
How to narrow the pores on the face at home. Cutting funds on the face. Facial masks, narrowing pores - recipes

How to narrow the pores on the face at home. Cutting funds on the face. Facial masks, narrowing pores - recipes
Extended pores can ruin the appearance of our face. You will learn how to narrow the pores at home with various means.

If you are the owner of oily skin type, then you are probably faced with the problem of expanded pores. If you do not strive to narrow the pores, then over time they will turn into real “craters” on the face. In addition, dirt, skin fat is constantly clogged into expanded pores, which provokes the appearance of black dots and acne. Do not hope that the pores will independently be cleaned with daily washing with an ordinary foam or gel. Your weapons should have specific cosmetics that will effectively clean the pores and narrow them. We will talk about these secret means, about whether it is possible to narrow the pores on the face of how to narrow the pores on the face at home in this article.

How to narrow the pores on the face. The reasons for the appearance of expanded pores on the face

Do not think that expanded pores are only a cosmetic defect. Pores are the ducts of the sebaceous glands that are endowed with a protective and excretory function. If they are expanded excessively, then these functions will not be performed as necessary. More and more skin fat will be produced, the pores will “be clogged”, the skin ceases to “breathe” over time. Why do some people suffer from expanded pores, while others do not know about such a problem at all? Let's figure out the most common reasons for the appearance of extended pores:

  • genetic predisposition. No matter how trite it sounds, but expanded pores can go to you “inherited”. The expansion of pores is an individual feature and predisposition of the skin. But this does not mean that you will have to put up in any case and live with a similar lack of skin. You just need to clean the skin much more hard, select special cleansing agents;
  • bold or combined skin type. Despite the fact that oily skin has a huge advantage in the form of a late appearance of signs of aging and wilting, it also has a lack of advanced pores. Characteristic "holes" are most often found in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose, chin and forehead. The skin fat in the skin of a fat or combined type is produced in an enhanced mode, which leads to the expansion of pores;
  • adolescence. As you know, in adolescence, huge hormonal changes in the body occur, which can very much affect the condition of the skin. It is teenagers who most often suffer from acne, acne, black dots. Over time, the condition of the skin can normalize, and the pores narrow. But there may also be such that expanded pores will not return to the “starting” position, and with the consequences of a large hormonal explosion in adolescence, you will have to fight all your life;
  • hot climate. In sultry weather, the pores naturally expand, sweating intensifies. It is important to conduct a much more thorough skin cleansing to prevent acne and black spots;
  • incorrect diet. The nature of our nutrition directly affects not only the condition of the skin, but also on the work of the whole organism. If you use fatty foods, sweets, spicy and fried dishes too often, then be prepared for the fact that your skin will “answer” you with advanced pores;
  • changing the hormonal background. Changes in a hormonal background can occur not only in adolescence, but also during pregnancy, breastfeeding, during the period of taking some drugs. Some diseases can also greatly change the hormonal background. All these factors can subsequently lead to the expansion of pores on the face and deterioration of the general condition of the skin;
  • constant washing with very hot water. As you know, under the influence of high temperatures, the pores are revealed. It is for this purpose that steam baths are carried out. It is very important after such a procedure to narrow the pores, bring them to a normal position, “close” them. If this is not done, then they can get used to being in an expanded position;
  • the use of low -quality cosmetics or improper facial cleansing of cosmetics. Everyone knows that decorative cosmetics must be washed off every day. If you did not, you went to bed with a layer of foundation and powder, then be prepared for the speedy appearance of acne, black dots. It is equally important to use only high -quality cosmetics, which consists of components that are not clogging. For example, powder for the face with talc in the composition very often provoke clogging of pores. Decorative face cosmetics can also be selected according to your skin type.

As you can see, there may be a lot of reasons that can affect the expansion of pores. It is sometimes very difficult to disguise such a drawback even with decorative cosmetics. Huge pores immediately give a groomed look to the face. Baste of wide pores, bases for a silicone -based make -up, which fills the expanded time, allowing the tonal remedy to go to the skin. But constantly engaged only in disguise is wrong. Wait a program of basic care and cleansing your skin in such a way as to make it as attractive as possible and without decorative cosmetics.

How to clean and narrow the pores on the face. Adviсe

With extended pores on the face, be sure to fight. Pores are miniature channels that are responsible for the removal of leather toxins, allow the skin to breathe. The wider the time, the more likely it is that it will “clog”. Owners of oily or combined skin type with advanced pores should adhere to the following tips for caring for their face:

