
Hollean Hollean Grass - Medical Properties, Indications, Contraindications. Solyanka Holm - instructions for use

Hollean Hollean Grass - Medical Properties, Indications, Contraindications. Solyanka Holm - instructions for use
Hollean Hill grass - an indispensable hepatoprotector, immunostimulator and a cardiovascular defenseist. Therapeutic properties of Solyanka hill, how to take.

Hill Saltberry is an ordinary semi-staple with completely unique healing properties. The plant belongs to the number of vegetable hepatoprotectors that can quickly update liver cells, restoring the function of the organ. Due to this inconspicuous culture, many patients with chronic diseases significantly improve their quality of life, refusing synthetic drugs. What is this plant and how to take the hills to the hills - the topic of today's article.

Composition and description of hill solicky

This plant is a semi-student annual belonging to the amaranth family. Externally, the hill is reminded by a large bush ball with small leaflets of the filamentous shape and thin spines.

The plant can be met in the regions with dry lands and plenty of sunlight. Solyanka hill is not uncommon for Russia: it grows in the southern part of Siberia, and, of course, in the Baikal. Culture is also found throughout Europe and America.

From July to mid-September, the grassland hill grass is covered with a fine color of a light green or pale pink color. The fruit is a small seed with a salty taste that sleeps in September.

Due to the elongated root system, the plant perfectly carries out in sandy soils. Long roots actively produce moisture and help the plant to hold in sandy soil. If it happens that the root did not power the strong gusts of the wind and escaped from the soil, the Salonka hill begins to wagon on the surface of the soil, scattering its seeds. For such a feature, the plant in the people called "Tatar Thistle", "Camel Kolyuk", and in some regions - Katun, "Yandak".

This is how the Solyanka Hill looks like in the photo:

Calculating the hill salt in nature is difficult, therefore, for the workpiece, this medicinal plant is cultivated. It is so much easier to predict the quality of raw materials. After the assembly, the plant is dried, crushed, and then send to further processing and preparation of fees, extracts, drugs.

Despite the fact that the Solyanka hill is a barbed culture growing on the poor sandy soils, she is surprisingly a rich composition. The most valuable, from the point of view of traditional medicine, these are substances:

  • flavonoids;
  • amino acids;
  • alkaloids;
  • polysaccharides;
  • glycosides;
  • acids;
  • silicon;
  • copper;
  • gamma linolenic acid;
  • phosphorus, etc.

On a note! In Solyanka, the hill was found 14 mineral salts, which are in bioavailable form and are fully absorbed in the intestine.

Solyanka hill: benefit and harm

Due to the unique composition of Solyanka Holmovaya held an honorable place in Tibetan healer. Russian scientists became interested in its properties only in the XX century. Substances with a pronounced hypotensive effect were discovered. But the most important discovery was the confirmation of the high hepatoprotective properties of the plant, which allows you to restore the hepatocytes of the liver.

Hill Saltberry - Medical Properties

The multicomponent composition of the Golm Drug Saltovka gives the plant by many properties and practically does not provoke adverse reactions.

  • Gamma Linoleic Acid is an important unsaturated fatty acid necessary to prevent the development of cardiovascular pathologies. Its regular entry into the body is prevention of atherosclerosis. It supports microcirculation and cellular breathing of the brain, as well as the entire nervous system, than facilitates the state of a person with neurological diseases.
  • Polysaccharides are maintained by the intestinal microflora, improve the process of digestion, has a beneficial effect on the level of sugar. These substances increase local immunity, reduce the amount of food disorders.
  • Betaine - takes part in education, and then in the discharge of bile. It is very important for the full work of the liver and gallbladder, as it has a hepatoprotective effect. This is perhaps the most valuable property of the hill hill for the liver.
  • Amino acids and vitamin and minerals are an important component of all metabolic processes. These compounds affect the work of the central nervous system, the formation of bone tissue, on the full operation of the immune system. The tocopherol is especially important (WIT. E), which serves as a powerful plant antioxidant supporting the youth of each cell cell.
  • Alkaloids are natural biological molecules that increase the effectiveness of cerebral activity, accelerating metabolism and normalizing muscle tone.
  • Glycosides are excellent tonic and diuretic substances that increase the work of the glands, heart muscle, nervous system.
  • Carotenoids are the necessary organism antioxidants protecting it from the aggressive influence of external toxic effects. They maintain visual sharpness, make the skin beautiful and smooth, are necessary for timely puberty.

