
What is sand therapy

What is sand therapy
How with the help of sand therapy make your baby calm, sociable and self-confident

Sand game The oldest occupation of a person. After all, even in order to draw drawings on the rocks, we needed tools and skills. And the sand is everywhere. He took him in his hands, and he is already flowing, it hurts, creates figures. The properties of the sand take into the land of negative emotions and liberate the psyche from internal conflicts were seen by psychotherapists. Famous psychotherapist K. Jung has developed the foundations of sand therapy. Currently, there is even such a direction of sand psychotherapy - UNGIAN. Sweat therapy methods are successfully used for children and adults. Psychotherapists, followers of this method, organize special groups for those who want to make harmony in their lives, solve internal experiences, improve their lives and become happier.

Sand therapy for children


Sand therapy for solving psychological problems in children is even more popular. If adults can determine and voice their psychological state, then in children, only parents can observe internal problems. Children cannot complain about situations that create internal discomfort. The child needs help psychotherapist if:

  • he has fears and often emerging anxiety;
  • nervous ticks and neurosis arise;
  • inadequate behavior;
  • low self-esteem;
  • complex relationships with parents, classmates, teachers or educators;
  • there is a depressive condition and suicidal thoughts;
  • transferred psychological injury or violence.

Sand has the ability to ripping and take the negative experiences and fears into the ground. Therefore, the result of sandy game-classes is liberation from everything that worries and worries. And, most importantly, this liberation occurs at the subconscious level, without the use of psychological impact and medical drugs. Sand therapy occupation with the help of a children's psychotherapist or a teacher who unobtrusively pushes the child to liberate from internal problems, develop a child's self-esteem and help him assert themselves in society. Children's sand therapy does not put the goal to redo the child, but allows you to learn how to learn themselves through the game.

Sand therapy sand

In the sand therapy, quartz sand with a fraction is 0.1-0.3, it has a color from gently white to a light yellow or reddish shade. Sand for therapy is soft and pleasant to the touch, easily flowing. You can use sand with larger particles: washed river or sea. If you were preparing river or sea sand, it should be sifted, rinse and dry carefully. For first occupations and acquaintance with the material it is recommended to choose the smallest white sand.

It can be used both dry and wet sand. Therefore, the pulverizer with water is used for the irrigation of the sand. Sand can be bought in pet stores or specialized stores where materials for creativity are sold. The sandbox must be filled with 2/3 of sand, so 5-6 kilograms will be required.

Table for sand therapy


Sandbox can be purchased in stores or salons where materials for creativity are sold. It is a wooden box made of coniferous wood. Its dimensions: Length 70 cm, width 50 cm, depth 8-10 cm. You can buy a plastic sandbox, but do not forget about the positive effect of the tree, about warm and rest, which can come from wooden products.

If it is impossible to buy a sandbox, do not be mistaken! Such a simple box can be made or ask for acquaintances who own the skills of working with wood. Materials can be bought in building stores. The inner portion for sand therapy is painted in blue or blue. This is a prerequisite, such colors help easier to simulate. The blue sandboxes are symbolized with the sky, and shifting sand at the bottom, you can easily make a blue lake or river. For the sand does not pour out from the corners and joints, everything is carefully processed and put off.

Currently, the method of sand therapy is very popular and varied. There is a direction of drawing pictures from sand on a transparent illumination screen (sand animation). On a table or sandbox for drawing sand with a special illumination, 1 kg of sand is poured and draw. Such a table can also be purchased, but if there is no such possibility, you can arrange sand therapy occupation simply on the sheet of Watman. To do this, you can simply bend and secure the edges of the watman, and pour a kilogram of sand on paper.


Sand therapy figures

For sand therapy, figures of people, animals, birds, fairy characters are used. Figures should be from different materials: wood, clay, plastics and metal. The collection of figures should be represented by large and small objects, colorful and colorless, beautiful and ugly. You can not use tiny figures for classes with young children. In stores you can buy both separate figures and entire thematic sets. Good use and natural natural materials, such as shells, twigs, pebbles. The whole collection of step-therapy figures during classes should be stored in free access to children. There are different ways to store thumbnails: they can be put on the shelves by groups or by themes, and can be supplied in advance.

