
How to make cookies with predictions at home. Recipe for Chinese cookies with predictions step by step with a photo. Text and wishes for cookies with predictions

How to make cookies with predictions at home. Recipe for Chinese cookies with predictions step by step with a photo. Text and wishes for cookies with predictions
The article step by step describes several ways to make cookies of fate: from dough, paper, polymer clay and felt. And also a few original ideas are represented how to make nuts and eggs with wishes inside.

One of the funny entertainment for any holiday can be cookies with predictions. They have wishes, tips, jokes and even phantes. You can order such an unusual dessert in a Chinese food shop. But it is much more interesting to make cookies with predictions themselves at home. So you will not only save money, but you can also come up with inscriptions under a specific situation.

Chinese cookies with predictions - a classic recipe

Traditionally, dessert with wishes is baked in the oven. Preparing it will not be difficult. If you do not have a list of ingredients for the test, then use your favorite recipe. But in this case, keep in mind that the cookies in hot form should be elastic, since it must be folded in the future.

How to prepare the basis for cookies with predictions

For a classic recipe, prepare the following products:

  • medium -sized eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 100 g.;
  • senior flour - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • potato starch - 1.5 tsp;
  • vanillin and salt - to taste;
  • any vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l. + on lubrication of the sheet;
  • water - 4 tsp.

Advice. Additionally, prepare gloves on a woven base, as it will be necessary to work with hot dough.

Method of preparation:

  • First prepare strips of paper with predictions. You can come up with and write them by hand or download from this article (see the text further). Calculate the length of the paper workpiece depending on the size of the cookie.

  • For the test, only proteins will be needed, carefully separate them from the yolks. Additionally, it is not necessary to cool them, all products should be at room temperature. Also, do not forget to turn on the oven to warm up. Set the temperature 180 degrees.

  • Beat the proteins by the appearance of foam. At this stage of the recipe for cooking cookies with predictions, you can use the technique, but make sure that the mixture does not begin to thicken.

  • Add water to the eggs, vanillin and sugar with salt. Be sure to sneak the flour so that it is enriched with oxygen. Then mix it with starch. Small portions pour flour to the protein mixture.

  • The dough must be interfered with only a spoon or silicone spatula. Do not use a mixer, otherwise it will turn out too much. Cook the dough until the flour lumps are completely dissolved. As a result, you should get a mixture with a glossy surface.

  • Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, if necessary, grease with vegetable oil. Pour one tablespoon of dough on it.

  • To get a flat shape and evenly distribute the dough, draw a spoon in a circle. If necessary, add the mixture to the cake.

  • If you can’t do this, then first draw circles of the required diameter on paper and only then pour the dough.

  • Bake cookies before the appearance of golden crust on the cake. This is usually about 5-7 minutes. But this time may change depending on which recipe you are using.
  • Remove the baking sheet from the oven. Now it is necessary to work very quickly until the dough has cooled. Put the cookies with a spatula and shift it into the hand. Place the prediction on top of it.

  • Combine the edges of the cake in half. At the same time, do not touch the middle of the circle - it should stay with a hollow bend (as shown in the photo).

  • To give the traditional form a liver, take it by the edges, attach it to the edge of a mug or bowl and connect to each other. So you have an external cookie circle to acquire a semicircle, and the inside will bent.

  • It is not necessary to keep the cake in this position until cooling. Take advantage of cupcakes baking. Put in each cell one liver and leave until the dough is hardened. Immediately proceed to the next workpiece, otherwise then you will not be able to wrap the cake.

  • If you do not have this form, then use ordinary clothespins. Turn the cookies, hold them the side edges of the cake and leave it until it is cool.

How to decorate homemade cookies with predictions

You probably met a similar dessert with a sweet lipstick or edible dragee. You can decorate cookies with predictions at home. The only thing you will have to apply in this case is the imagination.

  • The glaze can be made of proteins or ordinary chocolate. Prepare edible jewelry and pieces of chocolate. Use cookies only after it cools down so that it does not unfold during operation.

  • In a water bath, melt the chocolate. While it remains hot, apply it to cookies or just dip it into the mixture.

  • Sprinkle immediately with jewelry, put on a flat surface and let the glaze dry.

