
How to cause childbirth at home

How to cause childbirth at home
The article discusses natural ways to speed up childbirth at home, starting from 38 weeks of pregnancy, as well as a list of drugs to activate childbirth during overstraining.

It happens that the woman’s body is already ready for childbirth, but there are still no fights. Let us consider in the article in more detail the methods and methods of how to speed up the birth process at home.

How to cause childbirth at home at 38-40 weeks of pregnancy

The 38th week of pregnancy is in the meantime when the fetal formation has ended and it is ready to be born.

At 38-39 weeks, the final ultrasound is usually carried out, according to which the position of the fetus, the correct development of all internal organs is determined and it is already possible to predict the weight of the future baby.

The baby during this period occupies the intrauterine space that he needs and therefore the expectant mother often wants to the toilet, since the fetus exerts direct pressure on the bladder, tremors are often felt on the liver, etc., depending on the individual characteristics of the arrangement of the fetus .

Also at 38-39 weeks, blood and urine are given to analysis. It is also recommended to weigh, since it is from the 38th week that the baby takes his maximum, the future woman in labor may not eat much, and the tummy will grow. During this period, the expectant mother should not lift severity, very nervous - these actions can cause premature birth at any moment.

In certain situations, you have to accelerate the process of childbirth, but you should know for sure that the cervix has already matured and is ready to open during labor. If your stomach has already descended, this is also a sign of the readiness of the fetus for the exit. The appearance of discharge with blood indicates that the perotrypolial bubble burst and water departs.

Applying any method to cause childbirth, consult your doctor first to avoid unnecessary negative consequences after pregnancy. A professional medical worker will help you individually approach the choice of this method, taking into account the individual characteristics of pregnancy.

  • Active sexual relations With her husband. The advantage of sex during pregnancy is the lack of need to protect themselves, so men are very fond of this period. In the late stages, sexual life makes it possible to accelerate childbirth. The male sperm contains prostaglandin - a hormone that softens the cervix and activates the birth activity.


  • Nipples massagewhich helps to release the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for stimulating uterine contractions. Light twisting movements massage the nipples until pain appears. With unpleasant sensations, it is better to stop the procedure.
  • Active movement or safe sport. Any type of activity at this time of pregnancy provokes birth activity. Typically, the fetus is located head down, during motor activity it reflexively moves down the abdomen of the future mother, freeing his path.

If you can afford a subscription to the gym, special gymnastics for pregnant women - pilates, yoga, aquaerobic in a swimming pool, you will not encounter the problem of how to cause childbirth - active physical exercises help open the cervix and the exit of traffic jams to release paths to the fetus.

It is worth avoiding extremes: raising heavy bar, sudden movements, fast dances that can cause uterine hypertension - in the early stages of pregnancy, this is very dangerous and can provoke premature birth.

A budgetary way to speed up labor at home at home in the late pregnancy is long walks, lifting up and down on the steps of a multi-storey building.

  • Consumption of on an empty stomach of foods rich in fiber and protein: cereals, vegetables, fruits, dairy and dairy products with the addition of bran. This approach is based on the fact that natural food contains solid fibers that contribute to the active peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract. Such food contributes to the rapid emptying of the intestine and due to the fact that it exerts pressure on the lower abdomen, the uterus begins to contract.


Try to include more than the first dishes in the diet (soups, borscht, broths) seasoned with garlic or pepper.

  • You can cause childbirth warming procedures: warm (but not hot) shower, gluing on the lower back of the pepper patch.
  • A very effective tool to cause childbirth at 38-39 weeks are enemas procedures or the adoption of a sparing laxative. That is how in maternity buildings the provocation of labor begins.


At home, you can cook such cocktails for childbirth:

Recipe 1.

  • 4 tbsp. l. castorks;
  • 150 ml of grape or peach juice;
  • 50 ml of red wine (preferably "Kagor");
  • 1 tsp. parsley juice.

Recipe 2.

  • 4 tbsp. l. castorks;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 50 g of fat sour cream;
  • 200 ml of grape juice.

Recipe 3.

  • 4 tbsp. l. castorks;
  • 2 Banana mashed in mashed potatoes;
  • 30 ml of red wine;
  • 100 ml of fat sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Drinking such a drink may not be too pleasant, however, effective. To reduce the unpleasant taste of such a cocktail, it is recommended to drink at a time, but for 3 approaches, seizing with a piece of rye bread with salt and lemon.

Such a cocktail due to the function of cleansing the rectum contributes to the active contractions of the muscles and the opening of the cervix.

The enema of salt with a solution of salt (1.5 tbsp. L. Salt per 800 ml of warm water) has the same effect and causes contractions.
However, such procedures are not recommended without a preliminary advice with a doctor.

  • Another "grandmother's tool" is the adoption from 35 weeks of pregnancy oil of the evening primroseWhich in the female body during active processing contributes to the production of hormone prostaglandin, which is responsible for active tribal activity. You should start taking 1 capsule per day of such oil or 1 tsp. (if the drug is liquid) every morning on an empty stomach, gradually increasing to 2 capsules per day from 37 weeks and to 3 capsules-starting from the 38th week.
  • Raspberry tea It is also an excellent natural component that helps women to accelerate childbirth. Do not confuse raspberries with berries that contain a high amount of allergens.

