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Food in Ayurveda

Food in Ayurveda
All recommendations and subtleties of such a flow as Ayurveda. Information about diet and recipes.

Not in vain say that healthy mind is in a healthy body. But in order for the body to be healthy, just just want it, you need to do anything. Therefore, various diet, exercises and methods are traditional, as well as unconventional medicine are so popular. One of these techniques is the proper nutrition in Ayurveda. We will talk about her about it.

Ayurveda Nutrition


The concept of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is one of the most ancient medical, the origins of which come from India. Ancient Indian doctors specialized very well on the human body. And they considered not every disease separately, and the concept of the human body as a whole itself. Over time, their learning, it has led to the creation of a system of proper nutrition that called Ayurveda.

The very concept of Ayurveda can be translated into Russian as "knowledge of life", or "science of life."

Ayurveda: Power Principles


Power principles for Ayurveda are very simple and not difficult to follow them. Try to remember them. It will be your first step towards a healthy lifestyle, good health and impeccable figure.

Here they are:

  1. Eat spices. As you know, the inhabitants of India love spicy dishes, and the Ayurveda technique itself, as we have already said, came from India. Spices are not only able to give a dish specific taste, but also useful to influence the human body. In such seasonings there is a huge amount of substances capable of becoming valuable for the health of any person. Naturally, here you need to know the measure and in no case to abuse.
  2. Do not close your eyes to your wishes. Despite the fact that there is a list of recommended products, the rules that need to follow does not exclude Ayurveda food that you may want. If you keep the right lifestyle corresponding to all the advice, you and your body will need this food, which will be useful for him. It is quite possible, you very soon pay attention to what you want only useful food, only healthy foods. This is the charm of Ayurveda.
  3. Try to cook all the food with your own hands. Ayurveda rules say that there is only fresh food prepared by their own hands. By the way, it is recommended to prepare small portions so that food is enough for one eating food, because with heat treatment, re-warming food, it loses its useful properties. In addition, it is recommended to take cooking only in a good mood, because otherwise your mood may affect the finished dishes.
  4. Because Ayurveda is a science of life, live food needs to be eaten. Vegetables, fruits, as well as grains - is the perfect choice. Such products are not only tasty, but also have a whole set of nutrients affecting the correct construction of cells, enzymes that improve digestion, as well as vitamins. Forget about the preparation of frozen products, use only fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. Do not forget to periodically use apples, oranges, pears.
  5. Arrange your holiday from food. Try to allocate one day a week in which you will avoid eating the hardest food. At the very beginning it will be difficult for you, but over time when you are accustomed to, you will begin to understand the beauty of this one unloading day. Believe me, these sensations are just unique.
  6. Rule six flavors. As you know, there are six tastes:
  • salty;
  • sour;
  • sweet;
  • astringent;
  • bitter;
  • spicy.

And they all should be in your diet. But remember, this does not mean that each dish should be saturated with all tastes. You do not need to add all seasonings to your culinary masterpieces that only exist in the house. Alternate Tastes day, prepare such dishes that you want exactly the current time. Enjoy that food that you need, please contact those tastes that your body requires today.

