
Useful properties of macadamia oil. The use of macadamia oil for hair, face, hands and bodies. Homemade masks with macadamia butter

Useful properties of macadamia oil. The use of macadamia oil for hair, face, hands and bodies. Homemade masks with macadamia butter
Cosmetic secrets of macadamia oil, recipes and recommendations.

Cosmetics of natural origin always enjoy in high demand for weak gender. Amazing in composition and multifaceted effect on the human body, macadamia oil did not exception.

Therapeutic power of macadamia nuts helps to support beauty and strengthen health. Due to its unique composition, macadamia oil became particularly in demand in cosmetology, in the field of face care, body and hair.

Possessing a rejuvenating and reducing effect, macadamia oil is used both independent means and as part of additional beneficial components. Homemade masks with walnut butter are easy to prepare and use without any special knowledge and devices. So, in today's selection - all the secrets of the "miraculous" oil of macadamia.

What makes oil macadamia?

Macadamia oil is obtained from nuts - fruits of a tree of protein family, widespread in Australia. In addition, the mainland, the macadamia tree grows in the tropical latitudes of South Asia, Brazil, New Zealand, South America and in Hawaii.

The fruits of the tree have long been appreciated not only by their taste and nutritional qualities, but also by highly efficient therapeutic and cosmetology properties. Due to the exceptional heb content and the beneficial effect on the human body, the deeds of Australia, the tree is recognized and at all - sacred.

Macadamia trees start fruit around 10-12 years after landing. Nuts are characterized by small sizes, up to 2 cm in diameter, rounded shape. Macadamia fruits have a solid and difficult to separate shell. After cleansing from the nuclear nuts, the cold spin method makes known nut butter.

The resulting macadamia oil is widely used:

  • in cosmetology: to care for skin and body, hair and eyelashes;
  • in medicine: for the treatment of skin diseases, the normalization of the digestive tract and the operation of the cardiovascular system;
  • in cooking: for the preparation of exquisite desserts and other dishes.

Externally, macadamia oil has a light, amber hue, a pleasant aroma and a gentle oily texture.

Macadamia Oil Oil is considered a valuable product, with a rather time-consuming process for collecting and treating fruits. Naturally, given the high labor costs, long-lasting delivery and increased demand for the elite product - the price of oil is not different cheaper.

Macadamia oil is recognized as an elite product in cosmetology, and the valuable tree nuts are often called "royal."

Macadamia Oil, Composition

The valuable properties of nut oil are due to the presence of such important nutrient and active ingredients that are included in its composition as:

  • Micro and macroelements (copper, zinc, potassium, selenium, sodium, calcium).

Chemical elements are indispensable substances for the normal functioning of the human body. The elements included in the oil of macadamia support intracellular pressure and acid-alkaline balance, strengthen the protective functions of the body, are involved in the transmission of nerve pulses, reduce cholesterol levels, regulate the activity of many enzymes. Selenium contributes to the normalization of the work of the thyroid gland, copper is the main component of the antioxidant protection of the organism, zinc is known for wound-insulating properties.

  • 12 omega unsaturated fatty acids (stearin, linolevaya, palmitolein, olein, laurynovaya, Miristinovaya, Palmitic, flight, Ejozen, Arachnoy, Arachidon, Linolen).

Fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulate the work of the immune system, prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, normalize blood pressure.

  • Vitamins (E, B1, B2, B5, B3, PP, B9).

Vitamins have a rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory, soothing effect. Thiamine (B1) stimulates the increase in immunity, riboflavin (B2) takes part in the formation of red blood cells and some hormones, niacin (B3) has a vasodilator and participates in metabolic processes, folate (B9) strengthens the immune and cardiovascular system affects the division and Cell rejuvenation.

  • Essential oils.

Essential oils have a bright positive cosmetology and dermatological effect. Turning an antiseptic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and nutrient impact, these funds are indispensable in the field of cosmetology.

  • Proteins.

Proteins are simple proteins, stimulate metabolism, muscle growth and tissue restoration.

