
How to clean the aquarium at home. How often do you need to clean the aquarium. How to clean the soil in the aquarium. What fish is cleaning aquarium

How to clean the aquarium at home. How often do you need to clean the aquarium. How to clean the soil in the aquarium. What fish is cleaning aquarium
How often do you need to clean the aquarium with fish. How to clean the aquarium at home. What fish, snails, plants clean the aquarium.

The aquarium of the house is a whole world, amazing and special. You can watch the graceful movements of its inhabitants for hours. The aquarium in the house will help restore the nervous system, remove the tension after a hard day. But if it is not well-groomed and dirty, it is impossible to admire his inhabitants, the mood immediately falls. Therefore, if you want to start aquarium fish, you need to know how to clean the aquarium.

Many people who are just dreaming to purchase aquarium and buy fish believe that in cleaning the aquarium does not need, and snails and special fish will be performed. Yes, there are "Sanitary" fish and snails that help to clean the walls of the aquarium from the plaque, but this is not enough. All the same will have to periodically clean the aquarium.

Why do you need to clean the aquarium from the raid

How many times to clean the aquarium? The frequency of cleaning depends on the size of the aquarium. So, if the vessel is large, about 200 liters of water fit into it, then the aquarium will have to be cleaned every 2 weeks. If the aquarium is small - 1 or 2 times a week.

In order to find out how often it is necessary to clean the tanks, tested to nitrate. If this substance is in excess, the water needs to be cleaned. The nitrate content should not be higher than 20-30 mg per liter of water (if fish is unpretentious) and from 5 to 10 mg per liter of water, if the fish love pure water and picky. Water completely in the aquarium is undesirable, as it is not cleaning. The complete replacement of water in the aquarium is possible only in extreme cases.

If the aquarium is only purchased, it also needs proper preparation. In order for the fish to be well felt, it is necessary to wash the new reservoir with warm water with the addition of soda, dry and fill in the steady water half. A day later, you can add water to the top tank mark, you also need to install a filter and scenery, after which you can run to a new aquarium of fish.

The reasons why the need arises to regularly clean the aquarium, several:

  1. Increase the number of fish in the aquarium. According to the standards, each fish falls at 1.5-2 liters of water. The more fishes, the more an aquarium should be. If the vessel is small, it will be fasterly polluted by the waste of the vital activity of its inhabitants.
  2. If fishes are leaving, they will not have time to eat all the feed. Surplus will settle on the bottom, gradually decompose. Because of this, unwanted algae are formed, the vessel is gradually contaminated.
  3. Water is stood. If in natural conditions in water bodies, water is updated naturally, in your minor underwater world this will not happen and it is necessary to update the water yourself. If you do not do this regularly, the water will become muddy, and the vessel itself is rapidly polluted.
  4. Intense bright light - bright lighting contributes to the rapid appearance of algal blooms and algae.

If you see that the walls of your tank covered with green patina and fish while moving lift from the bottom of the murky water, it is necessary to clean the aquarium. But even if after a week in a small tank water is crystal clear, you still need to update it, as in a lot of water, nitrogen compounds, and the fish can suffer from lack of nutrients.

How often should I clean the aquarium

tank cleaning - not fast, but necessary. You can not hurry and bustle, not to scare the fish, for them this manipulation - a huge stress. Therefore, when the weekly cleaning is important not to rush, not to make any sudden movements, and transplanted the inhabitants of mini water world into another container.

How can I clean the aquarium:

  1. The ban on detergents and cleaning products. Even if the aquarium is very dirty, anyway, do not use chemicals. In specialty stores sell special solutions for cleaning aquariums, but they can be used when the water is completely drained from the tank.
  2. Water completely for cleaning the water in the aquarium do not need to be drained.
  3. Turn off appliances that are in the tank. First, we learn how to clean the glass in the aquarium. For this purpose you need a special tool - the magnetic scraper. It is sold in specialty stores and will quickly cope with the task. At service of the vessel it is not necessary to clean the walls by hand, you need to disconnect the wiper into 2 parts, one inserted on the outside, the other - from the inside. How to clean the aquarium: driving one half of the scraper along the outer wall, and inside the other half will move smoothly and to clean the wall. If the dirt lot, you can gently clean off them with a sharp knife or razor blade. But such manipulations are acceptable only if you have a glass aquarium. If the vessel is made of organic glass, use conventional dishwashing sponge or a washcloth hexanoic.
  4. If you have already coped with this part of the task, you can wash the aquatic plants. First you need to cut off with scissors yellowed parts, then neatly wipe with sponge all plants and scenery. As a result of the work done from the bottom, muddy water will rise, you need to wait some time to dye to the bottom and continue to work. The most difficult thing is to clean it. If you move the ground with your hands and air bubbles will be raised from the bottom, the soil needs cleaning. For these purposes, siphon is designed, it is sold in a pet store. How to clean the aquarium with a siphon: Insert the siphon tube to the aquarium to the bottom and gradually move from one site to another. To drain dirty water, you need to substitute any capacity (for example, a bucket or a bowl). Be careful, because together with dirty water, you can move a small fish or shrimp to the tank. For one cleaning, it is possible to replace from 15 to 50% water, it all depends on the number of fish and other inhabitants, filter power, the presence of living algae and other plants.

