
How to prepare a child for school

How to prepare a child for school
Preparing the child for school. Necessary skills.

Kids grow rapidly, and as a new round in the life of each of them, training at school acts, where, in accordance with the curriculum, children are instilled in basic knowledge and skills in various fields of knowledge. On the eve of the school, many dads and mothers are worried about whether their child is ready to gain new experience. It is his parents who are able to help him so that he wants to study, gaining useful and cognitive experience at school and beyond.

How to prepare a child for school: useful recommendations

Preschool age (from 4 to 6 years) is very important for any child, as it is perfect for the child’s accumulation of knowledge and skills, which he will undoubtedly be useful to school and in further life. It is worth considering that he will need help. Psychologists give the following advice to parents - in order to prepare the child for school, it is necessary to provide him with sufficient communication with other children. In places where he can communicate (in a kindergarten that it is advisable to visit at least a year before the school, as well as in a variety of circles and sections), he will be able to feel himself part of the team and learn to communicate with peers, as well as with adults. It is also very important to organize informal communication of children - on the street, in the yard, with friends and relatives.


If you have not yet decided where to prepare the child for school, it is worth considering the following-you can cope with this task yourself, without too lazy to pay due attention to regular classes for the development of his intellect, as well as socio-psychological communication skills. If you tend to entrust this task to professionals, you can sign up for training courses - preferably at the school where you want to determine your child in the future. As an alternative to such training, you can contact the centers of early development, as well as in private to specialists - teachers and psychologists.

For admission to school, it is required that the child is ready for learning by age - children are accepted into the school upon reaching six years and six months. Children under 6 years and 6 months can be identified in an elementary school in kindergarten - in such groups a special regime is established, including daytime sleep and the conduct of physical cultures between classes, as well as conditions for this are provided.

How to prepare a child for school: the necessary knowledge and skills

As the initial stock of knowledge and skills that are required to be purchased in preparation for schooling, they act:

  • the general horizons of the child, which largely determines the quality of the further acquisition of knowledge. To expand it, it will be necessary to pay enough attention to the child, talking together “About Life”, reading books and watching films - with further discussion of plots;
  • knowledge of letters and numbers, the study of the basic logical concepts used in everyday life (for example, right and right), the ability to compare (large or small, narrow or wide). The ability to read (even so far by syllables) will act as a tangible help in further training - to at least ten;
  • the development of fine motor skills, memorization and perseverance skills - for this you will need to conduct regular game classes to form the dexterity of fingers and brushes, draw more, sculpt, work with a variety of small objects, collect details from the designer. These skills will contribute to more easy training in writing, as well as the development of imagination and speech. Since both centers in the brain of the child responsible for these actions are closely connected, the formation of fine motor skills largely contributes to the overall development of the child;
  • the ability to concentrate, the development of attention and memorization - the skills of memorizing a small rhyme or the song will come in handy not only in the matinee, but also at school;
  • the acquisition of useful skills in analysis and classification-they can be trained by asking the child to tell sequentially about something with the identification of the causal chain (which event occurred earlier, which happened later, and what follows from this). It is necessary to learn how to add the whole of individual parts, as well as grouping items according to the indicated signs.


Thus, in order to prepare the child for school independently, parents need to be prepared to conduct long -term creative education in a playful way, which must be started in advance. To do this, you will need to organize regular classes and pay due attention to developing games using special manuals, cubes, counting sticks, etc. If the child asks a question that you do not know how to answer, do not limit yourself to excuses, it is better to promise him to figure it out and give an answer later.

How to prepare a child for school: useful communication skills

Some parents believe that preparation for schooling is exhausted by the acquisition of them with a child of account skills, reading and writing. Sometimes the child’s relatives believe that the child’s brain resembles a vessel in which knowledge needs to be invested. Nevertheless, experts argue that these skills often act as the top of the iceberg, and the determining factor of readiness for schooling is the psychological preparation of the child, as well as the degree of his personal maturity, the desire to acquire knowledge, as well as communication skills. It is on them that his mental maturity and the ability to continue training depends. A well-prepared, but passive child, without readiness and desire to study, is unlikely to do something on his own initiative-in this case, accumulated knowledge is unlikely to be beneficial.

Many domestic psychologists tend to believe that the final formation of character occurs by about 12 years. At the same time, foreign experts argue that by about six years the personality and character traits have already been formed. Given such terms, parents do not have much time for effective education in order to prepare a child for school psychologically. In the future, adjusting shyness, uncertainty or aggressiveness will be much more difficult.