Some scientists compare the composition of valuable nuts with an incredibly rare and unique product - spermacet, obtained from a fibrous spermacet bag of coushlot and other cetaceans. Of course, the use of vegetable raw materials is much harmful and cheaper, compared with the product of animal production.


Macadamia Oil, Useful properties

The components of macadamia oil components predetermine all its useful properties, namely:

  • Contribute to the elimination of toxins, slags, cholesterol.
  • It is a softening, regenerating and moisturizing effect on the skin, restore the natural elasticity and tone of the skin.
  • Normalize the work of the cardiovascular, immune and digestive system, improve the enzymatic activity of the liver.
  • They contribute to the formation of "components of youth" in the body of the "components" - collagen and hyaluronic acid, slow down the aging process.
  • Restore the hair structure, contribute to the regeneration of the epidermis - the outer layer of the skin.
  • It has a regenerating, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, especially its problem areas.

The use of macadamia oil is indisputable and proved by many years of experience in its use and received positive results.


How to choose and store macadamia oil?

  • There are 2 types of oil: food (for internal use) and cosmetic (for outdoor use).
  • In addition, walnut oil can be refined and unrefined. The method of obtaining them is one - under a special core press are crushed, pressed to oil and filtered. The difference is that the unrefined macadamia oil passes only the first step of the spin, although the composition of this is practically not changed. It, in contrast to refined oil, is fattened, severe in consistency, with a characteristic nut odor. At the considered useful properties of oil, these characteristics do not affect.
  • Choosing and buying macadamia oil, it is important to pay attention to its packaging (container). The quality product must be contained in dark glass bottles, to protect against direct sunlight, adversely affecting the healing properties of the oil.
  • This oil is considered a fairly expensive product, so it is necessary to buy it in specialized stores, in pharmacies or in proven manufacturers with an appropriate quality certificate.
  • When complying with the recommended storage rules (tightly closed packaging, lack of light, cool place), oil retains its healing properties for several years.


When to use macadamia oil?

There are a number of indications and signs under which it is worth trying this healing "miracle means":

  • With dry, fading and sensitive skin (for oily skin, it is necessary to use only refined, lightweight oil, with the addition of other components).
  • With the appearance of wrinkles, decrees, skin savings.
  • For weakened, damaged and sequent hair.
  • In the presence of problems with the scalp (itching, dandruff).
  • In case of diseases of the joints (arthritis, arthritosis).
  • When cellulite, stretch marks, the presence of traces of burns or scars.
  • For diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • To restore forces and energy (recommended by people, weakened by the disease, after transferring operations).

Reviews of many people who tried the miraculous effects of macadamia oil do not leave doubts about its benefits and effective positive impact on the human body.


Macadamia Oil, Application

Especially widespread this walnut "miracle means" received in the sphere of cosmetology: skin care and hair.

  • Delicately causing skin, oil provides maximum moisturizing, restoration of natural elasticity and protection against negative environmental factors (ultraviolet rays, temperature drops, etc.). Preventing the formation of new wrinkles, oil minimizes the existing deepening and folding of the skin, restoring the natural turgor and skin moisture.
  • In the case of oil use as a hair care agent, there is a quick recovery effect of their structure: roots are strengthened, the hair is getting rid of the split tips, not only the hair onion, but also the hair rod along the entire length is regenerated.
  • This cosmetics perfectly copes with the problems of cellulite (the formation of fatty deposits in the subcutaneous tissue) of the skin, rejuvenates the body, improves the overall human well-being.
  • In the presence of dermatological problems (eczema, dermatitis, redness, peeling of the skin), oil perfectly disinfects and suspends inflammatory processes.
  • Macadamia food oil is a high-calorie product. It is added during the preparation of various dishes (in salads, porridge, potatoes, desserts, etc.). In addition to nutritional value, oil is eaten and purely for therapeutic purposes: for diseases of the joints, migraines, in stress and chronic fatigue, to normalize the work of the heart and the gastrointestinal tract.