  • Use any decoration to your taste. You can also decorate half the dessert or the whole. If you do not know how to decorate the cookies, then look for an example on the Internet.

  • If you add food dye to the dough or glaze, then Chinese cookies will turn out to be multi -colored.

  • Put the finished dessert in the boxes or make a package for each cookie.

How to put a ring or another item in cookies with predictions

  • Chinese cookies can be not only with paper predictions. In them you can put candles or small gifts. And also use as an unusual hand and heart proposal.

  • Prepare the ring, print the necessary words.

  • If you are afraid to stain jewelry, then additionally wrap it in foil. As soon as you take out cookies from the oven, put the ring strictly in the middle of the cake.

  • Wrap the cookies first along the edge, then slightly bend it on the mug. Do it carefully so that the metal does not tear the hot dough.

  • To maintain the appearance of the dessert, use cupcakes baking forms.

  • Then decorate this cookies with a special pattern so as not to lose it among the rest.

  • Give your favorite cookies with flowers and invite her to try a treat.

How to properly eat cookies with predictions

  • The dessert with wishes is served to the table right in the box or a deep salad bowl. It is customary to use a large amount of cookies so that the guests themselves can choose a prediction.
  • But before taking cookies, you must mentally ask a question that you want to get to. Then the dessert is taken with the hands and broken strictly in the center.
  • To do this, you will need to take the dough for two edges and pull in different directions. Through the break, take out the prediction and read it. Then eat cookies and hope that what is written will be fulfilled.

How to make cookies with predictions of an unusual shape

The wishes do not have to hide the cake inside, they can be attached from above to the tape. But for this dessert you need to use another dough.

  • Most often, goodies for entertainment are prepared in the form of hearts for a romantic evening or for the day of lovers. They need sand dough or as for ginger cookies. Roll it into a layer with a thickness of at least 0.5 cm, cut the heart with a mold. At the dough raw, immediately make one or more holes for the tape.

  • Put the cookies bake according to the selected recipe. Then let him cool. You should get such a blank for dessert.

  • Prepare the icing in the usual way for you or whisk proteins with powdered sugar. For color, you can use food dye.

  • Apply glaze to the cake. But first you need to draw a strip along the edge of the cookies and let it dry. So the rest of the glaze will not grow.

  • Then, in several stages, fill the inside of the cookie with glaze. Do not do too thick layer, otherwise the glaze will freeze for a long time.

  • Cut the satin ribbon 25-30 cm long, fall so that the fabric does not fall. Turn the wishes into the tube and tie the ribbon to the liver.

  • Cookies of good luck with predictions can have any shape. For example, in the form of a clover or a flower of sakura.

Chinese cookies with predictions for the New Year

Good luck cookies will be the fun entertainment of guests for the New Year weekend. It is prepared in the same way as in the previous paragraph, but the wishes should have the topic of the holiday.

Here are a few examples of predictions for New Year's cookies with a surprise:

  1. No important event will pass by you in the coming year!
  2. New Year holidays will be full of fun and new acquaintances!
  3. New Year holidays celebrate friends.
  4. New Year snowflakes will give you a sense of Christmas fairy tale.
  5. New Year's Frost will set you up in a playful way.
  6. A new acquaintance in the new year will be the beginning of a romantic relationship.
  7. On holidays, caution at the wheel will not hurt.
  • Serve the dessert in an unusual way, in the form of a Christmas tree. You can make such an original decoration for the festive table yourself.

  • Prepare any icing or beat the cream with sugar to create a sticky base.

  • Wrap the empty champagne bottle. Apply cream to the side surface and glue the finished cookies with wishes on them. Before putting the dessert on the table, the glaze must harden.

  • You can also just bake New Year's cookies with predictions in the form of a horseshoe, Christmas tree or stars. Then tie the bundle with tape.

  • During the holiday, invite guests to find out what awaits them in the new year.

How to make cookies with jelly predictions

Those who do not know how to cook pastries at all should not be upset. You can make a dessert for entertainment not only from the dough, but also on a gelatin basis. At the same time, you can choose the color and taste yourself.

  • Take the finished sheets of jelly. You can buy them in a confectionery store or prepare yourself. Only at home should be poured with a jelly with a thin layer and double the concentration of gelatin. Additionally, you will need a ring for serving dishes.

