
Early signs of pregnancy

Early signs of pregnancy
Signs of pregnancy. Definition

Almost for each woman, the most responsible and exciting period in life is pregnancy. Lifestyle, habits and health status will be fully reflected on the fruit and therefore you should know the earliest signs of pregnancy for timely preparation.

For some, pregnancy becomes a pleasant surprise, and for others and the long-awaited joyful event. However, everyone, without exception, it would be much easier to determine the signs of pregnancy in the early deadlines from the very first days. After all, the pregnant woman needs a special way of life without bad habits, stress and medicine.

If you did not plan to conceive, the signs of pregnancy can not appear immediately, and you, not knowing about your condition, you can unknowingly harm the health of the fetus. It is known that the egg fertilizer is fertilized only during the day, but the first signs of early pregnancy will not be known about themselves. Previously, after the day after the day, conception to detect the symptoms is extremely difficult.

It is known that another millennium ago, the doctors of the ancient Egypt were given to women to drink a mixture of braverass of herbs and milk of women in the manual, who in pregnant women called vomiting. Jewish nations studied footprints on soft grass. Today you can just buy a test or know what signs of pregnancy still exist to joyful for you and close news and gradually the rounded tummy have become no surprise for anyone.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy


All signs of pregnancy can be divided into three main groups:

  1. Dubious or implied (before delay).
  2. Probable (based on test or blood and urine tests).
  3. Reliable (defined by medical diagnostics).

Signs of pregnancy in the first days

Given the personality of the body, the symptoms may not be manifested at all, but hormonal changes in the female organism will already begin to occur. Implantation occurs after a ten-day period from the last ovulation after conception, when the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. The test will correctly show the pregnancy only on the day of the menstruation delay, but you may notice any signs of early pregnancy before you listen to your body:

  • discomfort in the uterus;
  • brown-red selection;
  • increase temperature and chills.

After conception in the body, the production of extensioneron hormones and chorionic gonadotropin increases. They provide normalization of the medium for the fetus, the supply of oxygen and the formation of the placenta. Hormones have expanding on the uterus, nervous system and other organs from the first days.

Early signs of pregnancy in the first weeks

The first indicators may be the following changes in health and the general condition as a whole:

  • soreness and discomfort in the uterus and lower abdomen and back;
  • the appearance of acne and acne on the face;
  • fatigue, drowsiness, weakness.


Early signs of pregnancy before delay

The presence of the above features does not guarantee an accurate determination of pregnancy, as each body is purely individual and say exactly how many signs of pregnancy will be allowed to know about conception impossible. It is also likely that the symptoms are not talking about pregnancy, but about the problems of the hormonal background of a woman or the manifestation of beginning gynecological diseases.

Referring to various reviews about the early signs of pregnancy, the following probable for the occurrence of symptoms should be highlighted:

  1. Blood test. The immediate increase in the level of hormones indicates the occurrence of pregnancy and affects the composition of the urine and the presence of HCG (chorionic gonadotropin), which can determine a pharmacy test for pregnancy. However, earlier, these hormones are manifested in the blood of a woman, so laboratory analysis can be much more reliable pregnancy test.
  2. Pain in the lower back and back. Drawing pain or backrest in the back can also be an important symptom of early pregnancy, and strong back pain and abdominal nose can be indications for miscarriage.
  3. Pain in the abdomen. The growth and development of the fetus affect the walls of the uterus, it causes uncomfortable sensations and pain. However, strong spasmic pains can also be an early sign of ectopic pregnancy, if they are accompanied by blood discharge. In such a dangerous case, miscarriage is possible and immediately contact your doctor.
  4. Selection. An early sign of pregnancy is also considered an increase in white mucous membranes, changing their consistency to a more thick.
  5. Hypotension. Reduced arterial pressure is the norm under early pregnancy and is associated with the development of the extensioneron. This phenomenon provides a normal environment for the fetus and development of the placenta. In the event of an increase in pressure, placental insufficiency may develop, which requires treatment, and without it can lead to the death of the fetus, the death of the mother during childbirth or large blood loss.
  6. Chest and its changes. Damage, increase and enhanced sensitivity of nipples and the selection of colostrums, as well as swelling and soreness of the chest can be symptoms of pregnancy.
  7. Nasal congestion. The immunity of women is weakened during pregnancy, therefore it is worth carefully follow their health, because you become more susceptible to various kinds of infectious diseases and colds. Also, false nasal congestion can be caused by hormonal changes in the body.
  8. Changing taste receptors and addictions. Hormonal changes lead to a change in taste receptors and saliva generation. You can refuse usual products and there are completely unloved dishes. Also, taste qualities may vary from the presence of a metal taste or seem unfavorable.
  9. Skin rashes and pigmentation. Angry rash and appearance acne on face, back, shoulders and chest can be a symptom of pregnancy, since the body is cleared of toxins and displays them through the epithelium.
  10. Blood selection. Approximately a week later implantation of red-brown emissions may appear. A sign of early multiple pregnancy may be too abundant allocations of this kind, which is a significant reason for urgent advice from the gynecologist.
  11. Menstruation. An important sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. If there is a delay, then you need to do a pregnancy test, since the absence of menstruation clearly does not guarantee pregnancy, but only suggests.
  12. Meteorism and constipation. The body is prepared for another stage and the normal processes of the gastrointestinal tract may change, for example, the bloating, gas formation and an unstable chair. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products and cereals to normalize the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  13. Urination. Since the embryo after conception is developing, the blood supply to the pelvic region increases, the internal organs swell and press on the bladder, and the urge to the toilet is rapidly.
  14. Ailver and insomnia. After conception, your metabolism is accelerated, and the body begins to work for two, so a sense of constant fatigue, drowsiness, weakness in body, migraine, chills, and the level of blood pressure may decrease.
  15. Smell. The sensitivity of the receptors is sharpened and different smells you begin to perceive stronger. Some smells you can feel especially strongly, which causes disgust, nausea and vomiting.
  16. Temperature. An early sign of pregnancy is also an increase in both the basal temperature and the entire body (more than 37 degrees) for a long period. This temperature is measured daily rectally in the rectum, without getting up before it from bed after sleep.
  17. Toxicosis. Strengthening, no appetite or very sharp intolerance to certain foods are also important signs of pregnancy in the early stages. Nausea, dizziness, headache, vomiting, diarrhea may not appear or last all 9 months.
  18. Emotionality. Starting from the very first day after conception, the woman becomes irritable or with sharp mood swings. You become too sensitive and stuck with sharp sadness or joy will clearly become signs of pregnancy from the first days.

