
Toxicosis during pregnancy

Toxicosis during pregnancy
Causes, signs, types and methods of combating toxicosis in pregnant women

Toxicosis is so common that its first symptoms are considered to be true signs of pregnancy. However, such manifestations should not be taken as the norm, since it is this ailment that is actually a common pathology.

One of the most important periods of pregnancy is the I trimester, when the initial formation of all systems and organs of the baby occurs. But for mothers, this period can become one of the most difficult due to severe manifestations of toxicosis. According to statistics, every second woman suffers from symptoms during pregnancy to one degree or another.

Toxicosis or its late stage - gestosis, may also appear in the second half of pregnancy. At this stage, it may turn out to be the most dangerous for both the newborn and for the woman in labor. Therefore, any symptoms of toxicosis must be diagnosed in time and, if possible, alleviate its manifestation.

The general concept of toxicosis

It is generally accepted to call toxicosis only nausea, frequent vomiting and increased salivation in pregnant women. However, the medical concept includes all pathological changes in the female body. In addition to the above most common features, it should be noted more rare, such as dermatous lesions of the skin, muscle cramps (vetia), softening and increased fragility of bone tissues (osteomination) and bronchial asthma.

Any changes from the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as metabolic disorders, can be considered toxicosis. These manifestations are observed constantly during the course of a certain period of pregnancy. Often they arise with the initial development of the embryo due to the poisoning of the woman’s body with toxins and other harmful substances.


The causes of toxicosis

There are still no obvious factors in the occurrence of signs of toxicosis, but among their quite common manifestations, such likely prerequisites can be distinguished:

  1. Psychological changes. Reinforced signs of toxicosis can appear on the 3rd trimester due to constant nervous experiences and stress, fatigue, chronic lack of sleep or strong emotional shock and often appear in future mothers who have become pregnant or too early. In addition, the principle of self -hypnosis of mothers about numerous severe manifestations of toxicosis, as well as changes in the nervous system responsible for the sense of smell and the functioning of the stomach and intestines, may work.
  2. Placentation. The most likely theory is based on the fact that the formation of the placenta depletes the woman’s body up to 13-14 weeks in the first trimester. Its sharp ending can be directly related to the cessation of the manifestation of all toxicose features. It is the placenta that performs the main protective function and delays all toxic substances, but for now it is not formed - the pregnant woman’s body independently protects the embryo from toxins from the outside.
  3. Multiple pregnancy. The appearance of twins does not take place without increasing the difficulties of toxicosis during pregnancy. It is important to note that early toxicosis does not threaten a miscarriage.
  4. Any chronic diseases and previously incurable infections of the mother's body can lead to a significant weakening of the mother’s immune system during pregnancy, which will provoke severe manifestations of toxicosis. In this case, it is recommended to undergo a full clinical examination and inclusion in the daily diet of a compulsory complex of vitamins and increasing the immunity of elements even at the stage of pregnancy planning, and a mandatory course of preventive treatment should undergo infectious and other diseases.
  5. Protective function. A sharp refusal of a woman from sometimes even familiar and favorite products and the manifestation of late toxicosis indicate the natural process of protecting the body. These products may contain harmful microorganisms from which the fetus is protected by nausea and subsequent vomiting, which is a biologically natural and necessary natural reflex. Also, in addition to poisons and toxins in everyday food, insulin can have a negative effect on the growth of the embryo, which is produced every time after the meals of any food.
  6. Hormonal changes. Already starting from the process of fertilization of the sperm, a serious hormonal restructuring begins to occur in the female body. The number of hormones changes, which affects both the behavior and the general well -being of any woman. Already at this stage, irritability and nausea with an exacerbation of the sense of smell or other signs may appear. At first, the embryo in the mother’s body is accepted as a foreign body, which affects her well -being. When the level of hormones normalizes, the body takes an embryo and, as a rule, the symptoms of toxicosis are already under the second trimester.
  7. Genetic factors. Hereditary causes increase the likelihood of symptoms in the II trimester by 70%if women of all previous generations also suffered from toxicosis at 16 weeks of pregnancy or any other period of its period. The development of symptoms is also assumed in cases where toxicosis was observed during the first pregnancy in the expectant mother.
  8. The age of the woman. The onset of pregnancy until 18 and after 30-35 years is considered the most dangerous, especially for women who had not previously or aborted. In this case, the risk of manifestation of dangerous symptoms of toxicosis increases. It is generally accepted that the younger the future mother, the less dangerous and intense toxicose manifestations are.