Advice. For Chinese cookies from gelatin, prediction must be written on parchment paper and necessarily a permanent marker. Jelly has a watery base that will ruin the printed text.

  • Expand the packaging with jelly and take out one of its layers. If it is thin, then use a few pieces that need to be folded on each other. So you get a strong cooking base.

  • Cut the circle with a molding ring. Work on a flat surface or use a plate as a jelly substrate.

  • Place the prepared wish on top. In this case, the text should be visible from above.

  • Roll jelly in half. The edges on the semicircle are well pressed so that they are firmly glued together. Do not crush the figure on the center.

  • To form cookies of luck, place the index finger in the center of the fold, connect the ends of the jelly with the other fingers.

  • Make several pieces of fruit cookies at once, but serve them on a flat dish. In the box they will stick together.

How to make cookies with paper predictions

Comic predictions can be hidden in paper cookies. You can make it with your own hands, while it will take much less time than the cake bake.

  • Prepare the sheets of colored paper. The brighter it will be, the more fun the party will pass. As a round shape, you can use the bowl.

  • Cut the workpieces of paper by the number of guests. All circles should have the same diameter.

  • Invent or copy funny predictions for cookies, print them and cut them in the form of narrow strips.
  1. The best time to put this cookies in place.
  2. Go work! Otherwise, live in poverty ...
  3. Never forget the friends, especially if they owe you money.
  4. If women dressed only for one man, they would not have gathered for so long.
  5. Want to know the future? Send SMS to number 77777777777!
  6. Before using cookies, be sure to consult your attending physician.
  7. Something I'm out of spirit today, ask another cookie.
  8. Forget everything that the previous cookies told you ...
  9. Sorry, meat filling is not provided here 🙂
  10. Do you want sweet? Drink dry!
  11. This is a message from another galaxy to the kindest person. The mission is completed successfully!
  12. Luck awaits you today! But ... in the next cookie)
  13. You won a million! Smiles!)))))
  • Turn the circle in the inside to you. Place the prediction on top of it. It is not necessary to glue the strip to the workpiece, since then it will need to be pulled out.

  • Combine the opposite edges of the circle together. Glue them at one point, you do not need to completely glue the cut line.

  • Now wrap the side parts of the workpiece. In this case, the fold line should be inside, as shown in the photo.

  • To prevent the cookies from turning around, fix the sides together with double -sided tape or glue. Strongly squeeze the edges of the cookies and wait until the glue dries.

  • Make multi -colored cookies. During the party, you can use Chinese food sticks and take them a paper dessert. So it will be much more fun.

How to make children's cookies with felt from felt

Children love toys very much. You can surprise them with unusual cookies with a wish inside, which can be made from felt. So the child will be able to play before getting a strip with a prediction.

Materials and tools:

  • vetra sheets of different colors;
  • cardboard, pencil, scissors;
  • sewing needles, thread;
  • paper, marker and superglide;
  • floristic wire.

Production instructions:

  • From cardboard, cut the circle in the size of the future cookies. Transfer the template to the material and cut it out. For one toy you will need two felt circles.

  • Fix the blanks with sewing needles and go around the circle. But leave the free space through which turn the circle. Gently sew it on the front side of the toy.

  • To give the form a liver, it is necessary to use a floral wire. It is strong, but soft. So children will be able to easily unfold the toy. Cut the wire along the diameter of the circle.

  • It must be hidden so that the child cannot get hurt. To do this, cut a small strip of felt and glue it on top of the workpiece, but only on the back.