  • daily compulsory cleansing, cleansing and once again cleansing the skin. If you have used decorative cosmetics, then use effective remote control products. Then the skin is cleaned with foam for washing or washing gel, tone the skin with a tonic or lotion and applied moisturizing or nutrient cream;
  • regular use of a scrub for the face. Pores must be cleaned with mechanically, that is, using scrub or peeling. Also, overdoing with the use of such cosmetics is still not worth it. Carry out scrub, or exfoliation, skin 1-2 times a week;
  • regular use of masks for narrowing pores. You can choose the most optimal option for yourself - use ready -made products from the store or cook masks at home. It is impossible to argue about the greater effectiveness of one or another type of masks. Homemade facial masks, as a rule, are prepared from the usual products that are always in the house and are much cheaper than purchased;
  • regular visits to the cosmetologist. Home care is very important, but nothing to compare with the deep and more thorough cleansing of the skin in the beauty salon or the cosmetology room. The doctor with the help of special cosmetics and devices will force your skin to “breathe”, relieve black dots, acne, narrow the pores;
  • face wiping ice cubes. Everyone knows about this old and proven trick, but few use regularly in leaving themselves. You just need to freeze water or a decoction of useful herbs and wipe your face with the resulting cubes in the morning. Firstly, this is a wonderful remedy for eliminating facial swelling. Secondly, this is the most effective tonic of the skin that you will not achieve any tonics;
  • the selection of cosmetics is by your type of face. If you have oily skin, then all cosmetics in your bathroom should be designed to care for oily or combined skin. This rule applies to the selection of decorative cosmetics. Many manufacturers of foundation or powder indicate which skin is desirable to use these products;
  • refusal to use decorative cosmetics in hot weather. When it is hot, the processes of sweating are intensifying. Pores begin to secrete skin fat. In such weather, it is better not to overload your face with several layers of cosmetics. You can limit yourself to a light tinting cream or matting powder;
  • using matting napkins. Owners of oily or combined skin often face the fact that during the day the face begins to shine treacherously. Instead of loading your face with an additional layer of powder, it will be much more useful to use a matting cloth. The napkin absorbs excess fat, and the skin will again become matte;
  • washing with cold water. If your pores are prone to expansion, then refuse to wash with hot water. This will only aggravate the condition of the skin. Wash yourself exclusively with cold water.

Homemade face masks, narrowing pores

Recipe No. 1. Potato mask to narrow the pores

Potatoes are the product that is definitely in your kitchen almost always. This vegetable can be successfully used for the preparation of cosmetic masks to care for oily or combined skin. This is due to the high content of starch in potatoes, which favorably affects a similar type of skin. Prepare the following components:

  • 1 potatoes;
  • 1 protein of chicken eggs;
  • 1 tsp flour.

Potatoes need to be grated on the smallest grater and add the rest of the components to the resulting mashed potatoes. The exposure time of the mask is 15 minutes. It is advisable to take a horizontal position during the action of the home mask.

Recipe No. 2. Egg -protein mask to narrow the pores

Egg protein is perhaps the most famous tool for narrowing pores at home. This beauty recipe can be attributed to express means. If you urgently need to put yourself in order, prepare for an important event, then a simple protein mask is able to create real miracles with oily skin with dilated pores. To prepare the mask, you will need only 2 components:

  • protein of one chicken egg;
  • a pair of drops of lemon juice.

Beat the protein with a fork, add lemon juice and apply the mixture to the face with a brush or fingers. After a couple of minutes, you will feel how the skin is being pulled. In order to achieve the maximum effect, you can apply the second and then the third to the first dried layer of the mask. Rinse the mask with cool water and wipe the skin with tonic tonic. You will be surprised by the effect that has ordinary protein for expanded pores.

Recipe No. 3. Tomato mask to narrow the pores

Tomatoes are also very often used in the care of oily or combined skin. To prepare a simple mask, prepare the following components:

  • 1 ripe tomato;
  • a little olive oil;
  • 1 tsp of potato or corn starch.

Clean the tomato from the skin by plunging it for a few seconds in boiling water, chop and mix with butter and starch. Apply the mixture to the peeled face and leave for 15-25 minutes. Wash off with cool water and wipe your face with a tonic for oily skin.

Recipe No. 4. Green and blue clay mask to narrow the pores

A mixture of such types of clay is unusually useful for oily skin type. Green clay helps to reduce redness, eliminates acne and acne. Blue clay also contributes to the rapid healing of inflamed acne. To prepare an effective mask of blue and green clay, you will need the following components:

  • cosmetic green clay;
  • cosmetic blue clay;
  • olive oil;
  • bee honey;
  • a little lemon juice.

Mix all the components in free proportions so that it turns out to be a gruel that will be convenient for applying to the face. Apply the mixture with a rather thick layer to cleansed skin. The exposure time of the mask is 30 minutes. One of the main rules for using clay masks is to prevent the mask on the face. As soon as you feel that the mask begins to pull the face, spray the thermal or ordinary water from the bottle with a spray bottle on the skin.

Recipe No. 5. Orange mask to narrow the pores

Orange is a wonderful assistant in the cleansing of pores. Fruitic acids contained in it literally “wash out” and dissolve all the dirt, dust and fat, which accumulated inside each time. With the help of a blender, grind 1 orange along with the peel. Of course, the fruit before use should be thoroughly washed under running hot water. Apply the resulting gruel with a thick layer to the whole face. In order for the mask not to slide, you can cover the face of gauze on top. The exposure time of the mask is 15-20 minutes.

Recipe No. 6. White clay mask to narrow the pores

White clay is also great for oily or combined skin. Together with the intense anti -inflammatory effect, the mask from this variety of clay whitens the skin well, narrows expanded pores, and provides a small lifting effect. You will need to prepare such a mask at home:

  • cosmetic clay white;
  • ordinary water or mineral non -carbonated;
  • a couple of drops of lemon juice.

