
How to choose a child name

How to choose a child name
How to choose the name of the child? What should parents know about? What name will be for your baby successful?

All parents before the birth of a child are thinking about what name to give him. After all, it will accompany the kid all his life and sound more often than the other words. In finding a happy name, parents are advised to relatives, open dictionaries, horoscopes, calendars. And in each case, you can find the name that will be successful for your child.

Choosing the name of the Schaints

The Orthodox calendar has already been helped by parents to determine the name for the future of the newborn. Since ancient times it was believed that the name was able to influence the fate of a person. Therefore, people began to call children in honor of the Orthodox saints, believing that thus the kid acquires the guardian angel. Calendar days, when they honor the saints, called the sacraticles. To properly give the name to the child in the sacraticles, you need to know the following:

  • On the day when the baby was born, open the Orthodox calendar and see what saint recall today. If there is no appropriate name, you can choose from those that are listed in the eighth and fortieth day after the birth of a child. The eight symbolizes eternity, and the figure of 40 is the sacrament of saint baptism.


  • Choosing a name in honor of the saint, you should read about it and know what merit it is so read by people. In the future, you must be able to tell the child about the life and good deeds of the saint, in honor of which the baby is named.
  • You can choose the name of that saint, which for generations we read in your family and is considered a patron of a newborn family.
  • Sometimes the child gives the two name: first - on birthday, second - during baptism. In this case, try the names to be consonant with each other.
  • The name that todded the baby during baptism cannot be changed. This can only be done when changing faith or when a person becomes a monk.
  • With the name that was given through the sacnesses, the child acquires his guardian angel. The day of reverence of this saint for your baby will be the day of the name.

Select the name of the date of birth and number name

Numerology - science of figures. Thanks to her, you can calculate the number of the child name and plan his fate. To do this, you need to be able to identify the number of name and number of the date of birth. If it is less than the number of name, then your baby will grow ambitious, if on the contrary, then the weak. The most ideal is the option when the names of the name and date of birth are the same. Such a child will grow in harmony. Therefore, by the date of birth, calculate the name you choose.


Determination of the date of birth

For example, the child was born on June 1, 2015.


The number of birth dates in this case is 6.

Defining a name

The calculation of the number of name must be done on the table, where each letter corresponds to the figure:


For example, you decided to name the son of Nikita:

N-6, and - 1, K-3, and - 1, T-2, A-1


Nikita, which appeared on June 1, 2015, will be the number of birth dates more than the number of names. Such a baby will experience difficulties with the will to overcome the problems. If you believe in the magic of numbers, in this case, select a name consisting of 6 letters to balance the influence of the date of birth and number of the name.

The influence of the number of names on character

People with number 1 - These are managers and leaders in nature. They are initiative and bold, always strive for the goals set, are not afraid of difficulties. They have developed creative abilities. Units do not like to obey, sometimes there are selfish and arrogant.

People with numbers 2 - This is reasonable and diplomatic individuals. The feeling of tact, the ability to listen and calmly put their arguments help such people get recognition in society. Developed intuition allows you to watch analytically on the world around. Two excellent staff and reliable partners.

People with Number 3 - It is friendly, optimistic and self-dedicated nature. They can enjoy life and give bright impressions to others. Possess an excellent sense of humor. Have abilities to art - music, theater, cinema, dance, drawing. Rarely experience deep depression.

People with Number 4 - These are reliable and honest personalities with which everyone feels safe. Practical and not frivolous. Hardworking. Four love to calculate every step, confidently moving towards the goal and not interference in adventures.

People with Number 5 - These are freedom-loving and very curious nature. Become yours in each company. We strive for travel and adventure. Perfectly realize themselves in the literature, the field of radio, television. Five can be quick-tempered and unnecessarily emotional.

People with Number 6 - Fair, humane and obligatory personality. Such people have a well-developed logic that helps them make sure solutions. We strive for the soul and the world of beautiful. Six love music, nature, people.


