
Castor Oil Hair Mask

Castor Oil Hair Mask
The main condition for the effectiveness of masks with castor oil is duration and regularity. The article will help you choose the most appropriate mask for your hair.

The beauty of the woman largely depends on its health. So that the hair, skin and nails are in order, it is necessary to be elementary: there is a right food, it is enough to rest and not bent for sports. Over time, to maintain attractiveness, unfortunately, you need to make more efforts. For example, the hair begins to grow slower and fall out in more than before. Over the years, the exchange of substances in the body slows down, and since the hair follicles are powered by the residual principle, the beneficial substances they get less and less. In order to keep the beauty of your curls for a long time, you need to take care of them regularly. Professional and amateur cosmetology offers a lot of ways to transform dull weakened hair. For example, the usual Castor has always been greatly popular. How to extract the maximum benefit for your braid from masks with castor oil, read in the article.

The main advantage of castor oil consists in its ability to regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, so that they allocate exactly the volume of the skin, which is needed by hair for a good appearance. If the saung secret is too much, the hair very quickly becomes fat, and the meager volume of the substance makes them overly dry. That is why the mask from castor oil is called a rescue circle for hair. The tool will be useful if you are often coloring your hair, you can not refuse to iron or fluff, too diligently with the use of styling agents, and used to do without a headdress in the cold season.


What covers castor oil

Such a useful hair oil gives us mites ordinary. This is a beautiful sprawling shrub, which is found in the natural environment in a tropical and subtropical climate, and its fortified copies are growing everywhere in countries of India, Africa, Egypt, China, Brazil and Argentina. To us, Klecevine fell in the second half of the 19th century. Domestic gardeners grow it as a fast-growing decorative culture.

In terms of production purposes, the seeds of Kleschevin are used to obtain oil, which has been widely used in medicine. It is impossible to press oil yourself - seeds are very poisonous. Dangerous makes them annoying substance Ricin. It is known that 6 ticklaith seeds make up a deadly dose for a child, 20 - for an adult. In production processing, when the seeds are pressed using cold prescript technology, ricin in oil is not saved.


Pharmacy castor oil looks like a yellowish or almost transparent liquid substance with a hard-catching spherical aroma and an unpleasant taste. The Caster refers to low-drying oils, in the open air it quickly becomes hardened and becomes bad smell. The tool is used during constipation, as well as to eliminate the problems associated with hair. What substances in the composition of oil make it so useful? We list those that have the greatest impact on hair, skin and nails:

  • oleic acid. The substance belongs to Omega-9 unsaturated fatty acids. With the outer use of the Castor region moisturizes the skin, eliminates the first wrinkles, makes hair smoother;
  • linoleic acid. Refers to omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids. Basically enters the body with food. Is an indispensable substance for the viability of cell membranes;
  • ricinoletic acid. Quickly absorbed by tissues, having regenerating influence on the epithelium. Exhibits high efficiency when it comes to trophic lesions of the skin and inflammatory processes on mucous membranes;
  • stearinic acid. The substance can eliminate the strongest itching and irritation. Penetrating in the horny layer protects the skin from the negative impact of wind and frost, gives it smoothness, moisturizing and elasticity. The deficiency of stearic acid indicates dull secant hair, brittle laying nails and leather with visible signs of peeling;
  • triterpene - protect the skin, increasing its collagen level in its structure, return natural shine and smooth hair.

In addition, in castor oil, a large concentration of the following vitamins:

  • tocopherol. Vitamin E. derivatives These substances provide tissues with the necessary amount of oxygen and participate in cellular metabolic processes;
  • carotenoids. Vitamin A. derivatives on their body shortage, hair react with a fragility, nails - bundle, and leather - obvious signs of peeling.

Health Basis - Care

Before continuing the conversation about the wonderful effect of castor oil on the hair, we note that no miraculous mask has a proper effect, if you deprive the hair of elementary care. Daily head washing, regular use of hairstyle, use of a hair dryer, curling or straightening - a real hair disaster. Under the influence of these external adverse factors, the natural cuticle is destroyed, covering each hair rod outside. To support the cuticle in the norm, the sebaceous glands fill the hair follicles with a special secret, which, absorbed into the hair onion, moisturizes the scales of the cuticle and thus does not allow them to strain.


