
Skipidar baths - indications, contraindications, reviews. How to take turpentine baths at home. Treatment of turpentine baths. Slip Slide Baths - Instructions

Skipidar baths - indications, contraindications, reviews. How to take turpentine baths at home. Treatment of turpentine baths. Slip Slide Baths - Instructions
Turkish baths: procedure description and its types, rules of application, contraindications and reviews.

Today, turpentine baths began to enjoy considerable popular among people of different ages. They are already doing not only in the salons, but at home. Such procedures are rejuvenating and cleaned the body, have a wellness effect, so you know how to do them, useful to everyone.

Skipopard Baths Zalmanova: Description and types

  1. This procedure was invented by the Russian physician by the name of Zalmanov. He spent various research and experiments for a very long time, looking for a way that could be applied to complex purification of the body and its rejuvenation. As a result, turpentine baths appeared, the positive effect of which should not be noted.
  2. Zalmanov came up with several types of such baths, which are used to solve different health problems. Each of them includes special elements that, interacting, have a very strong effect, eliminating the body from slags and dirt. They easily split all the harmful substances, so they allow to improve in a rather short time.
  3. The main component is the provincial turpentine is a completely natural element that is obtained using special techniques from the gils of coniferous plants.
  4. Especially often for its collection is used by the Siberian fir, which boasts a disinfecting and anesthetic effect. It can be used in an independent form or as part of a special emulsion, which is used to take such baths.
  5. During the procedure, all cells are covered with a huge amount of energy, and this leads to the full restoration of the body.

What is white turpentine baths

  1. Procedures of this type are perfectly helped under reduced pressure. You can also use them simply for prophylaxis under normal pressure.
  2. During the adoption of such baths, an increased sweating does not occur, the total body temperature does not increase, but the complex nutrition of all tissues occurs, and the blood circulation is normalized.
  3. Usually such baths have a very simple composition:
  • warm water - from 37 to 39, but not higher, note that this temperature must be constantly maintained, so it will be necessary to top the hot water;
  • the initial number of turpidar per 100 liters of water can not exceed 10 - 15 ml, that is, if an emulsion is used, then it is enough to 1 tbsp. l.
  • salicylic acid will have a healing effect, and camphoring alcohol - soothing;
  • also there is a baby soap, which very gently affects the skin.
  1. This bath is accepted for no more than 20 minutes, the first time is better limited to 10.
  2. There may be a feeling of light burning or itching of the skin, but it will quickly pass, so it is not necessary to worry. If nothing was felt, then the dose of turpentor can be increased, but quite a bit.
  3. With each new adoption of the emulsion bath, you can add more. But this is done consistently, increase the concentration of no more than 1 tbsp. l. The maximum possible amount of this substance should not be greater than 8 tbsp. l.

Yellow turpentine baths: composition and properties

  1. For this procedure, an emulsion is used, which consists of the following components:
  • turpentine;
  • castor oil;
  • oleic acid;
  • sodium.
  1. With the help of a turpentine bath with such a composition, you can cope with high pressure and carry out prevention during normal blood circulation.
  2. The whole body will be completely warmed up, because of which the sweating will increase, and the operation of the circulatory system will increase significantly.
  3. It will also be noticeable to stimulate the removal of toxins and other undesirable substances from the body, since the pores will become more expanded, the vessels will begin to be cleaned much faster, as well as joints, tendons. Surplus of uric acid will be replaced.
  4. In this case, a bath is used, the initial water temperature of which is 37. Every 3 minutes it must be increased by 1. Thus, it is necessary to bring water to a temperature of 40 - 42, but not higher. Take a bath until 20 minutes. At the same time, it will be enough for 100 liters of water. l. Emulsions. In such procedures, the maximum possible number of bupidar spoons is 8 pieces.

Mixed baths and their features

As part of such procedures, an emulsion for white and yellow baths is applied at the same time. They have a comprehensive impact. Most often, their conduct is prescribed with the aim of preventing and bringing the body into a common tone.

Dry turbid baths

  1. Such procedures should be used in breaks between the adoption of conventional turpentine baths. This will keep the effect of emulsion at the highest level.
  2. In this case, a dry emulsion is used, which is needed to rub the problem areas of the body. It can be used and as an independent agent in the summer, while traveling.
  3. As part of the substance, there is necessarily an active turbine in a complex with a plurality of beneficial substances, which together have the same effect as conventional turpentine baths. During application, the same tingling and itching, which take place within a few minutes.
  4. Extremely often in the composition of funds there are substances:
  • green coffee extract;
  • fus;
  • kelp;
  • essential substances;
  • jojoba oil;
  • grapefruit extract;
  • chestnut hood;
  • mustard oil;
  • fir extract;
  • rosemary;
  • pine extract;
  • turpentine.

Turkish baths: testimony for use

This procedure is recommended for use in the following cases.

