
The use of milk thistle oil

The use of milk thistle oil
Useful properties of milk thistle oil. Using the product at home

This plant is familiar to most of us - a high thorn with a powerful stem and fluffy purple flowers. The people as soon as they don’t call it-a thistle, a wake, an acute-hazelnut, frog, Maryin Tatarnik ... but diligently cleansing the garden from this weed, few people know that he can bring tremendous benefits. Priropers is another, more harmonious name, having heard which many recall the advertisement of medications and cosmetics. A little milk thistle is actively used not only in medicine and cosmetology, but also in dietetics, cooking and other areas of life. What power does this thornch are fraught with, and how to take a milk thistle oil to become beautiful and healthy?

General characteristics of milk thistle

There are several varieties of milk thistle, and for useful purposes, only one of them can be used - a spotted milk thistle. The rest are completely useless (or even poisonous), so they get rid of them like weed grass. Foam -playing spotty is a high plant with a prickly stem and leaves with white spots (hence the name).


Finding a useful thorn is easy - it grows on wastelands, near railways and carriageways. If you run the garden for at least one season, it is quite possible that a milk thistle will appear on it. It is very unpretentious to climatic conditions and can grow on the most expensive and dry land.

Interesting: there is a legend that the white spots on the leaves of the milk thistle are traces of the drops of the milk of the Virgin Mary, which accidentally fell during the feeding of Jesus Christ. In some parts of the world, the thistle spotted is called the "thistle of the Virgin Mary" or "the gift of the Blessed Mary."

Proopsha belongs to the Astrov family. During flowering, you can find some similarity between luxurious asters and purple “fluff” of weeds.


Despite the fact that this plant can be found in almost any corner of Russia and neighboring abroad, its homeland is Southern Europe and the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The first of the healing power of the milk thistle was the Greeks and the ancient Egyptians more than 2000 years ago. Heals used all parts of the plant to treat almost all ailments known at that time.

Today, the milk thistle is gaining popularity again, but still in most cases, people who ignorance get rid of it as an ordinary weed. In medieval Germany, monks specially raised it for infusions and potions.

The composition of the free -thistle seeds

What caused such a demand for milk thistle in medicine? What is contained in its composition, what makes the most severe diseases retreat? To begin with, it is worth saying that for the manufacture of drugs you can use all parts of the plant from the roots to the tip of the flower, but the most effective remedy is the oil obtained from the seeds.


Seeds of milk thistle contain up to 30% oily substance with a unique composition. It contains useful plant proteins, flavonoids, a long row of vitamins, biogenic amines, resins and even an impressive list of macro elements. But the uniqueness of the composition is explained by the presence of silimarin - this is a complex of natural antioxidants, which has a versatile hepatoprotective effect. Simply put, Silimarin removes toxins from the body, strengthens each cell and vessel from the inside and does not allow inflammatory processes in tissues and organs. You must admit that for residents of cities with their eternal gas content, unnatural food, harmful drinks this is real salvation.


In addition to the fact that the seeds of milk thistle cleanse the body from the inside, they return his youth and natural beauty. The composition contains vitamin E, which effectively helps to improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails, strengthens immunity, improves vision, strengthens the cardiovascular system. For expectant mothers, it will be useful to find out that without vitamin E, the full development of the embryo is impossible, especially if you live in a big city where health is in danger at every step.

Therapeutic oil of milk thistle

As you can see, the composition of the seeds is very encouraging, but let's talk more about what effect on the body has a milk thistle oil. Its benefits are invaluable in all respects, especially in the treatment of diseases. Due to the presence of all kinds of components, the oil has a comprehensive effect on the body, concentrating its effect on the most problematic areas.

Proopha oil is recommended for use both for the treatment of individual diseases and for the prevention, strengthening of immunity and maintaining tone in unsafe periods (epidemics, life in a contaminated or radioactive environment, etc.).

Use of milk thistle oil: heart and blood vessels

The unique properties of milk thistle oil make it one of the best means for comprehensive treatment and the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The secret of such a miraculous influence is that the milk thistle is directed with atherosclerosis - a provocateur of almost all known heart diseases, including ischemia, heart attack and hypertension, from which every second elderly person suffers.

Unsaturated fatty acids present in the composition of oil, magnesium, vitamin E and natural biological compounds from the very first days of treatment lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and make them more elastic. As a result, blood gets rid of harmful substances and calmly flows through healthy vessels and capillaries.

