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Wonder-diet Logrenka

Wonder-diet Logrenka
Popular and simple express diet for effective weight loss.

Many women, gaining overweight and finding that their favorite clothes are not sitting on them too well, think about how to quickly bring themselves into shape. In this case, the task is to choose a not too tedious and monotonous diet for yourself. It is in such an effective way to lose weight without overloads for the body that is a miracle diet of a ladder. According to numerous reviews, it is easily tolerated, helps to reduce the volume of the stomach and easily part with the extra kilograms.

The principle of miracle dodes of a ladder

Currently, the miracle diet of a ladder has gained considerable popularity. This method of losing weight, developed by unknown authors, has already managed to apply many women, and the reviews about it are only positive. The mentioned diet provides the opportunity to lose weight for a short time and easily quite easily. In essence, the miracle diet of a ladder is a short-term comprehensive diet, including five days-peculiar “steps”. By mastering them, you can achieve the goal - super weight loss on the ladder diet. A similar method can be rid of several (on average, from 4 to 8) kilograms.


Every day (step) the miracle dodes of a ladder serves as certain goals:

  1. On the first day, the body with fiber, as well as the absorbent in the form of activated coal, is cleansed of its contaminating decay products. Thus, the first day of the diet is a step of purification. In a similar way, you can lose 1.5-2 kg of excess fluid and toxins.
  2. The diet on the second day of the miracle diagram of the ladder is aimed at restoring the vitality of the body, normalizing the work of the digestive organs and preparing for further elimination of fatty savings. Planned weight loss - up to 1.5 kg.
  3. By this time, the body spent a supply of glycogen, necessary for the effective splitting of fat deposits. The third stage of the miracle diagram of the ladder can be called energy, since it allows you to saturate it with glucose and replenish energy reserves, giving strength for a new push to weight loss. At this stage, you can observe minus 0.5 - 1 kg.
  4. The fourth stage is a building that allows you to obtain vital receipts of animal protein, replenishing the body with useful substances.
  5. At the fifth stage of the miracle diagram of the ladder, you can observe the maximum burning of fat (up to 2.5 kg). The fiber that entered the body fills the stomach, is digested for a long time and gives a feeling of satiety. At the same time, the body spends a significant supply of energy on its processing, as a result there is a consumption of hidden fat reserves.

During the use of the miracle dodge of a ladder, drinking mode should be observed-you need to drink exceptionally clean water without gas. In addition, it is necessary to use fractional nutrition. According to the ladder described below, to eat in small portions and often enough - from 4 times a day to the most allowable 7 snacks. Such a measure will make it easier to transfer restrictions on nutrition. If desired, a decrease in the number of meals is allowed, however, it should not be increased. It is not difficult to observe such a diet, while it does not require special costs.


Contraindications to the use of a miracle diagram of a ladder

Before starting to lose weight with the use of a miracle dodge of a ladder, you should make sure that there are no contraindications to its use.

These include:

  • pregnancy period, as well as breastfeeding;
  • disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of gastritis or stomach ulcers;
  • diseases of the kidneys or liver, as well as the cardiovascular system.

In the presence of any health problems (in particular, chronic diseases), before the use of the diet, you should consult a doctor.

Wonder-diet Logger: Description

For the purpose of the most easy and effective weight loss, a detailed menu of a ladder diet has been developed for 5 days. For losing weight, you will need exactly and follow the instructions sequentially, the order of compliance with the diet cannot be violated.

According to the reviews of people who applied this method, the super diet of the ladder is a simple and pleasant way to quickly part with several extra kilograms. As a rule, after such an express weight loss, the body does not feel a breakdown - on the contrary, as a result of the use of a ladder diet, a feeling of vigor, lightness and self -confidence is noted. Some note losing weight by 7-10 kilograms, while a decrease in the volume of the stomach and, accordingly, a slight decrease in appetite, is noted. To strengthen motivation, you can draw for yourself a scheme of the miracle diagram of a ladder 5 days in the form of a staircase with five steps, along which you have to climb the path to the cherished harmony.


For maximum efficiency, the miracle diagram of the ladder is recommended to combine it with increased physical activity. Simple charging will help maintain muscle tone and bring the body to the desired shape. In order to support the body in the process of losing weight, you can take polyvitamin complexes during the use of diet. Losing weight in this way is most convenient on vacation or on holidays. In addition, you can also start with the weekend, in which case the shock load will have to be on them, and until the middle of the week it will be possible to finish the diet. If you start it with Monday, then the weekend can already be devoted to a relaxed vacation (given that it will be required to exclude any culinary excesses).

