
What make makeup to graduation

What make makeup to graduation
Beautiful and fashionable makeup options for the evening ball.

In the life of any schoolgirl comes the long-awaited moment of a romantic, beautiful and unforgettable graduation ball. On this day, special hopes and long memories are always imposed. Therefore, in the prom evening everything in you, from clothes to makeup, should be flawless. Usually, the preparation for the graduation ball begins with the choice of a festive dress, and hairstyle and makeup is already selected. And this question for verification, harder than it seems at first glance - everything should correspond to the selected image and a single style.

Features of the selection of beautiful makeup for graduation


For the selection of competent makeup to the graduation, to framing your individual features, it is better, of course, to resort to the services of a professional makeup artist. He will tell me how makeup to form a finished image of your prom and gives you pleasure to be irresistible. But if there is no such possibility, then beautiful and correct makeup and fashionable hairstyle on the graduation ball you can pick up and make yourself. After all, how much make a bet on the charming outfit of the graduation, and for the girl is very important and attractive eye makeup. In addition, the overall impression on behalf is the basis of a successful image as a whole. Namely beautiful lips, expressive eyes, smooth tone and texture of the skin, competent shadows and a living ruzy.

  1. If you like juicy colors - this is the very place and time to use them, just decide on their number and combination with lighting. For example, if an exhaust ball is planned with a large number of artificial lighting, then makeup with saturated paints will be quite appropriate. If the event will take place in the light of the day, outdoors - then you should make adjustments in the color of makeup on the graduation.
  2. The popular trend of modern makeup for the prom is the emphasis on a certain part of the person - actually allocating lips or eyes separately, but not all at the same time. Often, this approach is distinguished by special beauty, if you use a small darkening and expressive strokes in front of bodily glitter for lips, or vice versa - take advantage of a juicy lipstick with pearl shadows without stroking for makeup of the graduation.
  3. It is more practical to emphasize in front of the graduation makeup. So you will retain freshness and holistic image for longer. And it is just like that during the graduation you will drink a lot and eat, and it's a beautifully drawn lips in make-up quickly lose your original attractive look, which will be restored already problematic. But, making the main emphasis on the hairstyle and makeup eyes, you will be calm for your perfect make-up.
  4. If you still doubt the type suitable for you makeup for the prom - stay on the win-win classic. Apply an even tone of the crumbly powder for the face and make your eyes using pearl colors pearl shadows. For lips, use pale pink lipstick or light natural shine.

Fashionable Makeup for Graduation Ball


The annual fashion trends of eye makeup for the graduation evening will necessarily dictate new combinations of colors, trend shades and methods for applying. But nevertheless, ideals are incredible, meikaps, which are firmly entered into classically annals of the history of impeccable makeup for the prom and evening. Unchanging, there are such popular shades: classic pink, cold blue and bright lilac, as well as deep graphite with metal tide.

  • smokey Eyes: Makeup artists recommend that such makeup on graduation use lighter shadows, for example, gold or brown with a golden chip;
  • classic Eye Makeup Arrows: Continue Persistently Hold Your Relevance on Graduation Bals, only color eyeliner - black, green, golden, blue, lilac;
  • white eye pencil: Used on the inside of the lower eyelid, he visually breaks his eyes - also a fresh solution;
  • for the makeup of the lips, the volume of lipstick and brilliance of the type of Naturel are still popular, and the colors are red and its shades.

How to choose makeup for girls on graduation

Makeup for graduation for brown eyes


Nothing is better than brown eyes for makeup on graduation. They are perfectly emphasized with dark colors and lightly distinguish light, make literally shine. In addition, any shades and eyelbs, even the most unusual colors - will look advantageously in combination with brown eyes. Of course, at the same time you need not to forget about the general image, there, the color of the dress and shades of accessories - can be taken by the colors of these elements of the graduation style, select the character of the eye makeup to the graduation. And also, the cute holder of Karich's eye, the makeup artists claim that the blue mascara is perfect. It is so original and unusual, which can help you stand out by such an emphasis among the variety of make-ups on the graduation ball:

  • brown-beige Makeup in natural style for graduation will be supplemented with shadows with a golden tint in the center of the century and classic ink;
  • dramatic makeup for the eyes of Smokey Eyes with a predominance of gray shades for graduation will look deep and respond to accent;
  • modular makeup in light purple tones must be used with a dark eyeliner of the same shade - this is a very refreshing look and romantizes your image at the graduation party;
  • the shades of gold and bronze seemed specifically for the makeup of brown eyes - perfectly fall in any combination of shadows and strokes - soften and make a warm, but deep look;
  • the only thing that costs is to refrain is the use of bright blue, blue and silver shadows for graduation makeup, too thin should be the selection of shades.