  • On strips of paper, write predictions for children that you will use for cookies. For your convenience, these are a few examples of children's predictions.
  1. This cookies adds plus 3 to strength, dexterity and intelligence.
  2. In the next academic year, you will be delivered 5 in mathematics.
  3. By spring, you will definitely grow by 2 centimeters.
  4. Your school works will be printed in books.
  5. Eat another cookies, baby.
  6. Favorite song on the radio is a harbinger of good luck.
  7. Laugh always carelessly so that happiness lasts forever.
  8. If you don’t shout “Hurray!” For 15 seconds, then everything is gone!
  9. Wait for a letter in the week. Already sent him.
  10. This is a magic note. It increases the power of the hero by 6 points.
  11. A fairy -tale fairy will give you a magical dream today.
  12. Soon a new faithful friend will appear in your life!
  13. All your desires will certainly come true.
  14. You will be the most obedient child, and they will put you all as an example.
  15. Soon you will have a new interesting book.
  16. On holidays, a fun trip awaits you.
  17. When you grow up, you will be a trainer of the hedgehogs.
  18. Unexpected news awaits you.
  19. Tomorrow you will brush your teeth.
  20. You will become the commander of a toy submarine.
  21. When you grow up, you will be a captain.
  22. You will definitely know the entire multiplication table!
  23. When the snow goes, you will grow up one centimeter.
  24. This week your desire will be fulfilled.
  25. Be careful on Friday - an interesting event awaits you.

  • Bend the circle of felt and put the message inside. If it does not fit in a circle, then twist its one side.

  • Bend the wire inside the blank in half with your hands. Press the bending place well to get the form of Chinese cookies.

  • Here you will succeed in such a toy with children's predictions.

  • You can also use several felt colors and make pea cookies. To do this, in addition to large blanks, cut a few more pieces of smaller diameter.

  • White circles will play the role of peas. Fasten them with sewing needles on the front side of the main workpiece and sew them.

  • Next, repeat all the actions, as for the previous toy (fix the wire and insert a strip with wishes).

How to make cookies with polymer clay predictions

Crafts made of polymer clay are becoming increasingly popular. Cookies with predictions were no exception. It can be left as a souvenir or break and see a wish.

Advice. Before you start making cookies, carefully study the information on the package. Although the product is the same, there may be different conditions for use and baking.

  • Cut a small piece of polymer clay and open it well in your hands. This will make the material more elastic and supple for work.

  • Roll the clay into the ball and press it with your fingers, gradually forming a circle. Its thickness should not be less than 0.5 cm, but also exceed 1 cm. If you did not work out a flat figure, then cut it out with a glass.

  • On small stripes, write wishes. If it is in length larger than a circle of clay blanks, then turn the paper several times.

  • Place the bundle in the center of the workpiece and slightly press it to the clay.

  • Turn the circle in half. Work carefully so that the canvas does not break and does not change the shape.

  • If your type of polymer clay must be baked, then tightly close the edges of the cookie. Otherwise, when exposed to high temperature, the paper may light up.
  • Wrap the side sides of the semicircle to the middle. So you get the form of Chinese cookies.

  • Then, according to the instructions for polymer clay, put it to bake or leave it to dry.
  • To see the prediction, you will have to break the cookies. Do not worry, clay for needlework easily split into parts.

How to make Chinese cookies with an egg form

Entertainment with predictions can be arranged for Easter holidays. In this case, replace the cakes from the dough with an ordinary egg. You can hide the message in it and not damage the shell if you clearly follow the instructions.

In addition to eggs, you will need the following materials:

  • needle, knife, paper;
  • superclly, pen, paints for decoupage;
  • foam brush;
  • paper towel.

The course of work:

  • Eggs, before using, be sure to rinse in soapy water. Since you will take them with your hands, it is necessary to exclude bacteria on the skin.
  • With a thick needle, make a hole in the shell on the pointed part of the egg. On the back side, slightly knit with a knife and clean a small hole.

  • Now blow the contents of the egg. Blow through a small hole so that the protein with yolk can leak. Do this over the bowl, so the contents of the egg will immediately get into the dishes. Then be sure to rinse the shell inside and put it on a paper towel.

  • Before using the shell further, it should be completely dry. Otherwise, the text with predictions for cookies will be spoiled.
  • Twist the strips of paper as tightly as possible and push the eggs inside.

  • Then, with the remains of the shell, swing a large hole. So you get an egg with a whole shell.

  • If desired, you can decorate the surface of the egg for decoupage paints. First, treat it with a primer, then apply the pattern and let it dry well.

  • To find out what awaits you in the future, you will need to break the egg, and read the prediction.

How to make original cookies with predictions in a nut

You can replace classic cookies with wishes not only with chicken eggs with paper, but also with walnuts. Their shell is simply thrown away. But it can be used as the basis for hazelnuts of happiness.

