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Why yrits in the abdomen in an adult and the child - the reasons what to do. How to get rid of the hiring in the stomach, treatment

Why yrits in the abdomen in an adult and the child - the reasons what to do. How to get rid of the hiring in the stomach, treatment
The article discloses the reasons that cause a rumbling in the stomach, as well as how to treat a constant rice in the stomach.

On the rumbling in the stomach, few people draw attention to. Many and in the head does not come to the fact that this condition may be a sign of any pathology. However, the cause of the permanent yarry of the abdomen can be not only a sense of hunger, but also the presence of one of the diseases of the digestive system. About what can mean a constant rice in the abdomen in adults and children, and how to deal with this, let's tell me further.

Why yrcite belly

Sounds when the operation of some organs and systems is a normal state. Heart knock is unlikely to have anxiety, rather, on the contrary. The same applies to the digestive system. The process of digesting food after its adoption takes from 4 to 7 hours. At this time, extraneous noises can appear in the process of peristaltic and contraction of the muscles of the stomach. Usually they are not heard by the ear of a person without special equipment, however, it is worth only to attach a phyndoscope to the belly, as noises can be heard very well.

Also, the rice of the belly can be a sign of hunger. Especially good it felt when a hungry man sees a dish or feels his smell. This is due to the release of the gastric juice in the empty stomach, as well as the beginning of the reduction of its muscles. This is quite normal. In addition to the urption from the abdominal cavity region, bouffaging can be finished, growl. Each of these sounds has its own specific nature and can tell about possible problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Each of these sounds is described by gastroenterologists.

Ritching in the abdomen - what should alert

As mentioned above, the periodic "sound" of the gastrointestinal tract is a normal state that should not be alarmed. However, constant outsiders from the stomach and intestines are signs of problems with these bodies, and the reason to seek help to doctors.

The loud rice in the stomach after meals should be attracted. This is a sign of big peristaltics. Often it occurs when the gastric muscles are trying to "confuse" a large and solid piece of food. During their work, there is a movement of air, which causes emergence of foreign sounds. Therefore, one of the reasons for the yarry of the belly can be used hard and dry food.

Also should cause alertness a combination of a belly of the belly with the following symptoms:

  • Diarrhea. Usually diarrhea is caused by the action of pathogenic bacteria that provoke food fermentation in the intestine. Friction is accompanied by rich gas release, which creates unpleasant sounds. The rumbling in stomach and diarrhea can talk about poisoning or strong dysbacteriosis against the background of antibiotics. Abundant diarrhea can lead to dehydration, which is why when the symptoms are combined, it is better not to slow down and consult a doctor.
  • Screwing belly and increased gas formation. The bloating can be a consequence of intestinal obstruction.
  • Permanent belching, nausea. These symptoms may indicate problems with the stomach, pancreas or liver.
  • Pain. Pain and rumbling in the stomach can talk about the possible availability of ulcers or gastritis in the stomach or duodenalist, as well as the risk of oncological disease.

When referring to the doctor, it is necessary to accurately describe the localization of foreign sounds (rational). She may be:

  • Gastric.
  • Intestinal.
  • Spotlight (sounds in the right hypochondrium).
  • In the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass (colon).
  • Without pronounced localization.

Also, the doctor should tell about the nature of the crude:

  • Ringing, deaf.
  • Weak, expressed.
  • Periodic (specify when such a state comes most often), constant.

Causes of yarms in the stomach: medical explanation

Basically, the possible reasons for the appearance of the crude can be judged by the localization of unpleasant sounds. However, many patients often confuse the rumbling in the stomach and intestines, which can have a different clinical picture.

