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The causes and symptoms of dry eye syndrome. Treatment of dry eye syndrome - drugs, drops, drugs. Is it possible to cure dry eyes syndrome with folk remedies

The causes and symptoms of dry eye syndrome. Treatment of dry eye syndrome - drugs, drops, drugs. Is it possible to cure dry eyes syndrome with folk remedies
The article tells about what is a dry eye syndrome, as well as how to cure a dry eye syndrome. Treatment of dry eye syndrome can be carried out with drugs and folk remedies.

It is difficult to imagine modern life without an abundance of diverse computer technology, smartphones, tablets. However, all newfangled gadgets have a rather strong effect on the health of our eyes, as well as on the quality of vision. The regular use of computer technology entails the appearance of a disease such as dry eye syndrome. This pathology can cause serious problems in the future, so you should know how to treat it correctly, and better, just warn its appearance. Next, we will tell you about what this disease is, as well as how to cure a dry eye syndrome.

What is dry eye syndrome

MKB dry eye syndrome - otherwise called as a pathology of “dry eye”, dry keratoconjunctivitis, dry keratitis, is a disease, as a result of which the tear fluid is produced in a small amount, and does not suffer enough moistening the surface of the eyeball. It is possible to recognize the presence of the disease if redness, itching, burning in the eye area are noted, and at the same time the clarity of vision, the contours of objects in the visibility zone are lost, become vague. Especially clearly the signs of the disease are expressed after the working day spent sitting at the computer or after a long viewing of the TV. In the presence of this disease, the lacrimal fluid is not only produced in insufficient amounts, but also quickly evaporates from the surface of the eyeball, leaving it dry, damaged and “vulnerable”.

It is worth saying that this disease progresses and “youngest”. And if earlier people have addressed the doctors with this problem after 45 years old, today patients who are diagnosed with dry eyes are diagnosed at the age of 20-23 years. Basically, people who work in offices suffer from this ailment and are near the monitor throughout working hours. Dry eye syndrome can develop even in a child who spends for a long time near a computer or TV.

In order to better understand the nature of the occurrence of the disease, let's figure out the structure and features of the eyeball. So, in any person it is covered with a thin tear film. It performs several functions:

  • Nourishing. It supplies the eyeball with substances necessary for the normal operation of the eye.
  • Protective. Protects the eye from the loss of moisture and from the entry of pathogenic microorganisms.

This shell consists of several layers:

  • The mucous base. This layer adjacent to the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye.
  • Water layer. It contains those necessary substances that nourish the eye. This includes water, protein, various salts.
  • Fat layer. It is located outside the film and serves as a barrier for evaporation and outflow of tear fluid.

The film is formed as a result of the functioning of the eye glands. Under the influence of the century during blinking, the liquid spreads along the outer surface of the eye, and its excess falls into the lacrimal canals. It is worth saying that with dry eye syndrome, the work of the glands is so violated that even when ordinary tears (protruding because of stressful factors enters the cornea), it does not have time to moisturize in a sufficient way.

Causes of dry eye syndrome

We will summarize the reasons for the development of this ailment:

  • Age for more than 35 years. With natural aging of the body, the lacrimal glands reproduce an insufficient amount of tear fluid.
  • Climate factors. The production and quality of tear fluids can be disturbed in people living in too dry and wind climate.
  • Long and frequent work at a computer, smartphone, tablet.
  • Long watching TV.
  • Hormonal dysfunctions in the female body.
  • A dry eye syndrome can occur in those people who wear contact lenses.
  • The disease can develop against the background of diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Shegren disease.
  • The disease occurs due to burns and injuries.
  • Insufficient amount of vitamin A in the body.
  • After surgical operations in the eyes.

Dry eye syndrome: symptoms

Let us consider in more detail the symptoms and signs of the disease that can be distinguished from the reviews about the dry eye syndrome in patients:

  • Increased sensitivity of the cornea.
  • The presence of a burning sensation and itching in the eyes.
  • Irritation and redness of the mucosa.
  • A constant feeling of fatigue in the eye area.
  • Increased sensitivity to light.
  • Vision of vision.

If you do not treat dry eyes syndrome, then serious consequences may occur:

  • Against the background of the disease, even such ailments as blepharitis, ulcer, conjunctivitis can develop.
  • Microerosia can form on the cornea.
  • The quality of vision is reduced.
  • Since there is no normal formation of a protective film on the surface of the eye, various infections and microbes can often fall into it.

