
Symptoms and signs of cystitis in a child. Diagnosis of cystitis in children - analyzes. How and how to treat cystitis in children

Symptoms and signs of cystitis in a child. Diagnosis of cystitis in children - analyzes. How and how to treat cystitis in children
Why does cystitis occur in children? Learning to recognize symptoms of cystitis in children. Treatment of cystitis in children with medicines and folk remedies.

Recently, the inflammatory process in the bladder has been fixed increasingly in children. In medicine, such pathology is called cystitis. What is this attack as it is manifested and how to treat cystitis in children? Talk about all this and many other things below.

How often can be found cystitis in children?

Inflammation of the walls of the bladder is called cystitis. It is characterized by frequent, painful trips to the toilet, approximately every 15-20 minutes. As for cystitis in children, you can meet such pathology at any age, regardless of the floor of the child. But it is noted that cystitis in children of girls is diagnosed 3-5 times more often. This is due to the characteristics of the structure of the genital organs of small girls (short urethra, the proximity of the anal hole).

It is often cystitis in children of boys, since the imperfect urinary system is very often amenable to "attack" of all sorts of infections. Medical statistics show that at breast aged risk of developing cystitis is the same for both boys and girls. It is also noticed that cystitis appears more often in genetically predisposed children. In the "risk zone" are children:

  • with congenital defects of the development of urinary organs;
  • suffering from chronic rickets;
  • having a shortage of vitamins and trace elements;
  • with stones or sand in urinary;
  • which have a weak immune system.

The reasons for the appearance of cystitis in children

There are two main factors that contribute to the development of pathology:

1. Microbial and bacterial infections caused by:

  • intestinal microbes;
  • gram-negative bacterium - protein;
  • kokkkkoy group - Staphilokok, Streptocock;
  • a cynical chopstick;
  • gram-negative and gram-positive microbes.

2. The second cause of cystitis in children is certain conditions, namely:

  • the temperature range leading to cooling;
  • lack of personal hygiene children;
  • injuries of the urogenital system;
  • the use of common personal care items by a child (towel, urine, etc.);
  • anomalies for the development of the bladder and urinary tract.

Classification of cystitis in children

Medicine classifies children cystitis by certain features. According to the clinical picture, pathology varies:

1) in the form of the course of the disease:

  • acute cystitis in children manifests itself as an inflammatory process that develops for a short period of time, up to several hours. This form of the disease is expressed by a surface inflammatory process occurring on the mucous membrane and the submucosal surface of the blade. If the treatment of cystitis of acute form in children is started on time and is carried out correctly, then for cure is enough 1-2 weeks.
  • Chronic cystitis in children develop as a consequence of periodical exacerbations of an inflammatory nature in the bladder. Such consequences often lead pathogenic diseases that cystitis is a secondary manifestation. The chronic form of pathology is characterized by the penetration of infection in the deeper muscle tissue of the blade walls. Even with adequate treatment, the disease has a long flow.

2) on the root causes:

  • primary - is an independent disease caused by certain conditions or infections;
  • secondary - provoked against the background of the development of another pathology or is a consequence of the pathogenic process in the body.

3) at the location of the localization of the inflammatory process:

  • focal - such include cable cystitis (blade neck) trigonite (the region of the mucous membrane is poleo), diffuse (surface of the bladder walls);
  • total when infection extends throughout the urinary system.

Symptoms of cystitis in children

The characteristic symptoms of cystitis, regardless of the age of the patient, is the frequent urination, accompanied by burning pain. Medicine allocates two types of symptoms:

  1. General.
  2. Local.

When cystitis in children, general symptoms may be expressed as:

  • weakness and malaise;
  • an increase in the subfebrile temperature to the indicators +/- 37.5 degrees;
  • nausea, in some cases there is vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • increased irritability, nervousness.

As for local symptoms, the painting of the disease is as follows:

  • pain at the bottom of the abdomen, new and cutting character;
  • sharp pain in the detergent;
  • incontinence, especially in girls;
  • changing the urine color, it becomes a muddy with a characteristic greenish tinge;
  • urine acquires an unpleasant smell;
  • a feeling of constant fullness of the bladder with a constant desire to go to the toilet.

Signs of cystitis in children up to year

If older children are all more or less clear, then how to be the little ones. After all, they cannot tell about the painful sensations. Recognize the presence of pathology in such signs of cystitis in children until the year:

  • frequent urination, more than three times a day;
  • crying and moans during the "small" walking;
  • may increase temperatures up to 39 degrees;
  • watering when cystitis in a child becomes muddy and takes dark color.

How is cystitis diagnosed in children?