For cosmetics, oil is most often used to care for skin, lips, hands, nails, body, eyelashes, hair. It is used both in its pure form and as part of a variety of masks, scrubies, shampoos, balms, massage oils, ointments, etc.

Oil Oil is a very popular cosmetics used at home, in beauty salons and ready-made cosmetics of elite cosmetics manufacturers.


Rules for use of macadamia oil

  • Macadamia cosmetic oil is recommended for daily use.
  • The oil is not afraid of high temperatures, which means, if necessary, it can be heated, including with other components.
  • To obtain the maximum effect, when applied, oil is kept on the skin or hair for at least an hour.
  • Oil, both in pure form and as part of other cosmetics, must be applied to face strictly through massage lines of the face.
  • If necessary, flush the excess oil based on oil is needed with warm water.

Contraindications for Makadamia Oil

  • Contraindications to the use of oil can be only the individual intolerance to the product.
  • In order to avoid such troubles, before the primary use of oil, it is necessary to carry out a test for allergies. For this, the tool is applied to the inside of the elbow, the wrist or for the ear. After 20-40 minutes, check the skin for any changes (redness, edema, itching, etc.). In the absence of the above signs, the oil can be safely applied to further cosmetology procedures.


Macadamia oil for face and lips

The use of macadamia oil for the face has a stunning cosmetic result: the skin is rejuvenated, cleared, smoothed fine wrinkles, and redness, irritation and peeling disappear.

Oil oil is an excellent antioxidant that restores and rejuvenating face skin cells. Already after several procedures, the positive effects of the healing agents will be noticeably, and the regular use of oil will provide a healthy and entertaining skin of the face.

The royal walnut oil maximizes and nourishes skin cells, updates and restores the epidermis. According to the reviews of many women, after using macadamia oil, the skin becomes velvety, soft and elastic.


Recipes Creams based on Macadamia Oil

  • Macadamia oil.

Oil can be applied to dry and sensitive skin in its pure form. To do this, several drops are applied to the cotton disk and is neatly distributed all over the face. You can use oil for applying on eyelashes, lips and eyebrows. On the lips, the oil can be left overnight: micro cracks, wounds are delayed, peeling and dryness disappear. In the period of cold weather, before going out to the street, you can simply smear the lips with oil, then they will not crack and dreet.

  • Cream with oil macadamia.

After adding a few drops of oil into a face cream (or simply in a regular children's cream), it will turn out to be an improved "miracle - cream."

  • Night cream made of macadamia oil.

For cream you need to mix 1 tsp in a water bath. Lanolina, 1 tsp. Honey, 1 tbsp. boiled water and 1 tbsp. Macadamia oils. Warm blend, beat a cosmetic blender. Store the cream in the refrigerator no more than 2 weeks, apply a means to the face cleaned skin before bedtime.

Macadamia Masks Masks

  • Mask for fading skin.

For the preparation of a nutrient rejuvenating mask mix 1 yolk chicken eggs, 60 g of chopped oat flakes, 10 g of honey, 10 g of kefir and 6 -7 drops of nut butter. Apply a mask on the face, to withstand 20 minutes, wash off warm water.

  • Anti-aging mask.

For the preparation of anti-aging anti-aging masks take puree 1 avocado and 2 drops of essential oils ylang-ylang, rosewood, macadamia. Mask perfectly helps to smooth out small mimic and age wrinkles.

  • Tightening mask.

To prepare a mask, you need to take 1 tbsp. White clay and about as many macadamia oil. Apply to steaming skin, withstand 15-20 minutes and wash off.

  • Nutritional mask.

In the water bath to heat 1 tbsp. Macadamia oil and castor oil, add vitamin E and A. Vitamin E and A. Excessive tools can be stored in the refrigerator.

  • Mask for the skin around the eyes.

