
Modern design project of one -room apartment. Interior design ideas of one -room apartment - photo. Design, how to divide a one -room apartment into zones. Design of a one -room apartment with a child

Modern design project of one -room apartment. Interior design ideas of one -room apartment - photo. Design, how to divide a one -room apartment into zones. Design of a one -room apartment with a child
Modern design of a one -room apartment, photos of projects. Interior design of a one -room apartment - how to divide into zones. The design of one -room for a family with a child.

Young families and families with children very often live in one -room apartments, since for various reasons they are not able to live in more spacious housing. But even one -room apartment can be turned into a cozy “nest”, where there is a place for both parents and for the game of the baby. In this article, we will consider the basic principles of arranging small apartments, we will find out whether a design project of a one-room apartment from a specialist needs a design project or can do it on our own.

The modern design of a one -room apartment is the main directions

At first glance, it may seem that to create the design of a one -room apartment you will need a minimum of effort, since the area is small. But it is the lack of space that provides for a more thorough approach to creating design. Consider the basic principles that the owners of one -room apartments should adhere to:

  • minimalism. From the number of modern styles in the interior, the eyes are sometimes scattered. Despite the small size of the apartment, I want to try to realize something unusual. It is advisable to adhere to minimalism, avoid luxury, pathos, since on a limited area it will look simply inappropriate;
  • the use of mirror and glass surfaces. Any designer will confirm that mirrors are able to change the interior beyond recognition. The main task in creating the interior of a small one -room apartment is a visual expansion of space. Glass partitions, mirrors are able to add lightness and airiness to your house;
  • take out the extra walls. If you do not have enough space in a one-room apartment, the walls are crushed, then you can turn an ordinary typical “odnushka” into a more spacious studio apartment. To do this, you just need to get rid of excess walls. Often tenants demolish the wall separating the room from the kitchen. You can also demolish the wall separating the balcony. Of course, such a radical redevelopment will need a special resolution;
  • consider your family lifestyle. Before starting to repair a one -room apartment, it is very important to clearly represent what you want to achieve. No one will argue that an elderly married couple has slightly different ideas about the design of “odnushka” than a young family with a child.

Design of one -room apartment - photo

You can draw the design ideas of a one -room apartment in the photo:

Repairing a one -room apartment - what needs to be provided

  1. Decide on the interior style of your one -room apartment. Perhaps you will prefer laconic minimalism, strict high-tech, romantic Provence, etc. If you are repairing yourself, then draw the design ideas for a one -room apartment in modern magazines with interior options, on repair sites, blogs of famous designers, etc.
  2. If you decide to buy all the materials for repair in advance, then carefully calculate the right amount, volume. Also make sure in the store in the ability to buy tiles, laminate, linoleum.
  3. Decide in advance the question of who will repair your apartment. The most budget option is to repair and create an interior with your own hands or with the help of close people, relatives. Hiring third -party workers, make sure their qualifications, experience, study the reviews of other employers. The mutual understanding between employees and owners of the apartment is very important.
  4. Think about where you will live during the repair, as this process is long. Of course, if you just deal with a redevelopment, interior change, you will not have to look for temporary housing.
  5. Think in advance in advance the color scheme of the new design of the room in a one -room apartment. It is very easy to turn a small apartment into a closed and overloaded room, which will not cause a feeling of comfort and lightness. Designers advise for small apartments to choose light shades, diluting them with dark or bright to give contrast, make spectacular color accents.
  6. Mentally imagine what furniture you want to place in your apartment with an updated interior. Owners of small one-room apartments should give preference to built-in cabinets, transformer sofas, and objects. The windowsill can be used to create a workplace, a sleeping place for a second child can be “hidden” under the bed of the first child. With the help of correctly selected furniture, you will significantly save space and do not make an apartment overloaded and cluttered.
  7. It is worth considering in advance what accessories you will decorate your apartment. They must continue to continue the overall concept of the interior, to act as a continuation. Properly selected accessories always hold their eyes and involuntarily forces them to admire them. It can be a spectacular floor vase of an unusual color, a wall -mounted wall clock, bright sofa pillows.

Examples of design of a one -room apartment in a modern style

Design of a one -room apartment in 40 sq.m

Consider an excellent interior option for a one -room apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b40 sq.m. The interior is dominated by light tones, bright accents. For a young couple without children, this interior option will become just perfect.

