
Procedure Electromability - indications, contraindications. Electromability of the face, muscles, hips, bodies

Procedure Electromability - indications, contraindications. Electromability of the face, muscles, hips, bodies
Procedure Electromability: Modern achievements and their advantages, features of the procedure, effect, contraindications and reviews.

Today, electromyism is a fairly popular service offered by most cosmetic salons. With its help, you can easily get rid of fat deposits, cellulite, improve the condition of the skin.

Electromability procedure: Description

  1. Electrostimulation is a special procedure, within the framework of which the impact on muscles and nerves. This is done to initiate bodies and strengthening their activities. It is applied in different cases and has certain contraindications.
  2. Lymphodenage contributes to the fact that lymphs stagnant in subcutaneous fat tissues begins to rescue. As a result, the amount of "orange peel" becomes significantly less, the blood circulation and skin color is improved, which becomes less damage. Also reduced body weight. This happens as a result of the fact that during the procedures the body spends a lot of energy.
  3. The procedure passes with the use of electrical waves and pulses, different in length. Before proceeding with it, the necessary parts of the body are smeared with gel capable of carrying out electricity.
  4. With each new session, their duration increases from 3 to 18 minutes. The electrodes attached to the body for one procedure twice change their location. This allows you to cause a sufficiently strong muscular fatigue.
  5. Due to the effects of electrical pulses, the muscles begin to shrink. This leads to the launch of useful transformations in the human body:
  • the body requires more oxygen together with nutrients, and this contributes to the fact that the reductions of the heart occur much more often and stronger, the breath of man becomes more often and deeper;
  • capillaries are expanded, arteriols that deliver all the muscles needed to work - this significantly improves microcirculation;
  • "Turns on" a lymphatic system that helps withdraw the products of metabolism;
  • muscles work regularly, which allows you to make the contours of the body clearer;
  • the body requires much more energy, the result of which becomes the launch of the destruction of fat cells.
  1. That is, as a result of the exposure of the current, the condition of the entire human body is improved.

Electromability. Current characteristics

  1. The pulses of 0.5 to 300 m / s are used.
  2. Pulse frequency from 10 to 150Hz.
  3. Form pulses are used: triangular, rectangular, etc.
  4. The current is up to 5m, if the procedure is used for the skin of the face, for the body is less than 100mA.

Types of electromyism

  1. Transist. During such procedures, high frequency current is applied. It is capable of blocking pain pulses. Basically, such an electromyability is used as a part of the anti-slip therapy.
  2. Neuromesome. Such stimulation is very similar to those impulses produced by neurons in the human body. Most often assigned to people with strokes, with different injuries, used in cosmetology.

Training with electromyism: advantages and disadvantages

  1. This procedure has a huge number of positive moments, but there are certain disadvantages.
  2. Among the advantages can be allocated as follows:
  • the ability of muscle tissues to the reduction increases to 100%;
  • efficiency of getting rid of fat deposits;
  • cellulite destruction;
  • normalization of forms of problem areas of the body;
  • the ability to get rid of excess weight;
  • relaxing effects on muscle tissue when they are overvoltage;
  • in certain areas, microcirculation is improved;
  • the skin tone increases and its ability to regenerate;
  • there is a strengthening of the muscular frame, which helps to fight scoliosis and similar problems of the spine;
  • a large number of endorphins are distinguished, due to which the mood increases;
  • the sluggish muscles are strengthened, their tone rises.
  1. The disadvantages of the electromostimulation is much smaller.
  2. Current can be very dangerous for a person, especially if it is uncontrolled electrostimulation or violate the rules for the use of equipment. All this can cause very negative consequences.
  3. It often happens that people suffering from overweight increase the power of the instruments or use them too often. This leads to burns and painful muscle contractions.
  4. Often, equipment manufacturers for this procedure promise that the visible effect can be achieved after the first use. But for some reason no one warns that after restoring the water balance in the body, everything will return to the previous state. Therefore, one application is completely insufficient.

Electromability: Indications

This procedure recommends carried out in such cases:

  • if necessary, correction of the body shape;
  • as one of the parts of the program to combat overweight;
  • if there are problems with cellulite, stretch marks;
  • if the skin is flushing, and the face muscle is weak;
  • if necessary, improve microcirculation in certain zones;
  • if there are muscular-nerve pathologies;
  • during training athletes;
  • in the treatment of paralysis;
  • to get rid of hypertonus muscle fibers;
  • in the treatment of paresis;
  • during the therapy in the adhesions of the face or atony of the eyelids, in order to omit the soft tissues in certain zones.

Electromability: Contraindications

This procedure cannot be carried out:

  • in the presence of pathologies with a hematopoietic system;
  • if there is neoplasms on the body not only malignant, but also a benign type;
  • with tuberculosis of the system of urinary or organs of the respiratory system;
  • during renal and gallstone diseases;
  • if a person has inflammatory processes of acute stage;
  • during ORVI and in hyperthermia;
  • people who have increased current sensitivity;
  • during the pregnancy and period of breastfeeding;
  • under menstruation;
  • in case a person has a pacemaker;
  • those who suffer from CSS diseases.