People with number 7 - Philosophers, maximalists seeking perfection. Always have their own opinion. Communicate only with those who are interesting to them. Pay attention to its internal development and knowledge of religions, metaphysics. In relations with the opposite sex, the seven is inconsistent.

People with Number 8 - These are the personalities who are conquered by business and power. Good managers confidently leading the team. Make money money and live in prosperity. Some are engaged in charity. Failures in achieving goals can enter these people in anger, which prevents concentrate on the situation.

People with Number 9 - Can make their dream reality. If such nature does not sit in place, then with completeness use all the possibilities for themselves. Could love those surrounding, nature, God. Happiness and success come to those who open a heart for love. Material nine think less than about honor and recognition.

Select the name at the time of year

The time of the year in which the child was born, and the chosen name should correspond to each other.

Names for born in winter

Such children grow up volitional and rigorous people. At the December kids are especially pronounced for power. Birthdays January and February are more balanced. Winter children have the ability to accurate sciences. So kids are better to give soft names to smooth the rigidity of the character. For boys: Alexey, Artemy, Valentin, Veniamin, Efim, Mikhail, Ilya, Lev, Maxim, Timofey. For girls: Anfisa, Alice, Alena, Polina, Natalia, Faina, Svetlana, Lyia, Lia, Lana.

Baby in Hat. Winter

Names for born in spring

Kids are characterized by a soft and wounded character. They are easy to influence. Sometimes because of indecision, the child cannot reveal his abilities. Spring people have excellent memory and constant interest in learning. To add hardness and confidence in their character, you should choose a ringing name. For boys: Bronislav, Herman, David, Georgy, Grigory, Mark, Spartak, Taras, Yaroslav. For girls: Alexandra, Daria, Ruslan, Maria, Irina, Rostislav, Serafima, Veronica, Miroslav.

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Names for born in summer

Summer children grow good and emotional. These are proud personalities that sometimes still show weakness of character. Dangerous for born in summer people can be the influence of others. Summer child will always love animals and nature. Also this is very talented nature, loving art. To add to the nature of summer children confidence, they should also give more bell and solid names. For boys: Dmitry, Prokhor, Valery, Gleb, Yuri, Ignat, Nikita, Zakhar, Sergey, Igor. For girls: Elizabeth, Margarita, Sophia, Christina, Kira, Rosa, Varvara.


Names for born in the fall

Those who were born in autumn differ in a balanced character. They do not like to conflict and argue, diplomatic in relationships. Before making a decision, you will think several times and weigh everything. We value experience and always draw conclusions from past mistakes. Very practical and reasonable. Such children are suitable for any names, because their persistent nature does not need to be adjusted.


Choice of the name for patronymic and surname

Thinking about the future name of his child, parents often utter all the options in combination with the patronymic and surname. What do you need to pay attention to in this case? Here are some tips:

  1. Do not choose the name that ends on the same consonant that the patronymic begins. For example, Herman Nikolayevich or Mark Konstantinovich.
  2. Avoid combinations of a rare foreign name and a simple surname - it sounds stupid and funny. For example, Rosalia Kozlova or David Ivanov. By the same principle, choose the name to patronymic.
  3. Each name has its meaning and value. For example, Victoria is a victory. If the values \u200b\u200bof the name and patronyony are coincided, then this quality in the nature of the child doubles. Nevertheless, it is better when the name and patronymic complement each other, making a child more versatile.


Select the name on the signs of the zodiac

Astrologers say that the names corresponding to the signs of the zodiac can not only bring good luck, but also help in life. Proven - planets affect people. All zodiac signs are divided into four elements: water, air, fire, earth. Each element corresponds to three signs of the zodiac horoscope.


Children of the elements of fire

These are those who were born under the constellations of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Such people are active and love to act. Thanks to the character, they manage to achieve a lot in life.

Names of the constellation Aries: Egor, Artemy, Alexander, Oleg, Yaroslav, Nikolay. For girls: Eugene, Svetlana, Victoria, Angela, Julia, Love.