Work materials:

  • shell from walnuts;
  • acrylic varnish and paints;
  • brushes for decoupage and with ordinary bristles;
  • scissors, satin ribbon;
  • lighter or matches;
  • paper, pen;
  • glue gun, knife and spoon.

Instructions for the manufacture of nuts of good luck:

  • From the entire mass of nuts, you need to choose medium -sized fruits and well dried. This will facilitate the work of removing the pulp.

  • Nuts must be opened into two identical parts. To do this, the knife tip carefully prick in the hole between the plates, which is located on the round side of the fetus. Then turn the knife vertically with a sharp movement. As a result, the shell will split in half.

  • You can quickly get the pulp with a teaspoon. Carefully clean the shell and remove the membranes. If the nut is completely dry, then you can do it with your hands.

  • Remove the remains of the pulp and partitions with a brush. Otherwise, guests when opening a nut, along with a wish, will also receive garbage.

  • Fold the halves of the walnut next to each other so that they do not get lost. After all, then they will need to glue them, and you will take a lot of time looking for the right part.

  • From the outside of the blanks, apply acrylic paint, especially paying attention to the edges of the shell. You can also use car paint in the aerosol, but you need to work with it outdoors.

  • Leave the halves of the nut in a well -ventilated place until the paint dries completely. Then carefully inspect them and, if necessary, apply the product again.

  • If you have a paint with a matte surface, then it is additionally necessary to cover the shell with a decoupage varnish. This will create a glossy coating on nuts. Let the varnish dry, especially inside.

  • Meanwhile, prepare predictions for nuts of fate. Print them on paper and cut them out so that one prediction is placed on one strip.
  • Cut the narrow satin ribbon with segments of 20 cm. The edges must be soldered, so the threads will not bloom. Tighten the strips with a tube. Tie the ends of the tape on the knot. From the inside of the loop, put a scroll with a wish, tighten the edges of the tape and make another knot. In this way, tie the prepared strips with the text for unusual cookies of fate.

  • To collect nuts, take one of the parts of the shell and place a scroll on the tape in it. In this case, its loop should be located outside the nut.

  • Apply the glue to the wide edge of the shell and immediately connect with the second part of the nut. Slightly press the halves to each other and wait until the glue hardens.

Advice. Do not strongly glue the shell among themselves, as the guests will have to easily open the nut and get a prediction.

  • Stick the rest of the nuts in the same way. These are colored nuts of happiness you should get.

  • You can pour them with a slide on a dish or transfer them to an organza bag. Set such entertainment for the New Year, birthday or any children's holiday.

  • Nuts with predictions can be not only plain color. Color them depending on the topic of the party. So on the surface of the shell, apply a pattern in the form of a watermelon, ladybug, yin and yan or even pumpkin on Halloween.

What predictions can be in the cookies of fate

Choose wishes for Chinese cookies on the topic of a party or celebration. Also take into account the nature and features of the behavior of your guests so as not to offend them with the written text.

Most often, predictions are a common topic, for example, the following:

  1. If you show the initiative, success will not be long in coming.
  2. Your hopes and plans will come true beyond any expectations.
  3. Get ready for romantic adventures.
  4. You have to relax.
  5. You are offered a dream of your whole life. Tell me yes!
  6. A pleasant surprise awaits you.
  7. Your hopes and plans will come true beyond any expectations.
  8. Time is your ally, it is better to postpone the adoption of an important decision for at least a day.
  9. Time and patience, many surprises await you!
  10. Time will drain all tears and heal all the wounds.
  11. Oh! This is not your cookie!

For a romantic evening or March 8, such wishes are suitable:

  1. By autumn, feelings will not weaken, but will become stronger.
  2. You are awaiting light romantic hobbies.
  3. In a week, your fate will kiss you with a scab.
  4. A kiss is what you cannot give without taking, and take it without giving.
  5. For each there is a piece of paradise on the planet.
  6. This is a virtual kiss. Press to heart. Repeat 7 times.

If you do not want to rewrite the text, then just print it and cut it out.

Cookies with predictions can be done with your own hands and not bought in an expensive store. Thanks to such step-by-step master classes, you will master any technique for making dessert for entertainment.

In more detail about how to bake at home cookies with predictions, look at the video:



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