If a special siphon in the arsenal of a novice aquarist is not yet, you can use the usual hose. Its length should be greater than the height of the tank 3 times, the diameter is 15 mm. One way to put on a watering can and omitted it on the bottom, tightly pressed to the soil, from the other end of the hose you can gradually absorb water, merging it into the substituted container. To track how much dirty water is fused, put a mark on the aquarium, for 1 cleaning, you can pour no more than 1/5 volume of water.

How to clean the filter in the aquarium

It is necessary to clean the filter: a little requires cleaning every week, big - 1 time in 1-2 months. The inner filter is preferably cleaned every 2 weeks, external every 2 weeks - 2 months, depending on the degree of contamination. To determine whether it is time to clean the filter or early, it is possible only by observations. If water comes out of the filter clouds, it's time to clean it.

How to do it:

  1. The filter must be disassembled (according to the attached instruction).
  2. Rinse in a separate container all parts in clean water room temperature (cleaning and detergent can not be added to the water). Experienced aquarists are washed with all parts of the filter in a fusion from the aquarium water (it takes relatively clean, not muddy water).
  3. After the device you need to collect and put in place.
  4. As for the water: it is necessary to pour filtered water into the filter or resolved (upset within 5-6 days).
  5. Minerals and vitamins for the inhabitants of your aquarium can be added through one cleaning in the filter.

How to clean the aquarium with fish

Beginners aquarists often wonder how often it is necessary to clean the aquarium, whether to drain the water completely, what to do with fish in the process of cleaning, how to clean the soil in the aquarium, etc.

The above described in detail the process of cleaning aquarium, in this section we will find out the answers to frequently asked questions:

  1. Water from aquarium with standard cleaning can not be completely merged.
  2. How to clean the bottom of the Aquarium: Prepare a bowl or bucket, siphon or long hose. The first cleaning after the launch of fish into a new reservoir is a month later that the inhabitants adapt are accustomed to a new habitat, soil and plants. Insert the siphon tip into the ground, clean the ground at the bottom gradually, in one place the siphon can be kept a couple of seconds. When the water becomes transparent, you need to move the siphon funnel to a new place. After cleaning the soil, fresh water should be attached to the aquarium. Immediately after cleaning the soil, water can be muddy, after a while it will become transparent.
  3. How to clean the aquarium with plants: fallen and yellowed plants need to be removed, cut yellow twigs and leaves. Clear accessories and very contaminated living algae can be using a special scraper. You can remove artificial plants to rinse them in clean water. It is impossible to wash algae with the addition of chemical detergents. It is allowed to purify strongly contaminated artificial algae in water with the addition of salt. After processing accessories you need to dry and return back to the aquarium.

Now you know how to clean the aquarium at home and can contain a reservoir clean.

How to clean the Aquarium: Tips

In order to contain a home aquarium clean, observe the life of water inhabitants, it is important to stick to these simple rules:

  1. Plan a pre-cleaning of the reservoir, do not delay for later, since the fish may not wait for cleaning and suffocate in dirty water.
  2. If you prepare everything, you can cope with these works in just 30-40 minutes.
  3. If by the time of cleaning you forgot to put water to estimate, you will have to miss the cleaning, since it is undesirable to pour off the unsaluable water.
  4. The frequency of cleaning will depend on the filter power. For example, in small tanks, up to 40 liters, cleaning can be done every 14 days.
  5. When you brush the soil with a siphon, move the device smoothly, without making sharp movements, as the fish are very buggy.
  6. When cleaning the soil, it is important not to clean it completely close to large plants, since the plants will be deprived of nutrients. Exception: If the stones are very polluted.
  7. Plants do not like transfers very much, therefore, once again disturbing them undesirable.

Special aquarium cleaning agents

You can see special devices and facilities for cleaning home reservoirs with fish. It is forbidden to use household chemicals, only those sold in specialized stores.

What you need to buy to clean the aquarium:

  • scraper (normal or magnetic), depending on the type of tank. Scraper Choose with a long handle if you have a big aquarium;
  • siphon for cleaning the soil. This device can be replaced with a hose with watering can;
  • several washcloths so that it is more convenient to clean the walls in hard-to-reach places (where the scraper does not get).

What fish is cleaning aquarium

There are types of fish that clean the aquarium. Such fish are designed not only for them to admire, they bring great benefits, as they are able to clear the reservoirs from contaminants in which they live.

Aquariums include: snails, harps, pecias, carciro soma clean the aquarium, swords, as well as snails and shrimp.

