing or reflector Minin (blue lamp to warm up).
  • In any case, we draw your attention to the fact that any disease should be treated by a qualified doctor, so you should not self-medicate. It is best to immediately go to the doctor for consultation, and after the establishment of an accurate diagnosis to begin treatment.

Green snot during pregnancy, the infant

Runny nose in infants is particularly dangerous. After all, conventional medications should never be used for children and green snot in infants may indicate a variety of diseases that are difficult to diagnose yourself. Among them are:

  • Exacerbation of purulent process in the body.
  • Prolonged allergic reaction.
  • Viral complications.
  • Bacterial respiratory lesions.

Therefore, when there are green snot in the newborn is an urgent need to address to the therapist. Self-medication without consultation and diagnosis can greatly exacerbate the situation. However, young parents can take a few ways to improve the baby's health. Such as:

  • Maintain indoor humidity at 50-70%.
  • Offer the baby to drink plenty of warm tea or water.
  • Ventilate the housing (but only at the moment when the child is in another part of the house or a closed room with no open windows and doors).
  • Protect the baby from possible allergic things and animals (flowers, fleecy carpets, dogs and cats).
  • Use detergent and cleaning of natural origin and hypoallergenic.
  • Completely eliminate smoking in the house for all the tenants.
  • Twice daily wet cleaning rooms.
  • Flush nose child every 2 hour using physiological saline

Also, green runny nose in infants can occur as a complication of the following diseases:

  • Pulmonary congestion.
  • Pneumonia and bronchitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Inflammation of the middle ear.

Therefore, if you have any suspicions should immediately make an appointment with a doctor. Particularly noteworthy are the following symptoms of the disease:

  • Excessive sweating.
  • sleep disturbances.
  • Conjunctivitis.

These symptoms may indicate bacteriological infections, as well as colds in the infant. All sorts of forums are also particularly popular. Moms are on them, and simply not indifferent are divided by their children care.

However, many of these recommendations not only have no effectiveness, but are also very dangerous for both the lives of the future mother and for the infant. Therefore, you should not blindly trust all the advice. It is strictly forbidden to do the following procedures that actively apply to the forums and blogs:

  • Increase the air temperature of the room where the child is located (the dryness of the air negatively affects the mucous membacity, even more dehydration cells).
  • Giving a baby antibiotics, medicines that are not suitable for its age, as well as means for dealing with allergies.
  • Break the nose to baby breast milk.
  • Do not go to the doctor and treat yourself.
  • Use folk recipes with the use of vodka, vinegar, garlic, bow and other products that are not intended for children.

As for pregnant women - this question is very serious and relevant. In the occurrence of green snot in a pregnant woman, she should be especially attentive. Since most of the pharmacological means are contraindicated, folk treatments can be applied. However, it is pre-consult with the doctor, because not all recipes can be safe for the baby. The most effective methods that do not have severe consequences can be considered:

  • Nasal washing with grasses ragners.
  • Eating tea from rosehip.
  • Respiratory gymnastics, as well as light exercise.

Also, do not remember the comments of Dr. Komarovsky relative to green snotes.

He advises to abandon antibiotics for children, preferred by more gentle treatment methods. For example, rinse the nose regularly. Especially for babies before the feeding process. Indeed, if there is no normal respiration, the baby can choke milk. Also efficiently use vasoconducting drops:

  • Oritre (up to 6 years).
  • Vibrocil (from the moment of birth).
  • Sanarin (from 3 years).
  • Nazol Bebi (from 2 months).

For children from 4 years, a complex of physiotherapeutic procedures can be applied:

  • Inhalation.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Electrophoresis.
  • Heating the lamp of minin.

Treatment of green snot

To the question: "How to treat green snot?", It is necessary to look for an answer depending on the age, common symptoms and related diseases. For example, the most effective tablets having a wide profile and high adult efficiency are:

  • Eden (removes the swelling of the nose and larynx, and also significantly reduces the number of secretions).
  • Remantadine (helps to cope with cold symptoms and destroy harmful bacteria).
  • Doxycycline (struggles with viruses and has antibacterial properties).
  • Arbidol (prescribed with viral infections).
  • Tamiflu (stops the development of pathogenic bacteria and runny nose).