Prepare a mask needed as follows: Mix 4 tsp. Makadamia oils, 6 drops of essential oil sandalwood and 2 drops of neuroli essential oil. The tool is well stored in the refrigerator, suitable for the skin of the whole face. The remains of the applied mask can not be flushed off, but simply flush the napkin.

  • Mask - Lotion.

To prepare a cleansing mask (suitable for fatty skin of the face), it is necessary to take in equal proportions of the oil of macadamia, castor oil, vitamin E and jojoba oil. Mask to keep on the face of 15-20 minutes, the remains of washing or getting into the rest. The tool can also be used as a lotion, for daily rubbing the skin of the face. Keep refrigerated.

  • Mask - scrub.

For the preparation of the exfoliating scrub taking 1 tbsp. Cook or sea salt, 2 tbsp. Dry mustard and 100 ml of macadamia oil. The mixture is applied to the purified and sparkled skin of the face with light massage movements for 10-15 minutes. Means are washed with warm water.

  • Mask for eyelashes and eyebrows.

To strengthen and improve the growth of eyelashes, a mask of 1 tbsp is prepared. Makadami oils, 0.5 tsp aloe and 1-2 drops of vitamin A and E. The mixture is applied to eyelashes or eyebrows, withstand around 2 hours and neatly wash off.

Body Macadamia Oil

Not only face, but also the skin of the whole body needs constant care and attention. The use of macadamia oil for the body will provide power, moisturizing and rejuvenating the cells of the skin epidermis.

The universal cosmetic product, the Royal Oil Oil is kept for a long time in a cool and dark place, it is used both in pure form and as part of the body creams, scrubies or lotions.

A separate body oil function is eliminating unwanted cellulite on problem areas of leather and participate in the fight against stretch marks.

Recipes Masks and Creams Based Macadamia Oil For Body

  • Scrub - washing gel.

Excellent results gives the use of macadamia oil as a bathing agent. For this, 1 cup of fine oat flakes is mixed and 1 tsp. Walnut and rapid oils. You can also add a few drops of any essential oil. The mixture is tied in a gauze bag and independently (or with a washcloth) carefully wipe the whole body. After the procedure take a warm shower. The application of the scrub improves blood circulation, massaging, cleans and softens the skin of the body.

  • Means from stretch marks.

For the preparation of stretch marks, argan oil and macadamia are mixed in proportion 1: 1, after which the mixture is rubbed into the sparkling, after taking the soul, the skin.

  • Foot heel oil.

If the skin of the legs is grisged with skin or cracks appear - it will also help the "miracle oil". For this, the oil in pure form rubbed into the skin at night and put on cotton socks. Already after the first use, the skin will become soft, the cracks will start tightened.

  • Anti-cellulite means.

For the preparation of the mixture take 1 tbsp. sesame, olive oils and macadamia oil, 10 drops of lemon essential oils, rosemary, grapefruit and lavender, 1 tbsp. The pulp of the leaf of aloe and avocado. All ingredients are mixed and the cooked stubs massage the problem areas. The procedure is carried out daily, a course of 10 to 15 days.


Macadamia oil for hands and nails

The skin of the hands is subject to frequent tempering, cutting, the appearance of microcracks or wound. To prevent or exterminate similar unwanted effects, again, the oil of macadamia is indispensable.

Hinding a softening, moisturizing effect, oil feeds not only the skin of the hands, but also nails. Additionally, they receive useful vitamins and chemical elements, while the nail plate is strengthened, it becomes shiny and not broken.


Recipes based on oil macadamia for hands and nails

  • Soap with macadamia oil.

If there is experience in manufacturing soap at home, you can prepare the healing soap with the addition of walnut oil. To do this, 1 \\ 3 part of the teaspoon of oil is added to the soap base. A large amount of oil worsens soap soap properties, so it is not worth exceeding the specified proportions. Such soap can be used when bathing, and even when washing the face.

  • Macadamia oil for nails.

Useful (especially overnight) rub in nails a small amount of macadamia oil. Nails in several procedures will become stronger and healthier, and the cuticle will noticeably soften. After the procedure, the remnants of the means are distributed on the skin of the hands.