Hill Salonka - Contraindications

This semi-station has almost no contraindications. It rarely causes allergic reactions or other side effects. But considering the fact that each organism is individual, unforeseen reactions are possible after receiving the plant. Therefore, Solyanka Holmova still has several contraindications. It:

  1. Phenylketonuria.
  2. The tendency to allergies to medicinal cultures.
  3. Remainlessness of the plant.
  4. The aggravation of urolithiasis.

There are also restrictions for pregnant women and nursing. There is no data that the Salt's hill has no negative effect on pregnancy, but for the purpose of safety mom and baby, it is not recommended to accept it. During the lactation period, the plant is also contraindicated because it penetrates into breast milk and can cause allergies in a newborn.

Important! Signs of the intolerance of Solyanka Holmova is considered to be nauseous, weakness, confused, shortness of breath. If such complaints appear, immediately stop the reception of the plant.

Solyanka Holm: instructions for use

This culture found its application not only in folk, but also official medicine. It is used mainly in the pathologies of the liver, but its testimony is replenished all the time. A good result is the treatment of metabolic disorders, diseases of the blood and vascular and nervous system. But, like any medicinal plant, Solyanka Holm should be accepted strictly in accordance with the official annotation.

Holleanka Hill grass: Application in medicine

The plant is shown in such states:

  • acute hepatitis of any etiology;
  • liver intoxication (alcoholic, as well as nutritional and drug);
  • active or chronic hepatitis (viral);
  • adhesive hepatosis (regardless of origin);
  • chronic cholecystitis form;
  • prevention of the formation of biliary concrections;
  • liver cirrhosis (first stage);
  • the risk of lesions of the liver and gallbladder in people who live in environmentally disadvantaged conditions;
  • toxic or radiation damage to the body;
  • risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies, the first stage of atherosclerosis, violation of lipid metabolism, raising cholesterol, heart ischemia;
  • diabetes mellitus (as auxiliary means);
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • impairment of the immune function;
  • relaxation of the immune function in old age.

Found a Solyanka hill use in cosmetology. With her participation prepare masks and lotions for humidification and skin rejuvenation. It is also part of anti-cellulite and tonic creams. There is experience in using this culture to care for problem skin, prone to different dermatological diseases.

In folk medicine, with the help of Solyanka, the hill is treated not only by the foregoing diseases, but also glaucoma, hypertension, anemia, severely occurring menopause, urolithiasis.

On a note! There are many pharmaceutical forms of this plant on sale, which greatly facilitates the treatment of patients. You can use Solyanka Hills in capsules, or the form of herbal collection, extract, tea, bad.

Depending on the disease and personal preferences, you can use the fresh raw material of the hill, buy ready-made fees (loose or filter packets), liquid extracts or tablets. Some manufacturers even offer a plant in the form of granules. Each of these forms have its own rules for cooking and receiving, so consider each of them in more detail.

How to cook and take a holm branch decoction

The most popular and affordable method of treatment with Solyanka Holmova is to prepare brazing from dry crushed raw materials. For the brave, it is better to use certified grass from a pharmacy with a margin of radioontrol passing. An independent collection may worsen the quality of grass, besides, it can be contaminated with radionuclides. And this can even more worsen the liver condition.