In conjunction, we can safely assume that a more healthy and younger woman who monitors her health and planning her pregnancy in advance is less susceptible to toxicous manifestations of any kind.

Terms and types of toxicosis

The terms of toxicosis

Many women try to listen to changes in their body after conception and independently determine the onset of symptoms that can be conditionally divided into two time stages:

  1. Early toxicosis can begin almost from the first days after the delay in menstruation or from 5-6 weeks, and end at about 13-14 weeks of the deadline or earlier (depending on individual characteristics).
  2. Late toxicosis manifests itself on the 3rd or in the second half of the II trimester of the term, which is a dangerous prerequisite for life and health for both the child and the mother.


Types of toxicosis

There are several varieties of common symptoms that are customary to form in separate groups:

  1. Toxicose manifestations in the first half of pregnancy, starting from 1 to 14 weeks inclusive. Such signs of the first trimester should usually be related to calmly, and when they are strengthened, the doctor can prescribe safe drugs on a plant basis to facilitate the general condition and reduce intoxication. At this stage, the intake of folk methods is effective, however, the cessation of their reception resumes all the symptoms.
  2. Toxicous disorders to delayed menstruation and directly after conception, which can prove themselves 7-10 days after the start of the development of the egg. Strong nausea and vomiting may not occur, but brutal hunger can also be considered one of the first symptoms.
  3. Staphylococcal toxicosis is activated by enterotoxigenic strains, which are released into food during reproduction by harmful heat -resistant exotoxins. To identify, diagnostics, consultation of a specialist and proper treatment are required.
  4. Late signs of toxicosis or gestosis are completely excluded in the natural course of pregnancy on the II and III trimester. Gestosis can cause complications that are manifested by swelling of the extremities, an increased protein content in urine analysis, increased blood pressure and rapid increase in total body weight (up to 400 g per week). It is generally accepted that the stronger such manifestations, the more dangerous gestosis for the fetus and woman in labor, so it is necessary to regularly visit the attending physician. In especially risky cases, a pregnant woman can be hospitalized for individual treatment, depending on the degree of manifestation of gestosis.
  5. Evening manifestations are usually a consequence of fatigue and occur in the absence of a proper nutrition regimen, when the female body is depleted and amenable to the influence of toxic substances. Such symptoms do not allow to fall asleep or to rest to pregnant women. As effective means of prevention, you should walk more in the fresh air in the evenings, drink fresh juices, fruit drinks or compotes from acidic fruits and berries.


Signs of toxicosis in pregnant women

From the very conception, the female body begins to radically rebuild to ensure life already for two - the most pregnant woman and the child. The first manifestations of discomfort of any nature can be considered signs of toxicosis. There are a lot of ways of combating its manifestations, but all of them are very individual due to its various prerequisites and characteristics of the body of pregnant women.

First of all, such frequently encountered symptoms as increased irritability, apathy, enhanced salivation, decrease or increase in appetite and weight, nausea, vomiting, weakness, frequent headaches and dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, change in taste receptors and an enhanced smell. Dermatosis rashes, asthma, softening and fragility of bone tissues and cramps of the muscles of the limbs or face can also manifest. Such signs are manifested regardless of the gender of the newborn, as well as with a frozen pregnancy, which is diagnosed with a complete absence of heartbeat in the child and its immobility.


Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy

Regardless of the term, the most risky and common features are the nausea and subsequent frequent vomiting reflexes. Basically, such vivid symptoms of pregnancy last for about 20 weeks. It is believed that the earlier the nausea and the subsequent vomiting begins, the harder it will be in the future the whole pregnancy.