Thanks to the skillful distribution of space in this small apartment, the designer managed to place as many as 5 zones here:

  • living room zone;
  • kitchen zone;
  • bedroom zone;
  • workplace zone;
  • the dining room area.

The berth and workplace are on the pedestal and fenced from the rest of the space with a low partition. This technique made it possible to make space for sleep and rest more secluded and intimate.

In the living room zone there is enough space for friendly gatherings and parties. A striped carpet acts as a bright accent. Also in the interior you can notice elements of wood.

There are no walls between the kitchen and the living room. Thin and elegant legs of the dining table and chairs make the zone of the dining room compact.

Design of a one -room apartment in 35 sq.m

Consider the option of decorating the interior of a one -room apartment with an even smaller area of \u200b\u200b35 sq.m. Soft, pastel shades are used here. The walls of almost white make the room open and not cluttered. The berth is represented by a stylish corner sofa, which, if necessary, turns into a full -fledged place to relax. Opposite the sofa there is a TV that combines the living room area and the bedroom area. The workplace is allocated the most suitable place - a place at the window. It is protected from the rest of the apartment with a low rack. The rack does not “eat” the space, since it is “translucent”, with through shelves-hiki. As you can see, at 35 square meters. It is quite possible to allocate a place for sleeping, rest and work, without decreasing the aesthetics and ease of the room.

Design of a one -room apartment in 30 sq.m

When creating an interior of a one -room apartment, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is only 30 sq.m, you need to carefully plan the location of the furniture and use literally every free meter of the room. In the photo you see how to equip a living room in such an apartment. The sleeping place and zone of the living room are separated by a translucent glass partition, with which you can both open the bedroom area and completely isolate from the rest of the space. A compact sofa in the living room zone of a beautiful light orange shade also turns into a full-fledged sleeping place in a matter of seconds. In addition, an additional advantage of such sofas is the presence of a huge place for storage. There you can store voluminous plaids, pillows, blankets, etc. The designer also provided a convenient workplace against the wall.

Design of a one -room apartment in 18 sq.m

Apartments with an area of \u200b\u200b18 square meters are hardly suitable for living couples with children, and more for bachelors, students. There are no internal walls in such tiny apartments. And the kitchen, and the bedroom, and the living room, and the place for work should fit at 18 sq.m.

To save space, instead of a dining table, you can build a bar. The workplace can be organized on the windowsill, having previously made it wider, if necessary. There can be no question of the presence of a two -spar bed in such an apartment. But the modern furniture industry offers incredibly compact and convenient sofas, chairs with special mechanisms for transformation.

Design of a one-room studio apartment

Studio apartments can be either very tiny or incredibly spacious. In such apartments there is no division into rooms, there are no internal walls. A huge advantage of the studio apartment is the maximum use of the entire space of the apartment. Consider the photo example of the interior for one of these studio apartments.

The designer picked up exclusively light and pastel colors for the interior, which visually expand the space even more. Here you can see white, beige, brown, sand.

Despite the fact that there are no internal walls in the apartment, the entire room is divided into zones. There is a kitchen, a bedroom, a living room, a dining room.

To enhance the effect of the zone, designers sometimes use a different color of the walls, flooring in areas. Also different can be the level of floor. In this version of the interior, all zones are combined with each other in a color scheme.

The bedroom zone, which was located in a niche, turned out to be very comfortable and private. The berth can be isolated from the rest of the space using the curtain.

Design of a one -room apartment with a niche

If there is a niche in a one -room apartment, then it can be used very practically. For example, in a spacious niche you can place a sleeping place that will look especially solitary and comfortable. Using a partition, rack or curtains, you can insulate a niche with a bed.

Also in the niche you can build a magnificent place to read books, listening to music, a pleasant tea party.

In a small studio apartment, you can very successfully hide the kitchen in such a niche. Sliding partitions or swing sash at the right time will help simply hide the kitchen from sight.

Design of a one -room apartment - "Khrushchev"

When creating a modern interior in the apartment -“Khrushchev” it is almost impossible to do without redevelopment. The features of such apartments are a small size of the room, a tiny kitchen, low doorways, tiny sizes of the toilet and bathroom. The owners of such apartments almost always demolish the wall between the bathroom and the toilet to make the space more comfortable for use. Quite often, such apartments are turned into a studio, removing the internal walls.

