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Pregnancy after cesarean section

Pregnancy after cesarean section
Features of pregnancy planning after cesarean section.

Many women are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant after cesarean. Experts say that in most cases after him to endure and give birth to a child is quite real, however, the uterine scar present in the section can give birth to a risky event. There are certain features that must be taken into account if you plan to conception after such an operation. Modern medical technologies in many cases allow after it to give birth to another child or even several.

Pregnancy after cesarean section: recommendations of doctors

According to statistics, according to various sources, obstetric care in the form of surgery practices in about every tenth or every fifth case. In order to make a decision, whether a woman can give birth to a child again, doctors analyze her state of health and the reason for the surge in the delivery. In the case when surgery was caused by general disorders of the woman’s health - for example, a heart pathology, even before surgery she may be proposed to sterilize in order to further exclude the possibility of conception. To do this, during the operation, the roots of the roots are bandaged, after which the woman does not threaten to get pregnant. If the reason for Caesarean was the complications of the most specific pregnancy or the exacerbation of a genitalal herpetic infection in the woman in labor, subsequently eliminated, then there are no obstacles to the planning of conception in the future by another child. Recommendations on this subject can usually be obtained in the hospital - this information will be very useful in the future. The doctor who took birth needs to receive an extract in which the details of the operation and subsequent recommendations are indicated. It is important to take into account that preparation for the desired pregnancy after Cesarean should begin immediately after returning from the hospital.

The desire of pregnancy after cesarean section after a short period of time can be caused by the following reasons:

  • the desire to have children with a small age difference;
  • approaching the age threshold, after which the likelihood of complications associated with the bearing of the child and the upcoming childbirth increases.

For one and a half to two years, a dense scar fabric will be finally formed on the uterus in the section of the section. If it is strong, then with the subsequent bearing of the fetus it retains viability and will not cause problems. If the scar is not wealthy enough, then ruptures may appear in the field of its localization - this situation is critical, threatening the health of the pregnant woman and the child, while removing the uterus is required. Modern official statistics indicate that the risk of such a gap during pregnancy after cesarean section is about 2%. The threat of gap can be detected at 35-36 weeks of pregnancy with an ultrasound or cardiotocography.

Pregnancy after cesarean section: What is the restoration period required

It should be noted that due to pregnancy and after cesarean section, the body of the woman in labor is subjected to a significant test and serious stress - thus, after them a rather long recovery period will be needed. With this surgical intervention, doctors make a cut in the lower part of the uterus to extract the child, as a result there is a seam.


Such a wound heals over time and at the site of the cut remains a scar formed from dense fabric. Its doctors call its ability to resist the loads when stretching the walls of the uterus. Optimal for childbirth, when a scar is fully formed from muscle tissue, or it prevails in it. To restore a sustainable state of health, it may be necessary for a long time. Due to these objective reasons, experts unanimously express the opinion that a month after the cesarean section should not be thought about. After recent birth, it takes time to come into shape, therefore, the woman still physically and morally did not manage to prepare for the next pregnancy. This will need some time, it is very important to use contraceptive means, since the abortion at this time is extremely undesirable, because any type of exposure to stretching the wall of the uterus can cause an inflammatory process or ruptures.

Prior to the decision on the first pregnancy after cesarean section, a mandatory consultation of the doctor will be required, since the information will be extremely useful, how much you need to wait until the second conception of the child. In order to avoid possible problems, it will be necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons, in order to plan such a pregnancy in a timely manner.

Pregnancy after cesarean section: medical examinations

In most cases, it is quite possible to successfully give birth to a child after Cesarev, at the same time it should be noted that this process is associated with a certain risk. When planning a second pregnancy after cesarean section, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of doctors, which are in the following - from the moment the operation before the next pregnancy, it is important to wait at least a year and a half. It should be noted that such a period between pregnancies is recommended in any case, since it allows the female body to effectively recover. Based on these circumstances, when planning pregnancy after a cesarean section, the formed seam must be examined in order to determine the thickness of the scar and the condition of its tissues.


The following medical diagnostic methods can be used to assess the quality of the postoperative scar:

  • hysteroscopy is the uterine ultrasound procedure, which is carried out using a vaginal sensor (endoscope). Such a study should be carried out 8-12 months after the operation;
  • hysterography is a procedure that allows you to get x -rays in several uterine projections. To do this, a contrast medium is introduced into the uterus. Such an examination is carried out no earlier than 6 months after the operation.

These studies will allow you to determine whether the state of health of a woman is favorable for the onset of a new pregnancy, or you should wait for some time. If the scar is practically not visible, the picture is most favorable, as it means the maximum restoration of the body.

During pregnancy, the scar is examined from 35 weeks with ultrasound. The vaginal sensor allows you to determine the degree of readiness for childbirth and the preferred method of delivery.  In this case, it is required to evaluate the presentation, size of the fetus, the degree of viability of the scar and the method of placenta placenta.

Pregnancy after cesarean section: natural birth or re -operation

There are quite significant arguments in favor of childbirth naturally, including after cesarean section. Natural births are considered preferable to the health of the child, since after them the newborns and normal hormonal background is established in newborns, and the process of adaptation to environmental conditions is easier than the children after cesarean. In addition, the organism of the woman in labor easier tolerates natural birth and is restored faster after them, while the possibility of the next pregnancy is not excluded.


Typically, natural birth is allowed only after a single cesarean section with a cut in the lower segment of the uterus, transferred without postoperative complications. If after the operation it passed for more than a year, during pregnancy after Cesarean there is a likelihood of a successful flow of labor in a natural way. It is important to note that in the presence of indications according to the general state of health (for example, myopia or pelvic development pathology), there is a probability of developing serious complications, therefore it is not recommended to give birth naturally.

After operational delivery, to give birth naturally, in compliance with the following conditions:

  • according to a medical study, the scar is quite wealthy, i.e. It will not disperse when exposed to the load;
  • the placenta does not fit the scar;
  • if there is one seam placed transversely at the bottom of the brunity cavity;
  • in the presence of a small fetus (if its weight is not higher than the average) and with successful placement;
  • if the causes of the operation were exclusively complications of pregnancy itself.

It should be noted that in most cases, after cesarean, bearing the child does not differ from pregnancy, which did not precede such an operation. The difference is manifested in the need to undergo a medical examination in advance in order to objectively determine the condition of the abrupted seam tissue. At the same time, the decision to choose the method of obstetric care is made individually, taking into account various data. The planning of conception is considered optimal no earlier than two years after Cesarean section. Natural birth should be carried out in the future, if possible, while avoiding the use of stimulation with medications, as well as anesthesia, since they provoke additional reduction of the uterus, while increasing the probability of tears.


According to statistics, about a third of Russian women, after cesarean section, natural birth is used, abroad their number reaches 60-70%.

The reasons for repeated operational delivery can be:

  • too early conception (after less than 12 months) - this is not due to the complete formation of the scar during such a period of time;
  • pregnancy after the second cesarean section;
  • preceding operation with a longitudinal lower sore section;
  • age of a pregnant woman older than 35.

Many doctors insist that two or three distribution operations are allowed, while each further surgery, as a rule, is more complicated and the woman in labor tolerates it harder. Thus, after three Kesarev, domestic experts do not recommend pregnancy.

Given the above arguments, the planning of conception after Cesarev should be treated as responsibly as possible, in this case it is quite possible to endure the child, possibly not one. In the presence of competent planning, the vast majority of such genera proceeds safely with the advent of healthy and full -term children.

When to plan a new pregnancy after cesarean section - video



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