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Does zinc ointment help with dermatitis. The use of zinc ointment for dermatitis is instructions

Does zinc ointment help with dermatitis. The use of zinc ointment for dermatitis is instructions
The article tells how to use zinc ointment for allergic and other dermatitis farms. Instructions for use are presented.

Dermatitis of various etiologies increasingly arise in both adults and children. A large number of external and internal stimuli, malnutrition, can cause a rash on the skin. Dermatitis is treated with various means. The choice of the latter depends on the cause of the disease. One of the most popular means for the treatment of dermatitis is zinc ointment. About what the zinc ointment and the features of its application consists of, we will tell further.

In what cases do zinc ointment use

This drug in its composition contains zinc. This chemical element has hygroscopic properties. After applying to the skin, it dries the upper layers of the dermis, not allowing pathogenic bacteria to spread. This is especially effective for the treatment of atopic wet dermatitis, which is usually accompanied by the appearance of diaper rash. Zinc ointment has long been used in the treatment of dermatitis, but it is one of the most effective means.

Indications for the use of zinc ointment are:

  • The manifestation of ordinary herpes.
  • Skin lesion due to burns.
  • Eczema.
  • Trophic ulcers of the limbs.
  • Lean lesions of the skin.
  • Seborrheic and diaper dermatitis.
  • Atopic dermatitis.
  • Prickly heat.

The main advantage of the drug is its excellent adsorption, so it very well protects the skin from external stimuli. It can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding without consequences.

Zinc ointment for dermatitis. The use of zinc ointment and its composition

Tsink ointment consists of two main components: petroleum jelly, which is the main ointment and zinc oxide - the main active substance. Also, some additives are used in its production that allow us to enhance the action of the main substance.

Rules for using the product:

  • The use of zinc ointment for dermatitis does not provide for any complex procedures. It is simply applied to the place affected by dermatosis with a thin layer. It is not necessary to rub it. The frequency of use of zinc ointment depends on the degree of damage to the skin and should be adjusted and agreed upon by the attending physician.
  • With an average degree of dermatitis, two -time ointment is sufficient during the day. In the treatment of burns, zinc ointment is applied to the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and covered with a sterile bandage.
  • With zinc ointment, with atopic dermatitis, all areas of the skin that were contacted with wet clothing are processed.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of ointment. The only case when it is not recommended to use is its individual intolerance. You should also use this drug very carefully during lactation and pregnancy. In this case, it is better to consult your doctor.

Side effects when using zinc ointment are practically absent. Some patients feel itching and burning in the area of \u200b\u200bapplication of the drug. However, this is rather due to the presence of an allergic reaction to its components.

A drug in the form of ointment and pasta with a content of the active substance 10% and 25%, respectively, is produced. As a rule, a pasta and ointment in hermetic tubes are contained.

Since this is an external remedy, and its current components when taking oral can cause poisoning, it is recommended to keep zinc ointment further from the children.

In each pharmacy, you can find a large number of zinc ointment-replacement drugs, which mainly have the similar composition:

  • Desitin.
  • Oxide zinc.
  • Zindol.
  • Diaderm.

Since their composition is almost the same with the exception of some additives, they have a similar effect.

The use of zinc ointment for dermatitis in children

Zinc ointment is often used to treat children's dermatitis of various etiologies. This can be a rash due to allergies to diapers, diaper rash and other reasons.

Especially often, skin problems in children arise after long -term wearing diapers, if the child is problematic to quickly change clothes.

Basic rules for applying ointments in children:

  • So, dermatitis, which appeared due to diaper rash, is treated by applying a thin layer to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin ointment. Processing is allowed up to 5 times a day when replacing the diaper. In this case, the skin should be cleared of dirt and sweat, and then dried.
  • The treatment of burns and their toxic manifestations is carried out by applying bandages from a sterile bandage impregnated with zinc ointment. Due to the fact that the active substance has a regenerative function, wound healing is faster. The same effect is noticeable in the treatment of wounds and abrasions. At their small depth, the ointment can be applied directly to the affected area.
  • In the treatment of zinc ointment of seborrheic or atopic dermatitis, it is used until complete recovery and relief of active symptoms. However, it should be remembered that the lack of a result of treatment requires its correction with the help of the attending physician, since its useless use of more than one month is unacceptable.
  • Zinc ointment for diaper dermatitis is successfully used to prevent problems that appear after prolonged contact of the child’s skin with urine. To do this, a single one is enough for the agent on washed and dried skin. Prevention can be done quite long without negative consequences for the body.
  • Also, zinc ointment is effectively used for the prevention of sunburn in children. This is especially true when relaxing with a child in the open sun, because holding the baby under an umbrella is very problematic. Zinc ointment provides more effective protection than cosmetics against tanning and does not contain flavorings and additives that can be harmful to the child.

  • Special caution should be observed in the treatment of zinc ointment of dermatitis on the skin of the child. Since the skin is very delicate on the face, the intensity of using the drug must be reduced. In this case, it is necessary to avoid the ingress of the substance on the mucous membrane of the eyes or mouth. In the event of an ointment, the mucous membrane must be washed abundantly with warm water.

Good results are shown by zinc ointment for allergic dermatitis in children. Often this disease is associated with exudative diathesis. In children with this ailment, cases of allergic dermatitis are much more common.  Basically, the problem is manifested in the following areas of the skin:

  • The area of \u200b\u200bcheeks and chin.
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe groin and buttocks.
  • The neck and ear shells.

Exacerbation of diathesis, which can lead to dermatitis, can be associated not only with the use of allergenic foods, but also with emotional overload, inflammatory process or other pathogens.

In the treatment of atopic dermatitis, the use of zinc ointment should be avoided on too overdled areas of the skin. With prolonged activity of the process after the use of the drug, you should consult a doctor.

Reviews about the use of zinc ointment for dermatitis

Despite the fact that this drug has been used for several years and has a rather democratic price, it is not inferior in its effectiveness to modern and expensive analogues. The advantages of zinc ointment for the treatment of skin diseases include:

  • Persistent effect. After treatment with zinc ointment, the probability of the appearance of certain types of dermatoses is significantly reduced.
  • Lack of chemical additives, flavorings. This makes it possible to use the drug in the treatment of young children, as well as for preventive purposes.
  • Excellent antiseptic properties. The use of zinc ointment for skin processing around wounds prevents the wound and infection with pathogenic bacteria.
  • Successful treatment of burns and their prevention. Zinc ointment has excellent regenerative functions, thanks to which healing of burn wounds occurs very quickly.

The only disadvantage of zinc ointment is that it too overdles the skin. That is why when using it, it is necessary to use moisturizers.

Like any drug, zinc ointment should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, especially if it concerns the treatment of children.

Zinc ointment with oral dermatitis

Periral dermatitis often occurs in both children and adults, due to allergic reactions, as well as a change in nutrition, climate, nervous breakdowns and other causes. Often, the uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs can lead to this state. Zinc ointment for dermatitis on the face shows very good results. Apply it to the surface of the skin with a thin layer. The frequency and intensity of the use of ointment depends on the complexity of the disease. As a rule, it is applied 2-3 times a day before a decrease in symptoms, after which the amount of treatment is reduced. In any case, the process of treatment of oral dermatitis should take place under the supervision of a doctor.

Zinc ointment: video



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