
How to choose a children's mattress

How to choose a children's mattress
What should be taken into account when choosing the best mattress for the child

A full -fledged night vacation is the basis of the child’s health. And this is not an easy word: the correct position of the spine means that blood circulation is not disturbed, nerve endings are not pushed, posture does not deteriorate.

And the most important thing for your baby’s healthy sleep is to choose the right mattress.  We will figure out which mattress to buy in a crib.

Why is a high -quality children's mattress so important for a child


The first nuance concerns the family where there are older children. The youngest child often gets a bed and a mattress from the elder. But the fact is that this is not very hygienic: in the mattress, as in pillows, dust and various microorganisms accumulate over time. And the child in the crib not only sleeps - he sits in it, plays, sometimes takes food. Therefore, children's mattresses lose their functional properties quite quickly. Given all the factors, pediatricians recommend that a new mattress also purchase for the youngest child.

Some parents believe that the factory polyethylene film will help to save the mattress new - it is not removed, and the bed is laid on top. This is fundamentally wrong. Firstly, it is inconvenient for the child to sleep when polyethylene rustles in the crib with the slightest movement. And secondly, the product itself is not ventilated, a poor microclimate is created in it and the mattress filler quickly spoils.

Important conditions for choosing a good children's mattress


Before you go to the store, think about what qualities the best children's mattress should have for your baby. First of all, the orthopedic properties are important: the guarantee of the correct and safe position of the spine during sleep. It is important that the baby’s back does not bend, and the muscles do not strain, no matter what position the child is lying. Orthopedic doctors note that more than 40% of children have problems with the spine at an early age caused by the improper formation of the skeleton.

So you need to choose a mattress:

  • elastic;
  • rigidity depending on age (since the musculoskeletal system of a small person has not yet completely developed, then to ensure proper development of tissues, bones and joints, the child must sleep on a hard surface);
  • with a flat surface;
  • with a safe filler.

Many parents prefer to consult with a pediatrician before buying a children's mattress. And that's right. After all, the baby himself can hardly explain what can cause him discomfort.

From practical characteristics, you should pay attention to:

  • sizes of children's mattresses;
  • mattress filler material;
  • is it suitable for your baby by age;
  • mattress strength;
  • simplicity in caring for the product.

Choosing a children's mattress by the age of the baby


  1. From birth to 3 years. The baby spends most of the day in the crib, so the quality of the mattress will significantly affect the health of the crumbs in the future. The size of the children's mattress for the newborn must accurately correspond to the size of the baby's crib. If the mattress is larger, then over time its shape will change, folds and tubercles will appear - the child will be inconvenient to sleep. And if the product is smaller than the crib, then gaps form in which dust can accumulate. In addition, the baby can stick the handle or leg into the hole and injure.  The rigidity should be medium. Too hard surface can cause discomfort and crying crumbs. The height of the mattress for babies up to 3 years old is from 5 to 12 cm. They are usually made of completely natural materials (mattresses with coconut filler are very popular)-pay special attention to this.
  2. From 3 to 7 years. The principle of choosing a mattress for a child at this age remains the same, except that now that the baby’s musculoskeletal system is almost like an adult, you can also purchase a spring mattress for him.   From the materials of the upper layer, in addition to natural fabrics, good quality latex is added.
  3. From 7 to 12 years. At this age, children are very active both in physical and mentally. They withstand heavy loads, so they need a good rest. The lack of strong nine -hour sleep can provoke overwork and neurosis. It is in this period of time that the child is finally formed in the muscles and bends of the body. Note that serious problems with posture occur in children at this age, when the final replacement of cartilage tissues occurs bone. For a child, a great option would be a mattress with a latex filler of medium stiffness. However, if health problems are identified, it is better to consult with an orthopedist additionally.
  4. From 12 years. For a teenager, a mattress without polyurethane -based springs is well suited. The height of the product should be 14-20 cm. Also purchase a case of strong fabric, which can be easily washed. When choosing a mattress, you need to take into account the height and weight of the child.

Fillers of children's orthopedic mattresses


The quality of the filler is an important indicator when choosing a mattress for the baby. To be sure that the child will not acquire an allergy, parents should pay attention to the hygienic certificate of the product, make sure that it is made of natural materials that are able to ventilate.

Whatever the filler you choose, remember that the mattress needs to be regularly turned over, then it will retain its shape longer and will ventilate better.

Filler made of natural coconut fiber


More and more pediatricians recommend mattresses with this filler as safe for the proper development of the musculoskeletal system of the child. The main advantages of such products:

  • moisture resistance;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • breathing material - perfectly misses the air;
  • coconut fiber is not subject to decay;
  • elastic;
  • it holds the balance of temperature well: in winter it will not be cold on such a mattress, and in the summer it is not hot.

Hard mattresses from coconut fiber are shown to all children from birth to 12 months - the solid base of the product will not allow the spine. When the baby turns a year, it is better to replace the mattress with a softer one, which will allow the child’s muscles to take a relaxed position. Most often, these are multilayer products in which coconut fiber and natural latex alternate.