From inflammatory processes and the influence of free radicals, the cardiovascular system is protected by magnesium, zinc, selenium and manganese. B vitamins are responsible for the full operation of the heart muscle. Chlorophyll, also present in the composition, stimulates oxygen metabolism in the heart, increasing its energy resources. If you bring all the data together, it turns out that the milk thistle cleanses the blood and strengthens the heart, thereby prolonging the life of a person.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system that can be cured with the help of milk thistle oil:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • cardiosclerosis;
  • ischemia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • varicose veins (in this case, for the best effect, it is possible to provide internal and external effects on problem areas);
  • prophylaxis of stroke, heart attack;
  • the struggle against an anemia.

Proopphy oil use: digestion

For a long time, milk thistle was used to treat stomach ailments, liver, intestines and gall bladder. The secret of success is the aforementioned Silimarin. This complex of substances was not found in any other plant around the world. This is the strongest antioxidant that has a direct effect on the liver. This organ suffers from improper nutrition and alcohol abuse most of all, because it filters out all the “dirt”. The problem is that if there is too much mud, the liver does not have time to withdraw it and accumulates it to the detriment of itself and the whole body.


Silimarin strengthens cell membranes and is actively involved in the formation of new cells. As a result of this, the processes of excretion of toxins are intensifying, therefore, the “dirt” leaves the body. Proopha oil for the liver is a real "lifesaver". It improves cell regeneration, so that dead from harmful food and alcohol are quickly replaced by new ones.

What diseases of the digestive system can be cured or prevented with the help of milk thistle oil:

  • cirrhosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • fatty liver dystrophy;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • poisoning (toxins, alcohol);
  • poisoning with strong poisons and chemicals (pale margins, chlorine, heavy metals);
  • gastritis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • colitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • constipation.

Healthy liver is the key to the successful operation of the entire digestive system. But milk thistle oil has an effect not only on the liver. If you take it regularly, then you can cure diseases of the duodenum, restore the microflora and the gastric mucosa.

In the case of digestion, not only oil is useful, but also a meal (by -product when receiving oil), which is rich in fiber. The fiber of the milk thistle is very soft, but effectively cleanses the intestines, in no way affecting its mucous membrane. Such a delicate effect not only eliminates slags, but also stops internal bleeding and strengthens the organs.

It can also be added here that the milk thistle has a direct effect on the pancreas, where, as you know, insulin is produced. For this reason, the oil is shown to take diabetics for the treatment and prevention of the disease.

With the complex treatment of the stomach, intestines, liver, excretory system and heart, take 1 tsp. oils in 30 minutes before eating. If a strong laying effect is manifested, reduce the dose or take a break. Take a milk thistle for 1 month. And if necessary, repeat the course after a week break. It is best to arrange three courses a year - in the spring, autumn and in winter.

For the treatment of intestinal diseases, enemas with oil are made. First- a cleansing enema, then an enema with 30 ml of milk thistle. Repeat the procedure every day for 14-18 days.

Proopphy oil use: skin diseases, wounds

Proopha oil can be taken not only inward, but used as an external remedy. It effectively helps to treat skin diseases, wounds, cuts, burns. A powerful anti -inflammatory and wound healing effect leads to the fact that even deep wounds and damage heal without scars.

Proopha oil is advised to use for burns, including solar and frostbite. Everyone knows that for this purpose it is usually recommended to smear the damaged area with sea buckthorn oil, but unlike it, the milk thistle does not cause burning, but immediately brings relief and relieves pain. That is why it will be useful to have it with him every young mother while traveling to nature or on vacation with children.


As for the skin diseases, the milk thistle will help adolescents quickly get rid of acne. To people who noticed the first signs of baldness, oil will not only prevent this process, but also turn it back. It is effective for various allergic reactions, irritations and simply useful for the skin.

Diseases and damage to the skin that can be cured with a quick:

  • acne;
  • burns;
  • frostbite;
  • diaper rash;
  • praise;
  • cracks on the heels;
  • wounds;
  • allergic reactions;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • baldness;
  • flat and red lichen;
  • vitiligo.

Proopphy oil use: excess weight

The problem of the current century. Today, so many means for weight loss have been invented that it seems - to lose extra pounds is easier. But, unfortunately, half of the funds is only a marketing trick, and the rest, in addition to the desired harmony, gives a whole list of side effects. Everyone who seeks to lose weight without harm to the body should clearly understand one thing - without physical exercises and moderate nutrition of the hornless waist. But not everything is so sad - there are special assistants who can speed up this process and make a transition period less painful.