  • Mask - wrapping for hands.

To achieve the most positive effect, you can conduct a procedure for wrapping hands (sometimes it is replaced by applying cosmetic gloves). For the preparation of the mask mix 1 tbsp. Macadamia oil with several drops of essential oil (for example, tea rose oil). The tissue is wetted in the cooked mixture and wrapping her hands. To enhance the effect, the skin of the hands are pre-sprinkled, and after applying the means, they are insulated with a towel.


Macadamia oil for hair and scalp

The use of therapeutic oil is especially popular in the scope and hair care area. Restoration of the fatness balance of the head of the head, the disappearance of the dandruff and the bosters, the regeneration and strengthening of damaged and weakened hair, the appearance of a healthy shine and silkiness - this is not a complete list of benefits of using the oil of royal nuts.

On the skin of the head and hair, the oil can be applied in its pure form or as part of cosmetics (shampoos, masks, balms, etc.). Great healing hair effect gives a combination of argan oil and macadamia.

Perfectly proven hair combing with oil application when the hair is at the same time along the entire length and massage of the scalp.

Procedures with walnut butter are simple and unassuming, the means is easily distributed over the entire length of the hair and is well washed off with shampoo. For softness, after washing it is recommended to additionally rinse the hair with water, acidified with lemon juice or vinegar.

Hair masks in preventive purposes are applied approximately 1-2 times a month, and if there are serious problems, it is much more likely.

Recipes for hair based on oil macadamia

  • Hair masks.

Hair mask based on macadamia oil can be in the form of basic oil, and maybe with the addition of various kinds of ingredients (tea tree oil, chamomile decoction, aloe juice). Hair masks are applied, as a rule, for 1-3 hours (sometimes all night), preheating a mixture to 40 0C and shook the head with a towel. After applying the mask, the hair is rinsed and washed with shampoo.

  • Mask with lemon.

For cooking masks take 2 tbsp. Macadamia oil and single lemon juice are mixed in a water bath and rubbing hair roots. The remaining mixture is applied over the entire length of the hair. After the procedure, the hair looks truly gorgeous: they become lush, shiny and silky.

  • Mask with vitamin.

To prepare a vitamin mask mix in an equal amount of castor oil, vitamin A and macadamia oil. The mixture is heated and applied to the hair for 2 hours, hooking a towel. After the expiration of the specified time, the hair was washed with the addition of shampoo.

  • Nutritional mask.

To prepare a nutritional hair mask with macadamia oil, prepare a mixture of 3 tbsp. Honey, 3 tbsp. Cinnamon, 1 tsp. Coconut butter, 1 tsp. Macadamia oils, 5-6 drops of essential oil Bay. The mixture is heated in a water bath to homogeneous mass, they are applied to the scalp and hair and withstand at least 30 minutes. A similar mask strengthens hair, provides them with a healthy shine and elasticity.

  • Hair Growth Mask.

To strengthen and stimulate hair growth, they prepare such a mask: mix 2 tbsp. Heated oil macadamia with 2 tbsp. Natural yogurt, 2 tbsp. Oatmeal and yolk of one egg. The mask is evenly applied on the hair and the skin of the head, leave for 1.5-2 hours, bite your head with a towel. Then the hair thoroughly rinse and wash the shampoo.

  • Massage head with macadamia butter.

For massage, it is necessary to apply oil to the tips of the fingers and massage the scalp. Movements should be light, rubbing. Extend massage using a soft comb.

  • Shampoo with macadamia butter.

The easiest way to use oil is to add a few drops to the shampoo used. As a result, oil "works" as an air conditioner.

Summing up, you can note the huge benefit and wide scope of macadamia oil for a person. The use of walnut oil in cosmetology, medicine and cooking allows you to cope with many problems associated with attractive appearance and excellent health. Despite the high cost, macadamia oil has been in high demand for many years, especially among representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

Video: »Macadamia Oil, Beauty Secrets»


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