Electromability at home

  1. Today, everyone can use devices for electrostimulation at home.
  2. But before that, it is necessary to go to the consultation to the doctor so that everything happens.
  3. When using equipment, it is necessary to comply with all safety rules and carefully monitor the electrostimulation itself.

Electromateness person

  1. This procedure is often used to improve the condition of the skin. Before it starts, it is necessary to clean the sections of the person on which electromostimulation will be carried out.
  2. You can make light peeling. Next, a special gel is applied on the skin, which enhances its ability to conduct the current.
  3. The electrodes must be strictly on symmetrically located muscles, in the locations of the motor nerves. At first, there is a slight tingling, to which the person is quickly adapted.
  4. This session lasts about 20 minutes. One course of treatment consists of 10-12 sessions.

Music electromyism

  1. This procedure has a physiotherapic effect that helps restore the muscles. At the same time, electrical impulses are used, various strength and frequency.
  2. This process allows you to restore and improve some functions inherent in nervous fibers. The procedure contributes to improving the reduction of muscle, has a positive effect on innervation.
  3. Electromability of muscles are recommended at:
  • spastic paralysis, which are accompanied by diseases, they include multiple sclerosis, Guillana Barre syndrome;
  • root syndromes, impaired sensitivity as a result of various damage;
  • paralicles, central paralims;
  • muscular Adamine with hypotrophy.
  1. Quite often, the procedure is used to improve the work of the muscles of the back. It allows you to restore the muscle strength and their stability resistance, especially after long beddings. Such a type of treatment is of great importance for the health correction, which moved the operation of the spine or injury.
  2. It is impossible to use electromyability for muscles, if a person recently survived the ischemic lesions of the heart or brain, fever, sepsis. Patients with skin diseases it is also contraindicated. People with epilepsy it is also forbidden to conduct it.
  3. Pregnant women can also be visited by such procedures. In this case, they can bring harm to muscle fibers, threaten the emergence of problems associated with the course of pregnancy.
  4. The procedure should not be assigned separately. It should be part of a comprehensive treatment and only complement it.

Elevation of hips

  1. This procedure is often used to bring the hips to the tone, getting rid of excess fatty sediments and weight loss. It is appointed in the complex of weight loss programs.
  2. The procedure is necessarily combined with the proper nutrition and sports exercises. This allows you to achieve a valid effect.
  3. It is impossible to engage in self-medication and independently, without consulting the doctor to use the elevation of the thighs, so as not to encounter problems.
  4. Most often it is appointed for flexors and extensors of the lower leg. With it, it is eliminated by the available problems in this area, especially after injury.

Electromability: how to buy equipment

  1. Today there are two types of electrostimulators: professional and domestic.
  2. Accordingly, professional, and at home - household appliances are used in the salons and medical offices. Therefore, before purchasing the device, it is necessary to clearly decide which one is suitable.
  3. Today you can buy this equipment on the Internet. There are many online stores that specialize in selling precisely such a product.

Electromaging machine: Description

  1. For this procedure, various equipment applies. Most devices can perform at the same time therapeutic and diagnostic functions.
  2. There are devices that are used in the salons. They refer to the category of professional. Others are intended for use at home. They differ significantly from professional devices.
  3. To apply devices from the first category, you must have a medical education. Only people with certain knowledge can use them correctly. Often, due to the misunderstanding of this fact, there are huge problems. Most often they are associated with the full non-compliance with the safety rules during the use of devices for electromyism.
  4. As a result, a person can show complications of a different nature. These include:
  • electrician;
  • aggravated pain syndromes;
  • the appearance of burns on the skin;
  • significant increase in muscle tone, which can lead to contracture.
  1. To avoid all these problems, you need to consult with your doctor even before using household appliances. It will help determine the presence of contraindications and will give the necessary recommendations, it will individually select the necessary parameters. Only this can be achieved positive results.

Electromability: Reviews

  1. Today, the electromyism procedure is widely advertised. But despite this, not everyone remains fully satisfied with the results obtained. All because with its help you can improve the condition of the skin and reduce the manifestations of cellulite to a minimum, but when obesity is too visible, it will not be achieved. Yet electrical waves will not replace the observance of the diet and visiting the gym.
  2. During the process of electromostimulation, joints and ligaments are not involved. Therefore, as a result, weight loss will not happen too intensively. For this reason, to obtain the expected results, it is necessary to combine electromyism with proper nutrition, sports.
  3. In other cases, people are satisfied with the results obtained. Among them, a large number have certain problems with the muscles of the back. According to their reviews, electrostimulation helps very well in the restoration of muscle strength.


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