
How to celebrate the first birthday of the child

How to celebrate the first birthday of the child
How to organize a family holiday - the first birthday of the kid.

And so he has come this long-awaited day, the first birthday of your baby! How much it was already survived for this year! You learned the tayt, sing the uncomplicated songs, to do a few things at the same time, while your child fell asleep for 30 minutes, learned to be a doctor, a nanny, a psychologist. So you learned to be a mom! Now your thoughts are engaged in a problem, how to celebrate the first birthday of the child so that it becomes a real family holiday. This long-awaited day should be special and memorable, after many years you will consider family photos with a crowned child, and remember the unique atmosphere.

Who to invite a child for the first birthday?


Your baby already determines what he likes, and what - no. But in relation to the guests, he can not express his opinion. Here you must guess yourself, with whom it is more pleasant to spend your holiday. You can invite moms with the same kids if you are tightly talking with someone, and the child knows them. But this is not a very good option, rather, spare. The kids of this age can have a different day of the day: Some at this time lay down to sleep, while others are going for a walk. And not always the karapuses are pleased to communicate with each other.

Therefore, the best option will be the celebration of this event with close friends and relatives. Adults who are loving the birthday man can create a cute atmosphere of a small anniversary. It is important that the baby on this day is not tired of the abundance of other people, but bought in the universal attention of familiar people.

Ideas for the first birthday of the child


It is best to spend it in the native walls, your karapuzu will be so comfortable and more comfortable. If a small treasure gets tired of communication and falls to relax, you can provide him with a full sleep. No less important and nutrition, home usual food and for him, and for you, if you still feed the baby with breasts, much better than any other.

If circumstances do not allow this wonderful holiday at home, we are going searching for a suitable establishment. Adult premises can be selected based on its own preferences. You probably know where it is better to tale of your friends, where the cozy has a living atmosphere. But if there will be many children among your guests, it is better to stop your choice on a children's institution. The situation of an ordinary cafe or restaurant for children is boring after 30 minutes of staying in it. Try to pick up the room, isolated from other halls, so as not to look for children among other visitors.

If you make the time of year, you can spend the first birthday in nature. This will require a clean place on the lawn, where children and adults will be safe. The holiday in nature is distinguished by an uniqueness, you can invite an animator to entertain children and will give the opportunity to relax.

How to decorate the room on the first birthday of the child


The design of the rented premises most often assumes the institution, you just need to declare your wishes about the decoration of the hall. But even if you celebrate the birthday of the baby outside the house, to create a sparkling situation in the native walls is not prohibited. Waking up in the morning, Karapuz should feel that today is a huge event.

Use the simplest available and safe things for decorating the room:

  • Balloons;
  • bulk balls from paper;
  • paper garlands;
  • Greeting Cards.

It is difficult to find a child who would not love balloons. Here you can show your fantasy in full. There are balls of different colors and forms from which you can make garlands, arches, flowers, animals. An excellent fun for the birthday room and its guests will be balloons of different forms laid down on the floor. Only the balls for this need to choose special, dense, so that they do not scare children with cotton.

A good solution will be the design of a children's room in a certain topic, such as puppet, sea, vegetable. Do not forget about posters and stretching congratulations, which can be hung on the wall or above the entrance to the children's room. Try to arrange them in bright cheerful tones, with funny inscriptions: "Congratulations on Hedgehog Happy Birthday!", "Hurray! We have 1 anniversary! "

Guests will delight the guests poster with the chronicles of the first year of the life of the baby. The poster in photos and fun signatures reflect such events: the birth of a child, the first days of life, birthdays by months, the appearance of the first tooth, the first steps. On the Poster fields, you can leave places for wishes a birthday name that can leave any guest, an adult or small. If the poster brings you up with a school past, come up with another form of chronicles. The same photos can be set in the form of caterpillar, train, flowerfish or fish.

Very interesting for guests will be a poster called "We all 1 year." For him, you will have to choose photos of close relatives of the baby at this age, and also come up with witty signatures under them.

After waking up the baby in the morning, show him all the splendor cooked for him. Tell him in detail about everything: what color are the balls, what these photos are what is written under them. Let Kroch not understand some things, but he will feel your emotions and a great mood.

Decor of the first birthday of the child


Preparation for the holiday is better to start a few days before the birthday. So you can prepare and relax before the event. The festive atmosphere consists of a variety of trifles, choose what is suitable for you.

