
Why is Karsil are appointed - indications, contraindications. Karsil: Instructions for use. What are the analogs of Karsil

Why is Karsil are appointed - indications, contraindications. Karsil: Instructions for use. What are the analogs of Karsil
The drug Karsil is reliable help from your liver. You will find ways to use the drug in the article.

A healthy body and peppy spirit are the natural desire of each person. The costs of lifestyle, improper nutrition, diseases, as well as the use of drugs have not the best effect on a person’s liver. When the liver reserves are no longer enough, hepatoprotective preparations come to the rescue. They protect the liver cells, and also stimulate the regeneration of the latter.

Karsil - Instructions for the drug

If the liver “fails”, it requires additional support. The most soft, but no less effective effect is possessed by plant preparations. A special place among others is a spotty -playing spot. The chemical composition of the plant is represented by flavonoids and flavonolinans - silidian, silibinin, silibristin, as well as alkaloids, fat oils (up to 25%), proteins, resins, histamine, vitamin K and mineral elements. Due to its composition, milk thistle improves the formation and removal of bile from the body, has a hepatoprotective effect.

The form of the release of the drug Karsil

The drug Karsil is produced in the form of a rounded dragee, slightly convex two sides. Outside, the pill has a saturated brown color, inside - white. Another variety of the drug-Karsil Forte-is produced in the form of capsules with a gelatin shell of light yellow and cylindrical shape. The internal contents of the therapeutic pill are a powder mass, the color of which can vary from light yellow to a saturated yellow-brown hue. Karsil tablets are placed in blisters of 10 pieces.

Karsil: The composition of the drug

The drug has a natural composition.   So the active substance is silimarin. This component was obtained from the plant of the pierce, therefore, studying the instructions for the drug, you can find it not “Silimarin”, but a dry cane extract. One dragee contains 35 mg (or 22.5 mg) of the active component. In addition, pills contain auxiliary components, among which:

  • Monohydrate lactose.
  • Sorbitol.
  • Wheat starch.
  • Talc.
  • Povidon.
  • Stiarat magnesium.
  • Microcrystalline cellulose.
  • Monohydrate dextrose.
  • Sodium bicarbonate.

Karsil: use, pharmacological properties and effects of the drug

The effect of the drug is based on the "work" of its active component - the extract of the milk thistle.

  • The drug is a powerful hepaprotector. The drug stimulates the liver, and also protects its cells from negative effects. The active component (milk thistle) slows down the penetration of toxins into the liver cells.
  • The antioxidant effect of Karsil ensures the update and maintenance of the working capacity of the liver membranes. As a result of the interaction of the active component of the drug with free radicals present in the body, the latter transforms into less dangerous and toxic elements. Thus, their negative impact on cellular structures ceases. Such an action of the drug is akin to the natural mechanisms of the functioning of the cells in the fight against harmful elements, so cleansing and protection undergo a mild physiological way.
  • Carsila treatment prevents the destruction of leukotriene from group V.
  • Silimarin normalizes lipid metabolism, stimulates the production of structural and functional proteins, accelerates their synthesis.
  • The drug contributes to the regeneration of liver cells.
  • The normalization of the liver activity, of course, also affects the improvement of the general condition of the body. The number of subjective complaints is reduced, such as: weakness, a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, decrease or completely lack of appetite, vomiting, itching of the skin.

The indicators of laboratory tests obtained during therapy with the drug improve - the level of bilirubin and alkaline phosphotase in the blood decreases, and the enzymes of transaminase reduce their activity. As practice shows, the drug Karsil is effective even with the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver (exclusively in case of prolonged use). Of course, it does not produce a complete cure, but significantly increases survival among this category of patients.

Karsil: dosage and method of using the drug

Carsil is orally taken orally. The absorption of the components of the drug is carried out slowly and partially in the gastrointestinal tract, and then their intestinal-peach circulation occurs. The medication is excreted mainly with the bile. The half -life of the drug is 6.3 hours. The components of the drug do not accumulate in the body. How to drink karsil:

  • The first question that usually worries each patient before therapy - how to drink karsil, before meals or after? Drage is taken inside, preferably before meals.
  • The medicine must be drinking with a large amount of water.

