
How to teach baby crawl

How to teach baby crawl
We teach the child to crawl right

For the newborn and his parents, every new stage of development is always with the joy of great achievement. Before you teach the child to make the first insecure steps, he should be trained with active crawling.

From the very birth of Kroch, carefully studies his body, his capabilities and the world around, which provides permanent motor activity. After active movements with their miniature legs and arms, the child seeks to move towards interesting and starts crawling. It is the process of crawling to be considered the previous stage in the harmonious and full development of the baby and excellent muscle preparing for walking.

Many parents are tirelessly wondering when and how to teach their crumb to crawl, because most of them want their child to get peer in development. Some, on the contrary, believe that crawling does not matter much and do not seek to instantly instill new skills, referring to natural development processes without extraneous development. Modern pediatrician cannot categorically support none of the listed points of view and also disagrees.


When should I climb a child?

Most pediatric practitioners believe that it is not recommended to skip an important stage of crawling, since early strain can create a heightened load on the child's spine and create serious problems in the future. It was during such a preparatory stage that the muscles of the neck, back, arms and feet, which help in the future to support the spine and confident walking. With the development of such a skill, children's thinking is actively working, providing a coordination of movements on alternating hands and legs.

However, according to the popular doctor and TV host Dr. Komarovsky, in modern practice there are many cases when a child to study actively crawl and begins to walk later, and poorly mastered this skill or who missed such a stage - studying if it is time for water before without dangerous consequences. Usually after 3 months, the kids begin to turn over, which makes it possible to significantly increase the review for knowledge. Uncertain attempts to get closer to interesting subjects from 5 months, which allows the muscles to fully grow and learn how to crawl well on all fours from 7 months.

Stages of development of crawling

Crawling is a preliminary training before walking and can be formed from several basic skills:

  1. Most begins to crawl on the stomach. This process is purely individual and can be directed not only directly, but also one of the parties or backwards.
  2. The full-fledged stage of the crawl can be called the time when the kid learn how to put his arms and sharp movement to making bent or straight legs both together and alternately. Also, children can immediately become on all fours and, swinging, put arms alternately, and then move their feet as moving.
  3. Cross-pass is considered the most difficult stage for mastering, but also greatly facilitates the further assimilation of the skills for walking. Consecutive limbs movement should be replaced alternately, which contributes to the development of coordination.


How to teach a child to crawl?

Preparatory massage to teach a child crawl

The pediatrician may appoint a special massage course to strengthen the spinal muscles and limbs, but this medical and wellness procedure is recommended to do only by a specialist. However, a simple lifting massage complex Parents can be performed independently at home in order to teach the baby crawl faster. There are certain limitations and rules for performing such daily prevention procedures.


The main aspects that should be considered when a strengthening muscle massage of the back, hands and feet:

  • It is best to carry out a procedure on a table for swaddling or any other smooth surface, pre-shopping it.
  • Massage should be carried out no more than once a day for 5-10 minutes.
  • The massage procedure should not be performed directly in half an hour before or after feeding, and also if the newborn begins to be capricious during its holding.
  • It must be remembered that the skin of the baby is very gentle and sensitive, so intense movements can harm - it is better to limit ourselves to stroking.
  • Stroking legs It is recommended to spend from stop to the joints, carefully bypassing the knee zone.
  • Hand strokes should be directed from brushes to forearms outside and on the inner surface.
  • The strokes of the back are held on the stomach in the direction from above-down.
  • After intensive strokes, you can apply easy kneading palms and stops.
  • Hands of parents must be clean and warm without any jewelry.
  • You should also leave the newborn daily on the stomach and stretch to interesting items on a flat surface for about 10 minutes to develop and strengthen the muscles of the neck and back.