  1. Invitation cards. It is better to make them with your own hands by writing an invitation on behalf of the child, and at the bottom instead of signature, put the palm printing, having dippeding it in finching children's paint. You can decorate postcards according to your desire, for this you will fit the drawings, appliques, pieces of fabric, bows. Do not forget that your child is still very small and can badly carry a big cluster of people. Therefore, the optimal number of invited adults should be 4-5 people.
  2. Hats. You can buy ready-made attributes for children's birthday: caps, napkins, design for plates and cups, and you can cook these little things with your own hands. It all depends on your desire to create and free time.
  3. Do not forget about small souvenirs for guests. This memorable gift can be a photo of your baby in colorful paper or cardboard frames. Souvenirs you give guests when they will go home.
  4. Design table. In a children's holiday, everything should sparkle and shine! Take advantage of this Christmas garland, it can be wrapped around a cake placed on a separate table. A sparkling garland can be decorated with a shelf on which gifts for the baby will arrange.

The decoration of the dishes should also correspond to the holiday theme. Let your child are not able to estimate your efforts now, but the original dishes will be photographed or removed on the video. You yourself will be surprised at our resourcefulness, because you are all doing for the first time and with love.

What to cook on the first birthday

The children's festive menu must be useful for children, but at the same time attractive. Dishes should look appetizing to attract children to try them. Most often, children on holidays are laid on candy, cakes and fruits, which can negatively affect their well-being.


It is not so difficult to arranging sandwiches and salads in children's subjects. After watching examples of festive children's dishes in the photo, you can easily repeat it in your own kitchen. For salads, pick up light products that will raise children, but will not cause unpleasant sensations. Well prepare a salad with chicken and oranges.

Salad for the child's first birthday


  • 100 g of chicken;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1 sour-sweet apple;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 50 g of hard cheese;
  • 5 tbsp natural yoghurt.

Salad Preparation:

  1. Chicken fillet boil, cool and cut into small strips.
  2. Orange peel and films, cut into small pieces.
  3. Apple and cucumber clean, then cut into strips or cubes.
  4. Hard cheese grate.
  5. Chicken, orange, apple and cucumber mix, season with natural yogurt, sprinkle with grated cheese.

It is very easy to this salad can be decorated with chicken egg yolk. This will require to boil an egg. Ready salad seasoned lay flat on a wide plate, sprinkle with grated egg yolk. Small tomatoes cut in half and put them on the edges of the plates cut down. With the help of black olives, tomatoes turn into ladybugs. 1/3 of the olive tree to make the head, and small pieces placed on the back, it will be specks. Take another bar, a little incision in the tomato, giving wings form bloomed.

Cake for child's first birthday


Digging in their recipes, you will surely find a suitable version of the children's birthday cake. Most importantly, it has been prepared from natural products without dyes and other chemicals.

Ingredients for the sponge cake:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 100 g flour;
  • 150 g of sugar.

Gently separate the proteins from the yolks. Proteins can be long in the refrigerator, but in the meantime whisk egg yolks and half the sugar. Then, add the sifted flour weight. In a separate bowl whip the whites to the second half of sugar. The resulting foam protein gently put into the dough, mixing gently, being careful not to disturb the structure of the foam.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Bake the cake in a better split form. Cover the form with parchment paper, sprinkle the surface of the paper with flour and place the dough. Bake 30 \u003d 35 minutes, without opening the oven.

Biscuit cool, cut it lengthwise into 2 parts. For the cream is perfect for children's cottage cheese, fruit yogurt and berries or fruits. Mash the cottage cheese, add the pieces of berries, fruit and some yogurt. Korzh fluff cream, and decorate the top with berries or fruit pieces. Your imagination will tell you to make this cake a little, just for the birthday, or common to all guests. Do not hesitate, the cake is very tasty! Do not forget to decorate the cake candle.

How to spend the first day of the child's birth

The kid at this age is tired of communication, and a long-term feast is not for him. Therefore, try to hold a solemn part in a favorable time when the child will be fun and active. At this time, you can plan congratulations and video shooting. Here you can include the procedure for strangling the first candle. This is an excellent opportunity to remove a beautiful clip that can be revised by the whole family.

