
Lymphatic drainage massage at home

Lymphatic drainage massage at home
The lymphodine self-making facial, feet and abdomen will help you not only increase immunity and improve well-being, but also maintain your body in Tonus.

Massage is the necessary attention to our body. Each such procedure is healing and supports the tone of our body. And the lymphatic drain massage occupies an honorable place among all. Having learned to make it yourself on their own, you will not only save money, but also learn how to return good health and fresh appearance without much effort. Want to master the technique of lymphatic drainage massage?

What is a lymphatic system and lymphatic drainage massage?


Respiratory, blood, nervous, digestive, muscular - all these systems that we regularly care for comfortably exist in this world. We are engaged in breathing practices, run, balanced, eat, and still forget that there is another system that requires our indispensable attention. This is a lymphatic system. Like other, it consists of a number of organs:

  • nodes that check the doctor at the first examination of the patient for an increase;
  • capillaries and vessels that permeate all our bodies, every muscle;
  • ducts and trunks are large limf currents that are connected to the veins.

Why is this system so important? It collects and takes out of all of our organs of lymph - fluid with waste of vital activity of the cells of the body. It can be easily seen as lymph, or in everyday life - Sukrovitsa, appears from a small wound during healing. And now imagine: each our cell daily seeks to get rid of the extra, used substances, resets them into the lymphatic system. Thanks to this unification of internal liquids in the blood of a person, proteins, water, toxins, salts, metabolites are returned. Passing through the liver and kidneys, it is cleaned, the waste fluid comes out of the body. The purity of the inner medium of our body directly depends on the lymphatic system!

What are the symptoms of the lymphatic system failure?

  1. Detected well-being, violation of sleep mode, increased fatigue and anxiety - all these side effects do not indicate directly on the problem of certainly a lymphatic nature, but significantly complicate your life and interfere with productive work.
  2. The swelling of the hands, legs, fingers, the appearance of bags under the eyes is such a symptoms of lymph delay in the body. Remember: Excess Lymph in the body you can not fix with diuretics! So if you regularly visit the restroom, but at the same time the personnel persists, your problem is localized in the lymphatic system.
  3. Pallor, appearance on the skin of acne rash, pigment spots, papilloma, warts and other unilent formations. Thus, the lymphatic system with the help of blood capillaries in the skin is getting rid of toxins.

In order for lymph to be found in the body and continued to run in lymphotoku, it is necessary to maintain a constant outflow of the intercellular fluid, i.e. drainage. With your own hands, we can recreate the pump mechanism for our lymphatic system, helping it to improve their performance.

Indications for lymphatic drainage massage:

  • rehabilitation after operations and injuries. The faster the lymph circulates in the body, the faster the metabolic processes in the body, the power supply of cells occur, and as a result - their regeneration;
  • maintain muscle and skin tone. Like any other classic massage, the lymphodine improves blood circulation, thanks to which the muscles and the skin rather return to themselves and elasticity, and the aging processes slow down;
  • prevention and treatment of varicose veins. Feet edema take place mainly due to the slowdown of Lymph current. Stimulating the bodies and blood vessels to shrink, you can help them normalize the current fluids in the body;
  • elimination of toxins and metabolic products from the body;
  • creating a relief figure. Those of us who have long been trying to get rid of the hated orange peel and create a sharp figure, without a lymphatic drainage massage.

How to make a hand lymphatic massage


Several tips before the start of massage:

  1. Detach the lymphatic drainage massage at different parts of the body at least 10 minutes a day. The regularity of the procedures may vary depending on your needs and capabilities, and the effect will be noticeable after 7-10 procedures.
  2. Lymphatic drainage massage should be done on the steaming moistened skin. If cream or oil is absorbed before the end of the procedure, apply again.
  3. All movements should follow according to the current limf.

In order to undergo a course of lymphatic drainage massage, it is better to trust a professional. However, there are safe techniques for this type of massage that you can easily practice at home.

Lymphatic string face massage


The face is our business card, and the eyes, as you know - the soul mirror. And they need constant care, and not only in beautiful design, then beat makeup. How do you "wash" our mirrors from toxins, edema, bags under the eyes and make your face shine even in cloudy weather? For this there is a lymphatic drainage massage. At home, it can be done both with your own hands and apparatus. But it is still better to turn to a professional, as the fingers of a living person will more sensitively massage this particularly sensitive area of \u200b\u200bthe body, and will also allow you to relax and relax during the procedure.

The lymphatic drainage facial massage is useful in that:

  • is the best tool against echoes under the eyes;
  • pulls the contours of the face;
  • in parallel, affects the blood circuit system, thereby helps to reduce or even completely remove the bruises under the eyes;
  • allows you to reduce and even remove the second chin;
  • is a prophylactic agent against early wrinkles;
  • accelerates restoration after plastic operations and other cosmetic procedures (be sure to consult your doctor before applying!);
  • strengthens the tone of the muscles of the face, so that extends the elasticity of the skin, minimizes its tendency to declaration and lethargy;
  • it helps blood circulate, thanks to which the color of your face will save a healthy look, and the blush will acquire an appetizing tint.

How to make a lymphatic laden massage of the face at home?

  1. Prepare for the procedure. To do this, spark the skin of the face, clean and moisturize it and apply nutrient or oil.
  2. Start the lymphatic railway face massage from the forehead. Attach the pads closed to the details to the center of the forehead and make several lung stroking movements towards the viscons.
  3. We move to the eye area. Here, massage with pads of index and middle fingers. The initial position for this and all subsequent actions in the eyes is an outer corner of the century, where you feel the edge of the eyes. Attach the pillows of the fingers so that the index was above average, and make 5-7 light circular movements (clockwise for the right eye, in the opposite - for the left) without pressing.