During the washing of head, the silent film on the hair dissolves, but soon restored again, since it is a natural hair protection. Healthy curls remain elastic and retain a fresh appearance up to 3 to 4 days. If this secret is too much, the hair becomes excessively fat and rapidly polluted, but if the secret is not enough - the hairs dull and break. To normalize the release of the optimal amount of storm necessary for the health of the chapels, make masks with castor oil for hair. We draw your attention to the duration of the course of treatment - it takes from 1 to 2 months. After several irregular procedures of any effect, it is not necessary to wait. Moreover, at the time of treatment, you need to abandon all procedures that will have an additional load on the hair. The iron and curl will have to postpone until better times.

Rules for using castor oil for hair

  1. It is best to use castor oil as warm oil wraps. To do this, moisten the tips of the fingers into a slightly warmed on the water bath of the Caster and massaging movements apply a means on the scalp. Then carefully draw your hair with a brush to distribute the oil along the entire length of the curls.
  2. Before applying to the hair, the Caster must be slightly warm up with the help of a water bath - in warm form, the oil fluid becomes not so dense and the hard, so it is easy to apply it on the hair.
  3. For the effectiveness of the recreational procedure, the hair with the medical mass applied to them needs to be insulated - first with a cellophane cap, and then a woolen handkerchief or a thick terry towel. In such conditions, the useful properties of the components of the mask will be in force.
  4. Castorp, like all other oils, is difficult to wash off. Try not to apply too much money on your hair. In the field of the head, distribute the minimum amount of oil - wash the hair is harder there. Fully get rid of the means will help washing the head in several goals. It is best to use a neutral shampoo specially designed for daily use. Initially, its small amount should be applied to the hair without moisturizing, turning and wash off with water, then another 1 - 2 times to wash his head with shampoo.
  5. Head washing certainly completing hair rinsing: cool water with lemon juice - for oily hair, slightly warm herbal decoction - for dry.
  6. From time to time to indulge your hair with a head massage using a mixture of the Caster and Lavender Oil. This will help improve blood circulation in the field of hair lows. To prepare a massage agent, add 2 to 3 drops of lavender essential oil in 30 ml of the Caster.
  7. Before you make a mask from castor oil, make sure your skin will react normally on the Caster. Ricinoletic acid in the composition of the natural agent is a strong allergen, respectively, the castor oil is not suitable for everyone. To protect yourself from unforeseen consequences, you need to test a few drops of castor oil on the bending of the elbow or behind the ear.

Young Girl in White T-Shirt Holds in Her Left Hand The Tips of Her Curly Hair and Her Right Hand Applies Them Yellow Oil.

Castor Oil Mask Recipes

Hair mask with castor oil and onion juice

Put a mixture of 2 tbsp on the steam bath. l. Caster and juice of one major bulb. If you want to make a mask more efficient, add 1 tbsp to it. l. Smalled to the state of Aloe Cashitz. Apply a warm mixture on the hair and cover the head with a plastic film, and then lower the towel in hot water, press it and wrap around the head. Keep a mask at least 40 minutes. During this time, you need to smoke a towel several times in hot water. This is a wonderful pair mask in the bath. If possible, it is necessary to alternate with gluing homemade hair products.

Hair mask with castor oil and kefir

The remedy has a good nutritional effect. Heat 1 cup of kefir on a water bath, then pour 2 tbsp. l. Castorca. Warm mixture distribute on the curls from the roots to the tips. After 30 minutes, the mask must be washed away. If you regularly make such a cosmetic procedure before washing the head, the hair will be soft and shiny for a long time.

Bathroom Beauty

Hair mask with castor oil and honey

Mix in a total tank of 1 yolk, 30 ml of the Caster, 10 ml of lemon juice and 10 ml of liquid natural honey. The minimum time for applying the mask is at least half an hour. The procedure will bring your hair the firming effect.

Hair mask with castor and rapid oils

A mixture of two useful oils has proven itself as a remarkable dandruff. In one bowl, mix 15 ml of each oil and heated this mixture in a water bath until it becomes more liquid. Apply the therapeutic remedy for hair - it is most convenient to make it hands. Drive up so for 1 hour.

