
Functional nutrition

Functional nutrition
There are hundreds of diets in the world that allow you to lose weight and restore health. Recently, functional nutrition has become very popular. What is its feature and advantage?

The pace of modern life is so fast that people are almost unable to eat right. A quick breakfast, lunch on the go and a dense unbalanced dinner become the causes of many diseases and ailments. Doctors claim that such food shortens life on average for 8 years. Functional nutrition helps to avoid negative effects on the body and strengthen health.

What is functional nutrition?

Functional is the nutrition that gives the body the maximum amount of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, amino acids and minerals. And these are not just food, but products that have a healing effect on the functions of human organs. This is a source of energy.

The need for such a diet arose in the middle of the last century in Japan. The idea of \u200b\u200bfunctional nutrition was immediately supported in many other countries of the world.

The reasons for the appearance of functional nutrition:

  • Poor food. In modern products, they began to use a large number of non -natural additives, substitutes for taste, dyes, synthetic vitamins. Eating such food, a person satisfies hunger, but does not receive substances useful for the body. As a result, the organs begin to experience a lack of natural substances.


  • Disruption of human nutrition. Without thinking about the consequences, people eat very salty, spicy and fatty foods. Her erratic reception and an unbalanced diet is the cause of the loss of strength, obesity, depression, diseases of many internal organs of a person.
  • An increase in the number of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, stomach and intestinal cancer.


All these factors caused the occurrence of functional nutrition. There was a need for a healthy food that can treat the body and extend human life.  Natural products have all the necessary useful properties. Due to the content of trace elements, amino acids, vitamins, carbohydrates and fats, an individual diet can be made up. For example, in Japan, functional chocolate sweets are sold, which affect the prevention of heart attack and soups to improve blood circulation.

Functional nutrition: Functional food

Functional food products differ from ordinary "healthy" products. They are grown exclusively in pure ecology, without the use of any additives. All substances contained in such products should only be of natural origin. Only the product that has received scientific evidence of its benefit can be considered functional.

For functional nutrition, natural biologically active components can be added to the products - lactic acid bacteria, amino acids, bioflavonids, peptides, polyunsaturated fats, natural vitamins, and trace elements.

All products for functional nutrition, which are desirable to eat every day, are divided into five groups:

  1. Sour -milk products enriched with probiotics - yogurts and other dairy drinks.
  2. Porridge, flakes and muesli cooked on water.
  3. Natural vegetable oils.
  4. Seafood - pollock, salmon, cod, crab, pink salmon and other species.
  5. Fruits and raw vegetables grown in the region where a person lives.


In addition to natural products, you can add to the diet that are already ready to use functional nutrition dishes. It can be soups, drinks, cereals and mashed potatoes, which are enriched with natural dietary supplements. Such a diet can provide the body with the necessary daily norm of beneficial and natural substances. Many compare such products with the food of astronauts - homogeneous, easily absorbed, enriched with natural elements.

Functional nutrition of Constantine Monastery

Konstantin Monastyrsky is known as a nutrition consultant that actively introduces the idea of \u200b\u200bfunctional nutrition. He became the author of 4 books on healthy food, and also founded a radio broadcast on this topic in Chicago. Konstantin Monastyrsky is a member of the American Association of Food Consultants.


The man turned to functional nutrition after he fell ill with diabetes and obesity. He changed his diet, the selection of products and was cured of these diseases, and also got rid of intestinal disorders and tooth pains.

Monastyrsky came to the conclusion that people's diseases arise for two reasons:

  1. From the use of excessive amounts of carbohydrates and fiber.
  2. From the lack of fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins in the body.

Fundamentals of the functional nutrition of the monastery

  1. The rejection of flour and grain products, which contain a large amount of carbohydrates. The level of insulin increases from them in the body, and it converts carbohydrates into fat. Monastyrsky proposes to exclude porridge, pasta, bread and brigade products from the diet.
  2. Refusal to use vegetables and fruits, which contain a large amount of carbohydrates and fiber. The intestinal mucosa is disturbed due to an excess of rough tissue. As a result, various types of gastrointestinal disorders occur. Monastery recommends vegetables and fruits only during their seasonal maturation.   Potatoes and vegetable juices should be excluded from the diet.
  3. The main components of the diet should be meat and dairy products. Any meat does not contain carbohydrates and consists of water, fats and proteins. It has all the amino acids necessary for humans, vitamin B12 and dietary iron. The meat requires thorough chewing and therefore causes the active release of digestive enzymes. Monastyrsky advises the meat bought in the store in milk. This will allow you to get rid of traces of pesticides and antibiotics.


