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The benefits of oxygen cocktail

The benefits of oxygen cocktail
The benefits and harm of oxygen cocktails. Cooking a cocktail.

Oxygen cocktails were invented in the 60s of the last century in the Soviet Union-a discovery was made that oxygen could absorb not only lungs, but also a stomach. Such therapy was used in medical institutions.

Oxygen cocktail was previously considered a dietary tool available for use only in the conditions of sanatoriums and pharmacies. Currently, with the development of new technologies and the emergence of small oxygen foaming agents, this drink is available for wide use and healing.

The principle of oxygen cocktail

Oxygen cocktail is a popular drink, which is juice or milk, nectar, herbal collection, enriched with oxygen foam.


Street life rhythm, poor ecology, lack of motor activity - all this leads to a deficiency of oxygen in the human body, and an oxygen cocktail effectively replenishes it. This happens as follows:

  • the oxygen foam of the cocktail enters the digestive tract, after which it enters the blood and lymph, deliberately affects all systems of the body;
  • blood circulation is normalized, as a result of which the supply and functioning of cells and tissues improves, physiological processes are normalized;
  • as a result of the activation of metabolic processes, along with oxygen, nutrients begin to operate and are actively absorbed by the liquid component of the cocktail.

Than oxygen cocktails are useful

Experts argue that the use of only one glass of oxygen cocktail benefits an equal three -hour walk along the pine forest. This is due to the fact that oxygen in the form of a cocktail is supplied to the body through the stomach and actively saturates organs and tissues.

The healing effects of the phytocomplex foamed by oxygen is effective for prevention and healing, the activation of immune forces and recovery processes. Due to the use of oxygen cocktails, performance, resistance to stresses increases, sleep normalizes.

Oxygen cocktail is recommended for people of any age, starting with young children from 3 years old. The oxygen cocktail during pregnancy is especially useful - the volume of blood flow in the body increases, and an oxygen deficiency occurs, which effectively covers this healing drink. Oxygen cocktails are useful for normalizing the microcirculation of blood of a pregnant woman, optimizing the conditions of fetal development, preventing hypoxia (oxygen insufficiency) as a source of oxygen.


In general, the benefits of an oxygen cocktail for children are to quickly saturate vital organs with oxygen, its therapeutic effect is to increase the body's resistance to various viruses and infections. Oxygen cocktails are widely used in spa treatment, in preschool and school institutions. They help children cope with mental and physical activity, while the consumption of an oxygen cocktail for children can be represented in the form of a fun game.

Effectively affects the food of the brain with oxygen using oxygen cocktails - to maintain strength and combat nervous stress, and enhance performance. These drinks stimulate mental activity and give the body of strength in the fight against stress, help concentrate attention and improve vision.

Regular intake of oxygen cocktails will help in the fight against bad habits, the active ingredients of the drink effectively remove toxins from the body, and actively cleanse the lungs from smokers. Oxygen cocktail for athletes, as well as in the fight, will be useful, as it is a dietary product with almost zero calorie content that creates a feeling of filling the stomach and reduces the feeling of hunger. Oxygen cocktail stimulates cellular metabolism, accelerates fat burning. According to nutritionists, two days of diet on oxygen cocktails (take 5-6 times a day instead of food) are an equal replacement of 7 days of starvation.

In addition, an oxygen cocktail is useful for the synthesis of collagen, strengthen blood vessels and capillaries - therefore, it can be taken to improve the condition of the skin, cleansing, giving it freshness and elasticity.

Oxygen cocktail is used for:

  • elimination of hypoxia;
  • increased performance;
  • elimination of chronic fatigue;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • increased immunity (both in adults and in children);
  • improving the conditions of the fetal maturation during pregnancy;
  • treatment of ascariasis in children.

Oxygen cocktail is necessary:

  • in offices and industrial enterprises;
  • in sports centers and beauty salons;
  • in sanatoriums and holiday homes, in pharmacies, hospitals, clinics and maternity hospitals;
  • in cafes and bars;
  • in schools and kindergartens;
  • in every house and in every apartment.