Make tea in the following proportions: 200 g of fresh or dry raspberry leaves pour 2 liters of boiling water, insist 3 hours. After that, strain the decoction and take according to the following scheme: from the 37th week 1 glass per day in between food, from the 38th week-2 cups per day, from the 39th week-3 glasses per day. Due to the high content of folic acid, flavonoids, vitamins A, C, E, the decoction helps to soften the walls of the cervix and the acceleration of childbirth.

Just start taking such a decoction no earlier than 6-7 weeks before the estimated date of birth.

  • One of the methods to cause childbirth at 38 weeks and closer to a meeting with an unborn baby is aromatherapy, which can be carried out using a special aroma lamp or simply bought sticks with incense, which must be burned for a while. Inhaling the aromas of roses, lavender, hibiscus, in addition to a soothing and relaxing effect, help in some cases the uterus to open.


  • Acupuncture Due to the pressure of certain points, it can help accelerate the mechanism of birth activity: light presses on the little fingers for 3 minutes, then a rest for a minute. Repeat 3 approaches.

Then active rubbing of the feet to a burning sensation of 1-2 minutes, then after 5 minutes a repeat of the exercise is 2-3 times.

  • Talk Together with her husband as much as possible with your future baby: In the morning, stroke the stomach and wish your baby a good morning, say how beloved and long -awaited, a child should respond to your voice with light tapping or other signs. Thus, through emotional communication, the baby will feel that he is waiting and hurrying himself to meet with his parents.

How to cause childbirth at home: what can not be done categorically


Giving birth at the 40th week of pregnancy should be very carefully to avoid harm to yourself and the fetus.

If the body is not yet ready for childbirth, you can artificially cause contractions, however, they will immediately stop.

It should be avoided:

  • accepting too hot baths;
  • lifting all types of weights;
  • consumption of strong alcohol;
  • stress.

Any of your actions can have the opposite side of the medal, so try not to take any actions without prior consultation with a doctor watching your pregnancy.

How to cause childbirth at home: a medication method


If you have already reached the coveted 40 weeks, soon your baby will be born. If pregnancy exceeds 40 weeks, under the supervision of a doctor you can speed up childbirth with the help of drugs at home or go to the hospital and go to the hospital. In this case, it is better to avoid taking pills that cause childbirth, and limit yourself to local effects in order to avoid harm to the fetus.

You can accelerate childbirth with the help of prepidal-gel, which is applied to the inner walls of the cervix.

The drug has a local effect and affects only the softening of the walls of the uterus to provoke fights and accelerate the mechanism of childbirth.

Enzaprost is also a drug of local significance, convenient in that it helps to prepare the birth canal by gauze lotions of the cervix.

You can also use femingondin - an oil -based hormonal drug containing a high concentration of prostaglandin, which is responsible for reduction of the uterus. Using capsules three times a day for 1-2 days, the cervix actively begins to contract and advances through the channels the ripened fruit down the abdomen.

In some cases, when the leakage of amniotic fluid is observed, and the fights have not yet begun, with the permission of the doctor, the woman in labor can be drunk, after which active contractions begin after 20 minutes.

What needs to be done to feel comfortable in the late pregnancy

Improving well-being at 38-40 weeks of pregnancy is simple, you should observe simple tips:

  • Do not eat up, eat exceptionally useful products. Bypass the statement that a pregnant woman should eat for two. The child will be born, and the extra pounds will be very difficult to discard.
  • Ventilate the bedroom: cool air contributes to strong sleep and enrichment of vessels with oxygen.
  • Buy a pillow for pregnantx that will help to find a convenient pose for sleeping a future mother. Such a pillow can be made yourself, or you can order on the Internet. Many mothers are divided by experience that even after the birth of the long -awaited child, such a device is very convenient to use to rock the baby and the mother herself to reduce the load on the back during feeding.


  • Do not deny yourself women's pleasures: Make manicure, pedicure, fashionable haircut or styling.
    However, you should be careful and ensure that the master process the tools correctly and does not bring you an infection.

When dyeing hair, it is better not to use chemical colors with the content of allergens, but to give a shade using natural components: henna, basma, and decoctions of herbs.

  • During pregnancy surround yourself with beautiful things, eat only positive emotions, visit exhibitions, galleries, theaters, cinema. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications of sortie with her husband to nature, at sea, contribute to the release of the hormone of happiness and a mild pregnancy.


  •   At 38 weeks, you can arrange a photo shoot for yourself, which modern mothers love so much - in the photo album there will be a memory for life for you and for the baby.


Video for the help of her husband in contractions: pros and cons of joint births

Being in a late pregnancy, every woman in labor wants to get rid of her burden and pick up the long -awaited child.

Do not rush this great time when the husband and relatives treat you with special care and love, then the tummy will not be enough, believe me, everything is spelled out in the heavenly office, and your baby will still be born earlier and no later than the appointed day and hour.



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