Exercises to teach baby crawl

When your child already confidently performs coups and even slightly raised on the stomach, it is recommended to start performing stimulating strengthening and developing muscles of light gymnastics:

  1. Move your hands. Keep the baby under the breast and put on your arms, failing legs. Put in front of him an interesting subject and pushing from behind, stimulate the movement of the hands.
  2. Frog. When the child is lying on his back, grab his leg and slowly bend your feet together and then unbend. Turning on his stomach, substitute the hands under the baby feet, lightly pressing down on them, so that he could push or tickle his heels.
  3. On an inflatable ball. The fulfillment of various provisions contributes to the development of the muscles of the back and facilitates colic in the child. The starting position of the belly on the ball, parents, holding under the arms, slightly shake the ball back and forth.
  4. Support on hand. To crawl confidently, the child must become on both hands and every alternate. To strengthen such a skill, bring an interesting object on top when the baby lies on the stomach, he will try to pull him in his arms, and then take one hand and rely on the other.
  5. Coups. For a better absorption of coups to the side, put a thumb into the hand in the hand and take a brush with your hand, and hold the leg. Direct the child's housing in different directions alternately, stimulating the turns on the side and then on the stomach.
  6. Move your knees. Under the elbows of a child, put a rolled blanket, and the legs bent in the knees, put on the floor and move the blanket in front of him so that he studies independently move on his knees.
  7. Help in crawling. Position the interesting thing within reach of the child and put it on all fours, and then move it alternately with your hands and legs so that it has mastered the correct movement skills.
  8. Stand on your knees. Holding the baby at hand and breasts, put it on her knees with his back to myself, help him to be like. After mastering the skill, put the child into your arms.
  9. We stand on hands. To strengthen the muscles of the hands, put a rolled towel under the stomach so that he is intuitively rose to his hands.
  10. Stand on all fours. The roller from the blanket should be put vertically along the abdomen and chest of a child, the baby will instinctively try to rely on hanging over the hand and legs. Fotolia_74874727_subscription_monthly_m_64528824035758686.
  11. Hand training. To strengthen the muscles of the hands and backs, you should take a child for hands so that he keeps you for the thumbs. The hands of the child should alternately raise up, breed to the sides and cross in the chest. You can also slightly raise the child by arms and smoothly lower.
  12. Strengthen the vestibular apparatus. Put a small roller from a towel under the chest when the child lies on the stomach, and lift his upper part of the body so that he can move freely with his hands, and the stomach and legs were on a flat surface.

Learning recommendations

To prepare for crawling, a purely washed floor is best suited, covered with a blanket or a special rug. It is better to put your favorite toys around the baby so that he will take it to reach them. At first, you can help the child, substituting a palm or a thick book for repulsion.


If the crumb does not succeed with the first attempts, it is not necessary to scold it and make repeat too complex movements. Maybe today he is tired and trying next time. If the first clars succeed, then praise the child, and if you fell or hit - do not show your own frightened, distract the baby with a cheerful song or poet.

If the child is not solved or can not understand the technique of crawling, show him on a personal example and try to make slow attempts together to see and adopt movement. Also on such a "crawling level" you will probably see those potentially dangerous items in the reach area that did not guessed to remove in advance. Confident crawling crumbs must be stimulated and create small obstacles to the goals to goals - for example, barriers or passages.


For more active crawl, you can purchase special tracks that have an adjustable angle of inclination. Also, all the obstacles are possible to create from undergraduated means, for example, rolling rollers from towels. Inclined surfaces can be created from low pillows laid under the mattress on which the child crashes.

Not forgetting hygiene and security, it is worth noting that the floors need to be washed every day, and the surface for crawling should be safe, warm, sufficiently soft and not very slippery so that the first experience is not unsuccessful due to falls. It is not necessary to limit the space for the study of crumbs by a Manege or one room, because the child gives great pleasure to follow the heels of adults. It is also not suitable for training and too soft coating, for example, upholstered furniture or too thick carpets.


Even if you removed all potentially dangerous items from the child's reach zone, never be sure that it cannot reach something and do not leave it alone so that the training is not connected with loneliness. If you are busy work around the house, then place the baby in the same room and limit the space toys and plastic figures for the development of shallow motility.

Many parents are afraid when their child crawls not as other children, but it should be considered its individual development and give him freedom to independently deal with such a complex process. Additionally, it is worth noting the fact that most children scream during crawling. Experts argue that in this way, the baby is easier to cope with the breathing load with new exercise for his musculature, therefore a cry who does not reach the hysteria, should also not cause fears at households.

Video tip: How to teach a child to crawl?

Detailed Roller will help learn additional subtleties of learning:


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