
How to quickly soften the nails on the legs. How to soften nails on your feet with folk remedies

How to quickly soften the nails on the legs. How to soften nails on your feet with folk remedies
The article selects tips on how to quickly soften the nails on your feet so that they will cut them in. How to soften the nails on his feet to an elderly person - methods, advice.

Regular care of the nail plates on the legs is the key to not only the attractiveness of the latter, but also their health. The age -related changes taking place in the body of each person put out the imprint not only on the work of internal organs and systems, but also the appearance and structure of the skin, hair and nails. From the very birth of a person, the nails on the legs have a denser structure than on the hands. With age, the nail plate is even more hard and thicken. Such a pattern can provoke difficulties with hygiene procedures on the nails of the lower extremities. As a result, the problems of growing nails. How to soften your legs on your feet to provide fingers with proper care?

How to soften the nails on the legs. Why are your legs rude: risk factors

Carriage of nail plates on the legs is a problem that people of mature and advanced age most often face. In addition, often there are a situation where a person managed to properly soften his nails, carry out all the necessary hygienic manipulation, and after time the nail plates are again coarse, their thickness increased. What factors can provoke the occurrence of this problem?

  • Insufficient and/or incorrect legs hygiene. Unregular nail plates care leads to damage and incorrect growth of the latter. It is also not recommended to cut the nail plates with a semicircle or at an angle. The correct option is direct pruning. For normal nail growth, it is enough to leave in the corners of 0.5 mm of the free edge.
  • The injuries resulting, as a result of which the nail changes its structure (density) and the direction of growth.
  • Close shoes. Long -term fingers in an unusual and incorrect position leads to circulatory disorders. As a result, the nail plates do not get the necessary nutrition. As a result - their deformation, thickening. Another unpleasant result of wearing inappropriate shoes is the growing of the nail in the soft tissues of the finger. How to soften the nails on the legs in this case, to trim them painlessly?
  • Heredity. This factor cannot be discounted. It manifests itself most often in the susceptibility of the nail plates to external influences. Such nails require more careful care and selection of shoes, conducting preventive antifungal measures.
  • The recurrent nature of the problem may indicate the presence of fungal damage. In this case, the corresponding examination is required. Thick and too dense nails are often the result of the presence of a fungal infection.
  • The coarse of the nail plates can also be one of the manifestations of a number of diseases of the internal organs. Among them: pathologies of the cardiovascular system, liver disease, endocrine disorders.
  • The presence of psoriasis of nails.
  • Insufficient intake of vitamins in the body, violation of nutrition.

Timely nail care is a good prevention of various kinds of lesions (including coarsening and thickening) of the nail plates. But if the problems of hard nails on the legs could not be avoided than soften the problematic nail?

How to soften nails on your feet with folk remedies

The simple techniques of home medicine will help to soften the nail independently and prepare it for subsequent pruning. The most common and effective are baths with various components and therapeutic compresses.

How to soften nails on the legs for haircuts: Healing baths

The popularity of various kinds of baths to eliminate the problem of rough and thick nails on the legs is due to several factors. Firstly, this procedure helps quite effectively soften the nails, and secondly, it is also incredibly pleasant. The foot baths relieve fatigue and tension, give not only to the footsteps, but the whole body is pleasant relaxation. So, how to soften the nails on the legs in front of the haircut?

  • Using soda. Prepare a pelvis with 2 liters of hot water (37-38 ° C). Add soda to it (2 tsp) and grated laundry soap in a ratio of 1: 3. Place your legs in the prepared solution for 15-20 minutes. After dry, wipe the feet and begin to cut your nails. An alternative to household soap can be a combination of liquid soap (2 tsp) plus ammonia (also 2 tsp).
  • In hot water, drip 5 drops of lavender oil, rosemary and tea tree. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.
  • Baths of chamomile flowers. 3 tbsp of dry grass pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist a decoction for an hour. Next, prepare a hot bath and add the previously prepared composition. Lower your legs into the bath for 15 minutes.
  • Baths with milk. Prepare 3-4 bushes of a fresh plant. Pour them 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist for half an hour. Combine the resulting solution with hot water (the finished volume of the liquid should be enough to fit the toes) and steam the nails for 15 minutes.

How to soften thick nails on the legs: special compresses

An equally popular and fairly effective way to combat thick and rough nails is the use of healing compresses. How to soften the nail on the leg to cut it and carry out other necessary processing? In the absence of related pathologies (fungal infection, an ingrown nail), it is recommended to use such lotions:

  • Connect 1 grated raw potato with 1 tsp. honey and several drops of lemon juice. Apply gruel to a problem nail plate. Cover the mixture with waxed paper. Fix the compress with a gauze bandage or adhesive plasterer.
  • Prepare the following components in equal parts: honey, olive oil, sour cream and lemon juice. Combine all the ingredients. Apply the resulting composition to a coarse nail. The exposure time is at least half an hour.
  • Connect the chopped aloe sheet and softened butter in equal shares. You put the resulting gruel on a problematic nail and cover with a protective bandage or wax paper. Fix the compress with adhesive plasterer or bandage.

The exposure time of the compositions is 10-12 hours, so the best time for applying the compress is the evening.

How to soften nails on the feet of older people

Age -related changes affecting the whole organism, as well as related diseases, affect the condition of the nails, and not in the best way. Nails become rude, thick, change color. And in this case, only the use of the baths will not be enough. How then can you soften your nails on your feet?

