
Registration for Aliexpress in Russian. How to register with Aliexpress in Russian

Registration for Aliexpress in Russian. How to register with Aliexpress in Russian
How to register with Aliexpress being a buyer or seller.

Shopping is needed not only for pleasure, and not each of us will call a pleasant many hours of shopping. If you have a computer at least at the basic level, then surely have already made at least one purchase via the Internet. This is really an excellent way out - excellent time saving and money. After all, the entire catalog can be brutal at home at the computer, online stores do not pay rent, and, it means, their markup is minimal and at times less than in shopping centers.

There is an interesting Internet playground, which you probably heard. It is called AliexpressHere you can make an order directly from China at the lowest prices. It is no secret that the majority of imported goods sold in the territory of the Russian Federation are imported from China. The Internet resource allows you to contact the product supplier directly, which will free you from overpaying numerous intermediaries. So how to register on Aliexpress in Russian?

Aliexpress in Russian: Official website, registration

The registration process on the site is extremely simple and not much different from the standard scheme.

How to register on Aliexpress - See step-by-step instructions.

  • To begin with, go to the Russian-speaking version of the site, by typing the appropriate request, for example, in Yandex or go through this link.
  • On the main page at the top of the screen, you will see two links - "Log in" for registered users and "Register" for beginners, that is, for us with you. We see that from the main page you can enter the social network, if the profile has already been registered there.


  • By clicking on "Register" we see the following picture:


  • To register on Aliexpress In Russian, you need to either fill out the form presented, or enter using Facebook by clicking on the "Sign U Useing Facebook" button by entering the login and password from the specified social network.
  • If there is no profile or for some reason you do not want to associate it with an online store, the registration procedure will take a longer time. You need to fill in the following fields - e-mail, name, surname, password (it must be entered twice) and verification code required to confirm that you are not bot.

The name and surname must be filling in Latin letters, despite the fact that this is a Russian version of the site. The password can consist only of figures and Latin letters, from 6 to 20, no other characters is missing. If you want to make it more reliable, then you should follow the following principles:

  1. Use and lower and uppercase letters.
  2. Use and letters and numbers.
  3. The password must be as long as possible.
  4. The password from the resource should not coincide with passwords from any other resources.
  5. The password should not contain simple predictable combinations like your date of birth, the name of the second half, or at all like - "QWERTY", "123456", etc.

If the form is filled correctly, each field is automatically affected by green ticks. Click on the "Create Your Profile" button and wait for the letter to the mail specified in the form with the instructions how to activate your account. It may not come immediately, then you have to wait a bit. Keep in mind that if you do not confirm your account, then after three days the profile will be removed.


Can't register for Ali Spress

Some in many forums are written on the Internet, which collided with problems when registering, it is impossible to create a profile and that's it! In fact, everything is extremely simple, if you clearly follow the instructions, write only in English, specify the correct, acting e-mail. It, by the way, it is better to introduce hands, and not copy and insert - many sites do not like it.

If it fails, use all the same social. Networks - no confirmation, time takes at least, and, most importantly, you do not need to create a hundredth password with a risk soon to forget it.


How to register with Aliexpress as a seller

The popularity of the online store is growing with each day, therefore it is not surprising that the sellers of other countries other than China want to trade through it. It is somewhat hard, because registration on the site requires you to specify the Chinese actual address and telephone. Yes, and the knowledge of the Chinese language would not hurt that, you would agree, a rarity for the average alone in the Russian Federation.

registration on the website Aliexpress This time is held on another link. The interface is completely in Chinese, you have to connect the translator!

  • In the picture below the main page, you need to click on the white button located in the upper right corner of the screen in the red menu.


  • If everything is right, you fall into the next section:


  • As you can see, in the upper right corner there is a special entrance for Russian users (the program automatically defines your location). Click.


  • And here everything is simple, as the language is now Russian. Enter your mail, check it, within 24 hours you need to confirm the account, or it will be blocked. After confirmation, you will have to confirm the geolocation - Russian Federation and specify the phone number! That's all, the first part is completed.


  • Next, by clicking the "Become Seller" button drops out a huge form, where you need to specify information about your company - name, bank details, addresses, license information, the value of authorized capital, etc. The beginning of it looks like this, in principle, the essence is clear:



Despite the large number of information required, fill it easier is simple - the Chinese have provided possible questions and indicated examples for filling wherever it is required.

Let's summarize

V Aliexpress In Russian in rubles an excellent choice, and registration is extremely simple and does not take away from you. This is an excellent Internet playground where you will find many interesting goods for yourself at a record low cost. Just once try to appreciate the benefits of shopping on Aliexpress, After all, the quality of goods is high, and prices are unexpectedly low.

Video " Registration on the Aliexpress website in Russian«


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