The names of the constellation Lion: Adam, Kirill, Leo, Anatoly, Bogdan, Roman, Ilya. For girls: Diana, Victoria, Ella, Nadezhda, Alexander, Yanina, Natalia.

Names of the constellation Sagittarius: Vladimir, Grigory, Philip, Ruslan, Vyacheslav, Semen. For girls: Margarita, Sophia, Vera, Zhanna, Alice, Irina.


Children of the elements of the Earth

These are those who were born under the constellations of Capricorn, Taurus and the Virgin. Hardworking, reliable, good people. Love stability and bypass an unjustified risk.

Capricorn's constellation names: David, Makar, Igor, Robert, Danil, Boris, Stanislav, Konstantin. For girls: Daria, Maria, Emma, \u200b\u200bSophia, Varvara, Christina, Irma.

The names of the Constellation of Taurus: Victor, Egor, Mikhail, Fyodor, Matvey, Nikita, Taras, Bogdan. For girls: Vasilisa, Milena, Vlad, Galina, Veronica, Bella, Maya, Marina, Ulyana.

The names of the Constellation of the Virgin: Herman, Denis, Prokhor, Rostislav, Timofey, Timur, Sergey, Gleb, Vsevolod. For girls: Anastasia, Diana, Inga, Regina, Taisia, Lydia, Tatiana, Anita, Tamara.


Children of the elements of air

These are those who were born under the constellations of scales, aquarius and twins. The nature of such people is open and good-natured. Talent and outstanding abilities distinguish children of air elements from the rest.

Names of constellation Scales: Anton, Arkady, Boris, Vitaly, Leonid, Nazar, Pavel, Savely, Makar, Mikhail, Yakov. For girls: Angelina, Nelli, Kaleria, Oksana, Julia, Polina, Alina, Lily, Love.

Names of the constellation Aquarius: Albert, Vladimir, Eugene, Vlad, Svyatoslav, Ruslan, Gennady, Illarion. For girls: Arina, Alina, Bella, Lolita, Nonna, Valeria, Varvara, Snezhanna, Ulyana.

The names of the constellation Gemini: Herman, Sergey, Mark, Nikita, Nikolay, Evgeny, Konstantin, Akim. For girls: Violetta, Isobella, Alice, Claudia, Maya, Ksenia, Christina, Nadezhda, Veronica.


  Children of water elements

These are those who were born under the constellations of cancer, scorpion and fish. The nature of such people is multifaceted. Purpose and individual individuals. Reliable family mans.

The names of the constellation of cancer: Andrei, Emelyan, Ilya, Lev, Efim, Stepan, Eldar, Vasily, Vitaly. For girls: Diana, Milena, Olesya, Olga, Lada, Yana, Ia, Lisa, Rosa, Stanislav, Lia.

Names of the constellation Scorpio: Taras, Yaroslav, Savely, Zakhar, Aristarkh, Thomas, Fedor, Yang. For girls: Zemfira, Maria, Sarah, Raisa, Eva, Flora, Yaroslav, Victoria, Elizabeth.

The names of the constellation of fish: Marat, Daniel, Veniamin, Vadim, Maxim, Thoma, Ivan, Timur, Yuri. For girls: Alevtina, Violetta, Vasilisa, Inna, Irma, Eve, Anna, Anita, Mariana, Elvira, Emma, \u200b\u200bRegina, Valeria, Natalia, March.


Parents errors when choosing a child name

  • Do not give the child a very difficult and difficult-to-my name. If the baby is painfully learning to learn it for a long time, then his own name will wave.


  • In schools, children often tease each other. Therefore, you do not need to call a child with a strange name, which will always give a reason for mockery.
  • Do not call the child with the name of the Father. It is believed that such children can grow capricious and unbalanced.
  • Do not give the name to the child in honor of the dead relatives. There is a conviction that the baby can inherit the tragic fate of a loved one.
  • Do not take the first name for the child - in this case it may forever remain a stranger for the baby.

How to choose a child's name? (video)


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