How to soften nails on your feet to an elderly person: using a sheet aloe

  • Take a sheet of aloe and free it from the thorns.
  • Cut the healing plant along.
  • Attach the half resulting in a roughening nail (put the juicy pulp on the nail plate).
  • Fasten the sheet with adhesive plasterer.
  • Leave the plant to "work" at night, and in the morning proceed to hygienic manipulations with nails.

Nail softening tool: healing pumpkin

  • Take a pumpkin slice.
  • Say it from the peel.
  • Cut small plates of 0.5 cm and fix them on the nails at night.

Nail softening tool: table vinegar

The classic table (9%) or apple cider vinegar will probably be found in almost every kitchen. Its proper use will also help soften the coarse nail plates even in old people.

  • Take a cotton wool (or a cotton pad).
  • Moisten her in vinegar.
  • Attach a cotton swab saturated with essence to a problem nail.
  • Fasten it with adhesive plasters and leave it for 10-12 hours.

How to soften the nail on the leg: an ingrown nail

The problem of nail growing is very close to deformation and boiling of the nail plate, and often is a consequence of these phenomena. How to care for nails in this case? First of all, they must be prepared - soften. And then proceed to the file of the plate.

  • A good tool in this case is Vishnevsky ointment. Put a small amount of product on the bandage and fix it on a sore nail. After the plate softens, gently bend it and remove the extra fragments.
  • Baths with essential oils are designed to improve the condition. Prepare the corresponding container. Pour 2 liters of hot water into it. Next, drop 3 drops of lavender essential oil, ylang-ylang and rosemary into the basin. Place the leg in the leg for 20 minutes. If after the procedure it was not possible to achieve the necessary softening of the nail, complement the therapy with the compress, for example, from the gruel of the aloe sheet and butter (in equal shares).
  • Place in a tablespoon of vegetable oil finely grated 1 tsp of the lemon zest. Apply this composition to a pre -steamed nail. Cover the entire finger with waxed paper and sealed with a adhesive plaster.

In situations of the ingrown nail, the measures given are designed to alleviate the condition so that the patient can without much physical effort to get to the doctor. The problem of growing a nail plate is not just a cosmetic defect. In some cases, surgical intervention is also required.

How to soften nails on your feet with a fungus

The lesion of the nail plates with a fungal infection often leads to a violation of the structure of the nail. The plate becomes layered, its thickness increases, the edges of the nail become uneven, often the color of the nail also changes. In this case, an integrated approach to the problem is required. A person needs not only to cut off the fragments of the nail overgrown with infection, but also to undergo antifungal treatment. The doctor is capable of prescribing precisely in your case. But the following procedures will help to soften the nail on the finger for its painless trim.

Softening of nails on the legs: compound of glycerin, iodine and essence of vinegar

Prepare a mixture of equal parts of iodine, glycerin and vinegar essence. Take 1 part of this composition and 2 parts of boiled water. Apply the finished composition with a cotton swab or cotton pad to the damaged nail plate. Apply the product carefully so that the mixture falls exclusively on the nail. Lay a small cotton swab on top of the composition, fix everything with a adhesive plaster and leave it until the morning.   In the morning, the nail plates will be softer and prepared for processing.

Softening of nails on the legs: Tea mushroom

This tool will help not only soften the nail, but also eliminate itching, which often accompanies fungal lesions.

  • Prepare a tea mushroom. You can purchase it in a pharmacy or in the market.
  • Divide it into thin plates 2-4 mm thick.
  • Cut the plate so that the resulting fragment completely covers the affected nail.
  • Fix the prepared part of the mushroom using adhesive plasters.
  • Cover your finger with a bag and put your toe on your foot.
  • Leave the compress at night.

Softening of nails on the legs: ointment made of bee wax and butter

To prepare the healing composition, it is necessary to prepare and combine ghee, bee wax, grated onion, finely chopped garlic and gruel from aloe leaves in equal shares.

  • Combine the components of the ointment.
  • Put the composition on a slow fire.
  • Bring the mass to a boil and boil for about 2 minutes.
  • When the composition cools down, it can be applied to the damaged nail.
  • Abundantly cover with ointment a coarse nail plate.
  • Next, fix the compress with a cabbage sheet, which should first be split (to start the juice), and on top with a bandage.
  • Dress the woolen sock on top of the compress and leave the means to “work” for 5-6 hours (you can at night).

Pharmacy products to soften the nail plate

Not only home remedies will help to eliminate the problem of ripe nails. Some pharmacy products also have this effect. What ointment softens the nails on the legs?

  • Toget. The composition of the drug includes urea, tea tree oil and bee wax. The drug has not only softening, but also antiseptic effects.
  • Fluconazole. The active components of the drug are salicylic acid, potassium iodide and zinc oxide. The tool helps not only soften the nail plate, but also effectively fights the reasons for its thickening.
  • Uroderm. The urea, which is part of the ointment, gently, but productively affects the keratinized cells of the plate. Apply the drug with a small layer twice a day.

Ready -made ointments soften the nails on the legs quickly and effectively.

The methods given in the article can alleviate the condition and eliminate the problem of thick and hard nails. However, the best prevention of violation of the structure of the nail plates is to eliminate the causes of its occurrence.



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