Thus, in addition to a certain baggage of knowledge, the child also requires:

  • the presence of communication skills and knowledge of socio-psychological norms on which the ability to contact other people (adults and peers), understanding of the norms of behavior and the ability to follow them depends;
  • the ability to defend your position, while not showing unnecessary aggression, as well as timidity and fear;
  • the skills of meaningful perception, understanding of the meaning of schooling and the need to comply with established requirements, the ability to recognize the authority of adults, observe politeness, as well as rules and discipline;
  • positive self -esteem, including self -confidence, as well as the initiative, the presence of a positive mood and desire to learn.

In addition, in order to prepare the child for school, parents need to gradually accustom him to independence in order to develop his skills in planning their actions and responsibility for them, the ability to do without outside help. It is necessary to teach him how to undress and dress yourself, change shoes, independently use the toilet in public places. In the future, it will be required that the student can collect a portfolio, as well as plan homework.

How to prepare a child for school yourself

For effective preparation for school at home, you will need to pay maximum attention to the child with every opportunity. For example, after watching a cartoon or reading, you can discuss characters and plot, while you should ask leading questions so that the child learns to analyze and generalize. On a walk, you can fix the skills of oral account, calculating passing cars, birds, pillars, shops. Joint classes in the form of manufacturing applications, modeling, drawing, folding mosaics, puzzles or designer will help to develop the small motor skills of the child. You can ensure sufficient physical activity using various games, as well as equipping a sports corner in the house. In addition, it is recommended to work together to work out the skills of independent dressing and teaching a child, as well as leaving themselves. In addition, it will be necessary to study the safety rules in the house and on the street.


How to prepare a child for school: tasks

As a rule, before starting training, children undergo an interview with a teacher and/or a psychologist, a speech therapist. With the help of such unofficial testing, these experts determine the degree of readiness of a particular child for school, namely:

  • the presence of basic physical skills and mental development;
  • how freely and confidently he communicates;
  • the ability to interact with other people, understand instructions and express their opinion.

Before entering school, it is necessary to teach a child so that he can name:

  • name and surname (their own, as well as parents), age, home address, including the city and country of residence;
  • the names of the days of the week, the seasons sequentially, the number of months in the year;
  • the names of common plants, trees and animals;
  • primary colors;
  • some rules of the road;
  • popular professions.

It is also required that the child understands the difference between the basic concepts used in everyday life - for example, how the vegetables differ from fruits, birds from animals, a street from the city, etc. In addition, it is required to distinguish letters and sounds, determine vowels and consonants, as well as deaf and sonorous.


To prepare the child for school, perform tasks with him. As a result, he should gradually learn:

  • guess simple puzzles;
  • solve simple tasks, including logical;
  • compare objects, determine the differences between them and distinguish common features;
  • retell a small story, as well as describe the picture using several sentences;
  • learn a poem from several lines;
  • count up to ten and perform basic arithmetic operations;
  • read simple sentences (out of 4-5 words), while understanding the meaning of the text;
  • consider sounds in simple words (for example, “forest”, “house”, “hand”);
  • cut out of paper using scissors along the contour of the image and geometric shapes;
  • use a pencil and a handle, drawing abundant even lines without a ruler, stroke and paint over images according to the intended contour.


How to prepare a child for school: health status

An important factor in readiness for school is also the state of health of the child - the first year of stay at school, as a rule, brings a tangible load for immunity, so you should take care of its strengthening in advance, paying attention to physical training. For preschoolers, it is important to move a lot in the fresh air, to receive good nutrition. To prepare the child for school, it will also be very useful to write him down in any sports section so that he is engaged there, also developing useful discipline skills. If there are any diseases, you will need to consult a doctor about the treatment, as well as the optimal organization of the learning process. In the absence of chronic diseases, the pediatrician can recommend a complex of vitamins, as well as measures to improve the child in order to strengthen his immune system in order to reduce the stress load in the learning process.

When planning how to prepare a child for school at home, it should be remembered that the main conditions for the start of schooling are his confidence in his abilities, the presence of logical thinking skills, as well as parental support in any situation.

How to prepare a child for school - video


Sergey 17.08.2017 Answer

Channel for preschool education of our children! Sooo interesting and informative!

Maxim 01.07.2018 Answer

Thank you very much for the article from the Eventus Training Center
