
Easter holiday in 2018. What number Easter in 2018

Easter holiday in 2018. What number Easter in 2018
There are a large number of religious holidays. However, Easter is one of the most important.

Easter is one of the brightest church holidays. This holiday is a symbol of getting rid of sins by crucifixion Jesus Christ. It was he who sacrificed his life to save people from sins. Through the resurrection, he saved all people from eternal suffering and gave everyone a chance to be closer to God not only in this, but also in the afterlife.

Easter holiday in 2018. Easter story

The history of Jewish Easter begins to open back in the Bible. According to the Old Testament, Moses decided to bring the Jews out of Egypt to protect children. At the same time, to protect children from execution, on the last night it was necessary to smear blood on the crossbar of doors, which belongs to the lambs. The lamb was just a victim of the holiday.

The New Testament tells about the secret evening that took place in Easter in the presence of Jesus Christ. Then the Lamb was sacrificed. After that, Jesus Christ was devoted to Judas with a graze and crucified. On the third day after the crucifixion, Jesus Christ is risen. This very event is celebrated in Easter.


Easter holiday in 2018. How the date of Easter in Orthodoxy is determined

All Orthodox know that Easter holiday is celebrated on different days every year. However, not everyone knows why Easter is celebrated every year on different days.

To calculate the date of Orthodox Easter, a rule that was established in the first Ecumenical Council is used. According to him, Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday, going after the spring full moon. Also used data on passing Orthodox holidays.
When calculating the date of Jewish Easter, the so -called established “new rule” is used.


When in 2018 Shrovetide and Easter

  • In 2018, Christian Easter is celebrated on April 8. Before this day, daily church services begin. Before Easter's holiday itself, a particularly strict post is observed.
  • Catholic Easter in 2018 April 1. The symbol of this holiday in Catholics are not only Easter eggs, but also Easter rabbits.
  • Jewish Easter in 2018 is celebrated by tradition for several days. The holiday will last from March 31 to April 7.
  • Shrovetide is celebrated before the start of Great Lent. In 2018, it takes place on February 12th. On this day, it is customary to visit, accept them and treat them with pancakes.


Easter holiday in 2018. Preparation for Easter

Before Easter, all Orthodox Christians are carefully preparing for the main church holiday of the year. On Clean Thursday, before Easter, they do the house cleaning, and also go to temples to pray and take communion. Also on this day you can begin to cook Easter cakes and Easter for the holiday. There are also folk signs for this day.

Rituals in clean Thursday in front of Easter

On Clean Thursday, some rituals are also held, which have already become quite familiar to some.

  • If you swim to sunrise, you will be healthy. It is generally accepted that if you swim to the sunrise, then the water will give a person all his healing properties and wash off sins.
  • Count the money to be found. Counting money on a clean Thursday should be carried out three times a day: at sunrise, day and at sunset. If you fulfill this rule, then the money will not end throughout the year.
  • Cleaning at home. As stated, it is customary to clean on this day. If you remove the whole apartment on this day, then you can get a lot of joy later. On this day there are many lost things.

Folk signs for a clean Thursday before Easter

In addition to rituals, there are several signs.

  • To attract the groom, leave a place for him in the house. If an unmarried girl or woman wants to get married, then you need to leave some place in the house free for him. For example, put the cutlery for another person or put another slippers next to yours.
  • To have money, put the coins in a bucket of water for cleaning. If you put several coins in a bucket of water, which is used for cleaning in the house, you can attract a lot of money to the house.
  • Washing water. It is believed that if you wash yourself with morning water, you can protect yourself from the evil eye and damage.


Easter holiday in 2018. When after Easter parental day

On parental day, you need to remember the deceased. It is customary to walk in the church and order prayers for them, to put candles. Parental day after Easter in 2018 will come on April 17.


Signs on Easter 2018

There are some signs on Easter itself.

  • On a holiday, you can not drink a lot of alcoholic beverages.
    It is fraught with the fact that all year after that a person will walk sluggish and sleepy.
  • After church ministry, you need to start a meal as soon as possible.
    The faster you start the meal, the more successfully things will go through the year.
  • If you feed the birds by Easter cake, then the house will have joy and peace all year.
  • At Easter you need to make a donation to those in need and there will be no money problems.
  • The meal should start with a cake and Easter egg, this will bring joy to the house.

Easter holiday is amazing in its own way and is not easy with all its variety of customs and will accept. The history of its occurrence was not easy and quite long. Thanks to this, certain rules have formed that allow many to celebrate the holiday with joy and faith.



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