Fish that clean the aquarium:

  1. Somics are considered the most active "cleaners" of aquariums, due to their suction cup, which they are sacked to the walls of the tank and count all pollution. Also, catches are well purified by stones, snags, soil and large leaves of plants from pollution. Along with the pros, these inhabitants of aquariums can harm plants, as fragile algae is too intensely, damaging them. Large adults can hardly cope with the task assigned to them and lazy. The best Sanitary Aquarium large catfish "Pankan Royal", but this large fish lives in large aquariums (minimum 200 liters). It cleans the snags, soil and walls of the tank.
  2. Viliable: Huppiki, Peciil, Middle Mares, Mollyonsia. Will perform your functions if you keep fish one species with flocks (in one hundred minimum 10 pcs.). But these types of aquarium fish are able to contain only algae algae.
  3. Carp: Siamese algae, Epallsorins. These types of fish are well cleans the growths on the leaves and stones. For aquarium, a capacity of 100 liters, it is enough to have only two fish. They perfectly get along with other types of aquarium fish, in the care of unpretentious. Cons: Greater, begin to eat Yavansky Moss more than to follow the state of algae.
  4. Freshwater shrimps perfectly clean the aquariums of different sizes, climb into hard-to-reach places and purified algae from pollution better than fish-sanitation. The females are cleaning pollution along the bottom of the aquarium, the males are filtering the torment, rising from the bottom and loosen the soil. Small shrimps are not able to contain a home reservoir clean, and large can only live in large aquariums. Art-legged shrimp is the most efficient, but the volume of 200 liters will need at least 5 large shrimps (length 4 cm). Small shrimps need a lot, per 1 liter - one individual.
  5. What snails clean the aquarium: some types of snails are well coped with cleaning home aquariums. But due to the fact that they quickly multiply, they begin to bring not benefit, and the harm, as they get everything around with their mucus.

Snails for aquarium: what are better cleaning:

  • tiger Snail - Well cleanses the raid from the walls of tanks, stones, leaves, decorative algae and coriation. There is one minus: on the walls of the aquariums leave unsightly masonry of caviar;
  • snail-turtle (septar) - she has a flat shell, she moves slowly, but it cleans algae well, without damaging them. The only minus - leaves masonry caviar on decorative elements;
  • horned snail - miniature (grows up to 1.5 cm), it is closed into hard-to-reach places, well cleans from pollution;
  • snail Corrikoule - in growth reaches 3 cm, well cleans water from pollution. Capable to skip an hour to 5 liters of dirty water (!). It gets well with all the inhabitants of aquariums, improves microclimate. On a 100 liter of the reservoir will need only a few snails (maximum - 3 pcs.). Cons: digs plants with thin roots and plowing soil;
  • the Snail-Killer (Heene) is a predator, feeds on Padalu (deceased fish), racking with food, live snails and shrimps;
  • snail ampuilia - large, well cleans the walls of the aquarium, feeds on food and dead fish;
  • snail Theodoxus - freshwater snail, but meet and subspecies that can dwell in aquariums with salted water. Well purified mini-reservoirs, do not spoil algae.

How to clean the aquarium with turtles

If the water turtle dwells in your aquarium, it will have to clean the tank every 2-3 weeks. It is very important to contain turtles in clean water, so periodically you need to thoroughly wash the aquarium from contaminants.

How to clean aquarium:

  1. The turtle must be exhausted on carrying, a bucket with water, a bowl, a spacious container. Water should be enough for the turtle to feel comfortable. In the capacity temporarily needed to put pebbles or peat so that the turtle can not only be in the water, but also get out of it on land.
  2. Remove the water heater and the filter from the tank, disconnect from the network, remove all electrical devices, rinse the parts that can be washed, wipe dry, return to the place. To put items need to be former places so that the turtle is not lost in the aquarium after cleaning.
  3. Remove the remaining major items: plants, squashs, stones. Everything needs to be folded into a spacious container, clean well under the jet of flow water of room temperature.
  4. Aquarium can be washed right in the bath, if it is not heavy. Former water needs to be merged, but the existing gravel or ground, leave. If there is a nutty shell or peat in the aquarium, replace new after cleaning.
  5. Aquarium needs to be washed, rinse the soil with water from under the tap.
  6. The tank containing the turtles can be washed in water with the addition of white wine vinegar (100 ml per 4 liter of water). You can also use a special aquarium cleaning agent that is sold in the pet store. Economic agents and powders cannot be used.
  7. Wash the aquarium, soil, gravel and all items that are in the aquarium with a sponge moistened in a divorced special agent. If the reservoir is not strongly contaminated, it is enough to rinse it with water room temperature, wash off the pollution with a clean sponge for washing dishes.
  8. The aquarium needs to be filled with in advance the water, return all accessories to the previous places, install electrical appliances.
  9. Check the water temperature in the tank. It should be no lower than +21 degrees (maximum +26.6 degrees). If the water is cool, it can be heated.
  10. Test water to the pH indicator, the number of nitrates and nitrites (the kit can be purchased in the pet store). For the content of the turtles of the water pH, there should be 7-8 units. If the pH level does not correspond to the norm, it is necessary to add a special tool into water that will help increase or lower the pH value.
  11. In the water you need to pour no iodized salt. 1 liter of water is added 1 tsp. Salt to protect the turtle from diseases.
  12. Pet return back to the aquarium, give a treat so that the turtle is not worried.

How to clean aquarium. Video


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