The main reasons for the appearance of extraneous sounds in the region of the abdominal cavity are as follows:

  1. Strengthening the peristaltics of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. The formation of a large amount of intestinal gas due to bacterial shift. The predominance of pathogenic bacteria in the intestine, which in the process of their livelihoods allocate a large amount of gases.
  3. Digestion of large slices of food.
  4. The rumbling in the left side indicates the strengthening of the stomach and large intestinal peristals. At the same time, there is an accelerated movement of the food lump in the gastrointestinal tract. The increased speed of movement causes the delay of its processing by chemical enzymes. The reinforced peristalistic of the stomach is often accompanied by diarrhea. Caused such a state maybe such reasons as:

  • Infectious gastroenteritis.
  • Irritation of the stomach walls by chemicals. The loud rice of the belly is found after the use of alcohol, with acute poisoning of poisons, toxins getting into the stomach.
  • Diarrhea, which passes against the background of the intestinal irritation.
  • State of stress, anxiety, fear, and other sharp emotional states.
  • Food allergies.

The rumbling in the adult in the adult in the intestinal area arises mainly if there are any obstacles to the movement of the food lump. It may be narrowing the intestines or other pathological obstacles. When they occur in the area of \u200b\u200bthe large intestine, which is responsible for the formation of carts, the abdomen's rumbling is not so obvious as in the case of initial sites. The phenomenon of poor intestinal passability is called obstruction. There may be many reasons for her, the main among which are:

  • The presence of malignant neoplasms or tumors in the intestinal area.
  • The presence of foreign bodies. It is usually observed in children who tend to taste everything.
  • Delay of gastric emptying.
  • Lock intestinal. It is often observed during constipation due to rigid food or intestinal function disorders.
  • Athony of the rectum.

Excessive gas formation in the intestine can be another cause of unpleasant sounds from the abdominal cavity. The cause of a large accumulation of gas can be an excessive increase in pathogenic bacteria, as well as the use of some products. The rumbling in the abdomen occurs when the gas passes through intestinal loops and the cavities arise characteristic sounds.

Running and rumbling in the abdomen can cause diarrhea. This pathological condition has two forms:

  • Osmotic diarrhea is caused by the use of products or their combinations that cannot be assimilated by the intestine.
  • Secretor diarrhea occurs due to the accumulation of fluid in the intestinal lumen, which contains a large number of bacteria. With palpation, the intestine due to the accumulation of the liquid makes bubble sounds.

Herring in abdominal in children

Often the rumbling in infants is due to the fact that their body is not yet able to digest fully proposed food. The situation may be aggravated when with age to breast nutrition begin to introduce feeding. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of mixtures or baby food. It is possible that the child simply does not tolerate them. Unfortunately, it is possible to determine this only by experiment. Often, children suffer from the crude crude due to lactose intolerance, which in large quantities is contained in breast milk. In this case, you should contact the pediatrician, which will help you choose the most optimal substitute for maternal milk. To treat this symptoms in infants without coordination with the attending physician is extremely dangerous.

How to get rid of the hiring in the stomach

In the event of alarming symptoms, it is necessary to contact the gastroenterologist. As a rule, with this symptomatics, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is prescribed, fibrogastroscopy of the stomach and duodenum. When the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, the pancreas are prescribed their treatment.

  • In the absence of indications for the therapy of the digestive organs, treatment is carried out to eliminate symptoms. So, to combat dysbacteriosis against the background of poisoning or reception of antibiotics, prescribe a course of probiotics (Linex, Laktovitis). For adults - 1-2 tablets from the hricters in the stomach 3 times a day, for children 1 tablet 2 times a day.
  • In the signs of poisoning, which is accompanied by diarrhea and excessive yarms are used sorbents (activated carbon, smacks, enterosgel). With abundant diarrhea, it is necessary to increase the fluid intake. Ringer's solution is used to restore the salt balance.
  • When grated and bloating uses Espumizan. It is accepted by 2 capsules to 5 times a day, depending on the severity of the state. At the same time, the tablets are littered with a large amount of liquid. For children, reduce dosage up to 4 tablets per day depending on the age and weight of the child.

The use of drugs for the treatment of hiring in the abdomen should be strictly coordinated with the attending physician.

Hurry in stomach: video


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