Hair mask with castor oil and vitamins group in

For a shortage of vitamin in the body, hair react with massive falling. To maintain its hair in good shape, you need from time to time to feed the strands with the useful substances in the complex with vitamins. A mixture of castor oil strengthens hair follicles, makes hair soft and silky. To prepare a mask, connect the 1 fresh chicken egg with sea buckthorn, castor and almond oils, taken in the same proportion (1 tbsp.). Mix well and take the mixture to a homogeneous consistency, then add Vitamins B2, B6 and B12 there (2 per ampoules each). Keep the mask on the hair for 1 hour.


Hair mask with castor oil and egg

The first procedure will immediately surprise you with a pleasant result - the hair will be easily combed, will become more "alive." Regular use of this mask will fully restore the initial structure of your curls. In the preparation of a cosmetic mask, use 2 - 3 yolks of chicken eggs and 1 tbsp. l. Slightly warm castor oil. Mix the components thoroughly, and then uniformly distribute the hair mixture, paying particular attention to the scalp. Leave the lively mixture by 35 - 40 minutes.

Hair mask with castor oil and brandy

For the preparation of the mask you will need 2 tbsp. l. Castor oil and 2 tbsp. l. Cognac. Connect the cognac with the Castor region and wrap this mixture into the scalp. Keep a mask at least 45 - 50 minutes. The tool eliminates the problem of the split tips and strengthens the hair.

Mask with castor oil and vaseline

Vaseline acts on the hair as a softening and moisturizer: Locks are becoming smooth, obedient and pleasant to the touch. Since in castor oil vaseline does not dissolve, you can make a mask from the Caster and Vaseline Oil - the effect will remain the same. So, take 1 tbsp. l. Castor and Vaseline oils and connect them from 3 tbsp. l. Repentic extract. Carefully treat the hair strands to therapeutic mass and, insulated head, leave a mask at least 2 hours.

Closeup on Young Woman Applying Hair Mask

Hair Growth Mask with Castor Oil

Very often, the Caster is used as a means that contributes to the rapid growth of the hair. The active substances in the composition of the oil stimulate the inflow of a large amount of blood to the hair lows, which improves their nutrition and, respectively, growth. For the preparation of the mask you need to mix castor and olive oil in proportion of 1 to 2. This mixture you need to carefully impregnate every strand of hair, and then leave for a weighty night. The mask will give the result only under the condition of prolonged use: it must be done 3 times a week for a month.

Mask with castor oil from hair loss

To keep hair when they are massive, prepare the so-called ambulance mask. For this, 5 h. L. Castor stakes Mix with 1 tsp. Calendula tincture, 1 tsp. Red pepper tincture and 4 drops of juniper essential oil. Massage movements, treat this mixture on your head and leave for 1 hour.

Concerned Young Woman Combing Hair In Bathroom

Mask with castor oil and pepper for long spit

If you want not only to prevent the breakdown of the hair, but also accelerate hair growth, together with the Castor region, you can use the tincture of red peppers. Just connect the equal parts of these components with a caring balsam for hair that you usually use. Treat this mixture of hair roots, as well as disperse the therapeutic mass into the scalp. After that, insulate the head for 2 to 3 hours.

Hair mask with castor oil and vitamin E

Tocopherol acetate (also known as vitamin) stimulates blood circulation in the tissues surrounding the hair follicles, so it can also be considered an activator of growth of hair cores. And by combining this component with castor oil and pharmacy Dimexidum effect of the mask is reinforced. To prepare the therapeutic mixture take 2 tablespoons. l. castor oil and burdock extract, 1 hr. l. tocopherol acetate solution and 1 hour. l. Dimexidum. Thoroughly mix the components of the mask, and then the resulting mass is spread evenly on the scalp and strands. Duration of procedure - 45 minutes.


Advantages of castor oil every woman knows, concerned about the state of his curls. Homemade beauty treatments to bring order to the head of hair with castor oil are very popular today, and reviews of castor oil for the most part positive. The only significant disadvantage of oil means consider it feature "eat in" hair and washed off bad. But you can overcome this obstacle for the sake of their own attractiveness, is not it?

Universal mask for fine hair. Video


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