Attention! With a lymphatic drainage massage, every movement should be performed on both eyes at the same time.

  1. We will continue the massage on the reciprocating feature of the soccer: not stretching the skin, slightly push on the points of contacting your fingers with the centuries (the position of the index and middle fingers at the starting point), then move a little closer to the nose and push again. Repeat the movement and at the top of the orphanage until you return to the starting position in the outside of the century. Such "jogging" around the eyes can be repeated up to three times.
  2. By the same trajectory, spend the following exercise: Attach the middle finger sideways (nail looks at the ear) at the starting point and roll it on the edge to the opposite side. Continue such actions across the entire circumference of the eye, and when you go to the area above the upper century, change the finger rolls in the opposite direction. Expand the route by including eyebrow area into it, and go again with light tapping movements.
  3. We will continue massage on your brushes and sponges. Stroking movements swipe with finger pads. Repeat the movement along the lines from the corners of the mouth to the ears and from the upper lip to the temples. Each exercise should be repeated three times. To improve the lip line, make some lung pressing of the pillows of the fingers on the nasolabial fold.
  4. In order to get rid of the second chin, swipe the pillows on the line from the chin to the base of the jaw. Then the pads of large fingers are slightly pressing from the center of the jaw. Move similar movements from the chin to the uches.

As a good completion of the morning procedure, it is recommended to dip a face in cold water for a few seconds, and then in warm. Such contrasting washes cause a narrowing and expansion of capillaries, which is an excellent charge for the pore of your face.

Japanese face lymphatic massage, video


Japanese lymphatic drain massage, or Zogan massage, became known relatively recently, however, has deep Asian roots. This kind of lymphatic drainage massage has received the most positive feedback and is widely publicized due to the fact that it has a stunning rejuvenating effect. In other words, this is a massage "Become for 10 years younger."

A feature of the Japanese lymphatic drainage massage is a special final movement. It lies in the fact that each manipulation ends in the ear area, where there is a pair of lymph nodes. Throughout a couple of seconds, a slightly put pressure on this part of the face with all three middle fingers and then smooth stroking to complete the movement in the region of the clavicle.

Japanese lymphatic massage technique easy to master the video language:

Lymphatic labeled foot massage, video


This massage is especially important to make girls over 30 years old. Why?

  1. As the prevention of varicose veins.
  2. To remove the edema and voltage in the field of ICR and the feet.
  3. It helps to stay on the legs longer at constant wearing heels.
  4. Remedy for creating corrugated legs.
  5. Removes overweight and cellulite.

Of course, it is better that someone from friends do to the lymphatic drainage massage, since herself will be difficult to obscure the rear parts of the hip so that they are in a relaxed state. But even with self-massage, you will feel after the first procedure.

Masseling legs follows each individual palms of both hands. For convenience, start with the thigh zone, continue massage in the field of the shin and complete it on the feet.

Lymphatic stomach and berry massage


Lymphatic drainage massage as a means of combating cellulite is very effective. In case you have no contraindications, you can start it to practice daily after a hot soul. Put one leg on the side of the bathroom so that the knee bend is approximately at right angles. Start massaging the buttock muscle from strokes and rubbing in a circle. Then go to the lungs of patting and pinching. Remember: the massable area must be as relaxed as possible. Completing the procedure, repeat several stroking circular movements, as at the beginning of the lymphatic drainage massage.

In order to obscure the abdomen, you should lie on your back straight. Start with stroking movements clockwise around the navel, gradually increasing the radius of the route. Then change the image of the movement on the light press (not on the belly itself, but only the skin), tapping and pinching. Remember that the skin always remains covered with cream!

Hardware lymphatic drainage massage


In order to alleviate the lymphatic drainage massage at home, today the market is full of devices, ready to replace human hands. There are several types of devices for lymphatic drainage:

  1. Galvanization is a method of massage using a small shock strength. Due to this, the fluid in lymphatic vessels and capillaries is transformed and literally pushes harmful substances from its composition.
  2. Method of microcurrent drainage is used in many popular devices for lymphatic drainage massage. It makes the muscles arbitrarily shrink than recreating exercise.
  3. Press therapy - the name of this method speaks for itself: individual sections of your body will be squeezed. Approximately the same way the hands of a massage therapist on the body during the procedure of the lymphatic drainage massage, recreation of the principle of the pump that swing fluid. However, the intensity of the hardware procedure in this case will be much higher than that of the massage therapist.
  4. Vacuum massage literally sucks extensive liquid from capillaries located in your skin. However, before purchasing and using this device, you should receive a consultation of the doctor, because With ignorance, you can inadvertently damage the skin of the body.

Contraindications for lymphatic drainage massage


Lymphatic drainage massage, despite its simplicity, is the most real procedure. If you are not sure that the technique of his execution correctly understood correctly, it is better to seek advice from a specialist. However, before proceeding with lymphatic drainage massage, it is necessary to make sure that you do not have contraindications. To do this, you can pass a medical examination, and sometimes it is enough to carefully inspect the body area that plan to massage.

Before you begin to lymphatic massage, make sure you do not have:

  • diseases of the elephant and blood system (including inflammation of lymph nodes, hemophilia and varicose veins);
  • inflammatory and other painful manifestations on the skin: Cooperosis, herpes, eczema, burns and others. Areas with a large number of moles can also be massaged;
  • low immunity and condition of the disease (even a modest ARVI can cause an unexpected response of the body to a lymphatic drainage massage);
  • pregnancy - on any time;
  • oncological disease.

Remember: In pursuit of health and beauty, the main thing is not to harm yourself. Be careful to your body!

Lymphatic drain massage. Video


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