Thumbnabbering oil is one of these assistants. It contains biologically active compounds that neutralize cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fatty acids restore metabolism, and extra pounds go unnoticed. In addition, the oil dulls a feeling of hunger and gives a charge of energy, which can (and should) be spent on sports or at least a walk in the fresh air. There are almost 900 kcal per 100 ml of oil, which is quite a lot.

A milk thistle helps to quickly lose weight only with a significant revision of your menu. If you are used to eating a lot of fatty meat and white bread, replace them with chicken, turkey and home baking of whole grain flour. Eat more vegetables and fruits. By and large, they can be eaten in any quantity, without limiting yourself at all, and still lose weight!


Proopphy oil use: genitals

For the treatment of gynecological ailments, milk thistle oil can also be used both inward and externally. When oral administration, vitamin E has the main effect, it regulates the work of the endocrine system, prevents the occurrence of tumors and stabilizes the activity of the reproductive system.

Useful: the use of milk thistle facilitates the psychological state in the premenstrual period and during menopause.

The oil has anti -inflammatory, antibacterial and general healing effects. Its place can be used for itching climate atrophic vaginitis. Together with tea tree oil, it is prescribed for inflammatory processes in the vagina, colpite, cervical erosion and to prevent the formation of scar tissue.


A milk thistle is useful for both women and men. It helps to get rid of such common diseases as prostate adenoma, urethritis and prostatitis.

In oil there are tocopherols that slow down aging processes and prolonging reproductive functions. Also, the product is indicated for the normal course of pregnancy and easy birth.

For the treatment of menopause atrophic vaginitis, soak the swab in oil and enter it into the vagina for the night. The next method is more effective: using a syringe without a needle, enter 3 ml of oil into the vagina and lift the pelvis so that it is evenly distributed inside (stand in the “birch” pose). The oil is completely absorbed into the walls of the vagina, so it is not necessary to wash it. Repeat the procedure every day for 10-12 days.

Treatment of cervical erosion: mix 50 ml of milk thistle and 2.3 ml of tea tree oil. Eat the mixture thoroughly for a minute and enter into the vagina with a syringe without a needle. Before resorting to this method, consult your doctor. He will evaluate your condition and prescribe a course of treatment.

The use of milk thistle oil: dentistry, inflammation of the ears, throat, nose

Proopsha has found application in dentistry. It is used to treat periodontal disease, stomatitis, gingivitis, and operational healing of wounds in the mouth after surgery. Lners with milk thistle oil treat diseases of the throat (tonsillitis, pharyngitis). In combination with tea tree oil, it facilitates the condition with inflammation of the glands.


With inflammation of the ears and nose, the oil is slightly heated in a water bath and buried with a pipette. For the same purposes, a mixture of tea tree oil in a ratio of 50 ml of milk thistle per 3 ml of tea tree is also used.

Proopphy oil use: oncology

Scientists have long proved that milk thistle oil is one of the few natural agents with a powerful anti -cancer effect. It is prescribed inside with chemo- or radiation therapy, since the oil relieves side effects of procedures.

Several cases of deceleration of growth and complete stopping of the development of tumors were recorded. In itself, little milk thistle cannot be considered a panacea for cancer, and in most cases it is used in complex treatment as an auxiliary agent.


Proopphy oil use: allergies

Thumbnail oil is an effective anti-allergic agent due to its ability to suppress the production of histamines. It is histamines that cause headache, migraines and allergies. Since an allergy to something is considered a serious disease, before the use of milk thistle, you should consult a doctor for its treatment.

The use of milk thistle oil in other industries

In addition to the fact that little milk thistle helps to treat almost all the most common diseases, it allows you to return beauty, youth and even extend life. Truly, the wonderful gift of nature, which is greatly underestimated. Consider how still you can use thistro -lane oil to make your life better.

Proopphy oil use: cosmetology

In ancient times, they knew a sense not only in the preparation of therapeutic potions of plants, but also in creating effective cosmetics to preserve youth and gaining beauty. Proopha oil today is one of the most popular means of “live cosmetics”.


The most important property of this plant is to ensure powerful body protection in the most unfavorable conditions. This is an excellent antioxidant that removes all toxins from the body, activates the regenerative abilities of cell membranes. It protects the skin from drying, peeling, levels color, makes it elastic and elastic. Rarely what expensive cream is compared in effects with ordinary butter oil seeds.