Wonder-diet Logsenka: first day (purification)

Before the body begins to get rid of fat deposits, it is first necessary to cleanse the intestines of the accumulated toxins and toxins accumulated in it. To do this, prepare:

  • 10 activated coal tablets;
  • 1 kg of fresh apples;
  • 1 l of pure drinking water without gas.

The above diet must be used throughout the first to follow the diet. Apples contain a small number of calories, while filling the stomach with fiber, as a result, the desire to reinforce will decrease. Activated carbon will need to be taken every one and a half to two hours, washed down with water. In combination with this absorbent, natural fiber and pectin in apples activate the intestinal function, contributing to the natural cleansing of the body from clogging harmful substances. This measure will accelerate metabolic processes and prepare it for the further most effective breakdown of fats.

Wonder-diet Logrenca: second day (recovery)

After cleansing the gastrointestinal tract, it will be necessary to restore the intestinal microflora. Loof dairy products are optimally suitable for this. At this stage you will need:

  • 600 g of low -fat cottage cheese (you can add mint or vanilla to it);
  • 1 liter of low-fat “living” kefir (one- or two-day).

These products containing the maximum amount of lactic and bifidobacteria are characterized by minimal calorie content. In addition, during the day you will need to drink at least 1 liter of pure water. Thus, the necessary nutrients, including protein of animal origin, enter the body. At the same time, the necessary metabolic intensity is maintained, and fat deposits are effectively split.

During the first two days of application of the miracle diagram of a ladder, a tangible weight loss, which will be several kilograms, can already be noted.

Miracle diet Logsenka: Third Day (Energy)

This stage is aimed at creating an energy surge, as a result of which the process of losing weight will accelerate. Glucose and fructose, contained in the following products: act as sources of energy:

  • 300 g of raisins;
  • 2 tbsp. l. natural honey;
  • dry fruits (they eat them by previously steamed) - or you will need to cook compote from them (without sugar, with fructose) and drink it during the day.

At this stage, there may be a feeling of hunger, provoked by the use of these products - monosaccharides contained in them will allow a surge of good mood and a surge of energy, but at the same time will contribute to the release of insulin into the blood. Thus, a portion of raisins should be stretched, using it literally one or two berries throughout the day. It is worth considering that dried fruits are slanting, so at this step of compliance with the miracle diet of ladder especially responsible matters and events it is better not to plan. Dry fruits contain a variety of beneficial vitamins and trace elements that stimulate the effective work of various body systems.  The energy stage will contribute to psychological unloading.

Miracle diet Logrenka: Fourth day (construction)

The fourth stage of the diet provides for the supply of the necessary building materials in the form of a protein to the body. At this stage, it will be necessary to use a half -kilo boiled meat (chicken or turkey fillet).

This dish has a pleasant taste, moreover, it is easily absorbed. After three days of a meager diet, low -fat meat will serve as a supplier of substances necessary to maintain vital processes in the body. The meat can be slightly salted, in addition, it is not forbidden to add fresh greens to this dish. Do not forget to drink water - at least one liter throughout the day.

Miracle diet Logrenka: Fifth day (burning fat reserves)

On the fifth day of compliance with this diet, the load created by proteins is compensated by the intake of fiber in the body.

To do this, prepare:

  • solid oatmeal of 0.2 kg of flakes cooked on water;
  • fruits and berries in unlimited quantities, as well as raw vegetables (except for starchy species) to your taste. In this case, it will be necessary to avoid high -calorie fruits.

From oatmeal, it is necessary to cook porridge (it can be slightly salted). During the day, you will need to eat it by distributing at several tricks along with other components of the menu of this day. For example, in one of the meals you can eat oatmeal with the addition of fruits, separately - to eat with vegetables or berries. In addition, throughout the day you will need to drink a liter of non -carbonated water.

After the previous fifth stage of restrictions, such a diet may seem very plentiful-nevertheless, with its help you can most effectively consolidate the results of the miracle diagram of the ladder. Fiber -rich plant food fills the stomach, contributing to a feeling of satiety, while containing a minimum number of calories. This effect is called "negative calorie content", under the influence of it there is an active splitting of fats.

Having reached the top of the dietary "ladder", you will need to take a break. If the result did not satisfy you and want to achieve more noticeable results, this diet can be repeated after some time. It is important to note that getting out of the regime of such an express emission should be carefully, gradually adding one or two of the product to the menu. You should not rush to extremes, since food excesses in a short time can reduce the entire beneficial effect to the minimum result, or completely level it. If you want to maintain a good form in the future, it is important not to overeat - in this case, the effect of weight loss will be fixed for a long time.

Wonder-diet Logrenka-photo



La ite diet - results (video)



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