Sour -milk products - the second component of the diet of functional nutrition. These are yogurts, sour cream, oil, cheeses and other dairy products. Konstantin Monastyrsky considers milk to be the first and most natural product that a person begins to use immediately after birth. Halestine is not a hindrance. Scientists have proved that only those substances that can dissolve in it fall into the blood, and halestin does not apply to them.  Thanks to him, the state of the intestinal mucosa is supported.


Functional menu of the monastery

After 6 years of unsuccessful vegetarianism, Konstantin Monastyrsky switched to functional nutrition. His menu includes:

  • Drinks: coffee with cream and with one teaspoon of sugar, tea.
  • Salads: “Greek with a Brynza”, from tomatoes, cucumbers and avocados, meat.
  • Meat soups: Onion, hodgepodge, kharcho, broths, soups-puree.
  • Meat dishes: Hot, chicken chips, beef stroganov, shnitzel, barbecue, rabbit in sour cream.
  • Vegetables: Zucchini, tomatoes, sweet pepper, onions. You can eat raw or bake.
  • Dairy dishes: yogurts, sour cream, cheeses, butter.
  • Fish dishes: Casserole, fried fish on low heat.

  Functional nutritionEnergy Diet

The composition of the functional nutrition includes mineral-vitamin supplements, natural origin. It is believed that even the best diet cannot provide a person with the necessary amount of useful substances. Therefore, food consultants are advised to include Energy Diet biological products (energy diets) in the functional diet.

They are created in the French laboratory. The composition of Energy Diet includes natural minerals, vitamins, fats, proteins, fiber, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, iron, iodine, manganese, copper and enzymes that help to digest food. This is already ready to use food. It is released in the form of powder and diluted in milk or water.


Energy Diet Facts (Energy Diets):

  1. Energy Diet functional foods are not a medicine and dietary supplement. This is a full -fledged balanced diet.
  2. Energy Diet products themselves have a positive effect on humans, but their functional effect on the organs that receive balanced natural components.
  3. Using Energy Diet products, you should not refuse meat, fish, milk, fruits and vegetables.
  4. Energy Diet products can be given to children and older people.
  5. Energy Diet products do not require a long time to digest in the stomach and do not rot in it. They are quickly absorbed by the body, delivering beneficial substances to cells.
  6. The contraindication of the Energy Diet functional nutrition can only be allergic reactions to components of natural biological additives.
  7. Energy Diet functional nutrition helps to get rid of excess weight and depression, restore the energy reserve of the body, provide a balanced diet, eliminate the problems of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Energy Diet products are suitable for vegetarians, raw foodists and monosyreedists.
  9. The line of products for the Energy Diet functional power has developed special complexes for different groups of people:
  • for athletes;
  • for pregnant women;
  • for children;
  • for the elderly;
  • for those who want to lose weight;
  • for healing the body.

Functional food technology

Power specialists have developed technologies for enriching products that allow them to make them functional. First, the basis of the future functional product is selected:

  1. Dairy.
  2. Meat or fish proteins.
  3. The basis of vegetables and fruits.
  4. Plant proteins (for example, soy).
  5. Vegetable oils.
  6. The basis of cereals.
  7. Mixed - combines 2 bases.

To enrich meat based on meat, calcium, polyunsaturated fats, iron are added to them. For each group of people, the composition is adjusted. For example, for pregnant women, folic acid, group B vitamins, iodine are added to poultry products. For those who suffer from heart diseases, calcium and collagen are simply necessary.


Milk -based products are enriched with bifidobacteria, lactulose, probiotics, calcium, vitamins. For children, whole series of functional products are created. For example, yogurts with lactulosis protect the intestines from disorders and restore digestion. Vitamin D added to milk helps to absorb calcium.


Based on fruits and vegetables, functional puree, cereals, soups, dry vitaminized drinks are prepared. They enrich them with trace elements, extracts from medicinal plants, and trace elements. For example, if you add natural calcium to orange juice, then it will help the complete absorption of vitamin C.

So functional nutrition becomes more balanced and useful than ordinary. Many nutritionists say that this is the food of the future.


Where to purchase functional food products

Do not think that products for functional nutrition are not available or are a deficit.  They can be bought both in stores and ordered via the Internet. Products must be certified.