Several degrees of such toxicose manifestations that are most common in pregnant women should be distinguished:

  1. Nausea often manifests itself after eating and precedes the release of a slight amount of vomiting (no more than 5 times a day), which leads to a normal decrease in body weight (up to 3 kg) and is not accompanied by noticeable changes in general well -being.
  2. Strengthening vomit up to 10 times a day, regardless of food, which leads to a significant loss of body weight - an average of about 3 kg in 2 weeks, a decrease in blood pressure, the rapid of the pulse and the chronic weakness of the pregnant woman.
  3. Frequent and prolonged vomiting reflexes - up to 25 times a day, leading to dangerous severe dehydration and depletion of the body, critical loss of body weight - more than 10 kg, as well as accompanied by fever, headaches, pulse, reducing blood pressure, the presence of unpleasant odor from the art mouth. In severe cases, there is a dysfunction of the kidneys, which indicates a dangerous pregnancy for a woman’s life and can cause her interruption.


Other manifestations of toxicosis

Poulalism or salivation can be accompanied by vomiting or manifested as a separate symptom. During the day, pregnant women can lose up to 1 liter of fluid in an acute manifestation of such a sign. Abundant salivation leads to a dangerous dehydration of the whole organism, a critical loss of protein and a negative mental state.

Bronchial asthma in pregnant women rarely occurs, but is quite difficult. Its main features are dry constant cough and periodic attacks of suffocation. Such attacks should be treated after consulting a specialist who will help to choose the necessary drug individually.

One of the most unpleasant toxicose features can be dermatosis, which manifests itself at about 13 weeks of pregnancy. The rashes of the scattered look (even on the genitals) appear on all the epithelia and are accompanied by unpleasant itching. Such a symptom can lead to impaired sleep regime, increase irritability and a chronic depressive state of a pregnant woman.

The development of osteomalization or softening and brittleness of bone tissues is very dangerous for the female body and occurs due to a violation of metabolic processes of calcium and phosphorus. The danger of the development of such a violation lies in the threat of the appearance of numerous bone fractures in the woman in labor. Such a symptom as troops leads to strong convulsions of the muscles of the limbs or face.


Reasons for the lack of toxicosis

The phenomenon of toxicosis is so often manifested in every second woman during pregnancy that her course without such symptoms is perceived as abnormal. However, such fears are absolutely contrary to the truth that the future mother is completely healthy, and the complete absence of any violations of her well-being indicates only the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus. Nausea, vomiting and other signs do not bother the future mother only because her body coped with restructuring to a new hormonal rhythm and adapted to loads without impaired overall well -being.

Beatoxicous pregnancies primarily indicates the following advantages:

  • Full -fledged provision of the fetus necessary for the development of vitamins and useful trace elements, as well as the absence of prerequisites for the development of pathologies.
  • The lack of a threat of miscarriage and danger to the future health of the newborn and the life of a woman.
  • Great mood and well -being during pregnancy, which allows you to enjoy every unique minute of the development of the fetus.


When is toxicosis?

All signs of toxicosis or gestosis at any stage of pregnancy are so unique that it is impossible to determine the exact date of the end of painful symptoms. In some pregnant women, it is manifested only by attacks of nausea and fatigue, and other mothers take place of treatment in hospital hospital. However, it should be noted that in most standard cases, toxicose features completely disappear from 14 weeks of pregnancy.

There is a theory that all symptoms are manifested until the formation of the placenta (12-14 weeks) ends. After the completion of such a process, the II trimester begins more calm in terms of the well -being of pregnancy. The manifestation of similar features can resume in the III trimester already in the form of gestosis, which is most dangerous and requires an urgent consultation of a doctor, as well as possible hospitalization.


What to do with toxicosis?

The approach to solving this problem is so individual that every pregnant woman can only determine effective tools on her own. Basically, all toxicous signs appear in the morning when the blood glucose levels are reduced. There are a large number of folk and drugs to eliminate most common symptoms, which need to be used very carefully and under the supervision of the attending physician.