Each meter in the apartment - Khrushchevka should be used as much as possible. Designers advise giving preference to exclusively bright tones, a minimum amount of furniture. Pay much attention to lighting, which should not be few. To let more light into the room, you can abandon the usual curtains and leave windows without textile design or prefer laconic roll-stamps, Roman curtains, blinds.

Design of a one -room apartment with a balcony

If your one -room apartment has a balcony, then you have a good opportunity to increase the space of the apartment. The following types of premises can be built from the balcony:

  • recreation area;
  • office;
  • children's corner;
  • wardrobe;
  • winter Garden, etc.

If the room where the exit to the balcony is located has a rather modest area, then it can be increased by demolition of the internal walls and the unification of the balcony with the room. Of course, such a redevelopment is a rather time-consuming process, since first you have to tinker with obtaining a special permission from the housing and operational service.

To turn the balcony into a comfortable and cozy space, you need to take care of heat and sound insulation. Modern technologies allow you to make a warm floor, insulate the outer walls of the balcony. A similar association of a room and balcony has the following advantages:

  • the room will receive more daylight;
  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe room can increase by 10-15 sq.m. depending on the size of the loggia;
  • you can organize a corner in the apartment, which you always dreamed about, but for which there was no room in the apartment before;
  • an interesting layout of the room.

Design of a one -room apartment for a family with a child

If a young family with a child or even with several children lives in a one -room apartment, then the designer always faces a rather difficult task. Indeed, at 30-40 sq.m, you need to fit the zones for both adults and children. If a newborn baby can sleep in a small cradle, which can be put by the parent bed, then over time the child will need a more extensive space. The photo shows the option of decorating a room where it will be comfortable for both the child and parents. The zone for parents includes a double bed and a workplace that are protected from the children's part of the room with a screen. You can also use a glass partition, plastic panels, etc. In the zone for the child is a bed and a closet. Here you can place a table for a child. As you can see, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room allows you to leave a free space, which is simply necessary in a children's room for more outdoor games, games on the floor.

In the next photo you can see the option of combining the children's area with the living room. A bed, spacious boxes for things, the place for classes of the child is conveniently located in a niche. As a rule, there are no windows in the niches. Therefore, when planning a children's zone in a similar corner of the apartment, you should definitely take care of good additional lighting.

How to divide a one -room apartment - design

When creating the interior design of a one -room apartment, you will have to face the need to zoning space. As already mentioned in the article, zones can be distinguished with the help of different colors of the walls, the color of the flooring, as well as with the help of different floor levels, which is more appropriate in apartments with free layout. Also, to separate a one -room apartment, you can use:

  • rack;
  • mobile screen;
  • curtain;
  • glass partition;
  • decorative partition.

In the photo you can see examples of the design of one -room apartments with two zones.

The design of the redevelopment of a one -room apartment

Owners of typical apartments very often want to redevelop their home. The following changes are most often made:

  • make the bathroom combined;
  • demolish the inner wall dividing the apartment into the kitchen, room and hallway;
  • they demolish the inner wall of the balcony.

If you decide to deal with the redevelopment, then this process should be approached thoroughly, since for this it will be necessary to obtain permission from the housing and operational service. Sometimes the design features of the house do not allow to make some changes. It is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • the external walls of the house cannot succumb to redevelopment;
  • the bathroom should not unite with the residential part of the apartment;
  • as a result of the redevelopment of the space, access to various communications (gas pipe, ventilation move, electrical support with wiring) should not be violated;
  • if the apartment is provided in the apartment, then it cannot be transferred to the residential part of the apartment;
  • if there is gas equipment in the apartment, then it is impossible to transfer or block the provided air ventilation systems;
  • you can not change the structure or shape of the floor. You can change exclusively flooring;
  • if you decide to build an additional wall or partition, then it should be from the material that will not carry increased pressure on the supporting parts of the structure.

Design of a small one -room apartment - video

Despite the fact that a one -room apartment has a rather limited area, does not limit the flight of your imagination when creating an interior. “Odinoska” can be turned without problems into a practical and cozy “kopeck piece”, create several areas where it will be comfortable for both adults and children.



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