How to make an oxygen cocktail

As a source of oxygen, oxygen concentrators, as well as oxygen cylinders and spray can. Special sets for an oxygen cocktail, including a cocktail, can and foaming agent are also presented on sale. Oxygen concentrator is a device that generates a gas mixture with a high oxygen concentration. The apparatus for an oxygen cocktail is used to prepare a single-acid mixture by activating vapors using ultraviolet radiation and a red spectrum stream, widely used in preschool institutions, health resorts, pharmacies, cafes and phytobaras.


Preparation of oxygen cocktail: what do we need

For the preparation of oxygen cocktail, clarified juice or nectar without pulp and sediment is traditionally used - they usually use pear, cherry, raspberry, grenade, grape, etc. As a liquid base for a cocktail, you can also add herbal teas, milk, an infusion of rosehip, hawthorn, various wines, fruit and berry syrups. Egg protein infusion, licorice infusion or gelatin infusion can be a foaming agent of a cocktail, ready -made mixtures for oxygen cocktails exist.

Oxygen cocktails can be bought in phytobeans and pharmacies, cafes, as well as try to cook them yourself.

To get rid of chronic fatigue, tone the body and stimulate metabolic processes, you can prepare an oxygen cocktail at home. Such a drink will be useful for all family members. Nutritionists recommend an oxygen therapy of 7-10 days-based on the use of one or two servings per day.

Woman Make Oxygen Cocktail

To prepare an oxygen cocktail at home, you will need a juice or other liquid in your choice as a liquid component of a cocktail, as well as oxygen (presented in spray cans, oxygen pillows), a foaming agent, a cocktail or an oxygen mixer. According to reviews of oxygen cocktails, good foaming in drinks based on cherry, pomegranate and apple juice, or in berry fruit drinks (lingonberry, cranberry). Carbonated drinks, as well as oily liquids for the preparation of oxygen cocktail are not suitable. Carefully select the composition of the liquid mixture for a children's oxygen cocktail - in order to avoid the occurrence of an allergic reaction to separate components of the drink.

The quality of the drink depends on the temperature of the liquid component of the cocktail (it is recommended to use cold fluid to improve foam formation).

Recipes of oxygen cocktails

closeup Woman Hand and Belly

There are a large number of recipes for oxygen cocktails, among them are the following:

  1. “Toning” cocktail-prepare a mixture of apple and grenade (or cherry) juice-take them, respectively, 60 and 40 ml, add a small amount of foaming agent (1-2 tablespoons of a malt root or 1-2 g of the finished mixture for oxygen cocktails), Mix. This mixture must be poured into a mixer or oxygen blender (with an oxygen and whipping mode). Next, it is necessary to organize the supply of oxygen for several seconds through a tube of an oxygen cylinder or using an oxygen cocktail, beat until the desired amount of foam is obtained.
  2. Cocktail "9 forces" - as the basis, rosehip infusion is used with the addition of one teaspoon of honey, as well as a foaming agent. Preparation is carried out similarly to the previous recipe.

The use of oxygen cocktail

Home oxygen cocktail must be consumed immediately by cooking, it is not subject to long -term storage. Take it with a spoon or slowly sipping it through a straw for 10-15 minutes.

dose of cocktail

Contraindications for use

Nutritionists advise not to drink through a cocktail tube, but there is an oxygen foam - slowly, using a teaspoon. This is excluded by the harm from the oxygen cocktail in the form of increased gas formation, excessive flatulence, as well as possible burns of the respiratory tract. There are certain requirements for the quality of oxygen added, which should be without harmful impurities. A raw chicken protein is often used as a cocktail foaming agent, which can cause salmonellosis infection. There is also the likelihood of the harm of an oxygen cocktail for children, as well as adults in the form of individual intolerance to liquid fillers of the drink and the development of allergic reactions.  There are contraindications to the use of oxygen cocktails - these include, first of all, hyperthermia, bronchial asthma, ulcerative, gallstone and urolithiasis, as well as respiratory failure and general intoxication of the body.

Oxygen cocktail: photo

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Oxygen cocktail: video



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