Makeup on graduation for gray eyes


Girls with mystical gray eyes should be rightfully proud of this noble color. Unlike Karich, gray eyes from nature possess an expressive look, it is necessary only to correctly emphasize in the evening make-up for graduation:

  • dramatic dark view in makeup for prom can be created using contrast with light shadows, but necessarily in the same tone (silver, bright shades of gray, ash);
  • very winning and aristocratic looks in combination with gray eyes - pastel color makeup with blur effect;
  • in makeup for girls with gray eyes on the graduation it is worth correctly expressing emphasis on eyelashes and eyebrows - to emphasize, of course, you need, but very easy. Otherwise, the image of deep and expressive can easily turn into gloomy;
  • the excellent property of the chameleon of gray eyes can be beneficial to use for makeup on the graduation ball: Green shadows give a noble shade on a gray iris;
  • if you like the stroke, then for light gray eyes, it is categorically forbidden to use it on the inside of the eyelids for evening graduation makeup - this visually narrows the eyes and greatly worsen the makeup in general;
  • i am pleased to try on the images of graduation in cerebral pink colors, bright blue and light green shades - the presence in the make-up of these tones will be your image only on your hand.

Graduation Makeup for Green Eye


Girls with charming clean green eyes - a rarity and separate story with makeup for an unforgettable prom. Such a natural trump card must be played in particular not only in evening make-up, but also in the whole romantic image:

  • an ideal combination of eye makeup for graduation is the color of green iris with chocolate color shadows;
  • also fashionable and mysteriously in the evening there will be overflowing green shadows with the inclusion of gold flickering;
  • for bright outlet pattern, makeup is better to combine with warm shades of peach and walnut, as well as ash brown;
  • dramatic and depths of the evening image of the graduation will give dark purple colors and strokes with a metal tump;
  • at the same time, the makeup artists do not recommend girls with green eyes to use in make-up on graduation any shades of blue - the look is simply lost and the effect will be lubricated;
  • very gently use for eye design with green iris, purple colors and all shades of pink - it is clearly very thin color for your images.

Graduation Makeup for Blue Eye


Girls with blue eyes are always associated with cleanliness and tenderness, so for such Malvin, it is necessary to very gently pick up makeup for prom. The image must remain as air and light, but at the same time expressive and thin:

  • classic makeup for prom will be makeup with white stroke and shadows of gray and brown shades;
  • to soften the glance of girls with blue eyes for the prom is better to take advantage of not dark shades of brown, for example, honey with gold shades;
  • to emphasize the purity of the gentle image can be uncomplicated by the shades of pink and blue, and emphasize expressiveness - silver eyeliner;
  • the makeup artists advise carefully using a blue mascara in make-up on graduation for girls with blue eyes - even bright shades of blue, in a combination with a black base, capable of spectacularly distinguish;
  • smokey Eyes: In this case, it is worth using blue and blue as the basis and shades, but neatly with dark shades - an extra darkness here;
  • select shades for makeup on the graduation is not only based on the colors of the dress, but also depending on the saturation of the color of the iris: from deep blue - to light blue, ash.

Graduation Makeup Images: Photo

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Recommendations for making makeup for graduation

  1. Before you start the type of evening makeup for the graduation, it is necessary to clean the face well. It is better to do this with a scrub or soft peeling, followed by moisturizing with low-fat serum or very light cream. So you are faster to align the texture and tone of the face, the skin will stay fresh longer.
  2. For makeup for a whole evening with a complex of rolling events, do not use the tone base with a dense texture - the skin should breathe.
  3. It is better and longer than the crumbly powder - use it for makeup to make it, you can even give romanticity with reflective particles.
  4. In order for the shadows longer to keep and "did not float" at the most inopportune moment - put the preliminary base in the form of a tone consileder and a small layer of powder.
  5. Now in fashion everything is brilliant, especially in the evening make-up for the graduation - use it in the completion of a small amount of rhoze in the corners of the eyes.

Graduation Makeup: Video


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