Sand therapy exercises


The very first exercise - acquaintance with sand is called "Hello Sand!"

  • Children put her palms on dry sand, spend on it with palms, then the back of the palms. They are told at the request of an adult about what sand (soft, dry).
  • Snakes are performed on the sand. Children are water in smooth with fingers, drawing wavy lines.
  • Children take sand in cams, firmly compressed, and then slowly pour sand into the sandbox.
  • Children bury his palms in the sand, and then find their palms.
  • With the help of an adult, every finger "greets" with sand. The child lays his palm with floating fingers into the sandbox. Mom or teacher pour sand in turns on his fingers. A child with closed eyes tries to determine what finger is a padded sand.

These simple exercises allow the child to feel the sand tactile, evaluate its properties. Hourly therapy classes for children can be carried out both for a small group of children of one age and for children together with parents.


Exercise "Prints of our hands"

This exercise teaches to evaluate the sensations. It is better to conduct a lesson with parents. Child and adult alternately make palms in the sand. Palm indulgered and slightly immersed in the sand. The first of his feelings tells the adult. He says what sand is soft or rough, what small grace he feels the skin. Then the child tells about the sand.

Exercise "Rain from Sand"

This exercise removes muscle tension and aggression.

The presenter announces that today the sandbox began a rain from the sand. The child make it possible to feel how to flow sand from the cam on the palm, in the sandbox, to the palm of mom. Then mom makes the rain to a child on his palm.

Exercise "Traces in the Sand"

Exercise is carried out in the form of the game. The presenter offers on the sand to show how different animals go. First go bears: a child makes fuzzles in the sand.

Then jump bunnies: the tips of the fingers are easily knocking on the sand surface.

And now snakes are crawling: the fingers of the child make a wavy pattern on the sand surface.

Fugged bugs: fingers spread, the child imitates insect foot. You can immerse your fingers in the sand.

Sand therapy games


Games with a limited number of objects. It is recommended to choose a child:

  • 4 figures of people;
  • 4 buildings: house, gazebo, bridge, tower;
  • 4 animal figures;
  • and 4 more objects to choose from.


With this game, the lead or teacher can find out what is worried about the child and what he would like to get rid of. The child is proposed to bury one or several items from the selected 12. The psychologist does not look at the process of hide and seekers. After that, the child finds out one after another hidden items and talks about each.

Thematic world

The child is invited to build a world on one of the selected topics: "My family", "My Friends", "My Future" and so on.

In order to eliminate psycho - emotional problems in a child, there is not enough 1-2 classes. Most often, classes are conducted on programs that includes at least 6-10 lessons.

The program of sand therapy occupation is built in such a way that at the first and second lesson, the psychologist determines which psychological problems there are in a child. Next, there are classes aimed at the development, formation and adjustment of the emotional state. At the final lesson, a psychologist explores how much the child's consciousness changed. Each grade therapy program will necessarily include a free game in the sandbox, in which the child has fantasy and creative abilities. After all, no wonder K. Jung, the author of sand therapy, argued that "fantasy is a mother of all opportunities."

The relevance of sand therapy

Sand therapy is applied not only for children who have psychological and emotional problems. This technique helps children of different ages to overcome age crises, complex relationships with friends and parents. It was noticed in practice that children after several sessions of sand therapy are becoming less aggressive, they are easier to come to contact and freely show their feelings.

Sand therapy is successfully applied in the practice of speech therapists. Classes and sands with sand improve the shallow motility of fingers and help children overcome speech therapy problems. Hourly therapy occupations help children know better learning themselves and open their creative potential.

Increasingly, parents acquire the sandbox just to ensure that the child has developed fully, and not to overcome psychological problems. Parents with the child can build magic cities, telling fairy tales, draw. Joint communication and creativity creates an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding in the family.

Sand therapy. Video

The video tells about sand therapy for children.


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