Today, many natural dairy products have appeared in stores enriched with lively useful bacteria, vitamins, trace elements.  To understand whether the product is functional, read the label carefully. It should indicate that the product is natural, does not contain synthetic additives, dyes, flavor amplifiers, the composition can be enriched with vitamins, natural fruit or other components.


It is better to buy functional meat products or vegetables and fruits from farmers who work in environmentally friendly regions. It is very important that there are no chemical processing of plants in farms.


Energy Diet products can be purchased in specialized stores or via the Internet. In order not to become a victim of the scam, check the certificate and be interested in the reviews of other customers. Remember that Energy Diet products are produced in France. Buy from representatives of the manufacturer - this is a guarantee of quality, compliance with technology. If a person who offers you Energy Diet says that this is a dietary supplement, then he should not trust him. Professional functional nutrition consultants know that Energy Diet products are not dietary supplements. This is natural food produced on high -tech equipment.


Advantages and disadvantages of functional nutrition

There are a lot of the advantages of functional nutrition. If they were not, then this direction is unlikely to become so popular in many countries of the world.

The advantages of functional nutrition:

  1. Absolutely natural food.
  2. Food is quickly absorbed and gives the body the maximum amount of nutrients.
  3. Functional nutrition is available at any age
  4. Helps to increase the body's immunity.
  5. Allows you to get rid of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, cancer neoplasms and many other diseases.
  6. Runes to normal and eliminates obesity.
  7. Promotes the elimination of toxins from the body.
  8. It is a source of energy for a person.
  9. Gives an anti -aging effect.
  10. Prolongs human life.

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Disadvantages of functional nutrition:

  1. With uncontrolled use of functional food products enriched with useful components, the body can be oversaturated. It is especially important to avoid patients with allergies and children. Before taking functional products, you need to consult with food consultants or dietetologists.
  2. In the functional nutrition system of Konstantin Monastyrsky, a complete exclusion from the diet of cereals and the maximum reduction in the use of vegetables and fruits are proposed. Many doctors disagree with this. Oatmeal in the morning is still considered a source of energy and is useful for digestion. And vegetables and fruits give the body natural vitamins and trace elements. But in order to reduce the negative effect of coarse fiber on the intestinal walls, doctors advise to cut the skin from them. Also, it is better to buy these products not in stores, but to grow it yourself. Then fruits and vegetables will be really useful.

Functional nutrition reviews

Millions of people around the world have already tried functional nutrition. The number of reviews is huge. Most of them are positive.

Parents are discussing dairy products for children on the forums. Adults note the positive impact of functional products on the work of the intestines of children who suffer from constipation. Functional nutrition also helps to solve the problem of obesity at an early age. Parents claim that after the child began to eat such products, his weight began to decline. Those who care about the health of children and have long been used by functional nutrition note: “Our babies have been less likely to get sick of acute respiratory infections.  We forgot about endless sick leave. ”

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Women who want to lose weight with Energy Diet functional nutrition say the following about their experience: “For three months I have been adding energy diets to my diet. I noticed that the weight began to decline. Previously, I could not lose 4-5 kilograms. Now the problem is solved. I began to eat much less. I have dinner only with cocktails. " Almost everyone who starts functionally eat Energy Diet products achieve the desired result.


They talk about the effect of functional nutrition and the elderly people.  Many argue that they began to feel ease in the body and additional energy: “I was always bothered by the weakness of the body. By dinner, I felt fatigue. Often the heart ached. After my wife and I became interested in functional nutrition, a feeling of strength appeared. Now we are busy with household chores all day. We bought a garden and grow clean products for ourselves and our children. ”


Athletes who need energy daily leave many positive reviews about functional nutrition. People talk not only about how easier it became for them to play sports.  Particular attention is paid to warn against the use of dietary supplements and other substitutes for functional products: “My first experience of functional nutrition was sad.  Snow-manager sold me dietary supplements. I received no taste or result. Only a disappointment that spent money in vain. After time, I managed to buy real functional products from the manufacturer. And after a while I felt that my body earned like a clock. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract have disappeared, energy for long training has appeared. ”


Functional products recipes (video)


Stepanova Alena 25.12.2015 Answer

I use the second month Laminaria vertera from kelp. Laminaria is known for its useful properties and the rich content of macro and trace elements. I noted an increase in activity, performance and mood. There is an improvement from the skin.