Mix water and clay in such proportions to make a gruel similar to a thick sour cream. Add lemon juice - an unchanging and very effective component in oily skin masks. The exposure time of the mask is 15-20 minutes. Do not let the mask dry on the face, periodically spraying his face with water.

Recipe No. 7. Starch mask to narrow the pores

How to narrow the pores on the face with starch? This beauty recipe has ancient roots. The starch copes well with the elimination of oily shine and a narrowing of the pores on the face. To prepare such a homemade skin care product, mix 2 tbsp starch (potato or corn), 2 tbsp. milk and 1 tsp honey. Mix thoroughly and apply the mixture to the face. The exposure time is 15-20 minutes. Clean your face with cool water.

Recipe No. 8. Oatmeal mask to narrow the pores

A homemade mask made of oatmeal is also quite popular in fatal skin care. If your skin is more combined, then you can add honey to the mask. This component has an excellent bactericidal property, and also prevents the appearance of dryness and peeling.

  • 4 tbsp oatmeal;
  • 2 st.l vinegar;
  • a little honey.

Flakes must be chopped in a blender to a flour state and mixed with the rest of the components. Mask exposure time -10-15 minutes.

Popular means narrowing pores on the face

Tonics for the face, narrowing pores

  • Tonic "Clead Code" Pure Skin from Oriflame. Lotion Tonik is simply an excellent tool for oily skin, which is prone to the appearance of black dots, acne and acne. If there are dry skin areas on your face, then you should not abuse this tool. The tonic contains alcohol and salicylic acid, which perfectly matting, disinfect and tone the skin.

  • Effaclar lotion from La Roche-Posay. A means from a special cosmetics line of a well -known brand intended to narrow the pores, earned the trust of many girls. The composition of the lotion includes lipo-hydroxy acids that effectively clean pores, make the skin relief more homogeneous and smooth. This cosmetic product is also declared as a means not only for oily skin, but also for oily sensitive skin.

  • Pure Effect Stay Clear from Nivea. The manufacturer promises the effect of matte skin after using a tonic. It is also important that the tonic cleanses oily skin without overdrying. The active component, which provides such soft care, is the magnolia extract.

Creams, narrowing pores on the face

  • Cream "Expert Sebobalance" from Faberlic. The tool is presented in a fairly budget price segment. As part of the cream, you can find bisabol, Japanese rose extract, retinol. The manufacturer guarantees the effect of matte skin, a decrease in the size of the pimples and the prevention of their appearance, narrowing of the pores.

  • Cream "Presscription Imperfections Adultes" by Lierac. The famous French brand has released a series of skin care products, prone to expand the pores. Among these products, you can also find a light gel cream. A feature of this product is that it is designed for age -related skin. The composition includes hyaluronic acid and zinc.

  • Cream "Pore Refiner" from BioDerma. This product also belongs to the famous French brand, which is known for "pharmacy" cosmetics. The cream deserved the most praise and high grades from consumers. The natural extracts of kelp and biloba help to narrow the pores.

Facial masks, narrowing pores

  • The Porcelan Porcelia Mask from Christina. The product is simply filled with the most active and useful for oily skin with wide pores components. In the composition, you can find zinc, sulfur, kaolin, allantoin, salicylic acid, mimosa extract, collagen, eucalyptus oil, camphor.

  • Mask "Water Lock Hydrogel Melting Mask" by Elizavecca. The mask is presented in a convenient hydrogel form. Thanks to the collagen present in the composition, the mask not only narrows the pores, but also fills the skin with moisture, pulls it up, aligns the relief.

Facial serums, narrowing pores

  • Serum "Idealist Pore Minimizing Skin Refinisher" from Estee Lauder. Serum is a rather concentrated tool. It includes glucosamine and chestnut extract, algae extracts, dwarf palm extract. The serum is very pleasant to apply and has a slightly unusual “bubble” texture when touching the skin, which is explained by a special technology for creating serum.

  • Serum "Pore minimizing Serum" from Clarins. Another faithful assistant in skin care with advanced pores. The composition of the product includes salicylic acid, hibiscus extract, white clinic extract, vitamin B6, cypray, zinc. After the regular use of serum, you will notice a significant leveling of skin tone, reduction of the size of the pestilence and mativity of the skin.

Cutting pores on the face

Who would have thought that oils could effectively fight the problem of expanded pores. In cosmetology, various essential oils are actively used, which can also be used in home care for oily and problem skin. It is better to purchase oils in trusted stores or in pharmacies. The most popular essential oils that are able to narrow expanded pores are:

  • bergamot essential oil;
  • cypress essential oil;
  • geranium essential oil;
  • lemon essential oil;
  • rosemary essential oil;
  • ilang-ylang essential oil.

The narrowed pores on the face. Photo before and after

Now you know everything about how to quickly narrow the pores on your face than to narrow the pores on your face. Do not be lazy to take care of your face and look for means suitable for your skin type. Your skin will answer you with gratitude to all your efforts. Be beautiful!



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