
Properties of Shea oil. Application of Shea oil for hair, face and body. Masks with Shea butter at home

Properties of Shea oil. Application of Shea oil for hair, face and body. Masks with Shea butter at home
Shea oil is a real storehouse of valuable substances to preserve youth and beauty. This article will tell you more about this wonderful product.

Shea Wood or Carita is one of the most valuable representatives of the African Flora, which has been a source of valuable vegetable oil for many years. They produce it from the seeds of a long-term tree whose age can reach 200-300 years. Fragrant flowers that appear in about a quarter of a century after landing, over time, turn into small fruits of brown color. It is from the seeds of this tree and produce a valuable product.

Shea Oil: Application

The time consuming and multi-step process of oil production in Africa, which is busy a female part of the population, turns it into a real elixir of youth, beauty and health. True, local women use this fragrant drug primarily as a healing agent from a variety of diseases.

No less useful product extractor the carite is both in the food industry. For example, in confectionery production, the oil is an excellent substitute for cocoa oil.

But most of all Wood oil is used in the cosmetic industry. The product is part of the many known facilities for the care of the face, body, hair. Well, in an independent form, it is a worthy alternative to many expensive cosmetics.

Shea Oil: Properties

Oil Carite is a source of a number of useful substances that have a beneficial effect not only on skin cover, but also on the whole body as a whole. These include:

  • fatty acids (stearin, linoleic, oleic);
  • triglycerides;
  • phenol;
  • steroids;
  • Terped alcohols.

In cosmetology, oil appreciates its ability to favorably affect skin, eliminating small scratches and damage. In addition, when it regularly uses, the skin receives a number of advantages compared to other means. For example:

  • moisturizing and softening;
  • recovery;
  • rejuvenating effect;
  • Improvement and leveling of the skin of the face;
  • protection against adverse weather conditions;
  • elasticity and elasticity;
  • Stimulating collagen generation.

How to use shea butter

The uniqueness of this product is that it can be used both independently and as part of various cosmetics - masks, creams, lotions. It is perfectly combined with different components, and also enhances the effect of other cosmetic components. True, before use, the fragrant mass should be heated in a water bath to 40 ° C, since at room temperature the oil is in solid form.

Shea oil for face

Due to the presence of biologically active substances, such as trigleescrides and non-lighted fats, unrefined Shea oil is an excellent moisturizing and protective agent. In addition, the regular use of the product improves the condition of the skin and struggles with signs of aging. This is explained by the fact that oil fats favorably affect collagen production in the deep layers of the epidermis.

To reduce small wrinkles around the eyes, you should apply a small amount of oil daily, lightly massaging the skin with the pads of the fingers. In this case, the Shea oil will perform the role of a moisturizing night cream.

The uniqueness of Shea oil for the skin of the face is that it is like for any type, which makes it particularly popular. To do this, it is enough to spend on the face with a small piece of oil, which under the influence of body temperature begins to melt. This procedure is best done for the night. 30-40 minutes after applying excess, the means must be removed using a napkin.

No less useful oil and lips whose skin is prone to temptation and peeling. An excellent way to protect and moisten gentle skin is to lubricate your lips before going outside, especially in the cold and hot season.

Moisturizing face mask with shea butter

The use of masks with the addition of Shea oil helps to support the sufficient level of moisture in the deep layers of the skin, thereby preventing dryness and deprivability of the skin. To do this, in the same quantities mix:

  • oil Carite;
  • liquid honey;
  • fresh aloe juice;
  • whipped squirrel.

Mass should be applied to the skin of the face for 20-25 minutes, after which it was washed off with a warm decoction of herbs.

Rejuvenating face mask with shea butter

Shea oil is an indispensable tool with such a cosmetic disadvantage of wrinkles. A good result can be obtained after applying the following mask:

  • Shea Butter;
  • starch;
  • water;
  • 2-3 drops of dill essential oil.

Starch and warm water to mix to the state of the Cashitz. Then add heated shea butter and a few drops of dill ether. Apply on the skin of the face with a thin layer. Wash in 25 minutes with a warm herbal decoction.

Shea Butter for Body

Oil Carite is an excellent tool to improve the skin not only by the facial, but also the whole body. With a multitude of valuable components, after first use, the fragrant means has a positive effect.

  • Often, after taking the soul, the skin becomes dry and pulled. Shea Butter as it is impossible to eliminate this problem, additionally saturately saturates with useful substances. In addition to feeding the skin, shea oil copes well with stretch marks and irritations, and also improves the condition of the coarse skin.
  • To protect the skin, a mixture of Shea, aloe vera and sea buckthorn oil has been perfectly proven to protect the skin of the sunlight. To do this, they must be preheated to 40c, and then mix thoroughly. After the mixture hardens a little, it should be taken by a blender to form a creamy mass. Cream is used as a softening agent that protects the skin from the harmful effects of the Environment - Sun, Wind, Frost.
  • Mixing Shea oil and soothing lavender oil we obtain an indispensable tool for tanning, as a result of which the skin does not dry and gets the necessary dose of the beneficial substances.
  • Shea butter for hands is one of the most reliable means in the winter, when the skin is affected by low temperatures. For this, enough 20-30 minutes before the exit to the street lubricate the arms of the oil, which will protect them from the adverse effects of cold air.

Shea oil for hair

Proved the benefits of Shea oil and in the fight against dryness and hair fragility. To do this, it is enough to heat the oil to a liquid state and apply on damaged hair. Wrap your head towel and withstand about 1 hour. Then the head is washed in the usual way.

Hair Strengthening Mask

To prevent hair loss and strengthen their bulbs should be used by the following recipe:

  1. In the water bath heat 2 tbsp. l. Shea oil up to 40-42c.
  2. Add to 3 tbsp. Repeated and castor oil and stir carefully.
  3. Warm mix in the scalp and throughout the length of the hair.
  4. Wrapped with polyethylene and towel to conserve heat.
  5. After 1-2 hours, rinse with warm water with a soft shampoo.

As mentioned multiple reviews, shea oil in combination with these products has an incredible effect - the hair becomes obedient, silky and more elastic.

Shea Oil is a real treasure of nature in the field of beauty and youth, which every day increases the number of primary cosmetics adherents. After all, the best thing is that a person can get to improve its appearance and health, can be found in the environment. And carite oil is true confirmation!

Video: "Properties and Applications of Shea Oil":


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