Folk remedies from the first toxicosis

Common methods of combating the early signs of toxicosis:

  • You should use drinks that are suitable for you - herbal teas, fresh juices, still water, vegetable broths.
  • With an increased saliva separation, rinse the cavity of the mouth with knitting and tanny infus or decoctions (sage, mint, chamomile).
  • At the first bouts of nausea, you can also use a spoonful of honey.
  • After eating, it is not recommended to sleep, you should have dinner at least two hours before bedtime.
  • Immediately before getting out of bed, it is recommended to eat a small piece of bread, cookies or any dried fruit with mint sweet tea and a slice of lemon to increase glucose.
  • To some women, the absorption of a slice of lemon or any other citrus helps to cope with nausea attacks, but this method is purely individual.
  • Avoid contact with smell irritants - pungent smells of toilet water, sharp seasonings (garlic, onions, pepper), smoked meats.
  • To replace drinks with a high content of dyes, use fruits with a high fluid content - watermelon, melon, grapes, ginger, and a small portion of ice cream as a sweet.
  • All food should be consumed in smaller portions, but more often, and there are crackers, bananas, apples as snacks.
  • It is recommended to replace all spicy, fatty, fried and heavy food with steam, boiled or baked dishes, dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Power with strong toxicosis

To relieve symptoms, pregnant women should compose an individual diet. A common and very erroneous opinion is a strong restriction of a woman in food - the less a removal, the less nausea and vomiting will be. It is at the first stages of the development of the fetus that he needs all the beneficial elements obtained from food, and strict restrictions in foods can cause allergies in a child or mother.

The basic principles of proper nutrition of pregnant women:

  • Moderate consumption of foods and the mandatory presence of protein food in the diet - fish, meat, cottage cheese, cheese.
  • With symptoms in the later stages, reduce the use of salted products to a minimum to prevent stagnation of fluid in the body and the appearance of swelling.
  • To enrich the diet with the necessary elements of salt to replenish beneficial minerals (sodium and chlorine) - salted fish, pickled cucumbers, but given the chronic diseases of the kidneys in a pregnant woman.
  • Products that cause nausea and vomiting (especially dairy) should be excluded from the diet.


Treatment of toxicosis

Before fighting the manifestations of toxicosis or gestosis, one should take into account the greater danger and high -quality efficiency of the drugs used by the pregnant woman. Some methods only allow you to reduce the symptoms, while others can fight and get rid of toxicosis. However, the reception of any means should be discussed with a doctor and taken only under surveillance in order to avoid causing irreparable harm to both the pregnant woman and the future newborn.

Among the varieties of therapeutic techniques from toxicosis and gestosis should be distinguished:

  1. Stimulation of the immune system. The invasive modern method is the introduction of lymphocytes of the child’s father into the skin of the forearm of the pregnant woman to relieve symptoms in a day. However, this method is used only after a careful examination of a man on the lack of infections that can be dangerous for the fetus and mother.
  2. Non -standard methods - phytotherapy, hypnosis, acupuncture, electron.
  3. Medications. Minerly drugs include motherwort, valerian, no-shpu and other products based on plant trace elements. Some individual situations require the necessary use of other medicines to prevent miscarriage. However, such treatment should be carried out in combination with other drugs (cerucal, Esisstenial, Enterosgel) and under the supervision of a doctor.
  4. Homeopathy. An alternative method allows you to choose personal drugs without special side effects and addiction, but require a doctor’s consultation before taking.
  5. Aromatherapy. One of the most ancient and safe methods allows you to have a beneficial effect on the well -being of the pregnant woman. Mint oil, for example, will allow you to cope with the morning attacks of nausea and vomiting. Ginger oil is also widely used as inhalations to reduce toxicose manifestations.


Diagnosis and hospitalization for toxicosis

With mild symptoms, the doctor may prescribe a pregnant woman to take urine tests for acetone and ketone bodies, as well as general and biochemical blood tests. In most cases, treatment is carried out at home under the supervision of a doctor. In severe manifestations of symptoms, significant weight loss and general serious condition, treatment in the hospital is recommended.

The primary goal of treatment will be the restoration of lost protein, vitamins, salts and fluids in the body through their direct ingress in the bloodstream using a dropper, and harmless medicines will be prescribed to suppress the rivals. To normalize the state of the nervous system, a calm regime of the day will be established and sedatives are prescribed, and to restore strength - the correct diet. In exceptional cases, when such treatment is ineffective, pregnancy can be interrupted to preserve the life of the mother.

Video Council: What to do when toxicosis begins?

The recommendations of qualified specialists will help to cope with the manifestations of toxicosis in pregnant women:


Pauline 07.08.2017 Answer

I just couldn’t even think about food .. I immediately appeared some kind of gag reflex ... I was able to normalize the appetite only by acupuncture bracelets ...