  1. Do not limit yourself in meals if you are hungry. Ayurveda eliminates the rules "not after 6" and other nonsense, which is afraid of most modern ladies. Indian doctors at one time came to the conclusion that it follows to eat when you want it when you really hungry. After all, our body knows better than he needed. And if you feel the feeling of hunger - it means that he tells you about it. But you should be aware of all responsibility and do not overeat. Ayurveda has one rule, and it says that breakfast should be eaten until the onset of 8 am.
  2. Eat only in full calm. Another rule that concerns how and when we need to eat. Doctors from India believed that a calm condition, a good mood contributes to the right digestion. Meals in Ayurveda states that food used by us absorbs our energy, our thoughts and emotions. Therefore, it is necessary to think exclusively about good when you sit down for meals. If your mood can not be called positive, and thoughts are clogged with something negative, you better wait with food intake.
  3. Do not rush to the Ayurveda system helps the body. This rule concerns meals. Make sure that it is not too fast. Only thoroughly chewing all the food, useful and important items will be able to be assimilated by the body. But this is exactly what is the main point of the whole diet. In addition, when you already live in the rules of Ayurveda, the lack of a hurry during the meal will allow you to also benefit even from the most useful products. Your body will be already trained that it will give him the opportunity to neutralize useless substances and benefit even from the most useful food.
  4. Completely combine products. Immediateness of the centuries of doctors in India led to the opinion that the correct combination of products may affect the digestion of food. It was this simple truth that became one of the rules of Ayurveda. Therefore, if you decide to eat dairy products, note that they do not interfere with citrus. Fruits are better not to mix with potatoes, as the starch will interfere with the rapid digestion of fructose. Finally, melon should not be interfered with milk or grains. And at all, the melon is better not to interfere with any products.

Ayurveda: Day and meal


So that this diet makes sense, it is obliged to have a certain composition. Every day you have to use the following products:

  • at least half a tablespoon of uroen vegetables;
  • 5% daily diet soups with vegetables;
  • about 30% of legumes. You can use both dishes, with the addition of legumes and them separately;
  • 50% rice or grain (your taste).

Healthy nutrition Ayurveda implies some more conditions for combining food:

  1. Do not heated honey. If you like honey, try not to heat it, because in this case it loses its useful properties and can even harm. Sometimes Ayurveda even calls poison heated honey.
  2. Do not interfere with milk with proteins. This rule is simply explained: protein products are characteristic of their heating properties, and milk, in turn, is cooling. This is how toxins are created.

General power rules for Ayurveda

ayurveda1 [1]

In addition to the power modes of Ayurveda, there are also some rules that allow you to always be in the form and feel canceled. These rules look like this:

  1. Try to take the main meal of about 12 hours of the day.
  2. Each food is necessary exclusively in the sitting position.
  3. During meals, you should not be distracted by the newspaper, TV and conversations. Appreciate calm.
  4. When the food intake is over, do not get up from the table for 5-7 minutes.
  5. After sunset, try not to eat food.
  6. If you do not feel hunger, you do not need to go to eat, even if it is time.
  7. Do not eat "from the abdomen", eat about 75% of your capabilities.
  8. Do not eat cold food.
  9. Do not abuse liquid during the food process. There is such a notion as "Ayurvedic boiling water" is water that was in the boiling state about 20 minutes. Such water can be poisoned.
  10. Lunch must combine all 6 of the above-mentioned Ayurvedic flavors. But, this does not mean that they should be in one dish.
  11. Do not abuse fried, salted, as well as acidic dishes.
  12. Do physical culture, and also learn more about Yoga Asana, and try it in it.

Ayurveda Nutrition: Ayurveda Doshi


The concept of Ayurveda implies that any cooked dish should approach the concept of dosha, and this is five primary elements. Among them are:

  1. Earth.
  2. Water.
  3. Air.
  4. Fire.
  5. Space.

Each of the DOS has its own unique characteristics, and that the diet on Ayurveda for weight loss is really effective, they need to know more about them.

Ayurveda Wat food


Watta is the wind. People who belong to this type can be found in a thin-minded physique. They all do very quickly: think, move. Those people are peculiar to hair drying, dry skin on their hands, as well as very thin nails, eyelashes.

Watta is such a category of people who do not like a cold or cold food. All because they are always freezing and sometimes it sometimes happens very difficult. The burning of fats for such people occurs in fact instantly, due to which their accumulation is not carried out.

Watt food should include:

  • buckwheat;
  • dairy products;
  • nuts;
  • rice.

At the same time, their daily food diet is obliged to almost completely eliminate non-cooked vegetables, apples of acid varieties, as well as soy products. As for spices, a nutmeg is recommended.