The instruction of the milk thistle oil allows you to use it for all types of skin and any ages. It will make dry wilting skin as a mild as velvet and return the elasticity, the sensitive teenage will make it cleaner and more tender, remove the inflammation and give a feeling of freshness. In the latter case, milk thistle oil is better than any acne and alcohol -based acne products. It penetrates deep into the skin and affects it from the inside, regulating the activity of the sebaceous glands. That is, acne does not pass because they were dried by alcohol, but because the skin has become healthy.


Poropopsha is used for healing lifting massage, applying it in the neck, neckline and face. After the session, the oil is left until morning, and the next day its wonderful effect is already noticeable.

The thistle oil can be used both as a separate cosmetic product and as an effective supplement. Add only 3-4 drops of oil to your night cream for your face, and after a couple of days you will notice an improvement. The same applies to body care products, hair masks and lotions.

A little useful recipes:

  1. In combination with olive almond oils in a ratio of 1: 1, a thunderbrap gives a striking anti -aging effect. The mixture of oils should be applied to clean skin (face, neck, arms, neckline).
  2. If you mix 3 tbsp. l. milk thistle with 1 tsp. Tea wood or avocado oils, you can get rid of small wrinkles in a short time and increase the elasticity of the skin. Gently heat the mixture in a water bath and apply it to clean skin overnight. An alternative option is to make a warm mask every 3-4 days. To do this, apply the mixture on gauze and put on the skin for 30-40 minutes. After which wash with cool water.
  3. If you suffer from constantly peeling and weathered skin, mix the milk thistle with grape seed oil. The same recipe will help protect against ultraviolet radiation and frostbite.
  4. If cracks appear on the heels, lubricate them every evening with a milk thistle oil and put on light cotton socks. In a week, there will be no trace of damage!
  5. To get rid of cellulite, make a stimulating massage with a mixture of milk thistle oil with lavender oil, geranium, juniper, lemon, fennel, rosemary or eucalyptus. On 1 tbsp. l. Add 2-3 drops of the selected oil.
  6. If your lips are weathered, lubricate them with milk thistle oil, and the problem will disappear on the same day. It can be used in its pure form or mixed with avocado oil or oil from wheat germ, roses or lemon balm.
  7. To strengthen the hair, to prevent their loss and give a lively shine, rub the milk thistle oil into the scalp an hour before washing for a month. You can also mix 100 ml of shampoo or balm with 10 ml of oil. Apply this mixture to the hair, withstand 10-15 minutes. And rinse with warm water. Hair will become soft and shiny after the first session.
  8. To strengthen the nails, rub the oil into the nail rollers 2 times a day or in 20 minutes. before applying varnish.

Remember that problems with the appearance arise due to improper operation of internal organs, so external use should be combined with the administration inside. The easiest way to use milk thistle oil in capsules or use it to prepare delicious and healthy dishes.

Proopphy oil use: cooking

Proopha oil is characterized by a rather pleasant smell and delicate taste. This is a valuable dietary product compatible with all vegetables, cereals, light meat and fish. However, it should be consumed in temperate quantities and only raw (without thermal treatment).

It is best to use oil for refueling salads, cereals, vegetable dishes, mashed potatoes, pilaf or pasta. So that it does not lose beneficial properties, add it to slightly composed dishes before serving on the table.


With a milk thistle, excellent pastries are obtained. Of course, in this case, due to heat treatment, it will lose part of its healing qualities, but it will give an unusual taste to dishes. Do not be afraid to give oil to young children or older people - it is rich in vitamins and absolutely hypoallergenically.

Proopphy oil use: Contraindications

D harm to the milk thistle practically does not bring, and if this happens, then in very rare cases. This is one of the few drugs, the contraindications to which can be counted on the fingers of one hand. First of all, it is individual intolerance. Each human body is unique and may not perceive the composition of the oil.

In what cases should you refrain from milk thistle:

  • exacerbation of cholelithiasis;
  • exacerbation of cholecystitis.

But even in these two cases, the attending physician may prescribe a small dosage of oil.

A milk thistle is a plant that has no analogues around the world and capable of giving health, youth and beauty. Therefore, the next time you go around the field or to weave your garden, pay attention to a high spike with a purple fluffy flower - if its leaves are strewn with white spots and streaks, maybe it will become not just an unnecessary weed.



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