The cooking is happening like this:

  1. In the enameled container, pour 3 tbsp. l. Dry raw materials (if a hill suolanta is used for prophylaxis, the dose varies somewhat - 1 tbsp. l to 1 liter of water).
  2. Fill the grass with hot water in an amount of 500 ml.
  3. Immerse the container with grass in a slightly large saucepan in size, filled with a quarter of water.
  4. Put the capacitance to the middle fire, and not bringing to a boil, tapping 10-12 minutes.
  5. Then turn off the plate, cover tightly cover with a lid, leave up to cooling.
  6. After that, repellent, bring the volume with boiled water to the initial amount.
  7. Take a decoction you need three times a day for 1 tbsp. l. After receiving food.

Cooking from Solyanka hill can be infusion. It will be less saturated than the decoction, but it can be taken at higher doses.

For this you need 1 tbsp. l. Herbs pour into thermos and pour boiling water (200 ml). For the treatment of the liver, it is recommended to drink infusion throughout the day in small portions 20-25 minutes before meals. Also fit the infusion to eliminate the constipation: 5 tbsp. l. Before each meal.

Important! Salonka hill contributes to the removal of sand from the kidneys. For this, the decoction of the roots of the plant (20 g of raw materials per 200 g of boiling water). Accepted 1 tbsp. l. Three times a day (exceeding the dose is prohibited).

How to take salt hill extract

The plant in the extract has a balanced composition, because it is produced with all the rules of extraction, which is impossible to achieve during the preparation of homemade bravery. It is called this drug Loolein. He received his name in honor of the famous Siberian healer Loche Elena. Much work went to the discovery and confirmation of the hepatoprotective properties of this grass. As a result, it was found that the milk thistle and Solyanka hill possess the same properties in relation to the liver.

The extract does not need any processing and simply dissolve in water before use. For the prevention and treatment of hepatitis, the extract is prescribed as follows: 60-70 ml of water is poured into the glass, 10-12 ml of extract are added, they take three times a day.

Solyanka hill: how to drink tea

Grinding grass is convenient to brew in filter bags. They can be used for preventive treatment courses, brewing as ordinary tea or making infusion in the thermos.

Tea Solyanka Hill is preparing like this: one filter package is taken on a glass of boiling water (on a liter thermos you need 3 pcs.), It is brewed for 30 minutes, then the package is retrieved. It is accepted at a quarter of a glass to four times a day, for a month or longer.

Advice! No less convenient is the reception of the solicitus in the granules. Twice a day you need to dissolve 3-5 g of granules in water or juice and drink. The preventive course is 2 months.

How to take a hill tablet in pills

On the shelves of pharmaceutical kiosks there are a lot of bodies with the content of dry grass extract or salt seeds. The passage of a full-fledged course of treatment makes it possible to save the body from toxic "garbage". And also to establish the function of the gallbladder and accelerate the metabolism. Taking the salt in tablets allows you to restore the intestinal microflora and bring your own weight in order. Recent properties make it possible to use the hills of the hills for weight loss.

Salonka is accepted for 2 tablets three times a day from 30 to 60 days. In the year it is recommended to pass two courses.

On a note! Solyanka in capsules quickly removes alcohol intoxication and helps to cope with the symptoms of the hangover syndrome.

Salonian hill - reviews

If you believe the reviews, the hills will be regarded as one of the best vegetable hepatoprotectors along with the dissolved. Patients argue that the full treatment of this grass made it possible to significantly improve liver indicators and overall well-being due to the removal of toxins and recovery of hepatocytes.

There are also many feedback from women who have successfully taken the hillium hills with a climax in order to reduce the symptoms and prevention of fibrous formations. Many helps the plant get rid of constipation, especially with hemorrhoids or anal cracks.

There is evidence that the Solyanka hills is used in the treatment of children, but with a decrease in dosage (no more than 1 liter). It is given to children to relieve acetonic crisis and the restoration of intestinal microflora.

Solyanka Hill is an indispensable plant with a rich biological composition and minimum of contraindications. It is able to protect the liver and vessels in the conditions of modern life, without burdened you with great financial costs and a lot of side effects. But, despite her benefit, do not forget to consult with the attending doctor about the reception of this plant, since it is not so difficult to harm yourself.

Video "Solyanka Hill - Application"


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