  1. If a person often suffers from nervous disorders and stresses, suffering quite severe diseases associated with the central nervous system.
  2. With hymorite and bronchitis.
  3. For the treatment of pharyngitis.
  4. If there is reduced blood pressure or heart problems, cardiovascular system.
  5. In the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. To combat overweight.
  7. With diabetes mellitus.
  8. People who have urinary system diseases.
  9. As prophylaxis from cold-type diseases.
  10. If there is bone muscular diseases: arthritis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, radiculitis, etc.
  11. During endocrine diseases.
  12. If constant conjunctivitis, keratitis, rhinitis, otitis are observed, and deafness.
  13. For the treatment of skin diseases like psoriazes, frosthe farms, neurodermatitis, to eliminate scars and scars.

After several procedures it will be noticeable that the general condition of the body is improved. Exchange processes will be strengthened, vital tone will rise, and stress will leave. The capillary current of the blood will be accelerated, the function of regeneration will better work in the body. The skin will come to the tone, rash will disappear. If cellulite has been cellulite, it will begin to disappear, as well as excess fat deposits.

Turkish Baths: Contraindications

  1. Not recommended by doctors applying this procedure during:
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • scabies;
  • psychosis;
  • open-form tuberculosis;
  • exacerbation of chronic type diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • arrhythmias;
  • presence of cancers;
  • hypertension 2 or 3 stages;
  • if there are individual intolerance to the substances used to create baths.
  1. When using turbid baths in such cases, potent side effects may occur. These include:
  • exacerbations of existing diseases;
  • sudden and strong pressure reduction;
  • itching and rash on the skin in large quantities.

Skipidar baths at home: Rules

  1. It is possible to independently negone such procedures, but in this case you need to know how it is done correctly.
  2. Turkish baths Instructions and rules:
  • in no case cannot be applied if poor health is observed or during the course of the disease;
  • adjust the water temperature (about 37), as well as the amount of emulsion;
  • use only high-quality substances;
  • it is impossible to dive into the water more than half;
  • follow the bath adoption;
  • after completion of the procedure, be sure to fit, but do not rub the skin with a towel and adhere;
  • it is best to take baths with a turpidar before you go to bed in order to sleep after half an hour;
  • the optimal frequency for the procedure is once every 2 days.

Sliding Baths for Slimming

  1. If there is a desire to get rid of excess fat in the body and lose a little, then such baths will become the best solution.
  2. During each reception, the slow splitting of fat cells begins and the disposal of the deposits of harmful substances begins. The process of metabolism is restored, a hormonal background is normalized, as well as blood circulation and Lymph current. Therefore, it takes place from cellulite.
  3. But if there are no physical exertion, the proper nutrition is not respected, then no baths will help get rid of fat. Of course, some percentage will disappear, but for a more noticeable effect, all conditions must be observed.
  4. With regular use of such agents, fat ceases to accumulate, so the effects obtained can be supported. Compared to conventional turpentine baths, they are much more convenient, and in efficiency practically do not infer.

Turkish bath emulsion

  1. When buying compounds for turpentine baths, it is necessary to check the composition in order not to get to the fakes that are very common today. In the heart must be a living turpentine natural origin.
  2. If technical turpentine will be mentioned, then you know that such an emulsion should not be purchased. This substance can not be used for baths.
  3. Also, herbal infusions and biologically active components may be present, but not in very large quantities, because In any case, they must have an additional and supportive effect.
  4. It is also very careful to store such substances so that they do not lose their effect. Try to use dark and dry places for storage, in which there is no high humidity and the temperature does not exceed the room.
  5. Due to the fact that in the composition of the turpentine a lot of essential oils that have a property very quickly evaporate, the packaging should always be tightly closed. You can even put it in another package.

What you need to know about turpentine baths

  1. It doesn't matter how many times a week baths are accepted, the main thing is that the frequency always remains the same. But several times a day there are no baths, because This is too frequent by their use.
  2. If there are some unpleasant sensations, try to reduce the dose of emulsion. But light bulk is a normal phenomenon, like burning, itching.
  3. Power must be observed strictly. No alcohol and tobacco should be at all. It is recommended not to eat fried and sweet food, too sharp or salty. Avoid drinks, which makes caffeine.
  4. Eat freshly prepared food: porridge, salads, nuts, fruits and vegetables.
  5. Before receiving the bath in two hours it is impossible, but drinking is allowed and even recommended.

Turkish baths: reviews

  1. Today, there are already many people have a lot of people tested the effect of this fund and were convinced of his positive effect. Many doctors recommend applying it by noteing that the tool really has a strong impact. Instead of exhausting diets for weight loss or bringing the body into a tone, there is no better composition.
  2. At the same time, doctors say that it is very important to comply with all the recommendations, because the reception of such baths can cause harm with an increase in the time of their adoption or dose of emulsion.
  3. According to people who use this method for the treatment of various diseases, the effect occurs after the first applications. To get rid of one or another problem requires some period. From time to time you can use various types of turpentine baths to improve their influence.

Turkish baths are a fairly strong tool that will help to carry out the overall rehabilitation of the entire organism, as well as its cleaning. With it, it is possible to eliminate many different diseases. It is best to carry them out in spa under the supervision of specialists, however, if there are opportunities to take baths at home, then use them, but keep all the rules to not harm your health.


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Yuliya 26.05.2019 To answer

After the turpentine baths Skipar, I not only lost weight, but also led my skin in order, it became unrealistic smooth and tender.