Signs of pregnancy: Test and examination at the gynecologist for pregnancy


When to do the test?

All tests produced today for pregnancy definition are quite reliable. Do not forget that the body of each woman is purely individual and to identify with an accurate pregnancy, it is necessary to wait at least two weeks. Immediately after conception, the test will not show a reliable result, since the body does not occur in a sharp generation and distribution of hormones in blood and urine, which helps to determine the pregnancy in the test.

When to consult a doctor?

After the menstruation delay, the gynecologist is being examined. In the presence of pregnancy symptoms, the doctor may appoint you to pass the laboratory tests of blood and urine to determine pregnancy. However, stress, incorrect lifestyle and abuse of diets can also lead to the delay, as well as developing gynecological diseases that need to be detected.

Also bleeding ahead of menstruation period, strong pain in the lower back, the whole back and lower abdomen, increased blood pressure, strong toxicosis, painful urination and other symptoms may indicate ectopic pregnancy or its complications. In this case, you should urgently apply for advice to your doctor and undergo treatment to maintain severe pregnancy or the operational elimination of the serious consequences of the life and health of the mother and the fetus.

At the later deadlines, such a diagnosis as ultrasound research (ultrasound), electrocardiography, cardiotocography, phonocardiography are used to fully confirm your early pregnancy and accurately determine the healthy state of the fetus and its heartbeat. Such more accurate diagnosis can be carried out no earlier than a two-month period after conception.

Mimic signs of pregnancy

The state of a woman who sensies all typical emotional, psychological and physiological signs of pregnancy without its actual presence is called imaginary or apparent pregnancy. Such a state most often manifests itself in women who are preparing for conception for a long time and dream of a happy period of motherhood. Sometimes this state appears in those who are afraid to become pregnant.

The illusion of pregnancy lead stress and depression, infectious diseases, imbalances of hormonal background, disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lowered immunity, lack of vitamins, unhealthy food, passive lifestyle, abuse of dietary restrictions, incorrect day of day. In the presence of a strong desire or reluctance of pregnancy, a psychological state may arise as if you are pregnant.

In addition to the presence of symptoms for determining pregnancy, you can also use the test that is available in pharmacies and shops. Also, in case of detection, changes in menstruation cycle should not postpone the visit to the gynecologist, as this is not only a sense signal, and may also be evidence of diseases. If the gynecological disease will not be detected on time and cured, it can lead to serious health problems and childbearing in the future.

It is better to prepare to directly conceive in advance and prepare the body to change and load. It is necessary a few months before conception to establish your day and sleep, nutrition, as well as forget about bad habits and use vitaminized food or ropes. It should also be given blood tests on the absence of diseases dangerous to the fetus (Torch infection) and consult with a gynecologist for the lack of female diseases.

If pregnancy did not enter your future plans and found you surprise, you should not make serious welcoming decisions that you can regret all your life. It is necessary to calm down and report news to loved people who will support you and help to realize that pregnancy at any time is only joyful news. Also, if your pregnancy was not planned, do not postpone the hike to the attending physician and the necessary examination in order to provide possible negative consequences for you and the child as soon as possible.

Video consultation

In order to correctly recognize the symptoms of pregnancy, we recommend that you look at the following Stock Footage:


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