Dry eye syndrome: diagnosis

The following diagnostic procedures help to identify the presence of the disease:

  • Inspection of the cornea at the ophthalmologist.
  • Laboratory examination of the composition of a tear (it contains 40% less fat than required).
  • Tests that allow you to measure the amount of moisture secreted by tear glands.
  • Shirmer test.
  • Tests on Lacterrin.

How to treat dry eyes syndrome

The main stages of treatment of dry eye syndrome

The main stages of treatment of dry eye syndrome include:

  • The elimination of the cause that caused the appearance of the disease. If we are talking about a long -term watching TV at home, then it should be limited. It is also necessary to use various gadgets as little as possible - a smartphone, tablet, etc.
  • There are also eye drops with dry eye syndrome.
  • Folk (non -traditional) additional treatment.
  • Surgical intervention.

Now we consider the main stages of treatment of this pathology in more detail.

Drops from dry eye syndrome: List

Consider which drops are used for dry eye syndrome. It is worth saying that their action is aimed at improving the quality of the eye glands and stimulating the formation of a protective film on the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye.

Eye drops aimed at eliminating the effect of dryness and burning in the eyes:

  • “Artificial tear” - drops in liquid form, the color is transparent. You can drip up to 5 times a day.
  • “Obovirin” - is produced in the form of drops based on herbs.
  • “Optical” - eye drops aimed at eliminating dry eyes.
  • “Offtole” - drops in liquid form. Drip 2 droplets in each eye three times a day.
  • Lacrisifi is also quite effective drops in liquid form, prescribed by ophthalmologists for the treatment and prevention of dry eye syndrome.
  • "Hilo-comade"-eye drops in liquid form. Drip 1 drop in each eye 3 times a day.

Dry eye syndrome: drugs

In addition to eye drops, there is also an eye gel, the action of which is similarly aimed at moisturizing the cornea and at a decrease in the level of her injuries. This includes the following drugs:

  • "Vidisik" - is produced in the form of the eye gel, it can be used up to 5 times a day.
  • “Vizmed” is a hydrogel, which is applied to the eye eyelid 3-4 times a day.

It is also very important to eliminate the cause that caused this ailment. Medical means will help to cope with this problem:

  • If the dry eye syndrome is caused by a lack of vitamin A in the body, then it should be taken in the form of tablets. The composition of such a vitamin complex must include-vitamin A (retinol) and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • In addition, if the ailment was provoked by the effect of contact lenses on the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye, then irritation can be eliminated with the help of such drops as “Hilosar-Comes” and “Lycontin”.
  • Sometimes dry eye syndrome occurs in people with reduced immunity, in which case immunosuppressants are prescribed, for example, such a drug as Cyclosporin.

Sometimes special lenses should be used for dry eye syndrome. Their action is aimed at holding the tear fluid on the rod's shell.

Dry eye syndrome: surgical treatment

There are more radical methods of treating this pathology. These include the following procedures:

  • Tarzorafia. The surgical method of correcting the problem in which a partial stitching of the century occurs, as a result of which, through the reduced lumen of the eye gap, minimal evaporation of tear fluid occurs.
  • Surgical blocking of lacrimal ducts. As a result, the quality of the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe cornea improves. At the same time, special plugs are placed in the duct, which completely overlap its clearance.

Dry eye syndrome: folk remedies

It is worth saying that dry eye syndrome is a rather serious pathology and it is not recommended to be treated with folk methods. However, after a preliminary consultation with a doctor, you can use some prescriptions:

  • To do this, you need a bag of green tea. First, it should be placed in boiling water, and then cool it so that it becomes warm. The bag is applied for 10 minutes on closed eyelids, then removed.
  • In 100 ml of boiled water, 1 tsp should be put. chamomile and 1 tsp Rosemary. Cover with a lid, let it brew. Such a infusion should be washed your eyes in the evening before bedtime.

Prevention of dry eye syndrome

Prevention of dry eye syndrome is as follows:

  • You should constantly monitor the state of your immune system.
  • Night sleep should be at least 8 hours.
  • Use vitamin preparations, which include vitamin A.
  • More often blink when you work at the computer.
  • Try to take breaks at the computer, at least 10-15 minutes.
  • Do not try your eyes with dirty hands.
  • Do not watch TV without the lighting in the room.

Dry eye syndrome: photo


Dry eye syndrome: video



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