With external inspection, when cystitis, children can be noted redness in the sphincter of the urethra and the swelling of the mucous membrane in girls. Also, the presence of the disease indicates characteristic symptoms. In suspected of the possible presence of pathology, it is necessary to take the following laboratory tests when cystitis in a child:

  • urine and blood analysis (general);
  • microbiological sowing, it will help to identify the root cause of infectious inflammation.

After confirmation of the diagnosis, such instrumental research must be carried out:

  • excretory urography - an anatomical examination of the genitourinary system;
  • cistoscopy is a study of the internal state of blade with the fixation of its defeat.

Doctors emphasize the instrumental examinations of children 2-7 years. This is done to eliminate the possibility of the development of pyelonephritis, which is very often becoming a complication of cystitis or is expressed by identical symptoms.

How to treat cystitis in a child: a medication approach

Since the main causative agent of infection in the bladder is microbes and bacteria, the main struggle is directed to their localization and destruction. The best tool today is antibiotics when cystitis in children. Preparations of peniciline group, such as amoxyclav, Augmentin, etc. are prescribed.

Consider which tablets from cystitis for children today are discharged most often:

  • Kanefron children with cystitis are assigned as an antimicrobial agent. Accepted by the course up to 4 weeks, starting from 7 years of age. A drug is realized in the form of a solution for internal reception.
  • Furadonin Children in cystitis is discharged as an antibacterial agent. The form of release of this drug is a tablet from cystitis. For children, the drug is divided into 4 receptions per day.
  • Montoual Children with cystitis are prescribed in the form of granules in the packages of 2 or 3 g. Allowed from 5 years, has an antibacterial effect.

Also well show themselves in the treatment of the following groups of drugs from cystitis for children:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • wrostective;
  • spasmolytics;
  • diuretics;
  • analgesics;
  • polyvitamins (as auxiliary).

It should be noted that treatment with medical preparations should be appointed by a doctor. Self-medication in this case is inappropriate, since you risk the health of your karapuz.

For help from traditional medicine in the treatment of cystitis in a child

Many baby moms fear drugs to give their children medicinal products, so the question is what to give a child when cystitis is so relevant. The answer here may be unequivocal if the disease does not attend pathology and is not chronic, then the national treatment of cystitis in children can become exit in such a situation. When cystitis in children, the treatment of traditional medicine may be as follows:

  1. Decoration of rosehip. For its preparation 4 tbsp. l. Red, dry rose hips need to crush and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. After the decoction boils, remove it from the stove and insist. Giving a child 4 times a day. You can add a little honey. The tool has the effect of diuretics, while strengthens the immunity.
  2. Medical baths. Mix such medicinal herbs: sage, drying, chamomile (flowers), a series, linden color. Each of her herbs take 1 st l. All pour boiling water and insist 20-30 minutes. After the decoction, pour into the bath and add ordinary warm water. To put the baby in such a bath and try to withstand 15-25 minutes. Baths will remove inflammation and make it easier for the general condition of the child.
  3. Herbal collection. In equal proportions, mix herbs: chamomile (flowers), Melissa, mother-in-law, a series, Valerian (if the child is very restless, otherwise it is better to abandon this herb). 1 STL of the obtained collection to pour boiling water and insist. Giving a baby like tea on the third part of the glass three times a day.

Features of the treatment of cystitis in a child

The main task of the mother in the treatment of cystitis in children at home is to ensure the fastest recovery of karapuz with minimal consequences. Therefore, the doctor should be independently performed and take all the necessary medicines. Also, the sick crumb need:

  • bed mode;
  • abundant drink;
  • compliance with personal hygiene, which includes a frequent replacement of diaper or underwear;
  • balanced correct diet.

Treatment of diet cystitis in children

In addition to the use of medical facilities, a diet and drinking regime will help facilitate the condition of the child. The first thing to be done is to exclude acute, salty and sour. Diet with cystitis in children is assigned individually and depends on age and general condition. As for the drinking mode, it is necessary to focus on the fact that the child should drink:

  • up to 1 year - 0.5 l;
  • from 1 year to 5 years -1 l;
  • from 5 years - 2 liters.

Such a liquid consumption ensures a continuous urine inflow, which contributes to the washing of microbes from the bladder. Mors, cranberry decoctions, compotes with currant, sea buckthorn, tea with adding lemon are particularly useful. Drink warm drinks Kid must constantly, even at night.

Still, what can a child when cystitis? Provide your child with vegetables and fruits, let them become the main part of the diet. Enter the fermented milk products, cook the baby porridge.

Specialist's opinion: cystitis in children in Komarovsky

Custitis in children is a cunning disease, from which no child is insured. But moms can avoid "dating" with this pathology. To do this, wear a child in the weather, do not allow supercooling, follow the personal hygiene, use the baby's underwear exclusively from natural materials. After all, everyone knows that it is better to prevent the disease than the case for a long time and hard to treat it.


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