
Crisis for 7 years, recommendations to parents

Crisis for 7 years, recommendations to parents
Signs of the crisis of 7 years in a child. What to do parents.

The period of the transition of a child from children's age to a 7-year preschool, is usually accompanied by certain changes in its character and the crisis in the upbringing. Long observable and studied by psychologists, this critical period of childhood was conditionally called the "crisis of 7 years." The age crisis is usually associated with the restructuring of the routine of the child - with the transition from preschool to seven-year school status. The main characteristics of the crisis of 7 years in the child are the issues of discipline, and difficulties in compliance with the social rules.

Age crises in children: 7 years of crisis

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Transitional stages of growth and the formation of the child accompanied by a crisis the entire period of its maturity. a number of critical age child registered in psychology, each of which has its own characteristics and terms, including a seven-year crisis.

  • crisis infancy;
  • crisis 3 years: the first adaptation period, the change of the environment to the nursery and kindergarten;
  • crisis 6 - 7 years: manifests itself during the change in the surroundings of the garden and school;
  • crisis 13 - 14 years old: associated with, with a well-known, adolescence - period of puberty.

Panaceans in the timing of the beginning and end of psychologically designated age-related stages, no. This division is influenced by the individual development, education and nature of the child's communication with the nearest and distant social environment. So, for example, a three-year crisis can begin in 2.5 years, and will end about 4.5 years; And the first signs of the crisis of 7 years can manifest itself in 6 - when a child will go to school for the first time.

It is not necessary to perceive the crisis of 7 years as the inevitable suffering for parents and their Chad. But also think that this can be avoided by protecting the child from the natural external factors of growing up - too. You see age crises - this is a normal and legitarized process of adapting a child to changing external factors. And whatever you do, together you will have to go through each, including the crisis of 7 years. The only thing that parents may affect, noticing the first symptoms of the crisis of 7 years - this is the duration and sharpness of its flow. This is very important because the child may not turn the negative manifestations of the crisis for 7 years, then they will firmly enshrine in his character. All further attempts to change his personality and correctly raise themselves problematic, if not in vain.

Signs of the crisis of 7 years in a child

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When a child says goodbye to the garden and stands on the school threshold, he will have to overcome the mass of emotional difficulties in order to harmoniously fit into a new environment and become a full member of it. To some extent, becoming a little adult, you will have to overcome one of the first steps - a crisis of 7 years to be ready to study at school. For the peculiarities of the crisis of 7 years, it is possible to take the need to overcome school loads, communication with a different level of peers, which are also experiencing a similar period in their own way, as well as a change in relationships with parents. Psychologists have proven that the crisis of the age of 7 is expected to reflect on the behavior of your child.

You may encounter such signs of the crisis of 7 years:

  • ridiculous harmful behavior;
  • artificial narrative;
  • bad prishability and podliness;
  • during the crisis of 7 years, children begin to find out and oppose parents;
  • one of the signs of the crisis of 7 years is to attract attention with the help of clownades.

During the crisis, 7 years described above features are accompanied by the following emotional and behavioral features:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • flare and irritability;
  • scattered and as a result, bad performance;
  • closedness and shyness either, on the contrary - aggressiveness;
  • search for authority - It is in the crisis of 7 years from your chap. Alder friends appear mainly by gabbs and hooligans;
  • in search of your place, many children during the crisis are 7 years old begin to crumble in front of the elders and blunt to peers;
  • in the period of becoming many children tend to underestimate themselves and compare themselves with the rest.

Symptoms of crisis 7 years


In psychology, 7 main signs of the crisis of the child are distinguished.

Crisis 7 years: negativism

Such a manifestation of the crisis of 7 years in a child must be distinguished from his disobedience. The characteristic of the crisis of 7 years in a child is his negative attitude to the requests of the parents - the groundless and ubiquitous refusal of what he asks his adult. Do not resort to punishments in such a situation, because even a solid conversation and explanations are unlikely to help in this case. But if at the time of the request, your child is in any passionately - this is ordinary disobedience and you can cope with it.

Crisis 7 years: stubbornness

In this case, the child is desperately demands anything from an adult. The motive of such a child's behavior in the crisis is 7 years old is the reluctance to have a thing, and the process of self-affirmation in their eyes and eyes of adults. Most likely, the thing itself is not particularly fundamental for him at this moment, the purpose of such perseverance is the need to achieve what it requires.

Crisis 7 years: Strop

This manifestation of the age crisis is 7 years aimed, rather, to negate the schedule and the defendant, which he is trying to impose: go to school, get up, early, sit in class, learn lessons and so on.

7 years crisis: self-person

During the crisis of 7 years, such a characteristic of behavior, as the peculiar manifests itself in the desire to do everything independently, that is, to be independent of desires, instructions and assistance to adults.

Crisis 7 years: protest

In the process of adapting to new social conditions, the embezzlement, the rules of behavior and the order of life in the child occurs throughout the negative. Therefore, the crisis at the age of 7 passes under the SSOR sign. It seems that your child is in an irresistible conflict with everyone and each. In fact, in psychology, the crisis of 7 years is associated with the internal conflicts of the child for adaptation surrounded, which he splashes at all and everything.