It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that the exact answer to the question, "how to cure green snot" can only be given to the doctor, based on the results of the tests, as well as taking into account all the symptoms of the disease.

  • Before applying any drugs, you must first read the instruction, because if there are contraindications, the tool will not give the necessary effect and may cause irreversible reactions.
  • The remedy for green snot should be selected individually, so you should not buy several types of tablets. An integrated approach in combination with different dosage forms will facilitate the symptoms much faster and more efficient.

In addition to vasoconstrictor droplets, green snot is also successfully treated if the medicine has a phyto base. These drugs include:

  • Sinuperet.
  • Macropen.
  • Dolfin.
  • Sinufort.

You should also not forget that sometimes such a runny nose is treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics with green snot are prescribed only in the case of the progression of the disease. With their help, viruses die in a short period of time, and the patient gets rid of the cold almost completely. The most frequently prescribed drugs include:

  • Isofra Framcenetin.
  • Phasex.
  • Sofradex.
  • Garazone.
  • Popargol.

These drugs are produced in the form of spray, therefore, to moisturize the mucous membrane during the reception period, it is useful to use oil-based medicines. The most popular is Pinasol. It does not affect bacteria and runny nose, but prevents the sense of nasal congestion due to drying.

Inhalation during green snot is most often recommended for children. However, adults can also use this procedure. To do this, you can buy a home inhaler and discharged drugs. As prophylaxis or at the first symptoms of colds, flu and ARVI, aromatic oils can be used.

They are also sold in pharmacies in the form of compositions from several plants and spices. Inhalations do not dry the mucous membrane and help get rid of the nasal congestion. For an additional effect, it is necessary to use vasoconstrictor drops from green snot. The most popular of them:

  • Otrivin.
  • Rinorus.
  • Snup.
  • Noksprey.
  • Lazolvan Rino.
  • Ksemelin Extra.
  • Rinotaiss.
  • Cames.

However, with their systematic use, a sense of nasal congestion may occur even at the moment when the runny nose will not. Therefore, after their application, it is necessary to moisten the mucous membrane and not use the drug more prescribed by a doctor.

Green snot: Folk treatments

Rubber and green snot quite successfully treatable for several decades. But our ancestors did not have such wide access to various pharmaceutical preparations, nevertheless, they were hurt much less. This is associated not only with an active way of life, organically clean products and regular hardening, but also with the fact that the ancestors actively used the recipes of traditional medicine. Green snot can be cured at home with the help of such tools:

  • Garlic. It is necessary to squeeze garlic juice, adding 5 ml of boiled water to it, then drip the nasal sinuses. Repeat twice a day.
  • Aloe. Aloe leaf pulp juice wactive discs twisted into tampon. After that, it is necessary to establish them into the nasal sinuses and wait 25 minutes. It is necessary to repeat the procedure 3 times a day, and it is used to use a salt solution for washing from snot.
  • Beet. Juice must be used in the same way as item above, but it is necessary to increase the waiting time up to 30 minutes.

If green snot passes, herbs will come to the rescue. St. John's wort and chamomile have an antibacterial effect. In addition, they are safe even for future mothers. In order to prepare a decoction correctly, it is necessary:

  • 2 tbsp. l. chamomile colors;
  • 2 tbsp. l. dried St. John's wort;
  • pour 300 ml hot water dry flowers;
  • insist for 20 minutes;
  • after the remedy cools up to room temperature, you need to wash the nose. You can use the pipette or syringe without a needle. It is also useful to use a decoction of the leaves of raspberry, dried flowers of linden. To make and use the medicine you need as well as a decoction of St. John's wort with chamomile.

Green snot not only interfere with the full lifestyle, but also make us focus on the thoughts on how to get rid of the cold. If, when using traditional pharmacological preparations, the effect is minimal, then it is necessary to try folk remedies.

However, they do not exclude each other, but only enhance the effect of useful components. Also do not postpone the visit to the doctor. Often, green snot can be a symptom of very serious diseases, so when first ailment and manifestation, the runny nose must be proceeded with integrated treatment.

Video: Green snot: how to treat - the advice of Dr. Komarovsky


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