Attention! When choosing a mattress, do not confuse the product made of coconut chip and coconut fiber. The mattress made of chips has the property of praut and cave. Therefore, very soon, its surface will become bugred, and you will not have to talk about the baby’s comfort.

Natural latex filler


Such products are in great demand despite the high cost. Previously, latex was used in spring mattresses, now the manufacturer offers products that are fully consisting of this natural porous material.

Among the shortcomings of such a product:

  • a characteristic smell (you need to ventilate the room more often);
  • the material deteriorates under the influence of high temperature;
  • in rare cases, allergies can cause allergies.

But, of course, there are much more advantages of the product:

  • latex is environmentally friendly (natural material is made from gvee plant juice);
  • takes the form of the human body during sleep, providing an absolutely even position of the spine);
  • does not change shape and color over time;
  • well ventilated;
  • very elastic and easily restores its original shape;
  • in latex, dust mites, fungus or bacteria cannot develop, which is especially good for children prone to allergies.

In the store you can be offered a mattress made of pure latex or with impurities. The second option will be much cheaper, however, the service life is fundamentally less.

Polyuretan filler foam


This material was specially invented as an analogue of expensive natural latex. Actually, such a filler has all the corresponding characteristics:

  • does not distinguish harmful fumes;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • flexible;
  • repeats the shape of the baby's body;
  • it serves for a long time;
  • has antibacterial properties;
  • unfulfilled for the life of a tick.

Children's cotton mattress


It seems to some parents that since the baby will grow quickly, then in the first years of life to buy a high -quality mattress is an unjustified waste. Then their attention is paid to children's mattresses based on cotton or foam - pleasant, bright and inexpensive to the touch.

In fact, the cotton mattress is not elastic enough to maintain the child’s spine in the right position - such a product cannot be considered orthopedic. In addition, the material very quickly absorbs any moisture (even from the air) - thus, a favorable environment is created inside the product for the development of microorganisms and ticks. Due to the lack of proper ventilation, the baby’s body can overheat, diaper rash will appear.

Therefore, it is undesirable to purchase a cotton as the main mattress.

Spring mattresses for children


Of course, the spring mattress will not serve your baby as long as, for example, latex or polyurethane foam: high mobility of the crumbs (who probably likes to jump on the bed) will quickly remove the product from the norm.

If you decide to consider the option of purchasing a spring mattress for the baby, you need to know the following:

  1. Such mattresses can have dependent or independent springs. The second option is definitely better. After all, dependent springs do not provide the correct position of the child’s body during sleep, so they are not considered orthopedic. Doctors categorically do not recommend such products for children under 3 years old.
  2. The filler is better to prefer natural and hard (it can provide an even surface for sleep).
  3. The height of the spring mattress for the child is 12-20 cm.
  4. Do not purchase too cheap products of an unverified manufacturer.

What should be the outer surface of the children's mattress


When studying mattress fillers, do not forget to take a closer look at their outer surface.

Quite often, you will have to clean the mattress, so do not buy products without a protective cover. The cover itself should be multi -layer (turn on a synthetic winterizer or wool, cotton). There should be no seams on the case that can crush the child.

The top layer of the cover is made of different fabrics, and their quality is also important:

  • chintz or calico (at more budget models of mattresses), it is soon wear out - it simply wipes, so you may need the acquisition of another case;
  • jaccrade - consists of a fabric of a mixture of cotton (80%) and a synthetic thread (20%). The fabric is durable and durable - will not last for many years. It lends itself to washing very well;
  • tIC is a dense cotton fabric that behaves perfectly during washing and during operation, and also completely eliminates the manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • the “Stressfree” material is a coating of two layers: porous synthetic and natural cotton. The fabric is incredibly pleasant to the touch. She is not electrified and is not afraid of purges;
  • bamboo canvas is one of the most popular materials today. The fabric resembles silk to the touch. It absorbs and evaporates moisture (like thermo linen for athletes) - therefore, it is able to maintain the comfort of the baby's skin during sleep. The bamboo canvas also has antibacterial and antistatic properties.

So that the baby could be in a scan without a diaper for some time, and you were not afraid that after that the mattress would have to be delayed, buy an oilcloth children's duplicate. It is completely safe for children.

The mattress can also be bilateral: have a “winter” and “summer” side. For the warm side of the mattress, wool is used, which will give additional heat, and for cool - cotton. Matraits with such features can be bought for children from 3 years old to ensure their additional comfort.

It is worth paying attention to the presence/absence of antibacterial impregnation of the mattress. If it is, then the product will be able to guarantee your baby additional safety.

When buying a mattress to the baby, be sure to ask the seller for a quality certificate and a hygienic certificate (such a document must be at the children's mattress) to make sure that you are buying a safe product for your child.

How to choose a mattress for a child: video



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