The dosage, the frequency of taking the drug and the duration of therapy are determined exclusively by the doctor on the basis of the clinical and laboratory picture. In general, according to the instructions for the drug, the following therapeutic doses are recommended:

  • Carsil for prevention can be prescribed in the amount of 2-3 dragees per day (70-105 mg of active substance). The course of therapy is 1 month.
  • In the case of mild or supportive therapy, Karsil is taken three times a day for 1-2 dragees. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.
  • In case of severe liver lesions, the medicine is prescribed 4 dragees three times a day (the daily dose is 420 mg). The average duration of the course of treatment of the liver with the drug Karsil in this case should be less than 3 months.

How to take Karsil specifically in your case - the doctor will tell.

Analogs of the drug Karsil

Among the analogues of this drug, it is possible to distinguish the following drugs, as well as plant origin: Legalon, Silibinin, Silimarol, Daril, Heplex, heevet Forte, Heersil. The drug Karsil Forte is also an analogue of the drug Karsil (produced in the form of cylindrical capsules in the gelatin membrane).

Indications for the use of karsil: from what the drug helps

So, as already found out, the main task of the drug Karsil is to protect the liver and normalize the work of its cells. What cases is it required for an additional drug correction of the natural work of this body when it is worth using Karsil and why is it used? Indications for therapy with the drug are:

  • The chronic course of hepatitis of non -viral etiology.
  • Chronic lesions of the liver of an inflammatory nature.
  • The condition after the hepatitis.
  • Toxic liver damage.
  • Prevention for chronic intoxications of the body (including professional), as well as after prolonged intake of alcohol or drugs.
  • Statosis of the liver (alcoholic and non -alcoholic generation).
  • Cirrhosis. In this case, the drug is prescribed as a component component of complex therapy.

In some cases, in adolescence, the drug can be prescribed for insufficient body weight, if this condition is due to enzymatic deficiency.

Karsil: Side effects of the drug

Even a drug of natural origin can cause negative reactions from the body. And although in the case of treatment with a medicine, Karsil Side phenomena occurs infrequently, it is still worth saying about them. Among the unpleasant manifestations of therapy are:

  • Nausea, diarrhea.
  • Allergic reactions - skin rash, itching.
  • In some rare cases, alopecia may occur (baldness, the appearance of priests).

Contraindications and special instructions to the use of the drug Karsil

  • The drug has an estrogen -like effect, therefore, in the presence of hormonal disorders (endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian carcinoma, uterus of milk or prostate glands), the drug is prescribed with caution.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period (again due to the estrogen-like effect of the drug).
  • Children's age under 12 years. Until puberty, drugs that have hormonal effects are desirable to exclude it, if possible.
  • The components of the drug do not interact with other drugs, but they can reduce the effectiveness of contraceptives.
  • When taking antidepressants and antipsychotics, you should also be careful, since the drug Karsil enhances their effect.
  • Patients with glutenic intolerance should take into account that the drug includes wheat starch. If there are indications for the use of Karsil, its dosage should be minimal.
  • Glycerol in large doses can lead to excessive irritation of the gastric mucosa, as well as provoke headaches.

Karsil during pregnancy

The use of this drug is allowed in extreme cases and no earlier than the third trimester. During the intrauterine development of the baby under the influence of the drug (at an earlier period), a violation of sexual differentiation may be noted. Among the indications for the use of the drug in expectant mothers, it is worth noting:

  • Preeclampsia (eclampsia), accompanied by impaired liver function, as well as an increase in blood pressure.
  • FPN - fetoplacental failure. Violation of nutrients to the child.
  • Gestosis (late toxicosis).
  • Signs of inflammation of the liver according to blood test (increase in transaminase).
  • Complications of pregnancy, starting from the 37th week.

In the above cases, the potential risk of using the medication is estimated below than the risk of mother and baby's health.

Taking the drug Karsil and Nutrition

To obtain a more pronounced effect from Karsil, it is necessary first of all to revise your diet, making it as balanced as possible.

  • Refuse fatty and fried food, heavy not only for the liver, but also of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Actively saturate the menu with fermented milk products, do not avoid cottage cheese. The methionine, which is contained in cottage cheese, enhances the action of silimarin.
  • Include oatmeal in the diet (rich in vitamins of group B), jelly.

Do not hurt and be healthy!



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