Ayurveda Nutrition: Ayurveda Pitt

This is how the "fire" is called. And people belonging to such a type can be found in a normal physique. It is also characterized by a truly explosive character. Very often these people come into conflicts, while blushing.

Outwardly, they often have a red or light shade, and small moles are often found on the skin surface. The skin is more pink.

The representatives of Pitt Heat are not like, as they sweat themselves and do not give them the best way. And the hunger for them is real torture.

blyuda-Iz-Cvetnoj-Kapusty [1]

Their type of food in Ayurveda must accommodate the following products:

  • legumes;
  • coriander;
  • cinnamon;
  • milk origin products;
  • mint;
  • celery;
  • dill;
  • cauliflower;
  • asparagus.

About red meat and ginger is best forgotten. Just as about nuts and saffron.

Food in Ayurveda: Ayurveda Kapha


People who are peculiar to completeness belong to the variety of kapha. They have a bad metabolism, and in addition, they are accustomed to improper nutrition. They are characterized by love for sleep, reluctance to work, a quick weight gain.

Despite all this, their character has positive features, including peacefulness, great confidence in itself and balance.

Despite its weight, Kapha always feel just excellent in all weather conditions and with any temperature indicators.

Visually, they can be found in dense hair, cool and clean skin, as well as great eyes and broad shoulders.

As for the too slow metabolism, in rare cases, it is capable of leading even to the fact that the usual apple will be postponed as fat in the body.

The diet of such people should be made up of the following products:

  • beans;
  • cheese of soybean origin;
  • rice brown;
  • ginger.

Among the unsuitable products, the Ayurveda nutrition system notes rice white, chicken meat, beef and everything is sweet, except honey.

Food in Ayurveda: recipes

If suddenly you decide to adhere to life in the style of Ayurveda, you need to know which dishes can be prepared. No wonder yoga say that healthy, suitable food is obliged to fill the human body of life and health. Here are some dishes that you like.

Fruit and vegetables salad

Detox-diet-recommended-to-eat fruit salad

To prepare such a salad that is enough for 4-5 servings, you will need:

  • 1 spoon of cilantro;
  • 1 spoon of honey;
  • 1 spoon of sweet fruit jam;
  • 2 tomatoes sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes;
  • banana 1 pc.;
  • pear 1 pc.;
  • green chili pepper, chopped in pieces of small size;
  • raisins and dates 60 g.;
  • mango 1 pc.;
  • almonds and cashews. 60 g.;
  • sour cream or whipped cream. Exclusively to your taste;
  • salt;
  • apple. 1 PC.


  1. Grind dried fruits and nuts.
  2. Clean the purified fruit cubes.
  3. Mix all elements in a big bowl and add salt.
  4. Serve salad to rice dishes.

Indian vegetable plov


To prepare the pilas you will need:

  • 950 ml of water;
  • carnation;
  • chopped cinnamon;
  • bay sheet 2 pcs.;
  • acute pepper 1 pod;
  • 100 g of green peas, podolova, carrots, cauliflower;
  • paul spoons of cardamom seeds;
  • half a spoon of ginger and half a spoon of turmeric;
  • tomatoes 3 pcs.;
  • basmati rice 350 g;
  • creamy or baked oil 2 spoons;
  • salt to taste;
  • quarter spoons asafetide.


  1. Cut the washed vegetables and rinse rice. After that, leave it in the water for 15 minutes.
  2. Heat the oil and root the pepper in it with ginger and turmeric.
  3. Add vegetables and oil into a saucepan. Tomatoes so far hold. Plush the mixture for 5 minutes. Add rice and start stirring.
  4. Add tomatoes, laurel leaves and salted water.
  5. Bring all the ingredients before the booster.
  6. Add spices and close the pilaf using the cover.
  7. Boil the first to the moment until all the water is impaired.
  8. Put rice in a plate and decorate it with lemon slices.

Food in Ayurveda. Video

Finally, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the video where you will learn all the smallest food details on Ayurveda, as well as see some more recipes for the preparation of delicious and useful dishes.


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