After that, the child can be sent to another room with any of the adults so that it rests from communicating and played with new toys. After a while, he will again be ready to communicate with guests.

There is a huge number of ideas for the first birthday. You may, in the process of preparing the holiday, come up with something your most suitable for your family, and in this article you can familiarize yourself with simple scenarios that are easy to implement. For these scenarios, specially trained people are required, any relatives who have sociability and a sense of humor can hold contests.

The scenario of the first birthday of the child: who will become our baby

Competition is held among the guests. First, everyone is distributed to prediction cards, on which adults write the estimated type of activity of the birthday room in the future. Cards can be made in the form of fortune-up cards or use decor elements corresponding to the holiday theme. You can cut cards in the form of balloons, daisies, cars, cakes. Cards with professions options are read away for all guests. Then the birthday time comes. It is comfortably seated in front of the table on which different items are posted. These things must fit different activities. The subject that the baby took the first, and means his profession. An adult predictor who was closest to the profession chosen by the baby receives a gift.

Object options and professions:

  • Packaging from Vitamins - Doctor;
  • Tassel - artist;
  • Money (can be used photocopy) - banker, financier;
  • Photo frame - photographer;
  • Keys - builder, architect;
  • Spoon - restaurant;
  • Flashlight - Policeman;
  • Glasses - Researcher;
  • machine - auto businessman;
  • Computer mouse - programmer.

The list can be supplemented by other objects that your fantasy will prompt. It will be great if the competition is removed in the photo or video.

Scenario for the first birthday of a child: Guessing


For the competition it is necessary to prepare distinctive signs for those who guess the answer. Such signs can be made in the form of cards, petals, and you can simply give the air ball for the correct answer. An adult, who gains more than all the correct answers, is considered the winner and awarded the prize.

Asked questions:

  • the weight of our baby at birth;
  • toddler weight today;
  • Growth of the baby at birth;
  • Birthday's eye color;
  • in which a child was born a child;
  • what day of the week a baby was born;
  • What zodiac sign in a child;
  • the names of the godparents;
  • What date baptized baby;
  • Favorite baby song;
  • Favorite cartoon baby;
  • Favorite bathing toy.

The list of questions can be continued endless, including questions about your favorite food, walks, toys. Competition is very cheerful, adults in vain want to tell the details about their favorite.

What gives the child for the first birthday


In the stores of toys, eyes run away from the abundance of goods, and I want to choose something unusual, memorable and necessary. For the one-year-old kids fit a variety of banks. The child at this age was just learned to walk, and the stationery helps to keep the balance and are an incentive for moving forward. You can choose the banking that you can in front of ourselves, and those that can be pulled by yourself on the rope.

At this age, children get acquainted with the figures of different forms and colors, the child appears the first abilities to design. For a one-year-old child, an excellent occupation will be constructing from simple big-sized figures. When you select a set, you must pay attention to how the age is recommended for the constructor, as well as on the material from which it is made. Details should be pleasant to the touch and stable.

Enjoy the success of the kids of one year old, musical toys. This category includes xylophones, metal phones, small piano and flutes. These toys develop smartness and fine motility of fingers at the kid. If you decide to choose a musical toy, listen to the sound emitted by it. Remember that parents and kid will hear this music every day.

A good gift for a one-year-old kid will be an inflatable pool. Optional to buy a swimming pool for swimming, count on your financial capabilities. In a small inflatable pool, the child can have fun, play, run boats and fish.

On the first birthday of the child, you can think about a three-wheeled bike. Such a gift will be unforgettable for a child, and besides this, also useful. The bike helps the child to develop and move more, which favorably affects health. Currently, there is a huge selection of "vehicles" for kids. You can find three-wheeled, four-wheeled bikes, with a handle for parents and without it.

If you are going for the first birthday to visit, it is not recommended to give sweets, diapers and soft toys. Sweets a child of this age can not try, diapers in one year old are becoming irrelevant, and soft toys are too familiar gift for children. Try not to replenish the collection of soft toys in the house, there may be too many of them, which turns them into an additional source of dust.

Do not forget that the most important thing on any holiday is a mental atmosphere, smiles and a good mood. Therefore, early in the morning is filled with positive and reveal your heart to communicate, because you have the happiest day today - your baby is 1 year old!

How to celebrate the first birthday. Video

Video will tell you the options for making a child room.


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