Crisis 7 years: depreciation

At the time of the formation of new values \u200b\u200bin a seven-year period, a feature is the crisis of ideals. At this time, the child says that he had previously considered white - black and vice versa, and also breaks things that were once very expensive. I am pleased to repeat bad words and coarse phrases, because it is forbidden by parents, and belongs to the special cruelty to other children. In addition, children are overlooked by parents, they begin to show despotism towards the rest of the family members, practically subordinating their will to link all its members.

How to find out that a child has a crisis for 7 years: a questionnaire for parents


In the questionnaire below, give answers to questions with maximum honesty:
0 - if this behavior is absent from your child;
1 - Something you noticed, but not sure;
2 is exactly what my child is going on.

Questions to determine the signs of the crisis of 7 years of the child

  1. I began to notice big changes, it seems my child has become completely different.
  2. My child often does not listen to me and rudely, when I ask him not to interrupt adults.
  3. The child stopped learning her lessons himself, is not interested in games that have recently caused wild interest, but only hours walking with friends.
  4. I struggled to get a child in kindergarten / or elementary school - he completely refuses to go there.
  5. We often play with him / her to school.
  6. My child began to be harmful and until the appearance insist on his point of view.
  7. Grimacey, posing, conversation with a squeaky voice - his constant behavior.
  8. All native are continuously with him in conflict. It seems that it does not suit absolutely everything.

Analysis of answers

Having aroused all the answers, you got a digit from 0 to 20.

  • If you have a total figure from 11 to 20, then your child is now in the crisis stage of 6 - 7 years. Therefore, you need to revise your behavior in the root. Since your active action or passive inaction can greatly affect the direction of its upbringing.
  • If your number was from 6 to 10 balls: most likely, these are the consequences of improper education of the child and the age crisis of 7 years has not yet begun. But pay attention to this and in the near future try to adjust the situation with the right upbringing.
  • For parents with the amount of points from 0 to 5, it is recommended to watch the behavior of the child. For seven years your child is too calm. Perhaps the crisis of 7 years passes deep inside, which is clearly not beneficial to your chad.

Crisis for 7 years in a child: ambulance

  1. Do not panic, it is only another complexity that you will definitely overcome. Like any diseases, crisis is only temporary in your life. Just correctly lead yourself, and soon everything comes to normal.
  2. One of the reasons for the acute manifestation of the conflict of the crisis is 7 years is the inconsistency of your attitude towards the child. Maybe give the child a little freedom - let him understand himself. Not so much limit it - only control and guide carefully.
  3. Your baby has already grown - no need to patron it. Give him the opportunity to straighten your wings, and when he comes to advice, then you will show your parent care.

Crisis for 7 years, recommendations to parents


  1. All negative symptoms of the crisis of 7 years in a child are associated with an internal protest regarding increasing demands at home and at school. Too much overnight goes to the category "Need to do", and the child immediately appears the infinite "I do not want to - I will not".
    Recommendations Crisis 7 years: Correctly carry your "must" so that the child himself wanted to fulfill it. Tell the instructive story, where the hero authoritative for him shows him an example of such behavior.
  2. In the crisis 7 years, the child can already make decisions based on personal experience. During the next refusal, do not raise him with your authority - remind him how it was cold when he was not well dressed, or how the tummy sick last time from such a quantity.
  3. Let the child have the opportunity to argue with you. If he has his opinion in the crisis of 7 years, let him argue it. In this case, he will learn to unreasonably not demand anything, and you will learn to hear and reckon with his opinion.
  4. At the transition stage of the crisis of 7 years, it is recommended to immediately not switch the child from toys to books and a letter. Enter school subjects gradually, even playing. Allow your choice to relax for your favorite game, while repeat the words set on the house. Or draw letters together with colored markers. The more you are involved in new processes together, the better they come into the daily order of the child.
  5. A feature of the crisis of 7 years is disobedience. If the child refuses to adhere to the usual routine of the day - do not force it. Specify how much time it needs to finish all things - let him feel adults. During the crisis of 7 years, psychologists recommend communicating with the child on an equal footing: ask adult questions, to give the opportunity to make independent decisions and bear responsibility for them.
  6. In the crisis of seven years, the child though growing up, but still deeply still remains a child. Put in the example of fabulous heroes, the benefit is now the mass of instructive cartoons with a deep meaning. So you displacing an authoritarian position with yourself and smooth out "the need to do something" with the help of other factors.
  7. An important recommendation during the crisis of the child at 7 years: do not feel about the child as your thing. Yes, you gave birth to him and raised, but he is a separate person and must not be absolutely similar to you. The strongest manifestations of the symptoms of the crisis of the 7 years occur precisely because of the behavior of the parents. When everything starts, do not consider that the situation comes out from under your control, and do not think that your "toy" broke. Do not learn all the forces to repair it. You must cope with your parent feelings and understand that the child is now much harder to you. You hand in hand should go through this crisis for 7 years. Your main task, as a parent, maintain and direct your child in this important and not simple for both of the time.

7 years crisis. Video


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